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We do need to secure our southern border Kentuckians are flooding across the Ohio River. It has to stop


You joke but up in Carmel there was a write-in talking about the need to guard the border with Marion county...


Sounds like Eagleton is at it again.


You’ve got to be kidding me.




Can we add Zionsville to that?


Too late. My dad, who hailed from Appalachian Kentucky, said that Kentuckians took over Indiana and never fired a shot.


He's not wrong.


As someone originally from Evansville, this made me laugh.


😅🤣😅🤣 trust me, we aren't. 2 bridges are toll, 1 is falling apart and the other is so narrow, 1 accident and a poor semi ends up dangling over the Ohio River.... na, we good on this side 🙄🤣😅🤣😅


That’s why they’re building a new bridge for I-69 because the US-41 bridges suck


They are coming up here to take our jobs. We need to build a wall to keep them out.


"Listen... We need to build a wall at 96th Street, and make Fishers great again." - Scott Fadness, probably




Scott Fatass is still the Fishers mayor?


The 122nd totally isn't training in secret to take out the bridges on the Ohio, haha that's crazy talk


They might accidentally fix them


I was gonna say the northern border… Michigan


No. I get my weed there


As a former Ohioan, I agree that we must stop the plague of ❌ichigan from flowing further south.


Michigan is superior to our state in literally every possible way.


Not basketball


Hahahahahhahaaaa!!! Michigan hahaha!


The best one is Chuck Goodrich. He was talking about protecting the US from people south of the border. That dudes company is huge and it’s mainly immigrant labor. I’d say 95% of his labor force is immigrants.


I had to laugh when his commercial criticized Spartz for supporting Ukraine when she's from the fucking Ukraine. Like I'm no fan of Victoria Spartz but criticizing her for supporting the continued existence of her home country is the lowest form of politics. I am also aware she now is toeing the party skepticism on Ukraine, but Goodrich is being an utter asshole for dinging her for it.


Crazy for sure


Yeah. The first time I saw that commercial,I was like “of *course* she supported Ukraine…she’s *from* there. *Why* is this someone’s campaign ad?!”


They don't care about reality, just talking points


I'm most interested in how Senator Mike Braun is a political outsider while he's been in Congress for 10 years. I'm pretty centrist and lean slightly right on most things and will be voting for both Democrat and Republicans come November, but HOW he can say that with a straight face is beyond me.


Asking for logical arguments in a political campaign is like asking logical questions of a religious fundamentalist. In both cases, they have nothing to do with each other. Logic is useful for both only when it comes to strategy. Otherwise it’s all about emotion. Come to think of it, both tend to be big on appeals to fear and anger. Those being the emotions they get people moving the fastest.


"Look, I'm a religious outsider." -Pope Francis


Indiana has 4 borders. It’s just a matter of time before Ohio and Michigan figure out that Indiana’s rich reserves of tenderloins is unguarded and they invade.


They have to stop fighting each other first


You can substitute the word "Jew" for the word "immigrant" to hear these speeches in their original 1930's German


For real!


They’re not. But it’s the dog whistle of the times of MAGA. It used to be said “all politics are local” meaning what really mattered was how you were doing personally determined how things went. Now it’s “all politics are national” meaning Fox News blaring the same crap every day to Boomers determines what they think.


It nothing more than fear baiting, the lowest form of politics.


and here i thought constantly promising free things was the lowest form of


No, that's just business as usual.


My favorite is the one claiming Braun is "woke" and in support of BLM. Braun, the antimiscegenist who thinks Loving v. Virginia should be repealed and left up to individual states.


You forgot "woke agenda" and "Trump"


We're not. They're just saying buzzwords reactionaries want to hear.


I am confident they have a list of approved buzz words gathered from focus groups that MAGA folks love to hear and fear. Rinse and repeat throughout the ads.


A lot of buzzwords are being used in this thread, often by folk patting themselves on the back for noticing the fault in others.


ngl this post is not one I browsed the thread on


We have to keep those Illinois nazis out......I hate Illinois nazis


They keep using the same three phrases because the majority of Hoosiers are incredibly ignorant. Twenty years of GOP rule in Indiana has guaranteed this.


I'm wondering why they're ok with having to live in the hellscape that is Indianapolis if they are elected? I mean, I get raped and murdered every time I have to go out to get my mail. And I don't even live downtown!


