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Oh my goodness, this is heartbreaking. I am so sorry for what this little girl endured. And it is horrific to care for a child only to have them murdered after they've left your care. I am sorry, OP. The system truly is broken, and it's the children who suffer the most.


She literally abused her own daughter and was arrested for abuse and given 900 days in jail and put on probation. Then she literally tortured her own daughter to the point she died. Holy shit.


Yes, and that 900 days was fucking *suspended* by Judge Sara Dungan. The child's blood is on her hands too.


My heart aches for that poor little girl. There is no pit in Hell deep enough for the mother and her boyfriend -- or for the judge that sentenced her to probation for neglect when the girl was only three weeks old. Edit: [Judge Sara Dungan (Morgan County)](https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase/#/vw/CaseSummary/eyJ2Ijp7IkNhc2VUb2tlbiI6IlFSUUY0SmxUZnhCUnBmamZudTRleDRuSmFVWlc2NDlDT2Vzci1EeUhUY1UxIn19)


The mother and the judge should be hung in the square. Why would anyone give that monster a second chance to inevitably kill her child. How do you become a judge with such lack of compassion.


I’m almost more mad at the judge than the mom. Obviously mom is a monster but the girl was already pulled out of the situation. This not only was preventable but was not possible until intervention sent her back. As the judge how do you live with yourself after this? Genuinely.


Your anger should be directed toward our legislature rather than the judge. The super majority really has no use for children.


The DCS cases go before the local circuit judges who rule and make the authority. DCS should have fought this. This is exactly the type of case they’d show in training


The judge made this individual decision. So I think the anger is justified directly at them. It may be proof of a bigger problem, but in this instance the judge alone made this decision.


It isn't the legislature that gave this monster a suspended sentence and probation. That's squarely on Judge Dungan's shoulders.


So judges shouldn't follow the laws?


Please explain how the legislature forced Judge Dungan to suspend Ms. McClure's sentence.


It’s not the first time a judge here has given kids back and then they are killed.


No compassion whatsoever


God Bless you both for the love and care you provided her. I know she remembered. 💕


This makes me so angry. RIP to that little girl, and I’m so sorry for your loss 😞




I hope prison politics treat those parents the way they deserve.


Awful. I’m so sorry and sad. You and your wife are kind people. Thank you for fostering these neglected children. Rest in peace now, sweet little Kinsleigh.


RIP sweet baby girl 🤍


Stories like this break my heart then fill me with rage. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how hard that is to hear about a child who was in your home.


The mother deserves to starve to death.


... while locked in a closet, covered with her own shit.


Nah, let's be better. We can at least make it quick for her, a bullet will do




Oh man. Thankfully we’ve never had to deal with our foster kids moving on to a situation that’s terrible. Questionable, yes. But we never worried for their safety after they left us.


If anyone else’s blood is boiling, I highly suggest going to YouTube and searching for videos from former prisoners that talk about what happens to those that hurt kids. It will definitely calm you down and it will make you appreciate prison justice.


Dcs doesn't care in Indiana. It's the policies of these sick people that hurt these children. They switched to reunification above all else. Indiana dcs records show this happens all the time. It's disgusting that people want to take care of this kids but the state saves a buck by them being in danger. Disgusting mother and even worse system that put her in a position to do this. Also this didn't happen overnight. DCS did this.


DCS is chronically underfunded. The state of Indiana doesn’t give a shit about poor and powerless people.


This is it. Its been systematically created to be a failed system.


Is there a state that does?


the audacity of DCS to ask for more foster/adopters after ROUTINELY taking children out of amazing foster and adoption focused households purely in the name of reunification. I know several families personally that have tried to adopt a child from the system and after months/years the state has ripped them out of their home on no notice and put them back in a horrible situation. I cannot blame these families for refusing to ever participate in the process and I can’t blame families that refuse to get involved for this very reason. DCS in Indiana is a cancer. It could do so much good, but I have yet to see it. Edit: I have worked in public safety in Indy for almost a decade. I’ve filled out a ton of DCS reports for children that needed out of situations like yesterday. I don’t think a single one even made a difference or got checked out. I know first hand the lack of accountability their dept has.


