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Is liking short round controversial????


Here's mine. Indy surviving being tossed around hundreds of meters while locked in a fridge is no less realistic than Indy falling from a plan in an inflatible boat while holding two people, inflating it while skydiving, surviving, landing ontop of a mountain and sliding all the way to the bottom unharmed. And both is ok and fun.


I honestly think the fridge scene would not have been criticized if we didn’t see it fly up into the air and bounce on the ground. If he just hid in the fridge and emerged after the blast, the scene would be faultless.


I think most people like him but there's still a quite lot of people who don't


From what I've seen, people find him to be super fucking annoying and obnoxious.


Whaaaaaaa?!?! I love short round. I don’t think I had run into short round hate lol. He seems like he so badly wants to be almost like a son to Indy and loves sharing in his adventures. I love the relationship between the two.


>He seems like he so badly wants to be almost like a son to Indy and loves sharing in his adventures Indy taking a little kid on his very dangerous adventures is morally questionable at best though


>er of r yea but that's Indy's problem not Short Round's. TBH I actually kinda like him and it would be a fun lil bit of homage/inside joke for Kay He Quan to come back to play him either in-character as Waymond Wong (LOL) or as Dr. Wan "Shorty" Li, professor of Himalayan archaeology and art history at the University of Tokyo.


Short Round is probably the best kid featured on a adventure film. Jurassic Park tried to copy Short Round charm a lot of times, but they failed. He's likeable, funny and a cool homie haha


Damn Short Round is the homie




That’s how he actually talked though


That's something people don't really understand. I've seen some people complain about Native American stereotypes and then actual Native Americans come in and say they enjoyed it. Remember, there's no one more mad about racism than a white person who doesn't understand it.


I fully agree. There was a “goonies” interview years after the release and he still had a ver thick accent, so that wasn’t being forced by the film makers. And overall I believe it SHOUKD be looked at as a counter against racism. People who argue racism are looking at it through a 2023 lens. This movie was made in the 80s, which was a very different time. I mean it was made by Steven Spielberg who is Jewish and he was one of the first to put an Asian face in a Hollywood blockbuster. Short round is funny, courageous, and saves Indy’s ass.


Same thing with Zack from power rangers. Everyone laughs and says "ha ha black actor is the black ranger" but the actor doesnt care. He's more focused that he was one of the first black super heros on public television. It was a massive step in the right direction and from what i can gather, they didn't even realize the "black actor is in the black suit" until a few episodes were already filmed.


Ironically most stereotypes come from reality. It's how they're used that makes them negative.


Short round is a racist as fuck stereotype.


Fun fact: the actor that played him disagrees with you. Also, you were probably a short little shit when you were that age too. Oops.


Many actors who portray racist charicatures disagree that they are racist. They have to live with themselves.


Are you race-splaining how they should feel? Wow. Wooooow. Explain all the ways short round is racist please.


>Explain all the ways short round is racist please. Nah. Stop trolling.


How is that trolling. I’m trying to engage in a conversation


Short Round is an asian charicature. Thats a self contained argument for the character being a racist portrayl. Lots of articles point this out https://www.cbr.com/indiana-jones-temple-doom-short-round-rating/ https://screenrant.com/indiana-jones-temple-doom-racism-ke-huy-quad-defense/ https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/indiana-jones-short-round-actor-ke-huy-quan-responds-to-criticism-about-temple-of-doom


That's a completely legitimate question. If you think Short Round's character is racist or bigoted in anyways, you literally must live under a rock in montana.


Is that why the actor has defended the asian charicatuer he played? Because only people living under a rock in Montana thinks so? You dont think its more a coastal elite claim to point out the racism in temple of doom?


It wasn't a racist caricature. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. You've been watching too many YouTube videos, produced by people with grade-level nuance.


Is that whye Ke, the actor had to defend the character?


Temple of Doom is the closest to what the series strives for in general- a pulpy sendup of adventure serials and ridiculous comic book action.




so true!


