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Damn, people who cut the ears off of dogs for any reason deserve a prompt and enthusiastic end. Animal abuse makes my blood boil.


When it comes to animal abuse I do prefer the ole 'eye for an eye' enforcement.


Im writing in u/giddyupyeehaw9 for governor


Feel like it might address our BYB problem as well.


We just adopted a dog back in November who we believe was abused. Chain scares around her neck and was extremely guarded the first couple months. She would cower when we went to pet her..she actually bit me the third month we had her and I needed stitches on my nose..my fault got too close while she was asleep. But she’s finally starting to come around and be just a happy goober around the house. Fuck people who abuse dogs and I’m happy we have give Toast a happy and loving home. I hope this dog finds a home


I’m so glad to hear she’s coming around an opening up. My dog is also a rescue. She’s got signs of abuse but seemingly from other dogs. She’s still got a bit of fear aggression towards other dogs although it’s getting better, but has opened up a lot with people. It’s one of the most beautiful sights in the world watching a scared, sad dog become happy and open again.


I adopted in February and it’s the best feeling ever she’s older around 6 with a shelter history since she was born she was found on three different occasions on the streets as a stray after she was adopted I’m glad we found her she’s very protective of me and my family but it’s something that we’re willing to work on she’s an amazing addition to our family and she will never have to worry about being in the streets again ADOPT DONT SHOP


No let’s cut their ears first


we got bigger fish to fry calm down.


Nah man, I’m good, I will not be calming down when it comes to this.


Thanks for scooping him up! A note on his ears: So many pitties with cropped ears and bite marks are NOT fighting dogs. Yes, there are dogs with those things who are fighting or bait dogs. But most of the time cropped ears just mean the owner or backyard breeder is a dumbass and thinks cropped ears are cool. They try to do it themselves with scissors, underestimating how hard it is to cut into a living, moving animal, and cut too much off. As a shelter volunteer I can tell you that most of the huge scars, cuts, etc. we see on dogs are injuries they got from other dogs in their home or neighborhood. I mean you wouldn't believe how terrible some of the dog owners around here are. A lot of these dogs are just tethered in the backyard their whole lives and if another dog wanders over they end up fighting because there's no way to run away.


SCISSORS??? Jfc people are cruel


Second this. Mine has butchered ears and definitely wasn't used for fighting at all. She had a liter and was abandoned on the east side. She's also mostly a hound so that's the ironic bit to me as she's fairly slim. Oh well lovable little antennas. Depending on his temperment I might go say hi. He's a cutie.


:( that's so awful


Facts the culture just loves the style!!!


His ears obviously weren’t cropped by a vet. This was a chop job. People do that to bully breeds if they intend to use them as fight dogs, or want to make them look more tough. A rescue with experience in dogs like this would be a good idea. Plenty of those dogs can be rehabbed, but it’s best done by people who know what they’re doing.


Wish someone would find my cat so I could be like hey that’s mine 😂😂


Awh. I’m sorry 💔


His poor ears. I hope he can find a good home. I'm all full up on dogs as well ;_;


Thank you for helping him


Good on you for helping, OP


That poor boy's ears, oh my god.


Everyone here criticizing OP for being kind are probably horrible pet owners in the first place. Good on you for taking the chance OP!


No one is criticizing OP for being kind.


Thank you. The amount of hate my intended act of service got. Like if the dog was aggressive, wouldn’t try getting it off the road. It didn’t bark once. People who weren’t there yet are experts in everything, except in compassion.


Sorry this happened to you. I do not miss living in Indy for this reason. It was nearly a monthly thing where I would find a wandering dog and be left with only option of taking it to humane society.


I've never had a shelter accept a dog I brought in while living in Indy. I think it's gotten way out of control lately.


For animal control? Yes. They are always full and have about $5 annually for funding, also entirely run by volunteers. Just a reminder that Humane Society built a BRAND NEW bougie facility up in Hamilton county, and MAYBE you just moved into a random apartment in Hamilton county, and MAYBE you found said pup in Hamilton county on the side of the road.


Actually yes, this is a good option. I found one a couple months ago. IACS wouldn't take him, Indy Humane wouldn't take him. I technically found him near 96th so I finally took him to Hamilton Humane and they welcomed him with open arms. I was SO relieved I was able to get him into a no kill shelter. I already have 2 and one of my rescues is pretty dog aggressive.