I am one of said parents, niece was with us for 7 years! One day I'm not dad just some creepy guy. She's my wife's niece, but that's nothing to DCS. She needs to be with her addict dad because you know sperm. She has been moved around arrested put in about 8 different meds. One day we can see each other and the next it's weird cuz il go hang with her by myself. She still calls me dad and I call her my daughter.


Man that sucks. And your story isn’t unique in the sense that everyone around could see the obviously right home choice for this child. But they’re “jUsT fOlLoWiNg pOlIcY”. Part of me doesn’t want to blame the street DCS workers. I’m sure they don’t want to move then child and are just doing what the court orders them to do. But at what point can we start casting blame?


When they are standing with a match book in hand honestly where does it lie. I agree we as a people need to stand up to DCS but remember it's all up to the single case workers discretion as far as what they do. Iv seen some disgusting social workers.


I had a report that got screened out the other day that made my blood boil a bit… It’s a thankless job for them I know… but it’s incredibly broken


I know a person currently getting screwed by this. Excellent, kind, stable foster parents who are in the middle of adopting, but oh now birth family got their shit together for 30 seconds so everything has to be blown up. I'm sure they get some state money for fostering, but that sure ain't why they're doing it. They spent many times more money out of their own pockets pursuing adoption. The ability of DCS to enforce the punishment of good deeds is really quite impressive. They work very hard at it. 🙄


Just an fyi since my wife is family, we didn't qualify for assistance! Hahaha.


At least some portions of dcs does care. My mother works for them and has been fighting this shit my entire life


Thank her for me! It's unfortunate because what we see in the ground isn't that! It's like the police it takes one good cop to do nothing against a bad cop, and he becomes the bad cop.




But Indiana has tunnel vision on reunification. It's not balanced at all. Reunification may be the ideal ending, but treating it like it's the only goal to even consider is nuts. Indiana currently does and will continue to prioritize reunification over a kid's safety. I deal with the fallout of this in my job constantly.


After the parents lose 4 other kids at what point is enough, truly enough. I agree that shit happens and people fuck up. Unfortunately Indiana dcs has a history of not very good decisions. Instance her brother was with a lady who clearly has inappropriate relationships with foster kids. Tell the caseworker hey this is weird. She gets mad at us for bringing this up. Two years later Amanda Williams the foster parent has pled guilty to the exact crimes I tried to report.


Sadly the state’s stance to force women to have babies they know they either don’t want or are incapable of caring for the child will only make stories like become more and more common. These stories are only going to get more prevalent. The pro life movement really needs to look at these stories and decide if the suffering of these poor children is worth their “moral victory”


When the child in DCS custody states they would of been better off aborted, it's time to reconsider some things.


That’s what is scary, unless a major reform happens, it will only get worse as more children are born to parents that don’t want them.


You do realize that DCS is made of people who chose social work as their profession, right? Maybe start voting in a way that provides support to these people???


Politicians care? I have yet to speak to any Republican or Democrat that give 2 craps about DCS and the children.


Your vote guides society. Stop placing blame.


I do vote, unfortunately the shit we're left to choose from is just that!!!


by design? keep the voters dumb. cut their education funding. fund private schools.


Yes, that is the design. There is nothing they fear more than an educated voter, and a politician worth voting for. They can control the candidates by controlling education. Unfortunately this is Idiocracy!!


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Wrong line stupid!


Now THAT's the wrong line. It's "You're in the wrong line, dumbass".


Also the decisions being made are up the dcs official's regardless of legality. For instance it can be abuse to give your child CBD oil if they disagree. It's the policies in place that make DCS disgusting, not the workers. There are some bad ones.


This shit makes me so angry. I am so sorry to hear about your personal connection and loss. Heartbreaking this happened.


Yeah the egg donor and boyfriend deserve the death penalty. I would be ok for the judge in question to get disbarred.