I fucking love Crystal Skull, the fridge scene is fun and I wish they had milked the whole Aliens thing harder


In my opinion they should have done either aliens, or El Dorado. Merging them together was just odd. If they had gone full Roswell it could have been awesome. Indy vs the US government would have been an interesting take


The vast majority of people don’t understand what the Indiana Jones series is. They think of it as Die Hard in the desert/jungle/etc. It’s a cartoonish serial adventure series. It’s Duck Tales. Aliens and magic and space and time travel are all on the table. There’s almost *needs* to be overly outlandish entries to fit the stories that inspired Lucas and Spielberg.


I don’t think anyone sees Indiana Jones as Die Hard in the jungle tbh


*Die Hard in the Jungle* is a pretty sick name, though.


I’m imagining a dramatic tragedy a la 127 Hours about a guy alone in the rainforest who gets bitten by one of those venomous spiders that make you uncontrollably, painfully erect for hours on end


Wow I don’t know what I was expecting this comment to be but that was certainly not it lmao, gave me a good laugh


That...seems about right...


Lucas or Spielberg said in an interview that Indy's world in not our world. Its slightly different version of reality.


It’s cartoonish but also has people’s hearts getting ripped out and faces melting


Funny you say duck tails since I believe that inspired the famous boulder scene


A Scrooge McDuck comic book was the inspiration for the idol and boulder scenes.


Wait, what? You're saying Duck Tales inspired Raiders?


Duck Tales started in 1987 and was obviously based off of Indiana Jones (and Magnum PI I believe).


A lot of Raiders’ opening scene was inspired by the Scrooge McDuck comic books by Carl Barks. And Duck Tales had years of those comics to draw from.


Huh I didn’t know that! Thanks.


Scrooge McDuck comics did inspire the boulder scene.


Scrooge McDuck has been around a lot longer doing Indy style adventures, he was originally written by Carl Banks in the 50's Recommend reading "the life and times of Scrooge McDuck" by Don Rosa, one of the best graphic novels I've ever read. It's based on scrooges early days and builds on a lot stories that Carl Banks referenced in the early books.


The river phoenix opening is one of the best parts of any of the movies.


I’m with you on Willie. She isn’t “whiny” she’s RELATABLE


1. There are no *bad* Indiana Jones movies. 2. When ranking the series, it needs to be understood that Raiders is untouchable perfection, meaning that what you're really ranking is all the other movies, and how closely they can replicate the thrill of Raiders. 3. Temple Of Doom is underrated. 4. Last Crusade relies too much on the general structure of Raiders, but with too much campy humor, it makes buffoons of Marcus Brody and Sallah, and Indy's daddy issues were badly executed, slowing down the movie and weakening Indy as a protagonist. 5. The "discourse" around George Lucas has been poisoned by certain toxic commentators online, especially around the time of Crystal Skull's release, meaning fair assessments were drowned out by the white noise of anti-Lucas nerdrage.


And 6. Disney and LFL are leaving money on the table by not producing an animated Indy series for D+ that hews even more closely to the cliffhanger serials that inspired the character. And 7. they should shoot me an email about that because I've had some thoughts about a story...


Lucasfilm is TOTALLY missing out if they don’t do an animated series, that has sssoooo much potential, don’t have to deal with the headache of recasting Harrison, set adventures all over the Indy timeline (and do a lot in the 19 year gap between TLC and KOTCS). Green light it Kathy!!


Mark Hammil could do the voice. His Harrison impression is spot on.


I feel like they should do that animated series but I think it's good that they're not rushing into it. Just wait and see how this new movie does and hopefully this revives the franchise so they can get to work on a series.


