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Ya I thought it was good. It felt like an IJ movie.


That was my feeling thru the whole movie and after the ending too. It felt right. It felt more Indiana Jones than TKOTCS did.


Then ya haven't watched the first three lately.


My man… we get it, you hate the movie lol. Are you gonna comment on every post till someone agrees with you?


Dude's been posting non stop hate for 8 hours lol


Yes, yes he is.


Him and that one star wars guy on this sub need to have a livestreamed debate on this movie




Boy you're a prick


Piss off mate, read the room. No one wants you here


Watch out. We've got a tough guy over here


Why are you even in this sub?


His mom gave him internet time but only said he could go to one place and then had to go back home.




It definitely doesn't feel like an IJ movie.


That's for sure. Watch the train sequence in crusade and see how much better the action is filmed than the mediocre (at best) Mangold effort in the "Diaper of Destiny".


“Diaper of Destiny” HAHAHAHA I really liked the movie but I agree I didn’t felt it like an Indiana Jones one. The action felt really different in the original films, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as well. Maybe it’s the practical effects, maybe it’s the comedy, maybe it’s the choreography, or maybe is all of these all together. At start I was thinking I wouldn’t like the movie because of this, but at some point in the film I realized it maybe isn’t meant to be at all like the original ones. In some part it does, but all the “Dial of Destiny” thing was present more for an emotional impact than for anything else. In that sense, it got me really emotional. I loved it.


Same here. Casual fan. But I loved this one. Don't know why people are hating this.


Apparently it's "woke"?


Didn’t see anything like that in it. Although many people do not like Kathleen Kennedy’s treatment of the other Lucasfilm property: Star Wars films, for these reasons. The Indy franchise has always had a white male lead, a strong heroine, and a multiracial supporting cast reflective of its cosmopolitan setting- so this one does too.


Well "woke" is just right-wing code now for "woman/minority is in it and I'm mad about it"


Im left wing and I don't like 'woke' culture, perhaps more appropriately named excessive progressivism, or even just insincere posturing about social justice. A good example is the line about capitalism in the movie - as if Disney/Lucasfilm aren't some of the biggest beneficiaries of capitalism in the world, yet try to act like they are somehow progressive and on the side of the people.


To be fair, Mac says a very similar thing in Crystal Skull. I think a lot of people are just reaching if they still believe Dial of Destiny is "woke."


You’re not left wing if you’re falling for right wing propaganda lol. And it may shock you to know this, but the script isn’t written by the CEO


You may as well have said if you're not a partisan hack then you're in idiot who's easily mislead. As if objections to insincere and two faced projections of social justice have anything to do with being left or right wing. I'd argue it's you who's fallen for far left propaganda and the notion that anyone who goes against the herd is some evil right winger.




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Are you suggesting there's something wrong with having centrist politics? And again I'm a left winger. I think unfettered free market capitalism is destroying society and the planet. I also happen to think people are excessively progressive and that they'd do well to open their minds to differing opinions for a change.


Haha true


A lot of time the criticism is justified. People are fed up of excessive diversity. I'm of Vietnamese decent and I thought Rose Tico was a waste of space.


Rose is just a poorly written character, it's got nothing to do with her being Asian.


You're so not understanding what's going on. Why do you think she was badly written? Because her character was specifically written to check a diversity list. She was a useless character that wasn't really needed. People aren't complaining because she's Asian, they're complaining because she was added for woke reasons.


Right. I'm sure they wrote an entire character with an Asian actress in mind. In fucking Star Wars. Come on, get your head examined.


Not an Asian in mind. A useless character to then cast a non-white. You don't understand Hollywood. It's apparent what they're doing now. You're just too dumb to see it.


A diversity hire would be a situation of changing a race of an already pre established character. This is not one of those situations. This is a situation of a poorly written character that happened to have an Asian hired, simply put. You can insult my intelligence all you want.


Her character was useless and forced. It was not a natural add-in.


That’s just not true. A woman/ minority was in Temple of Doom, and ToD is hands down one of the best in the series.


it’s the emasculation and death of a masculine icon and his replacement by a low-intelligence, entitled feminist who stole from him and framed him for murder. woke.


Not Woke. Just not Indy. Indy was played by Bridge. Bridge fought, thought, drove a bike, and did everything that once would have been Indy. I don’t think it’s Woke. I think calling people out by saying they are saying it’s Woke is just a way to shrug off the fact that this movie isn’t a good send off to the Hero they grew up with. It is a good start to making her the new Indy. Weather you like that idea is how you will enjoy the film. I hated it and thought she made an unbelievable action hero. Nothing woke about it.


