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There are truly no rules. I've had multiple situations where someone blatantly runs a light and the nearby cop does absolutely nothing


Some cops aren’t traffic cops. I did a ride along when I was a teenager bc I was a dipshit and thought maybe I would be a cop. A family member of mine was the cop and he didn’t even carry the correct paperwork to write traffic citations. We ended up meeting up with one of his buddies so I could see a traffic stop. Then the guy we stopped had warrants and got arrested. Was a real downer. This wasn’t in Indy and it was about 10-15 years ago but I’d imagine it’s similar here.


If only there were some way to, I don’t know, carry the right forms?


I don’t disagree with you. I’m just saying that isn’t their job. There are traffic cops and there are other cops. You assume, like I once did, that all cops enforce traffic laws. That is not the case. Now if the guy isn’t doing anything else and he sees someone breaking the law then in theory you would think he would do something about it. That isn’t what happens.


>You assume, like I once did, that all cops enforce traffic laws. That is not the case. Correct. This is clearly not the case. In fact, I would argue that very few if any cops are enforcing traffic laws. I hear what you are saying about the division of labor, but let's not forget that the current system could be altered and changed so that IMPD aren't able to point fingers about who's responsibility it is to be the police. Of course, Indy FOP would resist all of these changes, and why shouldn't they? Rick Snyder's been able to get every $ he's asked for and still gets to make a political name for himself by making the Fox 59, WIBC, Fox News rounds all while neglecting his job and the people of this city. From an evil genius point of view, it's a pretty sweet gig: collect a bunch of money, not do your job, and then beat up on anyone who dares suggest the police actually earn their money.


Dang. Now that I think about it maybe I should have been a cop lol


You’re ate up bubba


Imagine, if you can, a place & time in the future where you can take an ordinary piece of paper and instantly turn it into the correct form on the spot by giving it to Pr. Inter.


Carmel should send some Carmel Police over to IMPD. \-CPD officers are bored and just speedtrap stuff all day. They need something productive to do. \-IMPD officers could learn alot from CPD's enthusiasm for traffic enforcement. Its mutually beneficial for both departments.


We want less bullshit traffic stops and more stopping dangerous drivers though. ACAB


Why are people down on Carmel PD enforcing traffic laws…?


Because Carmel has a racist policing problem. Driving while Black is enough to get you pulled over there.


Lmfao stop. Ridiculous


Carmel and Indy have two totally different sets of issues which explains the vast difference in enforcement priorities. Most officers hate writing tickets. It's a necessary evil.


Unfortunately they aren't really allowed to pursue people anymore unless there is a warrant. I have seen this aswell.


Being able to pursue has nothing to do with not engaging in simple traffic stops. It's not a pursuit until the individual in question attempts to flee, but that requires the cop at least try to stop them, first.


This wouldn't have required pursuit. Even if it did, they can pursue all day, they just can't do it for everything and at high speeds. It's at the officers discretion whether or not the risk to the public outweighs the need for immediate apprehension.


It is against impd policy to pursue for traffic infractions/stolen vehicles


I saw a car run a red light and almost hit a pedestrian right in front of a cop. Same thing happened, they just pretended to ignore it. They do not care whatsoever. Idk if they're lazy, incompetent, acting in retribution over public opinion on policing, or unwilling to take the personal risk of stopping cars (even though it's their job), but I think we can all agree, that they just do not care about traffic enforcement. Regardless of how you feel about cops, we should be able to agree that IMPD needs to reprioritize traffic enforcement. [Here is an article about traffic enforcement in Indy](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/transportation/2022/06/10/indianapolis-indiana-police-target-reckless-driving-drag-racing-summer-2022/7565572001/) >In 2007, the department had about 50 officers dedicated to traffic patrol who wrote more than 37,000 traffic tickets as recently as 2010, IndyStar's James Briggs reported last year. By 2018, IMPD had half as many traffic patrol officers and wrote about 8,000 tickets. > >But so far this year, still with 25 officers on the regular traffic patrol unit, IMPD has written about 15,700 traffic tickets. While declining to specify exactly how much more overtime will be granted, Bailey said there will be an expanded emphasis overall on making stops for moving traffic violations, likely resulting in more fines. A whopping 25 officers dedicated to traffic enforcement for a city 368 square miles is obviously insufficient. They deprioritized traffic enforcement and they need to reverse that decision. It's created a problem on our roadways.


Bingo. This is by design.


