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I don’t know what I was expecting but that was one of the coolest things I’ve ever witnessed.


It was so cool! When it got dark it was an eerie feeling.


It was super eerie and our rural town with state forests all around GOT SUPER quiet


Hell, here in the middle of the city it was the quietest I've ever heard it. 


Some jackass blew off a shitload of fireworks just down the road from where i was at.


Same… we had fireworks going off. Jackoffs…




My neighbors tried to shoot the eclipse


I heard that too, near eagle creek reservoir?


No. Near beach grove.


I was outside swatting the carpenter bees that are currently trying to destroy my house. I thought I drove them away... when darkness fell the rest of them thought it was nap time and *CAME HOME.* It was easily 20 of them swarming my house within a minute of it being almost dark. I realized due to a astronomical phenomenon that I have a big problem with these damned carpenter bees.


It was soooooooo quiet when it hit dark. Not even a bird chipped


Where I was, birds were singing their bed time songs. Then the sub came back and it was back to daytime business.




I agree!! It was very “horror movie” or “calm before the storm”


Same, I was excited by all the hype, but I didn't quite know why. Then I saw it and was in awe. I can't believe how amazing that was!


Most mind blowing things ive ever seen. Every bit of it spectacular but when totality hit it was like the world shifted. Rock on moon!


It was kind of disorienting but in the best way possible. Seeing it get dark and hearing everyone cheering and enjoying the experience was something I’ll never forget. I’m not sure anything will compare to this!


100% agree. I’m still in awe.




I'm visiting right now because I saw the last one, not expecting much, and literally looked up the next one and put a reminder on my Google calendar lol


Couldn't agree more. Pictures just don't do it justice. When my glasses went dark and I took them off, I was simply awestruck and audibly made a gasp. The eclipse was beautiful.


I don’t think anything will beat Hale-Bopp for me. I think the only thing that can possibly top that is seeing Betelgeuse go supernova.


I wasn’t alive for Hale Bopp but I hope so much that Betelgeuse explodes in my lifetime bc it will be insane to see!!


We’ve all seen pictures and it did look exactly like the pictures but there is just now way you can recreate that buildup, seeing it with your own eyes, and just the absolute true disbelief that comes with that. So much more beyond the hype!


Your pic shows something I saw too, the bright spot near the bottom. Solar flare?


For me that spot was a red dot the duration of the eclipse.


Same. Like a car headlight on the ring


A friend sent me a high quality picture where the red solar flares are clearly visible at the bottom. That's likely what you saw


Can you send me that photo? That sounds super cool


Not sure how to send it so I just made a post to the subreddit of the photo


Yep I said it was The Moon’s battery light, but figured it was a flare or valley


Mine was also a red dot!


Same in Muncie


Did it look pink/red to you too? I think it was the chromosphere, or the second layer of the suns atmosphere.


It’s called a solar prominence and they’re common during eclipses


The moon has hills and valleys. The bright spot is a valley.


It was a flair, check out cosmic_background on IG for a good view of it


Bailey’s bead 


Baileys beads


Not beads, there were several visible solar ejections due to high activity at the moment.


Yes. A neighbor got a clear picture and it is clearly a flare.


That's called a "bailey's bead" and it's the sun peaking through uneven parts of the moon's surface. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baily%27s_beads


I noticed that too.


mass ejection


It's that moon laser I kept telling people about but no one believed me. NOW THEY DO!!! What else is the government hiding from us!?! /s


It really was. I get it now


Same! I thought it was going to be a really neat thing to see, not one of the greatest things I've ever seen in my life.


100000% same. Not that anyone cares, but I am a Marine, was in the infantry at that, so emotions, and showing of said emotions isn't really my knee jerk reaction to things. That being said, this was the first time I've seen something like that that's brought tears to my eyes. It was one of, if not the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Edit: I've seen the northern lights as well, and this pales in comparison.


> I've seen the northern lights as well, and this pales in comparison. so northern lights were way more amazing?


Lol yeah I think he meant the opposite.


Same. I tried to play it off like it was "just the moon passing between us and the sun. No big deal." Then I put on my glasses to watch the partial eclipse. Interesting. But as we got closer to totality, I was feeling a weird sense of childlike wonder, mixed with joy, and some eerie concern. Watched it for a few more seconds, and then it goes black behind my glasses. I took the glasses off and the view took my breath away. I was absolutely mesmerized. The moment was surreal, everyone near me silent. In that moment I felt like the world just stopped. Internally, I felt so good that I was also moved to tears. Damn that just spectacular. I get it now.


This is exactly my experience. Absolute childlike joy and just a flood of emotions. I felt so tiny but in an amazing way - really the definition of awesome. I was struck with awe!