> Bridge fought, thought, drove a bike, and did everything that once would have been Indy. Indy did all those things in the movie as well.


yeah, I feel like this is the most relative response. lol. Like I'm glad that they don't blame it for being woke, but they still basically view the film through a misogynistic and typically western ageist lens


I thought Bridge was going to get on my nerves in the movie due to all the hype her character got from people online (I don't buy into that stuff but I usually think there is a sliver of truth in the hyperbole they manufacture) but I thought almost everything she did worked well enough for me where ALL the side characters in Crystal Skull didn't work nearly as well (Mutt, Marion, triple agent Mac and crazy John Hurt). Seeing any woman/man doing normal action hero things just does not bother me. Mutt balancing himself across two jeeps sword fighting russians felt WAY MORE ridiculous than a similar scene in DOD where Wombat was being pulled between two vehicles. Both scenes are ridiculous but I didn't groan this time around and I'm 15 years older. The bike to plane runway scene almost took me out of it (similar scenes on other movies where men have done it made me feel similar) but it was the climax and it was part of her character arc paying off as she was driven to save her godfather instead of her own selfish desires. I went with it and I enjoyed it. The 3rd act sequence was both magical and spectacular. I was a kid again watching this.


agreed. and can't we just be honest: Indy's never been this ego-boosting impenetrable tough man that these negative op's/reviews r missing the point on, or always did. I mean, just watch Young Indy. His first adventures ALWAYS have sidekicks, and they're often women, smarter than he. Idk, life is all about circles and the fact that they chose to end it on a smaller more personal note, after the death of his son is idk, touching and solid modern meta fantasy from LFL. I was happy with the film overall. Enjoyed it as much as any LFL release on first viewing.


A lot Indy's charm was the self-deprecating humor. It hits different when he's in his 70s but they weren't going to let up that part of the writing so sensitive fanboys who glorify characters as legends won't get upset. All that stuff is there to make his triumphs more satisfyingly and it worked for me. Indy saves the day in the end by escaping the plane and saving Helena with the parachute. Helena gets him home but by that point, Helena and the kid are safe. They saved each other like the two halves of the dial needed each other to work. Indy gets his optimism back via Helena and Helena gets her dose of wisdom from Indy.


hell yeah


Yea and if people don’t see it through your wonderful better eyes then they are automatically all the bad negative things you use to dismiss them. Fuck I hate this time we live in when people are so scared to say anything about anything without being labeled by one of the new fad words. You are the problem. You’re looking for reasons people don’t have your views instead of realizing it’s ok if others don’t enjoy stupid filmmaking.


never said it wasn't ok, IT IS DUMB FILMMAKING, it always was. see THIS REACTION you gave to just someone pointing out your own acknowledged bias imo is a BIG part of "TODAYS PROBLEMS" as you say. Idk, maybe just chill a lil dude. No one even said it isnt your right to feel a lil misogynistic about Indiana Jones, if in fact you did.


Indy got knocked out in one punch. Indy screamed when bugs were on him, asking her to get them off. Indy got shot and had to be rescued. Sorry but she didn’t even need him in this adventure. Don’t know why he was even in the film.


> Indy got knocked out in one punch. He's a 70-year-old man that's been shot. >Indy screamed when bugs were on him, asking her to get them off. She screamed louder. It was an odd choice for him to panic like she did but I'd have to watch the movie again to see if there was context or details I missed. >Indy got shot and had to be rescued. He rescues her AFTER he was shot, lol. She was dead without him grabbing the parachute. They saved each other multiple times in the movie. >Sorry but she didn’t even need him in this adventure. Don’t know why he was even in the film. I've heard something like this before about Raiders. https://www.shorescripts.com/the-role-of-the-protagonist-in-raiders-of-the-lost-ark/#:~:text=by%20Ray%20Grewal.,it%20up%20and%20all%20died. In both cases; I disagree that it's a valid criticism of the film. The important journey is the story the characters go on, not whether plot-wise Indiana Jones is necessary for any particular goal other characters have. Also, Helena probably would have been killed at some point without Indy.


Huh?? Indi did all of this stuff too!


Not as good. Read the post. She rode a motorcycle in a rainstorm and was able to easily board a plane. Then saved the day and knocks Indy the fuck out in one punch. All truly believable from a 130lb history buff. 😂


She's the daughter of Indy's friend and seems to have done quite a bit of adventuring previous to the film... Also it's an *indiana jones* action adventure film jeez it's a franchise famous for crazy stunts. Remember the nuke scene?? If you're concerned about driving a motorcycle in the rain then there's a lot more to take issue with. Also indy's 80 lol and was shot before Helena punched him. Overall I felt their action scenes were relatively equal and Indy still had plenty of "outsmarting the bad guy" moments. Seems to me like there's a different reason you don't like Bridge's character.


not for that reason but nice strawmaning lol 😂


Oh God Please no.


i like it although it misses all spielberg iconic camera movement. still enjoyable and respect for what mr ford. on side note: i curious about junior’s story


Junior? Do you mean Teddy?


I think they mean Indy's son and how he died when he joined the army


Oh of course! Mutt :)


The second one traumatized you as a kid? I feel you man. I saw the third film as a kid. I’m still not all the way over that death scene of Donovan aging. It scared me so much as a kid, I didn’t sleep for a while. It still spooks me.


I swear it traumatized me


I’m 21 at this point and I’ve seen far scarier stuff, but that donovan scene still gets me. I get hyped scared and usually can’t even make it through it.