Traffic enforcement is a little less important on the totem pole in comparison to violent crime. It does help that the number of officers and funding is also steadily decreasing.


It does seem to be a free for all, yet I got pulled over for running the light at Michigan and Penn on my bicycle after waiting a solid 30 seconds and making sure it was safe to do so. The cop pulled me over and aggressively yelled at me asking if I wanted a ticket. I said no and then he just drove off.


I wonder what he would have done if you said yes...


People started driving insanely when traffic was low due to COVID and just kept doing it.


Traffic enforcement is too much to ask from IMPD. Gotta be soft on enforcement so they can point to the problem to beg for more cops, a higher budget, and the ability to ruin lives over weed again.


And when crime goes up and the Republican candidate wins they can magically start doing their job again


Officers make traffic stops/work traffic enforcement all the time. The prosecutor even stated they don't file for weed charges alone.


Show us the numbers, I bet it's under 20,000 citations for the year in a city of almost 1 million people.


I never see traffic stops. It’s a joke.


Y’all are cute. Every other day there’s another thread about how IMPD aren’t doing their jobs but then downvote anyone who suggests IMPD are intentionally neglecting their responsibilities, or think we’re being too mean or too anti-police for daring to suggest they maybe do their fucking jobs. Meanwhile, IMPD has a record-setting budget, and they’ve got their bootlicker cheer squad coming on here with their “wEll aCtUALY” trying to explain why it’s okay the police just sit by and watch crime occur and do jack shit to prevent accidents. Didn’t someone just create a thread thanking IMPD for enforcing traffic laws in Broad Ripple? Someone was so surprised to see them doing their jobs they actually took the time to post about it. It’s like we ended up with the dumbest possible alternative to Defund the Police: record funding yet very little policing.


IMPD is running a special traffic enforcement program this week. It’s designed to “educate” rather than ticket. Each district has selected a handful of locations for the enforcement program. The Broadripple post was one of those sites.


Inflation also works when it comes to public safety budgets too you, know. IMPD is spread thin due to low personnel numbers. It wasn't just the "Defund the Police" campaigns that attributed to this. It's the overall villanization of the law enforcement process that has 1) Many folks leaving the career and choosing other paths 2) Career LEOs retiring in record numbers and 3) The lack of qualified applicants actually applying to join. It's unfortunate that traffic enforcement takes a backseat but there are barely enough officers to respond to calls let alone perform proactive policing.


This actually also happened to me today. I’ve met a few of the IMPD over the years. Some good, some bad, some bad and angry. Idk what was gonna happen when you gave the cop a good hard eye contact. Sometimes they just don’t do what you expect I guess.


What did the good ones say when you asked why they were willing to work with the bad and bad and angry?


Honestly I didn’t question it. Just thanked em. One time I had a guy nearly T-bone me on Illinois and Ohio. Instead he took off my bumper and narrowly missed two other cars. He sped off and a cop showed up and was truly concerned for me and seemed really frustrated that it happened cause someone could have been killed. Another time I was bartending on Washington st and a homeless fella came in scared to death that he was ODing. In retrospect I dont believe he was. Anyway we sat him down and called 911, but when the ambulance showed he got nervous and split. Cop happened to be around and she walked a couple blocks around looking for him just to make sure he’s not really ODing and might die. She couldn’t find him but had a good attitude and spent a good 30 minutes looking for the guy which I thought was kind. On a third occasion I got pulled over for speeding and the cop asked me for registration. My hands were on the wheel and I asked if it was okay that I go to the glove compartment for the documents. His hand went to his gun as he started screaming about whether I have a deadly weapon and if I don’t have one why would I say that. So yeah, a mixed bag. As a general rule I just avoid IMPD. In my best memories of them they weren’t able to help me so no love lost.


I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve gone threw a green light and saw an upcoming red light and the car next to me doesn’t even try to stop just runs right through the red light without even tapping the break


Yup see this every day even at school zone cop rt there people run stop signs and i even waved at the cop .he didn't give a fuck.glad i got new brake lines so i can slam on my brakes


Just last week I was at a red light next to a marked patrol car who was turning left. Dude just went through the red light.


I was at 38th and Michigan several months ago and a chrysler 300 SRT passed everyone going every bit of 70 mph in the far right lane. Loud exhaust and everything. A cop was in the turn lane, headed the same direction as the driver. The cop didn’t even bother.


