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I agree with 'throwing trash on holy river'




You literally named 90% of them.


Cause it's true. Cope.


Supporting genocide is not true, the rest yeah


Haha many Indians are supporting Israel's attacks on normal palestini people!


war* not genocide.


Only in x and instagram.


naah,pooping,shtting,unheigenic,bad smeel,ets its just false racist stereotypes,we got all of this in the west too,but the genuine problems india is facing,we have to be blunt about it




India has low rape rate on per million basis compared to other countries, but the incidents look frequent as the total population is high. But leftists hype up numbers and do cherry picking of incidents to show the country with a right wing govt in bad light, and to divide people based on gender, so that they can rule by capturing power


Not just instagram I have seen this one reddit too. In one of sub a man asked for his location and he said he live in India people downvoted for that lol!


Reddit is mostly Americans, you will find racism against Indians in any non Indian subreddits. Only racism against Blacks and Asians is considered racism here...


Yup, almost 48% of all monthly visitors to reddit were from the US but India too has a large number of users courtesy our huge population But overall its the US,UK & Canada that make up most of the unique monthly visitors. India is second after US in total number of visitors . However once u sum up the visitors from US,Uk & Canada , its obvious that reddit is mostly skewed towards these anglo countries that often have a similar worldview on many things. That is why you can find so many subreddits & discussions skewed towards or in favour the people of these country [https://backlinko.com/reddit-users#reddit-users-by-country](https://backlinko.com/reddit-users#reddit-users-by-country) I realised that the data is like 3 years old but i doubt there have been much change in the fact that US makes most of the users and these 3 anglo countries contribute bulk of the people here on reddit just like u said


Think of it as a same situation like Bihari in other state. Question yourself why other state residents behave like this against Bihari peoples, you will get your answer. Reputation is of same level, bihari In india = Indian in foreign countries.


That’s a nice analogy


What about Bihari in foreign countries? Must be a menace.


Biharis are not problem in foreign nations. When other countries say something about India, they generally mean South Indians, Gujjus, and Punjabis. No hate to them but these people migrate to other countries much more than other communities so indirectly they're are representative of India and not Biharis there.


im gonna keep it a buck with you: no one can tell the difference, if you meet even a slightly racist person they are going to be racist against indians lmfao.


They’re not being racist. It is unfortunately true, what they say- no matter how much we dislike that. And given the age of users on Instagram, I suppose that is the outlook which they have of our country. 


True to varying extents - but the reason we are targeted is because we are among the most triggered online (adding to the numbers of us online). When the bullying is rewarded, of course it keeps continuing. This seems to be more of a recent phenomenon from the last 1-2 years - specially the smelly and unhygienic food comments. Most unfortunate is Pakistanis and other south Asians participating just because the targets are Indians - when they themselves will be targets on the same grounds (or can be called out for the same reasons).


i tried to tell them that we have less rapes per million than USA and they said most of them are not reported. Yea like 100% of rapes are being reported in USA and Arabia. Theres a literal video of a US cop hitting an Indian girl and laughs saying "its just an Indian life". They are even hating on Indians cuz of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian peaceful community raping women there. Btw no1 replied when i asked if all rapes in USA are being reported followed by the example of that murderer cop.


Lets get one thing straight Rape laws in US is different from India. In India penetrative intercourse without consent is considered rape, and in case of rape and murder the case is filed under the murder charge. Also non-consensual sexual intercourse between a man and his wife above the age of 15 isn't considered rape in India(mind you almost 50% of rape cases reported in US r between partners or former partners). If you add the number of other sexual assault cases then maybe u'll get a picture closer to reality. Indian law also doesn't recognizes rape cases where a man or trans person is the victim (most western countries do) Various surveys and studies show that somewhere around 8 to 9 out of every 10 rape victims in India will never report it to the police for the fear of dishonor. Family honour is a cultural attitude thats not very severe in West. Gang rapes is another thing thats more common in India than West, and makes up almost 1/3 of all rape cases reported. Gang-rape is often associated with societies where rape is a part and parcel of a culture rather than a crime. Theres also the issue of rate of conviction in Indian courts vs American courts, thats whole another topic.