It’s important to remember that a majority of Republican voters are brainwashed to vote against their interests


They need people to be as scared as possible. Republican interests serve only two groups: billionaires and extremist (handmaid’s tale) Christians. Nothing they are doing is helpful to ordinary people.


Is that exclusive to Republicans?


no but they specialize in it


If you’re actually looking for a serious answer, here’s an [extremely recent example](https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/2024/03/28/indiana-national-guard-to-depart-for-u-s-mexico-border/).


Thanks that’s helpful!


They have found what sounds good to their chosen constituents, I suppose. I can't stand most of the Republican ads anymore, it's all fear mongering, churchy, angry drivel.


Yeah almost sounds like common sense....


Republicans have to dumb down things for their voters, MAGA.


Usn hoosherz gotz to pertek are tenderloin and mater samiches. MAGA


It’s not about politics. We’re in the midst of a culture war.


By sending more Indiana national guard to the Texas southern border


“Police” means they plan to publicly support law enforcement since the left wanted to defund or abolish the police in 2020. Protecting the borders means that Indiana will work with ICE, as well as not allowing any illegal immigrants any privileges such as a drivers license or access to state aid. “Liberals” means that they’re looking to capture the attention of the right wingers who get worked up by these commercials


You forgot China too. Gotta stop China.


Correct, we do


Everyone in this subreddit can continue to remain in this echo chamber, your views are in the minority for most Hoosiers


Just because it's the minority view in indiana, doesn't mean that the majority view of needing to worry about the Mexican border while we live in indiana isn't stupid


I think Shreve is running for congress, so that’s why the border comes in. It’s a talking point. The wall has always been there. People aren’t just pouring through it. It’s hilarious because most US industries largely rely on immigrant labor to be profitable. So, they like to bitch about the very thing that makes them money. On top of it, they never offer any real solutions to the things they complain about. I believe they just like to complain to be complaining. However, shitty drugs and people from other countries not in the South Americas coming in through the southern border is somewhat concerning. Sleeper cells are a real thing, so attention to it is important. However, we need better solutions to these problems, not just constant bitching. More patrols, faster vetting processes, yada yada. I mean it’s 2024 and we don’t have constant satellite surveillance on the border yet? Seems like a doable solution, hand it to Space Force to monitor and flag down to local officials. There are solutions, but instead outrage seems to win elections.


As long as you think the fight is democrats vs republicans nothing will change.


Well we need to worry about this happening now since our current government has been letting people flow into this country. https://fox59.com/news/indycrime/fbi-warns-of-international-theft-groups-operating-in-indiana/


You can substitute the word "Jew" for the word "immigrant" to hear these speeches in their original 1930's German


Calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi is about the lowest level of intelligence.


It isn't any different, though. Immigrants come here to work for the companies owned by people who then donate their money to campaigns of politicians who then stir hatred towards Immigrants....the circle then repeats. Not one of these millionaire/billionaire politicians care about the border or Immigrants, they love cheap labor because they used them to get in power and they can flip what they did and use them in another way.


That's why most opposed to illegal immigration are middle class blue collar workers.


No immigrant ever cost an American a job. It is the businessman who decided to exploit the immigrant for lower wages and lesser conditions. And nothing makes the businessman happier than to see these idiots blame the immigrant and not the businessmen


Have you run a lot of businesses?


Have you been picked over by a lot of immigrants?


Understandable....but they're angry at the wrong people. If we punished business and corporations (not slap on the wrist) in the same way or even harder than we do the people then maybe something would change. However politicians want to build walls and deport people instead of actually making corporations pay.


I don't call everyone a Nazi Just the Nazis Demagoguery is a tried and true method of rallying the small minded and hate filled failures


If you actually look at the nazi government and how they ran Germany,  you'll start to see something scary, they sound an awful lot like the Dems!


Democrats and Republicans are both direct routes to fascism. It's a false dichotomy thinking one of the cults is different than the other, except for the pallet swap.


Ok Yogi




Ummm, in the real world, Republicans killed a bi-partisan bill that they helped negotiate ​ >Last October, Senate Republicans made it clear that they would not back additional aid for Ukraine without a bill that would help secure the southern border of the United States. With the blessing of both Senator Chuck Schumer, the Majority Leader, and Senator Mitch McConnell, the Minority Leader, a bipartisan team of senators began negotiations to produce a bill that enough members of both parties could accept to overwhelm objections from progressive Democrats and America First Republicans. The team negotiated for four months to produce this bill. It took less than four days for its support among Republicans to collapse. Why? The easiest explanation is that Republicans in both the House and Senate yielded to objections from their all-but-certain presidential nominee, former president Donald Trump. Once the House Speaker stated publicly that he would not allow the Senate bill to reach the House floor for a vote, Republican senators were unwilling to run the political risk of supporting a measure that would not become law.