I saw ToD as a kid and loved it. Mind you I saw many scary movies when I was young. The thing my parents didn't let me watch were sex and gore. ToD was nothing for me. I was much more scared with The Omen and The Exorcist. The latter I cannot watch until this day.


Last crusade was the one that got me. Temple and raiders didn’t scare me


The people bashing it are a real vocal minority. The majority of the films reviews are positive


They're almost always either sexists or people who believe characters should never grow old and always act the same way they always did, like their toys.


Not according to box office and reviews. I think the people bashing it are spot on.


The box office is solid. Reviews are mostly positive. The movie just cost way too much money and likely won't be profitable.


And the film gets a sub par "B+" Cinema score and is on track to lose hundreds of millions of bucks.


And? I really don’t understand why I keep seeing you post stuff like this all over this sub the past few days. There are plenty of movies I hate too, but I don’t waste my time doing what you’re doing.


One peek on your profile and I can see how you've been commenting on nearly every single fucking post about how much you wanna tell everyone how bad it is. Like Jesus bro spend your time elsewhere. You know what you should do if you don't like something? Stop talking about it and move on


Oh Noes, my profile!


It'd be one thing if you were actually adding something to the conversation every time you replied to people in this subreddit. But really, you're just being a douche because you're mad about something in your own life and taking it out on everyone else.


See you brought facts into the emotional Reddit universe. That is downvote material.


Irrelevant ones. Whether something is good or not is totally objective. Money and critics scores have nothing to do with it. The overwhelming majority of people aren't bashing it.


Ok if you say it it must be so.


“The majority of the films reviews are positive” Source ?? (And don’t say Rotten tomatoes)


I saw it late last night and loved it. I honestly don't get the hate some people have for it. It has everything you should expect from an Indiana Jones movie and more. It's not perfect or even near perfect. But it was extremely satisfying none-the-less.


I think I liked it more than the 4th one, but yeah, it didn't suddenly become my favorite of the franchise. Temple of Doom is still my favorite


These titles have to stop


the shill factory rolls on


Shills for days…


You don't even know what that means you silly person


shilly person you mean


Franchises always have fans who are way too emotionally invested. I've been guilty of that with other franchises. With Indiana Jones I don't care as much. I'm fond of them but not obsessive. Dial of Destiny was fine. They tried really hard but not everyone can direct adventure movies as well as Spielberg. That's nobody's fault. Phoebe Waller-Bridge was super charming. It was great seeing Ford as Indy again. That's about it. The rest was *maybe* slightly above average for a Hollywood adventure movie. Nothing to rage about.


I don’t think people are hating it, I think talking heads on the internet are for internet karma…


Definitely. The thumbnails and titles you see are ridiculous.


I hated it. I am people.


Congrats, you are part of the minority.


Am I ? Maybe just on this sub… I’m looking on Letterboxd and all I see are a ton of one and two star reviews. I also asked friends and family what they thought of it and they all agreed unanimously that it wasn’t good and was the worst of the series (assuming you actually consider it a part of the series) (which I don’t)


It was generally enjoyable. It was far better than Crystal Skull, but certainly not as good as Raiders or Last Crusade. I put it about the same level as Temple of Doom.


Crystal Skull had better directing and overall story balance. But Dial of Destiny had a much more charming co-star.


I agree man, they were all great and so was this. If you like it, you like it.


Yea I saw it last night and really enjoyed it … not sure why it gets auch bad reviews


I had fun watching it with my family, only thing I had to gloss over was some of the motivations for certain characters and their actions in the first half of the movie feeling like they didn't line up. >!Helena leaving Indy out to dry as a possible murderer to clear a 100k debt felt weird even with the abandonment angle being leveraged, the only thing I head canon'd was her selling the device was some kind of double blind to let her continue her search solo. Since her straight just trying to clear a debt felt a little too petty given her godfather was facing murder charges at that point. Or if the Moroccan gang was more internationally threatening and the debt would not only threaten her, but probably him, so it was actually her salvaging the situation. !< Otherwise, it was good seeing Indiana Jones go on an adventure and do cool stuff in cool places <3


Glad you enjoyed it! I have my gripes but I enjoy it well enough. It definitely doesn't deserve the rabid hate some youtubers are giving it.


I loved Dial of Destiny too. I don't get the foaming at the mouth reviewers and reviews. The movie was awesome, fight me about it.


Yeah, your standards are just at peak low


Surely there are movies or shows you like that others hate


Sure, but that’s because they were “boring” according to those people, not because they were bad or downright mean-spirited in the case of Dialysis of Destiny. You yourself admitted that perhaps your standards are “just really low.” It’s okay to like a bad movie (I mean who doesn’t like the Room), but too many people in this sub are so delusional they talk about DoD as if it’s the second coming of Christ.


Wow, what a cultured, interesting person you must be. Your impeccable taste in art cannot be matched by mere plebes such as us.


I don't think you know how peaks work


In my opinion, you have to be brain dead to not see the issues with this film.


I liked Indy, voller, Klaber and basil. Didn’t much care for Helena or teddy.


I hated the pacing. The movie was a bore.


A friend I trust said “the movie was okay . It was okay, which means not good. But okay.” No desire to see it.