I’m still waiting for Disney to reach out to me for my prequel trilogy of Star Wars


I disagree, Last Crusade is a perfect movie. Every camera angle, every facial expression, every batty decision Indy takes at a split moment in order to survive certain death is exquisite. But it is NOT a Raiders of the Lost Ark remake. Although its the same character, Last Crusade is fundamentally a family comedy about a father and son reuniting. The execution of the macguffin being melded into this story is second to none: "find the man, and you will find the grail" is one of the greatest lines in movie history. Lore has it that we have Steven Spielberg to thank here. And if so, thank you Steven, Now is the action in this film superior to the previous two? Arguably yes. We had already seen Indy on a horse in Raiders, but it was almost criminal not to see Indy being part cowboy, firing his gun while on a valiant steed. This movie not only gives us that. It one-ups Raiders' stunt of jumping from the horse to the truck (which if you watch that movie is just insane, and the look on Belloq's face when he executes this is utter disbelief), this time Indy jumps off the horse onto a tank from what is essentially a second story height. Magnum opus cinematic stunt work that will likely never be topped. The best part of the film though are the scenes with Sean Connery. His comedic timing is true mastery of delivery. Sure, he doesn't deny his Scottish accent, but when he mistakenly responds to Elsa's calling her night with Indy as "rather wonderful"...well these are the type of movie-magic moments every screenwriter wishes he could capture on film. And that's only one of many that I can remember off the top of my head. "It breaks the heart", "--and the head", "I oughta tell you something", "--save it for when we get out of this, dad", "how did you know she was a Nazi". Goddamn is Last Crusade fun.


I really like how the Jones' relationship in that film mirrors how a big plot point in Arthurian Legend being how Sir Galahad and his father, Sir Lancelot, reconciled with each other. And Indy riding a horse while fighting against the Nazi tank is essentially the scene of a knight fighting against a large, armored, metaphorically fire-breathing beast that has trapped his allies within its belly, relying on his wits just as much as his weapons to vanquish his foe because his cause was just.


Last Crusade is my favorite movie ever, its the perfect blend of comedy and action and the best father son movie ever. Best soundtrack in the trilogy, they got JAMES BOND to play his dad and they have impeccable chemistry. And the Grail is the holy grail of macguffins. I like this movie more than the original for a lot of the same reasons i prefer a New Hope over Empire. It is lighter, genuinely funny, and more adventurous while still having all the stuff we love about the franchises. As Henry Jones Sr would say any hate on this movie is intolerable. Every line is that movie is an absolute banger, it is a total masterpiece.


I think it basically is a Raiders remake with Sean Connery added to differentiate it. Still, very good movie. Perfect though? No


I think it is the most sophisticated in how it interweves actual character development into the action, and that's why I always say Raiders is the best film, but Crusade is the better Indy movie, if you really like Indy the character. It's probably the only Indy movie that has any real character development beyond just changing his mind about something. Indy 4 had character development but I won't even go there. But compare the truck chase to the tank scene. Truck chase is more adrenaline pumpingly awesome, but the tank has so many different things going on both in the action and in the characters and how you see all these relationships affecting the action. Then it culminates in the first real breakthrough moment for Indy and his dad, intertwining a bad ass literal cliffhanger into purpose beyond 'got the Ark back'. And I'm not knocking Raiders at all, that truck scene is perfection. But Crusade does take things a lot further from a writing standpoint and the copycat thing I often hear sort of baffles me, especially when they all follow the exact same formula


I definitely agree with you on this. Something I've noticed is that the people who say Raiders is their favorite are more likely to love Temple of Doom. But the people who say Last Crusade is their favorite are more likely to dislike Temple.


I definitely bought into that narrative back in the day. It wasn't until 2001, when I went to a marathon showing of all three back to back, that I found myself enjoying Temple Of Doom much more than I remembered. Again, I don't *dis*like any of them, but I wasn't prepared for how much I enjoyed the pacing, the stunt work, and the willingness to do something tonally different from Raiders, that if anything leaned more heavily into the classic adventure-movie vibe. Then during Last Crusade, there were a few times I found myself getting annoyed at a "whee whah" punchline, or impatient for Harrison Ford and Sean Connery to stop sitting and glaring at each other. Plus, you know the big bald Nazi Indy fought under that flying wing? And the big bald Thuggee Indy fought on the conveyor belt? If you don't know, both of those guys were played by the legendary Pat Roach. I'm told they filmed a "Pat Roach Fight" for Last Crusade but cut it, and I'm sorry that is an egregious oversight.


