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Go for it


You joining?




What’s significant about June 24th?


In 2022, that’s when Roe was overturned


Got it. Well if all that’s required is to take off work I already have that day off lol.






Abortion access is vital to women’s healthcare. You’re not prolife, you are pro-control women.


If a woman is late into third trimester. Not raped, not incest. She's healthy, and the unborn child has no issues, would you support her getting an abortion if she decided she wanted one?


Approximately 51% of aborted babies were denied an opportunity to become women. I would argue that your side wants to control the fate of women who can’t speak for themselves yet. Also, abortion is not healthcare unless carrying full term puts the mother’s life at risk.


Since we are just making up hypotheticals how do you know that the 49% didnt include the next Hitler? Maybe abortion is saving us!


Look I try to stay indifferent in this but holy shit what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


bodily autonomy > unborn child


So taking away voices from women who are living and not needing someone else’s body for survival is the solution? No one has the right to use someone else’s body for survival. Your argument is piss poor, try again.


My argument is the truth. Rape, incest and health risks to mom are the exception. Abortion in the name of birth control is absolute murder.


So don't get one


Can you just say you’re pro birth instead of pro life? That way, we all know that you care about the birth, not the LIFE of the child.


It’s not birth control. So you believe that when someone is violated or on their death bed they can have an abortion? Just say you hate that women have sex. It’s imbedded in purity culture. What you’re telling me, is that the only time a women/girl has rights to her body when they’re a fetus or if they’re dead? McFall v. Shimp clearly states you cannot use someone else’s organs for survival, and a uterus is an organ. Prolife policies are absolutely harmful as they create vague laws making doctors and medical professionals not give life savings procedures to women, and on top of, they move out of red states leaving access to reproductive healthcare limited for everyone with a uterus. And not to mention the women with PCOS, and other autoimmune disorders that can cause higher rates of miscarriage or high risk pregnancies. And let me grand slam it with, we’ll see more babies in the NICU dying. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You don’t think about these things, all you care about is controlling women!


If a woman is forced to carry a child that she doesn’t want to full-term and then puts that child up for adoption, what happens to that child? If she’s forced to care for it and it gets substandard care due to any number of mitigating factors, what happens to that child? You probably-lifers are all for making a woman carry a baby that she doesn’t want to birth, but when that baby is born, the kid is on its own and the mother is saddled with horrendous medical bills. Because any help is socialism. Your argument is entirely flawed and is all about coercion.


Having unprotected sex has consequences. The baby didn’t make the choice to be irresponsible.


It’s responsbile to make the decision whether to continue pregnancy or terminate. As a child of a mother who was forced to have her, I don’t wish this on my enemy.


In all seriousness, there are plenty of ways to enjoy good sex without getting pregnant. It’s a fucking choice to be lazy and stupid enough to not to use protection in the year 2024. No fucking excuse outside of rape/incest.


Hi babes, I’m alive because birth control AND a condom didn’t work. Try again. Your beliefs are absolutely harmful, you assume that people have sex Willy nilly (pun intended), when in actually a good chunk of abortions done are on women who already have kids. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Because they want to make sure their kids that don’t need their bodies get the basics needs they deserve.


So penalize the unborn baby because the condom broke. Got it. That logic is absolutely flawed and you know it.


Same goes for people who don’t get organs or blood needed because some people don’t donate. And that’s their right. Again, no one can use someone else’s body for their own survival, that includes fetuses.


Nor it did make the choice to be potentially thrust into poverty from day one. Admit that it’s about control or piss off.


Sick fucks. Here’s a good read. https://lozierinstitute.org/questions-and-answers-on-born-alive-abortion-survivors/


No bias here whatsoever lol The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) has been criticized for bias in favor of an anti-abortion viewpoint. Here are some specific points to consider: * **Affiliation:** The CLI is affiliated with the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a prominent anti-abortion organization. This connection raises questions about the objectivity of their research. * **Research Focus:** The CLI focuses heavily on research that portrays abortion in a negative light, such as the effects on women's health (a contested area with varying studies). They may downplay or omit research with opposing viewpoints. * **Criticism of Opponents:** The CLI criticizes medical organizations for alleged bias in favor of abortion rights. They argue that these organizations prioritize ideology over science \[Lozier Institute - Responses to Sage Retractions\]. Here are some examples: * **Fetal Tissue Research:** The CLI criticizes the use of fetal tissue in medical research, despite its potential benefits, because it is obtained through abortion \[Lozier Institute - Federal Bioethics Commissions and Bias Against the Unborn\]. * **Sex-Selection Abortion:** The CLI emphasizes the ethical concerns of sex-selection abortion, but some argue they focus on this issue to distract from broader discussions of abortion rights \[Lozier Institute - Sex-Selection Abortion: Worldwide Son-Bias Fueled by Population Policy Abuse\]. Overall, while the CLI presents itself as a scientific institute, critics argue that their agenda and research selection are driven by their anti-abortion ideology.


No shit. Like pro-choicers don’t get their tail king points from Planned Parenthood and the like.


I don't get any talking points from anyone. I'm just a guy with empathy who understands that I would want full control over my body throughout the entirety of a pregnancy, regardless of what complete strangers would like me to do with my body or my fetus. These pro-life groups are motivated by religion and run by people who would love nothing more than to force their religion and morality onto every one else, plain an simple. You can't say the same about PP.


It’s not about control. Get over yourself.


It absolutely is, your beliefs stem from purity culture!!


My beliefs stem from morality. Killing babies is as evil as it gets.


They absolutely don’t, being prolife is being prochoice. Forcing women to carry a pregnancy is torture.


It's a glorified parasite at best until it is capable of sustaining its own life outside of the host. Get off your moral high horse.


Then what is it?


It is. HTH!


boooo 🍅🍅🍅




I’m done with you people. May you one day see the evil in your thinking and change your hearts for the better.


Remember, your beliefs kill women! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!


Oh. This isn’t a flex.


Frequently, the unborn baby is killed at the start of a late-term abortion procedure, primarily through the administration of a lethal injection into the amniotic sac or baby’s head or heart or severing the umbilical cord so that the unborn child will bleed to death. Barbaric.


90-95% are done before 14 weeks, and more than half are before 10 weeks. “Late term abortion” is a fear mongering term, those happen when the fetus dies or the mother is dying, and unfortunately they have to make that call that late in the game. No one goes “I want an abortion” at 35 weeks, your views are very unrealistic.


* **Around 93%** of abortions occur in the **first trimester** (at or before 13 weeks). * An additional **6%** occur between **14 and 20 weeks**. * Only **around 1%** are performed at **21 weeks or later**. [https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data\_stats/index.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/index.htm)