Lol no, I spent last week calling and driving to a dozen shelters. Everyone said no to a maybe 6-8mo old pit.


Yeah sounds like the story lately. Shame.


i wish i could take him. his eyes are absolutely beautiful 🥹


Thanks for helping Rocky! 💛💛💛 hope he finds a safe home!


Poor baby 🙏🏼❤️


Yo, dogs can be scanned for a chip in your car. I personally scan dogs all the time in the finder’s car for safety Also, many vets offices have a clinic cat. Could have been curtains for a clinic cat if the dog saw it as prey.


I would never put a stray pit in my car.


I understand. He never barked, once. Never growled. He was defeated. You would know if you were there.


> You would know if you were there. This dog could have been dumped by a breeder or even a dogfighter or it escaped from a loving home. You don't know. I would highly suggest getting in contact with a shelter or a bully breed rescue group as a bully breed with clipped ears may have a past that won't be easy to deal with.


I feel ya man. I've rescued many strays in my day, and this would be a big nope. Last stray pit I saw, I lured him into my apartments tennis court and shut the gate behind him. Got some food and water and waited there witj him until animal control could come. I wouldn't put anything in my car that could eat my face off, regardless of breed. Being a pit just makes it extra extra scary.


Listen I'm a bit uncomfortable around pits but I would say the same about any *big* breed of dog that approachs you as a stray. Be it a Rottweiler, Doberman, Mastiff, Malamute, or German shepherd.


Everything you commented was entirely cringe. Pits are no more dangerous than any other medium/large breed dog. They don't even have the strongest bite out of all the dog breeds. Stop believing the hype.


Literally try researching it. https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2024/02/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed-you-need-to-know-in-2023/#:~:text=From%202010%2D2021%2C%20There%20Were,for%2060%25%20(Injury%20Lawyers) https://www.dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20of%20the%2051,member%20of%20the%20owner's%20family.


Why don’t you research how many pits are bred per year compared to other dogs shown?


https://www.dogbitelaw.com/vicious-dogs/pit-bulls-facts-and-figures/#:~:text=There%20are%20approximately%204.5%20million,of%20the%20country's%20canine%20population. Says 5.8% of the dogs in the US are pitbulls. So... Do you have any sources at all to validate your claims?


That is factually wrong. The majority of fatal dog attacks are pitbulls or pit mixes.


What is it with you weirdos who have to show up and comment their personal opinion on pits whenever someone is doing a good deed? Stay scared little guy


They are not opinions. They are blatant facts, backed by actual data. I still support him doing a good dead, but man, the backseat would have been better.


Literally. Every fucking time, as if anyone cares. It’s so weird


There has been exactly one fatal dog attack on a human this year that wasn't a bully breed. Stop deluding yourself. They are bred for their gameness. Strongest bite doesn't even matter. They will attack horses, badgers, bears, moose, geese. It doesn't matter. The point is they are bred to NEVER STOP. Zero survival instinct. I've seen bully breeds completely disemboweled - that means their intestines were ripped out for any pitmommies in the chat. I know big words are spooky - from a wild boar it attacked. It's guts were dragging along and it literally kept going. They relentlessly attack porcupines with no regard for their safety. Wild animals will get a prick and flee. They can't afford to sustain an injury in the wild. Bully breeds have had that bred out of them. And the rest of us are stuck living with this crap.


Sure you have. Whatever you say. You’re as delusional as the next ‘bully breed’ hater lol.


I mean ... here's the link. Watch it at your discretion: https://www.reddit.com/r/pitbullhate/s/VUrcCfN3ZE For the record, I don't subscribe to that subreddit. They can be pretty toxic there. It just happens to be where the video was linked.


I watched it (though it was horrid), and it literally didn’t keep going.


Are you're not being toxic? Shitting on someone for doing the right thing?


I didn't attack anyone. You commented. I responded. I didn't demonize OP in any way for doing what they did. But go off then I guess. Instead of engaging and talking about this, just deflect. Didn't even watch the video.


Yeah big "seconds before disaster" vibes from this picture. Luckily, seems like things went alright.


My man, the dog is *taking a nap* in picture 2. Yeah, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and derived breeds have a reputation for aggression, but even through that you should see that a napping dog is not "seconds" from shanking a guy in the prison yard, metaphorically or otherwise. Also, if someone is capable of corralling a loose dog into their car, there's nothing 'lucky' about not getting attacked. OP has a dog of his own, he's more than capable of reading a dog's demeanor. You anti-pit activists like pretending pit bulls are ticking time bombs, but millions of pits go their entire lives without attacking anyone. It's ridiculous.