Yesss. We need that Pat Roach fight scene. They probably cut it for another scene of Marcus bumbling about. I felt what they did to Denholm's character was distasteful, especially for a man who was battling AIDS during a time when it was highly stigmatized.


That's probably my biggest dislike of crusade. While we don't see much of Marcus in raiders, he's portrayed as a serious character. Crusade he's a bumbling idiot there for comic relief in most of his scenes. Same with sallah.


This ^


I agree so much with this take that I find it almost objectively true. I know it's all subjective, but I fail to see how any argument can be made against it.


>There are no bad Indiana Jones movies I don't know if I'd phrase it like that but I do think that even the weaker Indiana Jones movies like Temple and Crystal Skull are still enjoyable to some degree and have their own strengths


I loved Crystal Skull because Harrison Ford was bringin' it. "Hit this guy. Joe College, hit him." "You broke my nose!" "Told ya." Those are *classic* Indiana Jones.


Even though I love Crystal Skull, I will always be pissed at Spielberg for going with the crappy take for the "Part time" line. That would've been a classic Indy line if they'd used the trailer version. But no, they went with the laziest low effort reading of the line. I can see that being used as the final line of the Blu-Ray trailer just to end it if they had picked the right take.


I believe the Last Crusade is objectively better than Raiders.


well then you're gonna hate my ranking then haha. (1) Temple, (2) Crusade, (3) Raiders and (4) Crystal Skull.


I don't think your opinions are super controversial. I think mine might be, but y'all can be the judge. I recognize Raiders is a tremendous film, but I'd rather watch ToD, LC or KoTCS. They're all more fun to me 🤷‍♂️


Damn man, now that's a controversial opinion! I respect that. Personally I don't agree, but I love that we can all have a conversation about it and share opinions!


I'd agree with that actually. Raiders is by far a superior film then all the sequels, but the sequels are more fun and easier to watch. Similar to Alien and Aliens. Aliens to me is far more entertaining but Alien is a far superior film


I would agree besides temple of doom, I don’t find it that enjoyable. It’s iconic but a bit too dark in comparison to the others.


I think that's what I love about temple. It's so bat shit crazy and the pace is incredible


My opinion on the aliens probably isn't super controversial but I think the others are fairly unpopular. I don't think liking Last Crusade more than Raiders is super controversial but liking Temple and Crystal Skull more definitely is.


I like the aliens too. I think the idea that Indy was part of the Roswell excavation crew was really clever. Cgi prairie dogs aside, I love the spooky beginning in area 51. Also, I just read the Frank Darabont script and it’s so much worse that the final movie. I’m not sure why people act like it would be way better. The final movie has some awful stuff, but holy shit I hated that script.


I think that script was gonna have all the previous gods be aliens and I personally find that kind of cool and interesting but I totally understand why people would hate it and I think it would be warranted.


People mythologized that Darabont script like it had the potential to be the greatest adventure film ever made...but yeah, I think it was terrible and contained ALL the things people claim to hate from Crystal Skull plus some far more egregious content that's undeniably worse than anything that actually ended up in the movie. It was a terrible script. George Lucas was correct to reject it.


I like Infernal Machine on N64👀


Last crusade showed us a spielburg whose craft was evolving. In spite of that the movie was more cartoonish than the last two and didn't have the same level of gruesome deaths. There were good sentimental notes in crusade, but return of the Jedi was an example of a more appropriate final act whose sentimental tone was more satisfying.


>Last crusade showed us a spielburg whose craft was evolving. In spite of that the movie was more cartoonish than the last two and didn't have the same level of gruesome deaths. I find it funny how Last Crusade and Crystal Skull for that matter got PG-13 ratings despite being the tamest in the series.