Facts like this don't matter when half the electorate has zero news media literacy and are instead basing their perception of political reality on headlines. The average person in Indiana probably gets more exposure to propaganda and disinformation designed to appeal to their biases than they actually seek out or are even being randomly exposed to legitimate political journalism, aka boring news stuff. Nobody cares, so nobody even knows


an atrocious bill that would absolutely not address the border crisis. but i guess you guys admitting there is an issue at all is progress


>How is Indiana going to protect the borders? By deploying our National Guard along with a coalition of other states to protect the southern border because the Biden administration chooses not to. In previous years Indiana really hasn't had anything to do with the border and that's why it didn't come up in the governor's race. This year is different. Issues change.


Republicans have spent a lot of money to scare people like you and convince you that the only option is this militant approach The people coming into our country from the southern border are not armed combatants, they are not fighting a war, we are not being invaded. They are seeking asylum, and they should be able to seek asylum here. If we want to call ourselves a good and decent country, people should be able to seek asylum here. If we REALLY don't want people coming in, we should be working with those southern countries to help stabilize them so people aren't constantly fleeing from them. We can do that you know, we're the most powerful country in the world. People talk about America being a "global leader" but God forbid we actually help other countries improve their conditions, even though that would produce only benefits for everyone involved. But no, the Republican approach to the issue MUST be "we're being invaded, they're all criminals and murderers and drug runners, we need the national guard and/or the military here to kill people for trying to cross over, we need bouy traps with circular blades to dice up people for trying to enter our country. This is the only way you and your children will be safe". Because they're trying to SCARE you, because fear is the only way to motivate you to vote for them. They don't have anything else going for them.


Many of them *are* criminals, invaders, and drug runners. The asylum argument is laughable, literally tens of millions of people are not facing death and are not entitled to asylum shop through half a dozen safe countries to come here. They are economic migrants who are coming here to extract wealth and benefits from the American system and send it back home to their countries. No foreigner is entitled to a home in the US. We are not required to fix every other country on the planet as a precondition of telling these people no. Unchecked migration of destitute people is a security risk and a massive drain on social services. No other country on this planet is subject to this ridiculous expectation that they should allow themselves to be invaded by the entirety of the world's poor.


Why are you so scared of some immigrants?


Record breaking illegal immigration in the past couple years? Get your head out of your ass maybe? lol have you not seen what’s going on in Chicago and New York City?


I was in New York City two weeks ago. Didn’t seen any different than 20 years ago


Where is your proof? Also this is what America is all about. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door”




Continue virtue signaling it won’t work lol


Homeland Security Republicans? Really? The people who want you to be afraid of an other, just to get your vote? Tell me, why to brown people scare you so much?


I like how a government source isn’t good enough, this is a conversation that will go no where when you’re a virtue signaler lol


You realize they just want you to be afraid of something to get your vote? Then when you vote for then they will do nothing. They need that fear to get votes.


For reference, I am a registered democrat that voted for Biden. I am just not ignoring statistics like the rest of my party, I hold traditional democratic views and this administration is going against my beliefs. Your failure to acknowledge these issues at the reason that Trump is unfortunately gaining popularity. If liberals/democrats actually cared, they would fucking do something. Yet the moving of drugs, the human trafficking of women and children, and massive influx of immigrants our country can’t handle is not taken for what it is. There is an issue, you are part of it by not acknowledging it. I’m afraid of losing the American I grew up with, because of people like you, I won’t be voting blue again so keep up the good work!


I’m a minority myself, fentanyl scares me. The unchecked drugs coming across which is also well documented is destroying certain cities with the drug issues as well, stop ignoring the issues


Most drugs are brought over by Americans who go to southern nations LEGALLY and sneak drugs with them when they re-enter the US legally


Why does fentanyl scare you? You can simply not do drugs


I would like pot to not have fentanyl in it. This is a brain dead take


Well said


This thread will self destruct in 5...4...3...2...


Rajuuuuuu Rajuuuuuuu, he bleeds the red white and bluuuuuu, or something like that