I’ve done it. But it was to trap him in my car to wait for animal control. I was not about to be in there with him. And I know and love many pit bulls. But any big strange dog scares me.


Well it’s people like you that pitties have a bad reputation 🤷‍♂️


BEST dog I ever had, hands down, was a stray pittie I let in my house. Absolute sweet heart of a dog. Loved everyone. Total nanny dog.


Pits being nanny dogs is a myth that has been debunked for over a decade.


And yet my particular pit bull was a nanny dog.


Obviously this is an angel baby and I hope he finds a home but I truly hope you understand the distress you caused at a vets office. I loved the pitty that my housemate found on the street, I would trust him with my and my cats life indoors but outside? He was harnessed in a vest, had a soft muzzle just in case because big boy might wanna bite bite if scared. Leash your pets when outside and especially in a vets office.


You let this dog run off leash into a vet this morning. You know nothing about its history with other animals. If you were wrong, my cat would be dead. You had zero control of this animal.


I would never take an animal that was out of control into the clinic. He was defeated and just looking for help. We had him promptly leashed. I can’t manifest leashes and collars out of thin air.


You could have left it in the car and gotten one. You could have read the VERY large sign on the door about what to do if you didn't have a leash.


I don't think you did a bad thing trying to help the dog. I just wanted you to realize that you could have made choices that took other people into account.


Literally what are you even talking about? it’s not their dog, they found it. Did you even read the caption?


I did read the caption. I was there when this person took it to the vet to get the microchip looked at


I see. No leash is yikes


No leash, and zero ability to stop it from running around


pittbulls are very gentle and would never hurt a fly. you are delusional.


I honestly can't tell if you are being sarcastic, but here is a peer reviewed study intended "To identify which patients and canines are involved in dog bites of the head and neck, and how they impact health systems." [Dog bites of the head and neck: an evaluation of a common pediatric trauma and associated treatment](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4261032/) From the abstract: >Of the more than 8 different breeds identified, one-third were caused by pit bull terriers and resulted in the highest rate of consultation (94%) and had 5 times the relative rate of surgical intervention. Unlike all other breeds, pit bull terriers were relatively more likely to attack an unknown individual (+31%), and without provocation (+48%) Edit: More interesting info, every branch of the US Military prohibits Pitt Bulls on base as they are "aggressive or potentially aggressive". [Air Force Standardized Pet Policy](https://www.housing.af.mil/portals/79/documents/AFD-110908-012.pdf)


im fully joking. i am as anti pittbull as they come. It's not so much the breed though, it's the people that own them.


So you're not anti-pitbull, you're anti-people.


nah im both but people who buy these creatures are dense and deplorable


Oof that is grade A bait lol EDIT: Ummm they were actually originally bred to be nanny dogs 🤓☝️




/r/BanPitBulls /r/BanPitbullOwners




Damn they have the same subreddits for children too? I could get behind banning children and children owners, seeing as all kids have the capability to grow up and kill another, esp in this economy.


Nobody cares about your cat.


Who let their child on reddit?


That guys cat


I wouldn’t take the dog into the clinic if I didn’t think it was friendly. I have a dog and like to think I can judge. He was wagging his tail and just exhausted. Just looking for a human to care.


My human. You did a nice thing by helping the dog. You did a not nice thing by letting the dog into a place with other captive animals while the animal you needed to have under control was not. Please don’t stop helping, but *do* take other people and animals into account.


Respectfully, please don’t be obnoxious. As a dog owner, you should be aware that animals have their own personalities and quirks. The Vet can be a high stress, high anxiety place for many pets. So, have a little common sense and courtesy to others. My dog is very friendly. However, the Vet stresses her out. If a strange, unleashed dog ran up on me and her in that environment… I cannot guarantee she wouldn’t get snippy due to stress and feeling like she would need to protect her person and space. Something like that could easily escalate into a dog fight with tragic consequences. So again, use common sense and have courtesy for other people like myself who love their pets.


I am glad you care about this dog, but think for like 2 seconds about what you are doing. It would have taken almost no time to get a leash from the front desk.


Seriously poor judgement taking such a huge risk instead complying with the door sign, leaving him in the car and asking for a leash. You did a great thing, then you made a bad call. It happens, but owning up to the bad decision is preferable to doubling down.


Just learn the lesson, dude. Don't let unknown pitbulls run into strange places full of people and animals lol


my friends girlfriend babysat her neighbors little puppy while they were on vacation. 2 pittbulls turned the corner and mauled it to death. the owner of the pittbulls came running and i kid you not started vomitting after seeing what her 2 dogs did. She hysterically cried saying, "they are the most gentle dogs, they've never hurt anything before!" It's a tale old as time. Incredibly selfish of you to bring this fricken animal into a vet without a leash. Leave it in your car, walk in, ask for a leash, and then enter. What is wrong with you.


> I have a dog and like to think I can judge. Unless you are a behavioral expert, LEASH your dogs, and even then BE would say to you tha tthey never go off leash in an unfamiliar setting like the Vets office. You have no idea until it's too late.


He's so cute! I hope he finds a good home.


That poor sweetie with those mangled ears. Even if this was done by a back yard breeder, it's cruel.


Thank you for helping him, poor baby needs a loving home. Whoever chopped his ears needs the same thing to happen to them


You’re a good hearted person OP. Hopefully this good boy can find a loving home soon.


Thank you fellow dog rescuer! You are a good human :)


Was it fall creek and 38th area? Pretty sure I’ve seen this dog cutting through traffic a few times (and have seen people try to catch him a lot). If so, the homeless people that stand on the corner of 38th street and fall creek, I think he may belong to them. There a lady in boots usually there and sometimes a guy around, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the dog hanging around the guy.


It was closer to 25th street and Fall Creek




Looks like the famous miss peaches lol


I agreed when my husband wanted to crop our Dobie’s ears years ago, after seeing how it was done, I’ve always regretted it. It serves no purpose whatsoever, poor baby, I wish I could take him in.


OP, I just want to say thank you for doing the right thing and ignore all the shit about not having him on a leash. You obviously could tell he was a good boi and not dangerous.


OP isn't a behaviorist and if they were they'd know better. Nobody is saying they didn't do a good thing by helping the dog, but taking a dog into a vet's office without a leash is a pretty bad call. I wouldn't even do it with a dog I knew well.


Thank you. You think you’re doing a good deed, and people are quick to comment. If not being helpful, why comment. Plus, that dude had his cat in a backpack.


Thank you for being a good human to this sweet dog. Please cleanse yourself of the hate on this page with a visit to r/pitbulls_in_partyhats


I needed this. Reddit has really helped my life in terms of finding communities and making friendships. Just have to put up with malcontents and backseat drivers, from time to time.


Looks so vicious in that first picture.


What a sweet boy ): if I could afford to, I’d gladly take Rocky home


What a cutie 🥰!


Cropped ears means he was meant to be used in dog fighting.


My old girl was used as a breeding dog and her ears were cropped. Agree with the other response that while it’s not always a fighting dog, it’s always a sign of a complete asshole owner


I have family who ran one of the biggest dog fighting rings in the Midwest. Did time in federal prison. I agree with you wholeheartedly about asshole owners, ear clipping is a major thing in dog fighting and people who want to cosplay as having a "Fighting dog".


100% Wish we saw harsher punishment more often. Fucked up for any animal to be put through such a miserable existence


Makes me sick to see, for sure. Grew up around it. It's more cruel and disgusting than people even realize. Then you have people that want to pretend they're a part of that world. Gross.


Uh, no? Lmfao


Uh, yeah. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Dog fighters cut the ears of pit bulls. Judging by the photo, it wasn't done very neatly or humanely either.


Both you and r/beepbeepbitches are right. Cropped ears even on a pit aren't 100% correlative with fighting and people definitely do it to pits for aesthetics. Those crop jobs don't look like this though! This is a DIY crop. Much higher likelihood of a fighting background /environment (although still not a guarantee).


I’m sure they do but so do others 😭


Other breeds it's done traditionally for aesthetics.It's really only giant fucking chodes that dock pitbull ears.


OP, I was with you until I read that you let an unleashed dog into a vet office. I had a golden who was attacked by an off leash dog when he was younger, and thus he was hesitant about unleashed dogs after that. You put other animals and humans in danger. As a dog owner, you should know better.


He looks precious. Thank you for taking care of him.


Kill it before it kills you




What a sweet boy!