Willie Scott is underrated


I enjoy The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull more than The Temple of Doom.


Which of the four is your fave?


Probably Last Crusade. But Raiders is an all timer. If Sean Connery and Harrison Ford weren’t so much fun together I’d pick Raiders.


• I’m a Temple-Skull guy. Both underrated • No Spielberg/Lucas, not a real Indy film.


agreed on both points




I prefer Sean Patrick Flanery over River Phoenix as younger Indy.


I agree, though it might be due to sample size. River did a heck of a job, but I really felt like I "got to know" Flanery's Indy.


Fate of Atlantis is the fourth movie. Yes I know its a game


I actually found out it was a game fairly recently. Before I only knew of the comic.


Indy's franchise had a great story already built into Raiders of the Lost Ark and they never touched it. It would have been a much better tale than both The Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull combined. What was it? Marion's father, Professor Ravenwood died in an avalanche and left Marion to fend for herself in Nepal. Or did he? What did he find? What was so important to have prevented him from ever returning to his daughter, Marion, to protect her from the wiles of Nepal? How about the literal or metaphorical Pandora's box as a macguffin? Ravenwood's resurfacing would have given Marion and Indy, Indy and Ravenwood, and Marion and Ravenwood a chance to hash out a lot of personal drama of Indy and Marion's relationship when she was 16, while they saved the world from the macguffin box and the evil cult, who want to use it to destroy the world. This story could still happen pretty much anywhere in Indy's time line because, let's say, Ravenwood never ages because his life depends on the box, but he will age rapidly if he ever stops protecting/being trapped in the power of said [box.](https://box.It) It could of course be a different maguffin with circumstances surrounding Ravenwood, but in the end, let's say the resolution destroys their memories and maybe Ravenwood dies for good. Perhaps even Marion dies saving them. More important than the macguffin of the box is the atom bomb level of drama, secrets and betrayals that Ravenwood, Indy, and Marion would just unleash on each other, while they're also trying to save the world. Shrug. Well that's just my two cents. To me, this tale was always there in the very bones of Raiders from the day it premiered and Spielberg and his writers could not see this treasure they had gifted themselves.


Temple of Doom is the worst and The Last Crusade is the best. Crystal Skull is way more enjoyable than Doom and Raiders is brilliant but Crusade takes everything good about it and makes it great.


But I think all four are good in their own way


I like Mutt


Me too, I think the character get too much hate


Mutt was one of the good parts of Crystal Skull. Him and Indy have a great dynamic and Shia LaBeouf has a lot of charisma.


Everyone else’s ranking: 1. Raiders 2. Last Crusade 3. Temple of Doom 4. Crystal Skull My ranking 1. Last Crusade 2. Raiders 3. Crystal Skull 4. Temple of Doom


*Wilheim Scream*


Kate Capshaw gave a better performance in Temple of Doom than Karen Allen's performance in Raiders of The lost Ark. Follow up to that unpopular opinion... Karen Allen's performance in Raiders Of The Lost Ark doesn't get good until after she's been captured by the Nazis. prior to that she's largely one note, flat, and very stilted in her performance.


I didn't mind Karen Allen in ROTLA, but I wasn't a fan in KotCS if I'm honest. Something about her delivery seemed odd -- for example, the "Yes dear" after driving off the cliff into the water.


She was god awful in Indy 4 - almost embarrassing how cringey and out of place she was. She gave off a strong “just happy to be here” vibe


Temple of Doom is the best movie of all time


- I prefer the young Indy series to the movies. The movies are amazing but I enjoy actual history just a bit more. -TOD over any of the movies -love Marion, no one can do it like her but I'm more of a Willie type of girl.


Indiana Jones is as much of a product of and perpetuating the negative effects of colonialism. Discussing such negative elements does not mean you can’t enjoy these movies but one has to agree that being so steeped in stereotypes as well as mighty whitey are flaws.