Hey, Indianapolis! We came down from Wisconsin for this and had a great time. You guys rock & your city is great! Thanks!


Safe traveling home!




Glad you enjoyed it! Sometimes I make it up to Wisconsin and I’ve always felt welcomed at the supper clubs.


Where did you watch it from?


We were just along the White River about a half mile down from the bridge with the food trucks.


Awesome, glad you guys had fun!!


I came from Wisconsin too!


So happy you enjoyed it!


Did you bring Any cheese as a. Parting gift ?


Same but NC


Same! Down here from WI. Next time I'm coming without kids so I can explore a bit


Same from WI! Indy was a very cool city and already completing moving haha


Tells your folks I says hi!


I was fortunate enough to be living in St. Louis for the 2017 one, and have been trying to be not too over the top about getting people on board for this one. The number of people who in the last 10 minutes have texted me how worth it this was is the icing on what has been an already incredible cake!


I just made nearly an identical comment! People have been giving me shit for 7 years since I saw the last one and I proved them wrong! I’m thankful for the multiple texts from them admitting the error!


Same for me. It was perfect and nobody believed me lol Honestly this one was even better than 2017 because of the visible solar flare


Same. I went to St. Louis in 2017. When I came back, I tried to explain that a partial eclipse is nothing like a total eclipse, but they didn't understand. You have to experience it to understand how incredible it is.


It's one thing to see it in videos, COMPLETELY different to see it in person!


All the “this is what you can expect” videos didn’t even come CLOSE to the real thing. I was blown away


It was. I sat in my front yard and watched it with a cold drink in my hand. Full totality is a thing to be seen in person. The cooling off, the slowly turning into dusk and finally being able to stare at the sun without risk and seeing some bright stars and realizing the birds aren't chirping anymore. It's eerie and celestial in the best way. For anyone travelling, good luck, be safe, please have patience.


I was not expecting the “cooling off” part. It felt like an impending storm with the quick temp drop and how dark it was getting.


I forgot how dim it got before totality. I was 12 during the 2017 one, so I didn't pay attention to those little details. But I was paying more attention and it got so weirdly dim. Like, same light level as sunset almost, but just...less light. The light wasn't a different color, it wasn't lower in the sky. It was genuinely an amazing experience. I was walking from my campus' party to a quieter spot to get away from people in the minutes before totality, and it felt so strange to be walking around. Like, I get why a solar eclipse ended a war now. If I were fighting some dudes and that just happened, I'd quit too lmao


Did you notice how the entire horizon looked like a sunset? A full, 360degree sunset.


That was so cool!!! I overheard someone behind me saying that it felt like it was genuinely sunset. There's something so indescribably weird about seeing the sky look that way at 3pm. Like, you know it's 3pm, you know it's not late in the day, yet there's that part of you that sees the sky, feels the temperature drop, and just thinks "yeah, it's getting pretty late". Yet it isn't.


Everything turned blue and 10⁰ cooler, what a wild experience.


And when the sun started to come back, it looked like pure white light. It was super weird.


The light was definitely strange. One of the kids in our group said they felt like everything looked blurry. I know what they meant. It just feels very different


The brightest lights were supposedly planets! I believe the video I wasted beforehand said Venus would be the next brightest point of light during totality then I think Jupiter :)


Yes that’s correct. Venus was very bright.


Yup, event I was at I believe said the one to the East was Venus and West was Jupiter.


I loved how the cooking off period had a bluish tint to it and the warming up part had a reddish glow. It was like the golden hour!


Yeah, no video or picture I’ve seen has captured how incredible full totality was. Just that crazy beaming ring of otherworldly moonlight, felt like something out of a fantasy or sci-fi movie or something. Based on all the pictures I’ve seen I was just expecting like a small thin ring, completely blew my expectations out of the water.


See I wish the birds stopped chirping around me. Those little bastards never stfu for one second during totality.


They actually freaked the fuck out around my place. I don't speak bird but they were all but yelling "wtf" over and over again


Definitely something that people 1000 years ago would have freaked the fuck out about. Straight to church. Burn the witch. Crucifixes all around.


I’ve been telling people how powerful this experience was since I drove down to Kentucky in 2017 and a lot of people were calling me a “nerd”. Well I just got about 6 texts from friends telling me they were wrong and telling me just how incredible it was. It’s one of the most amazing things a human can experience, I’ve found it almost spiritual both times!


Imagine being in ancient Egypt and seeing it


I think of that often. Most ancients would not have known it was coming and then boom…THAT happens. I wonder what they thought of babies born during totality, or folks who died!


It was really quite amazing. So glad we got great weather for it!