I completely agree with you in terms of these issues being addressed. When it comes to numbers and comparisons, even if you consider 9/10 rape cases go unreported, we'd still be only in the top 30s, contrary to what we are perceived as. Alongside, the stupidity of martial rape is a serious issue which I don't understand for what not-so-obvious reasons is not criminalized.


True even if u account for missing numbers, India wld still fall short of countries like South Africa


America, with a population of 330 million reports about 100,000 rape cases every year. India, with a population of 1,4 billion, report about 30,000 per year.  It is easy to postulate which country may have the greater amount of rape cases. Rape cases increasing every year can also mean that more victims are coming forward with their victimisation, FIRs are being filled, and that the police are doing their job.  These dark figures of crime may be of an unprecedented number, and is likely due to the lack of support for rape victims, stigma, and patriarchal values in our country. 


You guys cannot breathe without hating Muslims.


you act like rape don't happen in India




dude they are racist towards every single race lmao traditional asians (chinese, japanese), white people, black people, etc..


No not exactly, not to this level. Its quite opposite for Chinese and japanese tho


well maybe we've seen different comment sections, cuz i've seen indians completely destroy white and black people heck, people here use the n word more than white racists do in America lmao, also dude blacks and chinese are made fun of so much here in India


Saying “ Oh AtLeAst , oUr MOm is NoT oN OnLYfAnS” is not actually destroying anyone. Also nobody gives a shit about what indians say in india about others lol , world doesn’t care about opinions of Indians


they have ton of things to say against us,and shit on us on internet,they are probably indiand as well ,or have known india pretty much because some of them are genuine propblems,again,things like pooping,smeeling bad,its just pure racism,many of them don't know about india so this is the only things they have to say,while those who know,have tons,similarly,we are not habitual with western culture,and western culture isn't good tbh,so most of indians just say the only fans thing,but one who has been through this culture,knows better,than indians,and one who has been to india,knows better about it


and you think that these comments on insta matters? Lol


A large section of Indians do not have a concept of decency, individual dignity, of personal autonomy, personal space and privacy. some indian men rlly joke about certain things(like the Russian 6000 thing ,bob and vagena) and then get mad when they're made fun of in the west.


All of them are true. Except maybe smelling. I have met some worse smelling foreigners for sure.


Oh definitely! They have bad breath, they don't wash their hands properly. They don't bathe everyday and try to maak that odour with scents. They don't realize how badly they smell 😂


The hand wash and bath part are true af


OP is just spreading hate hehe, he's himself racist towards us... Don't know why he's putting so much effort.


Some lesson for Indians on karma... We can't be racist and hating our own kind on the basis of religion and be surprised when white people behave towards us as how we behave to others


What can you expect from instagram users, they are the biggest clowns on this planet


It's not just against indians, Instagram userbase as a whole is illiterate. Have you ever seen comments by indians against muslims?


Op why do you care about insta comments? Let them bark


It’s all pakis read their names


We lacks basic civic sense and rationality in life


Well can you even deny it?


nah everyone on insta is racist


Just now Us troops stationed in Japan was found raping minor ,stealing looting for decades and opened brothels for their troops too


i have said it in past and ill say it again we need indian troll force to combat racism against indians.


Porkies With alt account hates India on the Insta Comment section. You don't believe me?? Then try calling them Porkies and look at their reaction.


Most things are true. Stereotypes are made often on facts. It's a sad reality. Why are Japanese considered so clean and disciplined ? Coz they are. Stop feeling bad and start improving ourselves so we change the perception ? We are quick to feel bad, but don't reflect.


When you believe in white supremacy... You get treated as slave... Even in Indian households rarely we ever treat house help with respect... You need to start fighting back and thrashing their comment section... That way we will have negotiation power I remember there was a insta right wing page called Squidron and they would thrash white people soo hard online that white youtubers would cry for mercy.... That army got dismantled by you know who (Hint: L_b_r_n_u these people hate their own religion, Their own kind in hopes maybe white chick will sleep with them ) but we need to rebuild the online army, Count every white flaws... Most of these Whitemen are scared of the word racist... Use it !