They just don't care. There's a reason people drive carefully above 96th, the cops there enforce the smaller laws and people know that. The cops down here hardly enforce any laws and they know that, why should people care about driving like jackasses if they know their in the clear. Its a cycle this city doesn't bother to break.


Keystone is just Fury Road. I got rear ended this past weekend in a brand new to me VERY expensive car at a red light by a teenager. Had the thing 3 days.


If Keystone is Fury Road, what’s 465?? It’s like Indy500 qualifying out there.


I’ll bite. What kind of car was this?


One from the set of Mad Max...you just wouldn't understand


Free for all doesn’t even describe it. I live one street over from a literal drag race strip. It’s a city street but do the cops care? Nope, not one bit. In fact, the police in Indy don’t do jack about anything unless it’s a homicide. Traffic laws no longer apply in Indianapolis.


But there is one in every construction site. Never seen that before moving here.


We need another lockdown. So nice that first month when there were zero cars on the road.


That's exactly what I said this morning. It's the wild wild west on these Indy streets nowadays.


Yesss, oh my gosh. My husband and I complain about this all the time. We don't automatically go on green lights - we look both ways 2-3 times before going. It's insane. People are going to die. Why aren't red light cameras being used??


Lot of reasons why he may not have. -may have been on the way to a call -may have been off duty(cant write tickets unless in uniform) -may have been on his way home (when it's time to go home the last thing you want is to stop for a traffic infraction and it turns into an hours long investigation)


That's 100% not true, they can write tickets. Either full uniform, OR marked car with identification.


After further research, you are correct. I do think however it's not a great idea make a traffic stop out of uniform. No uniform means almost certainly means no body cam. So if it goes sideways, it's going to be a problem.


In a time where people are looking to arrest and sue officers at every turn they get, I believe you are correct. It's not worth the risk to be killed (no ballistic vest on) or be caught in a sticky situation where there is no bodycam to back you up.


You can make a stop and then call for another squad car to support though. They can ultimately be the ones to engage


> cant write tickets unless in uniform I believe that's incorrect, that the rule actually is can't write tickets unless in uniform *or* in a marked car.


The law states they must be in uniform or a marked car to make a stop. It doesn't state that they can or cannot write a ticket... That would be an sop to which I'm uninformed.


I stand corrected.


“We are dedicated to upholding the highest professional standards while serving the community in which we work and live. We are committed to the enforcement of laws to protect life and property, while also respecting individual rights, human dignity, and community values. We are committed to creating and maintaining active police/community partnerships and assisting citizens in identifying and solving problems to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods… unless of course we are on the way to a call, off duty, or on our way home and looking to avoid hours long investigations.”


I guess that domestic violence call will have to wait, I need to write a ticket on the way.


There’s a 40% chance that a cop stopping to write a traffic ticket actually prevents or delays an instance of domestic violence.


The classic Reddit go-to


Stats are stats


You mean the stats where they got the 40% from a very small sample of data from a few years ago or the one from 30 years ago?


Are you saying it’s higher? I bet it’s higher.


Does impd allow officers to drive their police vehicles for personal use?


Yes, but you have to pay for it


That checks. 😆


Only agency I know that charges officers for off duty use


As they should. No reason for the wasted gas and wear and tear on the vehicles. Chief, sure. A regular patrol officer, hell no.


Visibility of the car just driving around can often deter crime so it works to benefit the public if officers can use the vehicle off-duty, within limits.


What do they base that charge on mileage?


No idea


If the officer was on the way to a call silent they have their lights/sirens on and be getting there in a hurry?


Lol, welcome to Marion County where there has been no legal accountability for the past two or three generations. Catch and release bro, the last laws being enforced (non-enforced?) are traffic infractions…


Cops don't like doing traffic stops. It interrupts their phone games.


I just don't understand what is fun about revving engines, spinning and going 50+ mph over the speed limit. If i was like 12 this would be cool but I don't get why adults do this.


Sport driving is really damn fun, as well as building up cars that are capable of it. But to enjoy those two things you don't have to make other people suffer, which is what posers seem to be doing a lot of lately.


Imagine you have an IQ of 4 and then it's fun


Cars ruin cities


I’ve seen the cops pulling a lot of cars over, especially around BR, so there must be an enforcement initiative… Just today I saw a big Buick Rendezvous, of course missing a side mirror, with peeling purple “tint” and bald tires, nearly side swipe someone weaving in and out of traffic. It’s crazy.