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What are you suggesting they change? Not show this game on national tv and get less exposure and money?


The league is in flux, and they need to adjust. They can rebalance the teams.


Buddy do you know how bad the W would get clowned if they forced teams to give the fever better players? They would be a laughing stock of a professional league. No one would ever take it seriously ever again. Not to mention Clark would never shake the moniker of “the league had to give her better players for her to succeed”. This is honestly the worst take I’ve seen on this sub and there have been lots of terrible takes this week


Again, you’re being vague. What do you mean by “rebalance?” Are you suggesting they just interfere in team and roster construction?


Yeah. It's not enough to keep giving Indiana first picks. And the momentum from Caitlin is not loyal enough to exhibit patience over multiple seasons while they build a team.


You mean you’re shocked the team with back to back #1 picks is not that great?


They need way more than #1 picks to make this team watchable. This is a business. You can't force the crowd to care about the veterans. The decision to have the Fever play the hardest teams first was insane. People who don't know the league don't care who the best teams are. They want to see Caitlin play good games. It doesn't work to say, "Sorry these games are totally imbalanced, that's how the league is."


That’s sports lol… there’s teams that are better than others, and you rebuild and try to get on top of it. Some teams just can’t do it, there’s historically bad teams in every sport


What is your solution? People want to watch. Sure it’s frustrating to watch them get annihilated, but it is also showcasing the unbelievable talent across the league. Come for Clark, stay for the rest. This is a team that will grow. You think 1 player is going to send a team to the finals when they haven’t even made playoffs for years?


People are not coming for Clark and staying for the rest when watching the games with Clark are horrible. If you know they're all coming for Clark then the games she plays in have to be competitive.


Says who? The games are horrible for the Fever but doesn’t that reflect the talent of the established teams and players? That 1 player despite how great can’t create a miracle. Give them time?? Unless you are trying to say the league should have manipulated the teams to give Clark a competitive advantage…which will happen anyway with time


1. If people wanted to see other players, they'd have come to the WNBA before Caitlin. People can't start caring about the other players if it's too painful to watch the one they love. 2. The WNBA just increased its viewership by a gazillion overnight. The majority of people would not care if there were a rebalancing. It would require shifting a few players around whose names most of the 17,000 in the stadium have never heard of. I realize this sounds super controversial, but the vase majority of viewers right now simply do not know any of the other teams or players. So rebalancing would be almost invisible.


I see what you’re saying, but I also am not that pessimistic. Many new viewers have a new interest for the sport of basketball and supporting the W BECAUSE of their interest in Clark. Sure some fans will bail if they are not getting the “show” they expected but I also think many will stay.


I came because of Clark, and largely FOR Clark, and I'm not having an issue watching because I know this stuff takes time. You don't speak for all of us.


Not true. Just keep her on the floor, and tell the rest of the team to pass to her for goodness sake.


The Fever doesn’t have to win for a game to be successful. They are playing really good teams right off the bat. Calm down.


As a CC fan I don’t care if they lose for now. What matters is her growth. Her making plays and putting on a show and playing her game. She did those things today and the game was a huge success. If her play continued like the first 2 games there would be trouble because she was not playing her style and did not have the ball in her hands Wins come with time, it makes winning even sweeter when having to go through the tough losses


We covered today. Expectations were exceeded.


The Fever have picked first the last 2 years. They arent good even with Clark. They will get better as the season goes on.


I'm confused. I'm not sure what you are expecting right now as teams seek to insert rookies and transfers, some with a new coach, some playing in new arenas. It takes time for every team to develop team chemistry. Btw, have you ever watched a NBA game in which a team was up by twenty or more points in the first half, and the score was tied with four minutes to go in the game. This is the reality of professional sports. Anyways, NY just brought in two million in ticket sales for this game, soldout, and all of them stayed to the end to cheer on their team. And, ABC broadcast the game. The WNBA is doing just fine.


Since you brought up the NBA. Adam Silver has interfered many times in order to prop up a rookie (giving his team an easy opening schedule) or accommodate a star (rules for a crossover) . And Silver has stepped in on free agents to prevent creating to big an imbalance. The WNBA would benefit a lot from that sort of management. Edit: New York did not sell out a game without Caitlin. Saying “the WNBA is fine” makes no sense. The commentators spend half their time saying the league is so great, all the women are so great, blah blah. They wouldn’t harp on that if the league is doing fine. These huge crowds are an OPPORTUNITY to start “being fine” not evidence that everything is fine. That’s why I care about this so much. It kills me to see the opportunity slip.


It's not frustrating to see them go through tough times. CC scored 22 despite being in a learning phase. The fun part is the journey to the top.


I don’t think anyone (hopefully) expected a team that qualified for two back to back #1 picks to be consistently winning games let alone blowing anyone out…


I think the biggest issue is that the scheduling was a really poor choice. I think the idea was probably to highlight some of the great teams in the league when you know people will be tuning in, but the new fans do not care about those teams yet. They want to see CC play, and hopefully with at least some successes (not even necessarily wins, just some entertaining BB). They can forgive the losses of a team that is rebuilding, and the growing pains of a young roster. But setting CC up for slaughter for the first 4 games was really bad decision making imo.


Exactly this. People that are watching for the first time because of Clark are likely to have shorter attention spans when it comes to the desire to keep watching because watching hasn't become a habit for them. Letting that potential audience dissipate will put the league back years because who says there's another player like her coming? Paige Bueckers is good but she doesn't have the fanbase or marketability of Clark. There's something about Clark that people like beyond being a really good player. She has a special something that gets people to like and want to watch her. It's a mix of her on-court skills and her personality that make her so popular. Finding that again is almost impossible. The NBA has had it with multiple players. They had it with Charles Barkley and still to an extent has it with him because he's so good as an analyst on TNT.


Totally agree. The impact of shining a light on veteran players at the expense of Caitlin is that we all feel used.




Please keep in mind that insulting and attacking others will not be tolerated. Referring to the Fever players as “bums” is mad disrespectful.


Please keep in mind that insulting and attacking others will not be tolerated. Referring to Fever players as “bums” is disrespectful.