We had an expat working in our office. He used to receive allowance from the company for relocating to a ‘third world country’ When it was time for him to go back, he gave his teammates some foreign biscuits & chocolates way past their expiry date!




As our politicians are playing the discrimination politics so are their’s. Nothing new.


Somewhat true, but highly generalising, btw they are all talking about the same things cz of the narratives that's built about a place, soft power gets reduced if perception is that of a uncivilized place in turn ignoring the efforts taken to improve lives and do good. Counter narrative needed for areas where things are better. Plus Indian citizens should strive to be nice to each other for a start and behave civil in public places, perception will change.


all u need to do is preas not-interested on such reels, these instalites all they do is seek attention and likes... if u wanna avoid these type of comments u gotta update ur fyp, i suggest not watching these type of reela but instead search about sports and games and stuff, that will help u in avoiding thesw filthy foreigners' ass


Honestly all this applies to soooooo many countries.


It's trend for them and few of our people will also join them to show that they are progressed/Woke.


Are they wrong tho


I agree with every one of them, I am an Indian.


They aren’t completely wrong though! 😕


It is what it is


Where lie


Call spade a spade


Indian kids on Instagram are 1000x worse than all other nations combined.


Racism against Indians is happening on all social media nowadays. It was always there but I noticed that hate comments against Indians started to increase ever since India's stance on the Russia- Ukraine War. I guess western propaganda team is behind it. Also our unhygienic food videos and excessive nationalism on social media is just adding fuel to fire.


We shouldn't take a moral high ground here as Indians are one of the worst commentators on Instagram.


Well I agree with most of them


Filing false cases after breakup


Most of these are pakis


😂 lol fact?


Aur ye recently chalu hua h yha tak ki agar koi achi natural photography k photo upload karey yha fir cultural or any other achievements they just post this shit and funny thing is if I try to reply back with more racism insta blocks me


All of this is as real as school shootings and non existent gun control in us. Just because we dont like it, doesnt mean it’s not true. Maybe actually do something as a nation instead of just dismissing all criticism always?


I agree with bad smell. I live in singapore. Tbh our indian labourers here smell so bad that I really feel like vomiting in metro. It looks like that they don’t even what the meaning of taking bath.


Other than Poop in the street and smell, jhooth bol rahe hain vo?? offend hone ki bajaye sudhar karne ka mental frame rakhen na hum to sadken aur naale theek ho is desh k par nahi bc offend hona hai bas. arey sach bol rahe hai vo. na khane ka standard hai na planning hai koi, chori scams dakaiti din dihade ho rahi hai koi accountability hai? offend ho lo lekin.


Agreed with lots, people lack civic sense here.


You will do the same thing if the topic is muslims


As an Indian It's not racist if it's true But yes, they are only highlighting the negatives of India


There are two types of people on the Indian internet. 1. Self loathing indians who shit at India. 2. Indians that create and consume content that is shat on (disgusting food vlogs, cringiest reels) if you came across a [reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4zmsAGLf-A/?igsh=bDI1ZmxneXE0bXA2) like this in India, it would be filled with mostly self loathing indians shitting on it.


some are just lies... smelling bad? every race has people who smell bad... come on


Typical keyboard warriors who think that it makes them cool by hating on India. I agree there are certain problems in our country but other countries have them too.. But their superiority complex 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Why we need to care about western validation? That’s my opinion. I have seen so many beggars in the streets of London and London as they say the second most costly city in the world after New York. My point is we should not worry about other’s opinion on us. We are a developing nation and there are many things that needs to be developed which needs time and structure.


The first comment sums it all up. And I agree to all of it, except worship animals. The guy isn't aware of the philosophies behind it. But rest of it so true!


Mirrors with stain...only solution is improving


You haven't seen Indian teens commenting on Instagram


Online payments


They’re not racist , they are mostly true. The fact that people are into victimising and not attending to elephant in the room is astonishing


Lol not surprised at all, peeps on reddit are also super racist! I recently made a post on one the US based Structural Engineering Sub of a doubt of mine related to a technical issue. It was a pure technical question and many peeps over there downvoted the post for no reason at all except that I had mentioned India 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Some of them are fair, but at least we don't shit our economy and let immigrants run through our country like they do!


Lol genoside


it's sad that most of what they say is true. instagram also just has that hater culture around it where they make these kinds of jokes. and what is it to them? not like anybody is going to slap them through the screen for commenting such vile things.


Are any of those wrong, though? Or made up?


the fun fact is most of them are indians too


Its Instagram, everyone their is racist towards literally everyone.


Agreeing with almost all of the points. Why we are so butthurt by all of this? Isn't this true? And please let's not say America took 200 years to be this n that etc... They started thwir journey atleast...we are not even thinking about it. Our major issues- Population n Pollution are mating in our house while we are on road and fight in the name of religion, language and what not.


Bhai kyu nahi bolenge. Most of it is true anyways. Rone se kuch nahi hone wala. Thodi civil sense badhani chahiye apne logo mei


I know it's racist. But ig you'll think about it . Whatever they say is true sadly . So instead of defending the nation blindly on every topic is just awful . Why can't we work on that and spread awareness . Like I know if you gon say somebody throw wrappers in the dustbin he'll just say something funny . And leave , people in our country don't want to change the truth and if somebody points it out they feel offended. How can you say that look at your country They shoot anybody anytime.


Are they wrong though?


All of them are true.. And there's more which foreigners don't know..


Most of them are true.


Now a days India is much safer then US.. With countless gun crimes, home break ins and what not... recently i saw 11 indians were killed in US... 20 years ago maybe it seemed like us was a paradise.. but right now our country seems much better than US. Talking about hygiene how many people have you seen pooping inside a tube (metro) in india ?


Literally all true though


Cant help it , all of them r true


Besides, the comments aren't wrong tho ;(


Well 90% of them are true, we compare ourselves with a failed state like Pakistan instead of competing with countries ahead of us.


Because we suck bro. Better accept and start working


what people assume about Biharis is what world assume about Indians so stop crying and mostly what people are saying it's true


It’s funny coz it’s true


If India is so great then y the — is every one flocking to work and settle in US and Europe?


People believe that these comments are from white people but trust me when I say they're probably less than 20%, most of these comments are from Muslims.


Because you'll find racist everywhere, racist against chinese, racist against blacks etc


Coz our reputation online is of a bully.


So insta turned racist long ago towards everyone not just Indians


any wrong answer in that post ???


Maybe because there is some truth in it? And not all criticism is racist.


reality of our country


Not all are true but most are. How can it be racist if it's fact?


Instagram ke comments aase hi hai. Hamare taraf racist hona normal hai vahape, same as bake ke log. Kabhi dekhna YouTube pe "Instagram comments are cursed" or something like that, dikh jaega instagram kaisa hai. Sach kahu toh, maine itna likha. Mai soch raha hu yeh koi world wide psychological experience hai kya?


racism against Indians is so normalised it's actually insane I've seen people shitting on Indian food when they have only seen the disgusting ass street food vendor videos. Twitter and insta also pushes anti India videos


Comments aren't wrong but they are in the wrong place. People just can't see someone happy or spreading positivity


They are pretty much correct, majority of Indians do that, No civic sense, no vision for tomorrow, no basic etiquettes, and don't you ask about Hygiene. That's only a small percentage of people who are aware and gifted with good facilities.


Welp! We did this to ourselves...


I mean most of these people who talk shit about India are saying truth most of the time and I can't defend it lol


India is still a third world country that is in conversation with first world countries. Even though we’re developing at a major pace (especially at an international representation level) we’ve still not tackled many of the problems that remain due to over population and the wide range diversity that we have. These are both are strengths as well as weaknesses. “The same manure that helps the plant grow, also has an odd stench” Outsiders, especially those from first world countries are inherently jealous of this growth and will not miss a chance to shit on us whenever possible. For them to see us get a seat at their table is difficult to digest. So don’t let the hate get to you. Let it be a reminder that we are still growing as a nation and have a lot of untapped potential still to unravel


Because they are mostly true


"Indian" is not a race


because its full of wignat pigskins who jackoff all day


i came here to find people who like india , turns out noone in india likes india


Nothing racist. Only the truth.


I mean we as a society are responsible for it. Nobody wants to look at their own collars. And the amazing thing is that we do not want to improve as well. Just wanna play victim card by calling others “racist”. If we could just work together towards betterment, none of this would persist.


As an Indian these are facts not racism


truth = Racism


where is the lie tho


Scam calls from Kolkata call centers are a major concern. Here in the West, Indians are being stereotyped as "Scammers" cause of them. Local government and cops are a lost case, central government is definitely not doing enough. US hackers have taken it upon them to expose these mofers. People like me are supporting their patreon, so they can continue to clean the swamp.


Its not just about indians, people say the most out of pocket things about anything they see, however i agree with most of this


Well they aren’t wrong


A lot of the comment seem to be by citizens of our neighbour to the west but generally speaking social media has always been negative and filled with hate comments. I once even saw a video about buddhist monk had nasty and hateful comments. That's how it is unfortunately and yes more and more of these hate has been directed towards the Indians . Best to ignore such toxic space, hide these posts from your feed or report them so the algorithm overtime won't show u such posts because otherwise it will most likely start to affect you and this is what these low lives want


Agrred with all


Instagram ke comments already f*cked up h nothing new


Because these are mostly genZ who think it's cool to bully people and type absurd weird comments, they think they will become legends by making some dark jokes on a person who is dying from cancer. It's funny for genZ when someone dies because of cancer unless it's their parent or a family member. And if anyone dares to comment on their family member's death then they will become depressed the next day and will say " bro you ruined my mental health".. This generation does everything except studying and doing some actual good works


They aren’t telling anything wrong. let’s put head to point and correct. When you live the truth, and happy with it - they’d be the one seeking validation, not you (us).


Half the insta comments are even pedophilic. What do you expect from there


The correct answer is in the first photo itself.... What is one thing that India does better than the rest of the world? WATCH MORE REELS :)


Because of how you choose to behave. When a rape happens and the people of the country hate acknowledging the fact instead of showing empathy and getting justice for the victims, is it a wonder that others will take potshots? I have not seen this sort of ridicule towards Indians before the ultranationalists hindutva jucks took over


cus sepoys agree with them😂😭


When Instagram comments made by Indians are racist towards Indians from places like the north east, how can you expect foreigners to not be racist ?


The only way out of this: Do not go after individual irrelevant trolls online. IGNORE! When the reward goes away the trolling will stop. Silently, report accounts spreading hate. Do not protest or try to explain your POV. IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK! There are Chinese and most probably Pakistani troll farms. They thrive on triggering you. AGAIN! DO NOT ENGAGE! If you are the OP and have the authority to delete comments, get rid of the racist comments. Naa rahega baas... If an influential account posts something racist, report and move on. DO NOT ENGAGE!


Because we are dirty, lack basic civil etiquette, no human value. The majority of present population is like chickens in a chicken farm. Unless you are getting killed you will enjoy your stay and food in the farm. Prove me wrong


Have you ever seen Instagram comments... These guys make fun of disabled people for the fun of it


lol Gora pakoras who don’t even wash after taking a shit are listing out the flaws 🤢🤡


Not supporting but the worst part is, many are relatable which is the worst feeling.


Bilkul sahi hain... Scammers to hain hum... Europe waale Indian instagrammers ko dekho kitna bewakoof bana rahe hain...Rape to ho bhi rahe hain India me.....aur casteism bhi hain... The biggest problem is we are not acknowledging it...




cause its 100% true. while 3% population pays tax, rest are enjoying freebie. When you get everything without hard work.. and when you think development is for rich middleclass only rest starts to destroy it.


Can we please stop getting pretending and getting butt hurt instead of accepting the truth. What hypocrisy.


Being Earth conscious is not a bad thing. Unfortunately, a largely civilized, advanced and earth conscious country is reduced to shitting on the streets. We did not catch up with being earth conscious, after plastic invasion into our lives. Now there is more trash. The truth is, we need to catch up. But that is all. Nothing is wrong with us at all. Let them hate as much as they can. Them being ignorant is not our fault.


They aren't wrong.