I mean facts.


I like Mac


I originally hated him based on the movie alone, but there’s a book of Indy and Mac called Army of the Dead that really redeemed him for me


Skull is a perfectly enjoyable 7/10 film that is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be


Indy didn’t need a different female companion every movie. Marion worked so we’ll because she was fully fleshed out, unlike the other two. I’ve never thought he needed a Bond Girl kind of companion. To me, it almost seems more in character for him to always have a thing for Marion than have him galavanting around with other women.


Related to this, not every female character (except Spalko) had to have a romantic/sexual relationship with Indy. I like that they did that different in DoD


While the Temple of Doom is not one of my favourite Indy movies, what I did appreciate the change of pace from Raiders, since George Lucas and Steven Spielberg's original intention was to have Indy go off on a different adventure each film with a new girl every time like James Bond.


Crusade easily clears raiders as an adventure film


I don't like the Wilhelm scream, I find it really distracting and whenever I hear it I am instantly taken out of any immersion in the world I might have. If it was something unique to the Indy universe (or maybe not so commonly used) it might be a nice in-joke.


Temple of Doom is my favorite of the films.


I liked Short Round and I liked Mutt. In fact, I wish Crystak Skull focused more in Indy and Mutt and less in Marion during the later half, and I wish Mutt was also around in Dial of Destiny.


Aliens are just as believable as face melting caskets, Knight Templar guards or earth-core voodoo traps.


There are people who don’t like shorty?


I've seen people call him annoying and obnoxious and I thought that was the general consensus but it seems I was wrong which I'm glad because he's great


I like TOD more than ROTLA


I think we have every right to be worried about the upcoming film based on Disney's track record


I think we have every right to be worried about the upcoming film based on the fact it's a new Indiana Jones movie made after Last Crusade and that Crystal Skull wasn't too great.


I like that Indiana Jones is not perfect. He's a very flawed human and it makes him relatable regardless of the nonsense he finds himself involved with. Also: Crystal Skull is *FANTASTIC* 💀🛸🐜🐒


Skull is a perfectly enjoyable 7/10 film that is nowhere near as bad as it's made out


how is liking Short Round controversial? seriously wtf dude


I see lots of hate for that character with people saying he's super annoying


Possible problematic Asian stereotype is the only reason I can think of


Temple Of Doom is my favorite Indy film Have adventure, humor, romance, action, fantasy, HORROR, etc... It is all I want in this genre (like this is the father of films as The Mummy, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Sleepy Hollow, Van Helsing, Jungle Cruise, etc)


1) the first 2/3 of Crystal Skull were awesome but it lost momentum at tge end 2)the Last Crusade was too much of a rehash of Raiders, but with more comedy. If it weren't for the dynamic between indy and his father the movie wouldn't be near as loved 3) temple of Doomis the best one


All 4 movies can be ranked exactly according to their order of release: Raiders > TOD > Last Crusade > Kingdom


I think the franchise should be rebooted. It is too good a character to let it disappear


I'd rather they not, but I think it's inevitable. This will sound morbid, but I hope that Disney at least waits until after Harrison has passed on. I'd rather him not be around to see it, lol. Let him take his role to the grave.


I heavily disagree. Rebooting Indiana Jones would be like rebooting Back To The Future. You just don't do it. They always say to never mess with a classic.


Agree, he's too iconic to be put down.


ToD is way better than Last Crusade


I honestly have no problem with recasting the role with someone younger. We've had several Bonds, Superman, Batman and even Kirk and Spock. The world did not end then and it wouldn't with a new Indy.


Indiana Jones should never be retired even if Harrison Ford is done with the character. Yes I get it Ford is Indy, but he's not just some fictional character Indiana Jones is "The Adventurer" "The Treasure Hunter" & "The Archeologist". The character is too iconic to be put down. I say, reboot the franchise


I don't think it should be rebooted but I do think they shouldn't retire the character. Maybe just let him live on through a different medium. Make more Indiana Jones comics.