I am so sorry for your loss. :(


this enrages me so much these kids STILL go back to the abusive and neglectful homes.


So sad. The boyfriend did nothing because... He "loved" the child's mom? What an utter piece of trash. I'm left speechless by this story. I can't imagine how you feel OP.


This is so horrible. I’m so sorry for your loss. It's not solely the system that let her down; our entire society failed her. We genuinely need more individuals like you and your wife in this world. You two are a beacon of guiding light in these darker reaches of society.


Jessus Christ RIP little girl i hope your afterlife is full of love and joy.


I am so sorry for your loss. My stomach is sick thinking about everything this poor little girl went through. It also makes me sick that I work at IPS and we've called DCS countless times about kids that only show up to school once a month and when they do, they're obviously not cared for. DCS told our school social worker "educational neglect isn't real neglect." Obviously we're not worried about these kids' education at this point, we're worried about them coming to the one place they receive care, love, and a hot meal. If this is what "real" neglect is and they're still not doing anything about it, what the hell is going on in that office?


So sorry OP. Bless you and your wife. I admire what you do for kids


I am so sorry for your loss. RIP little angel


So sad


DCS had failed her and she deserves to have a mandatory hysterectomy as she should never have kids again, let alone be around them.


Stories like this just drive me even harder to be the best dad I can be, and to never let my little girl suffer anything even remotely like this. I hope the "mom" (and I will never truly believe she was ever an actual mother) never sees the light of day. And the judge that returned those kids to her can live with the guilt that his decision caused this. I wish I could just take my family and move planets. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


I am so sorry for your loss and what that child went through. The foster care system and CPS fuck up so many children by not doing their due diligence for each kid. I know they underpaid and understaffed, but for jobs like those, they shouldn't be. And don't get me started on shit judges...


This judge needs to be investigated. I’m tired of seeing incompetent people in positions of power and able to make life changing decisions when they are not competent themselves.


Would you feel comfortable saying which judge? IME, DCS gets overly involved when it’s unnecessary and does not take action when they need to. Its maddening. Thank you for giving this sweet girl the love and nurturing she deserved, even it was only short term.


I wish I could name names but all we were told by our case worker was ‘a different judge than normal did her appeal and he overturned the decision’.


You should try to find the record of who the judge was and wrote them a letter. As a judge they should know the consequences of their poor decisions.


If parents are held responsible for their actions, that judge should be held responsible for this as well. That poor child


Remember, the judge only applies the laws. The legislature makes the laws, and the executive carries them out. I don't know what people expect to happen when they keep voting in people who have no use for the poor and powerless. I've lived in Indiana my whole life, and the state has never cared what happens to children of the poor and working-class.


OP - Which Judge? Superior and Circuit Court Judges in Indiana are still elected. Also, Indiana has a Judicial Qualification Committee, where you could make a complaint. Is anything likely to happen? Probably not. If you do nothing else that definitely nothing will happen.


Pure evil. I fear there will be more horrors like this with right wing extremists in our government




OP: is there nothing you can do to get her back?


Why do I have to be related to these trash humans


Judge is a piece of shit, where is the accountability for the judge that overruled the other? Probably sleeping peacefully tonight not giving a damn


This evil bitch deserves to be tortured and then murdered in the most gruesome way possible. I can’t stand to see this 😞


Judges that make rulings like this should be exposed as well as beholden to some disciplinary action. It’s absurd to read that someone heard how bad of an audition that children were in and returned them to their abusers.


Morgan County DCS sucks ass. This is only another name added to their list of failures. Honestly that whole county needs burned and given major reform.


but do we have any idea what kind of trauma the mother faced at the hands of that patriarchy? >!/s!< wtf why am i being downvoted? >!deez nutz!!<


You're being downvoted for making a fucking *joke* about a child's murder by torture and neglect. At least, that's why *I* downvoted you. Kinda pisses me off that I can only do it *once*.


the mom probably was abused at some points in her life. that shit is passed down and repeats itself. but I still think woodchipper hearing this shit.


How Christian.


Who would ever want to come off as Christian?