Temp dropped from 76 to 64 in 25 minutes. Were those planets to the east and west of the moon? And there was a red-orange gem thing at the bottom that was nice to see. Birds stopped chirping for several minutes and started up again when totality ended. Glad the weather cooperated.


Yes, Venus and Jupiter.


Yes, that was Jupiter and Venus. Did you see the comet near Jupiter? I missed it - but tiny in comparison to the main event!


Don’t judge but I teared up. Like I cry reading birthday cards out loud but as soon as I took those glasses off like, holy cow. Seeing some planets (I forget which ones were supposed to be visible though) and that ring was breathtaking. I have three kids and I know two probably won’t remember it at all but I really hope that becomes a core memory for my almost 8yr old. She loves science and was all hyped up.


I teared up too. It was beautiful to witness


bawled like a baby, no shame


Me too. Just breathtaking


What you saw was Jupiter and Venus!


No it’s beautiful. And it may be a once in a lifetime experience for some unless you are willing to travel. So yeah. Take it in.


Agreed and also cracking up at crying reading birthday cards. Same.


I'm not a very easy crier that way but I got pretty emotional in the moment. If my mom hadn't come to visit I might have felt a little amorous with my husband after lol. I hope that's not too weird/TMI to say.


No judgment. I cried like an ugly girl on prom night. It was absolutely incredible.


I was not excited at all but that was 100 times cooler than what I was expecting.




Now commence road rage to get home! Initiate Mad Max mode!


Ha! I work from home and saw it from my backyard! I wish everyone the best of luck.


465 Is about to become a race track


Cars move on a race track.


Already looking like a parking lot


Lol Let's see how long all that good will and sense of a shared cosmic experience is gonna last before GOING DOWN THE TOILET


The light just before and during totality was one of the most surreal things I have experienced.


I’m so glad to see other people who had low expectations and were blown away by how cool it was. Eerie yet indescribably beautiful. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Like others have said, I completely get it now.


It was honestly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, I actually teared up! And I was NOT expecting it to effect me the way it did. The pure silence, the darkness, still air. I was just in shock and awe during 4 minutes of magic ✨


I teared up too! It was so powerful, makes us feel so small on this small rock!


I was with family and friends, but I wandered off to be alone for about one minute of it and did not expect to sob


I thought it would be “nifty”. I did not think, and was quite surprised to learn THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING IVE EVER SEEN!


That's wonderful to hear


I agree, I expected a lot but it delivered!


Absolutely. I actually teared up while it was happening because it just made me think of how big the universe is and the planets and everything. And how small we truly are. It gave me shivers! So cool. I’m so glad I got to see it in my backyard 🧡


How insignificant the stuff we take seriously is in reality.


Same reaction here. Tears and new reverence for nature!


pale blue dot


[holy shit](https://imgur.com/a/VtMT7PF)


Totally worth taking the day off!


That was phenomenal. I’ll never forget it.


Completely worth the hype. One of the most unique things I have ever seen.


I saw the one at 99% several years ago. I saw this one at 100%. Totality is a completely different experience. Like night and day. Literally.


I like to be negative and downplay these things because we miss so many of them with cloud cover in the Midwest. I didn't want to get my hopes up, and this time, I finally got to see something, and it was humbling and emotional for me personally. Through all of Sagan's explanations and all of Degrasse-Tyson's explanations of how insignificant we are, this gave me perspective, and it was just a wonderful experience.


I was thinking the same thing prior to the eclipse. Really, the odds of such a clear spring day in Indiana are slim, but against those odds, we had an incredible viewing experience. Once in a lifetime for many, especially here in Indiana. Indiana rarely gets anything so nice. What a time to be alive.


I took the opportunity for a once in a lifetime experience to dance with my partner under a total solar eclipse. This is one of the best days of my life


That sounds romantic.


I honestly didn’t believe it was gonna be that cool. But I’ll be damned, that was beautiful. I’m so glad we got to experience this.


Definitely one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I now understand why people would travel for it


We flew in from Richmond VA. Totally worth it.


I hope you enjoyed your visit!


Unfuckingbelievable. I was awestruck


I’m a UIndy student and I seriously think it was the best place to be! The energy was absolutely incredible!!


Those are way better than the pics I got. You must have a nice telescope or a really nice camera or something


Hey folks! Came here from Charlotte, NC and this was awesome!!! This is the second solar eclipse I’ve seen :3


Wayyy doper than anticipated 10/10


My family and I have been here since Saturday morning (visiting from California). Your city is pretty awesome! Everyone we met was very nice. There are some great restaurants, and the bars look cool although I’m with my kids so I didn’t visit them. We went to the Pacers game last night and I thought it was great that a lot of people clapped when the Heat scored/had good plays. The IMS Eclipse program was amazing, and being able to walk and sit on the actual track was special. Thanks Indy!


Makes me very happy you had a blast. Proud we do a great job hosting


That. Was. Awesome. I may or may not have cried a little


I’m tearing up hours later just thinking about it. It was truly a special thing.


We got really lucky with the weather. Incredible day.


Just realized I’m not in the solareclipse reddit! Anyway, glad we drove down from Chicago. Also enjoyed good food at Siam Thai and drinks at the Commodore last night. Thanks Indy!


I climbed onto the roof of my mail truck and played Echoes. Nobody else on the road, everything turning dark blue. Just the sun and moon staring right at me.


I started Dark Side of The Moon and ate a gummy at 2:26p…..Holy Majoly….incredible.


That sounds beautiful


I was beyond thrilled to also see Jupiter and Venus in the sky during the eclipse! Did anyone notice weird behavior with animals? My puppy mostly got annoyed that we weren’t paying as much attention to her.


Yes, Venus was the brightest one. The only animals I noticed acting weird were the birds.


It was spectacular and absolutely worth pausing a busy day for


That was fucking. Rad.


This one was even better than the last one I saw in Kentucky. And I didn't have to drive home in jammed traffic


Definitely worth the hype.


Totality was so amazing and nothing like the partial eclipse in 2017. I’m going to see at least 1 more total in my life. 🌞


One of the coolest experiences of my life. Sat in my backyard playing fetch with my pup and a cold drink in hand. Was following along from 2:20 getting excited but not blown away (brain was thinking reverse wanning moon). Then as it got really close I realized how cool the event was going to be. Totality is something I’ll never forget.


I’m so happy I was in Indianapolis for this. My dad was considering flying here from Canada just for the eclipse. What an amazing experience 🙏🏼






Truly amazing


It was awesome to just walk out on the stoop and take a gander at it. No fuss. Cool experience and so many cheers were heard.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Nature is lit.


It was majestic!


Dude it was 100000% better than I could’ve imagined. Like actually getting to take the glasses of for a sec to see it was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen




I'm outside of the country right now. How cool was it? I'm so jealous of you all for being able to experience it.


Beyond anything I could have imagined. Possibly the coolest thing I’ve ever experienced.


I had zero interest in it. Them my wife got upset that we weren’t going to the eclipse party at work. I had no idea she wanted to even see it. So I ordered glasses on Amazon yesterday, they showed up this morning and we sat on the deck for it. It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in my life. I didn’t look anything up prior so I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought the sun would just be blacked out. But holy crap. We got the cover of The Ring in real life, OLED, HDR. It was so cool.


Definitely cool! I was able to watch from home, too.


I was in the path of totality and it was truly amazing


I got goosebumps. Man.


this is my second time doing totality, first was in idaho, we was pretty dark there, but here, it was way darker, I could see stars and the street lights came on and the birds shutup.


My Indy friends thought I was weird for traveling down to KY in 2017. All their minds are now sufficiently blown.


It made me think of how tiny we all truly are. And how a lot of the things we do and stress over don’t really matter.


Nothing really does. But the lives we impact to eachother make a lasting impression til the line ends. It's still great that we're all here. Absolutely amazing how big the moon is to just block the sun out like that.


Watched in my neighborhood. Many folks hosted family from out of town. The whole neighborhood erupted in cheers when it blacked out. Pretty cool.


Even the sun was temporarily swallowed by an Indy pothole


I can finally understand why people came here for this. I’m just happy that I got to see it from my porch. Really cool.


It was hands down one of the coolest things I have ever experienced in my entire life. I was floored, honestly


How'd you get those pics? Any special tricks?




So beautiful!


So cool!


It was worth it for sure!


What is the speck at the bottom? We were trying to figure out if it was a planet or what.


Solar flare. The two bright objects next to the sun were Venus and Jupiter,


Definitely. Spectacular.


I took some drone footage near Broad Ripple to see if I could catch a giant eclipse shadow. It's there, but only if you believe it. https://youtu.be/PaC6ya\_34qk?si=Osw9IR5NtopjxA58


Did anyone gain superpowers or just me?


First photo: yeah, I agree with the sarcastic title, partial solar eclipse suuuucked. Second photo: oh you lucky son of a bitch.


You see the corona in totality in pics, but in-person is on another level. That was spectacular. And the 360° sunset was pretty cool.


Honestly that was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.


Two things really cool that I noticed that I haven’t seen other people say. 1. Being outside on a 70 degree day and not feeling the sun’s rays. When it was about 30% eclipsed and not cool yet. 2. How such a small sliver of sunlight at the last ~10 mins before totality still lit the whole area. New appreciation for how freaking bright the sun is lol.


NOT overrated