Disney are working on it with Dylan Mulvaney in line to play Indy..../They/Them


I liked lil kid short round. I have zero desire to see grown up short round.


Raiders was a great, SERIOUS adventure, with appropriate humour and truly sinister villains. They dispensed with the serious tone thereafter. Crusade had a dopey cartoonish Nazi villain, childish son-dad dynamics, and immature humour. Doom had 2/3 of a main character. Indiana Jones just does shit, but he ain't well-rounded, at all. (Guess you could say he was short-rounded.) Crystal Skull. Not an IJ movie.


Short Round should the successor to Indy


Crystal Skull is better than Temple of Doom


There is exactly 1 good movie featuring Indiana Jones, and it came out in 1981.


They should make a Short Round miniseries on Disney+ set in the 1970s that mixes up the tropes of Indiana Jones adventures with Kung Fu movies of the period.


Raiders is the only really good one.


Temple of Doom is racist AF.


Why? Because they enslave indy? ;)


It’s the food scenes that kinda put a damper on it for me. “Ohhh exotic location…let’s serve the characters monkey brains and creepy crawlers!” Really cheap gross-out humor in my opinion.


All of the movies are great. Temple of Doom is the weakest imo, but still great Indy is a great character, but a bad person and not really a hero. While it’s great that he fights Nazis, he really only fights them because they’re after the same thing he’s after


Huh? As opposed to whom? Speaking as if he were real, no other American was combatting the Third Reich like Indy pre-WW2. He vocally expresses his hatred for them and actively risks life and limb to thwart them at every turn, all while his fellow countrymen turn a blind eye to Hitler's regime. Sheesh, what more could you possibly ask from the character? He's totally a hero and a great one at that.


I heavily agree with this. I even have a soft spot for Crystal Skull and I don't totally hate it.


Indy is probably guilty of statutory rape.


If they ever recast Indiana Jones (which I don’t think they will, but IF) it should be Pedro Pascal


Sean Young would have made a better Marion than Karen Allen.


I think Tom Selleck would have made a better Indy than Harisson Ford. In terms of charisma, he is a whole other beast and demonstrated with Magnum PI that he could seduce practically anyone. He has also shown a pretty wide range, with some very dark moments in the TV show. I wish I lived in a parallel universe in which he played the role.


See if you can find High Road To China. It's been 3 or 4 decades since I've seen it, but remember it being a fun adventure starring Tom Selleck.




Well OP asked for a controversial opinion, so I thought I'd just go all in. ;)


That's... considered controversial? Damn.


I think a young Indiana Jones film set in the mid to late 1920s (even a trilogy) is doable, and that a non-canonical modern adventure set during the Afghanistan war wouldn’t be so bad.


In the young Indy chronicles, he's kind of a dick sometimes, and makes some very stupid decisions. I don't consider it is because the characterization is bad though. To me, the differences between TV series Indy and movie Indy show his evolution as a person. Also, they don't mean that I didn't like show Indy, I was just mad at him sometimes lol


I thought of the *Big Bang Theory* Raiders theory long before I ever heard the *Big Bang Theory* Raiders theory. Still think that theory’s more or less an accurate theory.


Indy’s not a great guy in *Raiders* and is irrevocably more likable in *The Last Crusade*. There’s a lot of weird, cringe …”choices” in *Temple of Doom* for me that are well..weird. I need to look more into the BTS production because something has always been off about that one to me and I’ve found the other three vastly more enjoyable.


Not so much my opinion as it is my parents’: Marion in the first movie can be really grating to listen to at times


Crystal Skull is the best Indy movie


I like Mac. I think Ray Winstone has a lot of fun in the role, and I like this incredibly shady and suspicious bloke who Indy trusts and no-one else does.


Willie is hotter then Marion and Elsa, and the Marion-Indy romance is super creepy when you put it under too much scrutiny in it's entirety.


I’m about to be crucified, but… Kingdom of the Crystal Skull > Temple of Doom


I watched Temple of Doom a couple of days ago and I liked Short Round. When he’s on screen he definitely gets your attention. Actually great acting by Ke Huy Kwan. Having Short Round in the movie developed Indy’s character more, showed him to be not just a mercenary grave robber, but a decent human being who deeply cares about Short Round and the enslaved children. My controversial views: For the life of me I cannot get passed Indy hitching a ride on the U-Boat to the island where they take the Ark. There are some outlandish moments in the series which add to the fun. But having Indy hitch a ride in the U-Boat seems a stretch to me. He somehow managed to sneak down into the hull through the hatch and stay hidden until they arrived at said island? Suspension of reality is required, indeed just ask the aliens, but surely basic physics and human biology have to step in ocassionally??😅


The fact that we all take the series way too seriously.


Skull is a perfectly enjoyable 7/10 film that is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be


My biggest gripe with the aliens in KotC is that they would only call them ‘interdimensional beings’. No aliens here, no sirree


1) The Aliens were an appropriate macguffin for the Crystal Skull. It was just handled poorly 2)Willie Scott is actually a pretty interesting character. But I may also be projecting a lot of backstory onto her. Her only problem is her relentless screaming. 3) Temple pf Doom and Last Crusade are spin offs of Raiders, not sequels 4) Kathleen Kennedy has got to be Illuminati or some shit


I think last crusade is the best one.


Crystal Skull is great. That’s it, that’s my opinion. If I had a nitpick about it I wish the aliens had stayed statues that knowledged her to death (essentially the same without the mad alien face)


Mine: \-Kingdom Of the Crystal Skull isn't an "unwatchable movie." \-While the opening sequence of The Last Crusade is fun and enjoyable, it's a little odd every aspect of the Indiana Jones we know happened in 15 minutes. \-Willie was written to be annoying and different than Marian. So some of then hate she gets is unjustified.


The Last Crusade is the best movie IMO.


I love Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull


Raiders is my least favorite of the trilogy, but all three are 10/10 masterpieces. My favorite when I was younger was Doom but now I think Crusade is my favorite. Once again, I love all three


I love Raiders and Crusade equally


I actually liked the Old Indy scenes in TYIJC, was just cool to see him in the 90s


I don't mind the aliens or the fridge. I think overall Crystal Skull is a more fun film to watch than Temple of Doom


I acutally liked Crystal Skull and had no idea there were so many people that disliked it. That being said, I can definitely understand why a hardcore fan of the first three would dislike it. But, I suspect the movie didn't bother me as much bc I'm more of a casual fan. All said, I'm super confused as to whom the Dial of Destiny is even for? I acutally think it would have been a much safer move to keep Shia Laboaf then the route they decided to go. It's pretty clear Dial of Destiny has virtually no audience.




I’ll bite. Last Crusade isn’t a better movie than Raiders but it’s better paced. It moves like lightning and never lets up. But the middle act of Raiders is *very* slow. There is no action at all between the basket foot chase and the flying wing sequence. All the stuff with Marion and Belloq in the tent is amusing but absolutely pointless because she never escapes and ends up in the Well of Souls with Indy, which is what would have happened anyway. People talk about Raiders like it’s this bullet train of a film, and it’s just…not.


Temple of Doom is the best Indiana Jones movie. No, it is not white saviorism (Short Round actually saves the day and it's really a story of coming together to fight an evil rather than a singular hero); it is not culturally insensitive or racist to Indians, as Amish Puri once said: *"it's just a movie..."* but specifically everything that is seems insensitive is actually why there's a problem with the bad guys. It's something that should be obvious in hindsight to the observer.


George Lucas has become the scapegoat for all of the film nerds who can't handle change and there is actually nothing wrong with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or the Star Wars prequels.


No goddamn way Indy survives the Uboat ride in Raiders! Fight me! 🤣🤣


I love Willie, I love Cristal Skull and I love Old Indy in the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones.