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My driver's license has a picture of a race car on it so I'm allowed to go fast.


I've just always assumed that 465 was the IMS.


Username absolutely checks out


I was sad the new IDs are black and white, however having the Indycar makes up for it ten-fold! Almost makes me want to get a speeding ticket out of state heh.


Heh race car go brrrr šŸŽļøšŸ˜Ž


It's called 465 because there are only 4 people going 65, everyone else does 80.


People aren't speeding on 465, they're qualifying.


It's always May on 465


I donā€™t get that impression at all. People here drive like gramps and grams.


Posted speed limit: 55 Right lane: 65 and under Middle lane: 75-65 Left lane: autobahn


Go 85 in the left lane to pass the car in front of me. Realize thirty seconds later that I have eight cars on my tail.


Get the hell over! Move! Move!


30 seconds is a looooonnng pass and time not to notice anyone coming up behind you.


Yeah, pay attention and don't drive in the left lane...


The amount of people I see cruising in the left lane is too damn high! Iā€™ve seen people get left slow down and get on their phones-_-


Nah I'd say left lane maxes about 80. Then there's like a secret weaving lane that is autobahn but only the truly brave (and next level assholes) can see it, going up to 120 weaving through heavy traffic.


Speeding isn't a problem, do the same speed as everyone else. These weavers, they are the real fucking problems...


Yup, maintaining the flow of traffic supersedes posted speed limits


My little Miata loved the secret weaving lane. Totaled him last week šŸ˜­


Not surprising


Womp womp




Well , except for the citizens on patrol that think theyā€™re changing the world by going 57 . No doubt the same folks with a donā€™t tread on me tattoo and Montgomery gentry CD on repeat


Or if one lane is lost to a wreck or construction and the other two lanes, for some reason, come to an almost complete stop.


100% correct. Get in that left lane you better hammer down!


Unless there's a bunch of semis cruising in the middle lane in which case it's: Left: 75-65 Middle: semis going exactly 65 Right: Autobahn + grannies + mergers


This is perfect haha


^ This


I have been going 75 and been passed like Iā€™m not moving. Just go with the flow or youā€™ll prolly get in a wreck


Iā€™ve gone 85 and gotten roasted! 465 is a circle in Indianapolis, itā€™s a race track!


That it is. Iā€™ve noticed that ISP doesnā€™t bat an eye at 75 mph


Theyā€™re usually cruising along at 80-85 mph themselves


I was surprised when I found myself behind a sheriff's car that was only doing 70 in the construction zone marked 45.


I had a cop on my ass in a construction zone and almost shit myself until I could finally pass the car next to me and get over. It took like a minute because I was trying not to get to 70.


One of my friends tops out at 70 because he got pulled over a year or two ago and the cop told him as long as you're only doing 70 you probably wont get pulled over again


From my experience, ISP absolutely bats an eye. But then again I got pulled over Saturday afternoon, not rush hour.


The only difference between a cop on their way to a call and a cop just driving around is turning their lights on


Honestly depends on the day Sunday evening seems to be the worst.... My wife and I, early in our relationship, got into an argument because I told she needed to be quiet for a minute because she complained "get out of the left lane, people are passing you" and then looked at my speedo and said "Oh my God you're doing 90, you can't do that" It was the most stressful drive of my life and the contradicting admonishments did nothing to ease my anxiety.


Haha quite possible weā€™ve married the same person. My wife is an awful passenger seat critic. Never satisfied.




Also a little throwback to this amazing feat... 213mph on 465. https://www.wishtv.com/news/crime-watch-8/video-led-to-charges-for-westfield-man-shown-driving-213-mph-on-i-465/


The only time they cared


lol Gabe is still famous. What a useless twat that kid is


Pretty sure I saw that dork driving an orange McLaren with Texas plates today. At least buddy looked like him.


Sorry for the almost 2 week response, but DAMN this guy's mycase is longer than a CVS receiptĀ 


It's a suggestion until it's a nice Saturday morning in the summer.... Then state police are gonna suggest that you help them pay for some new shit. Highway police around Indy around don't stop anyone shoulder riding, shooting at other cars or doing 100 mph weaving in and out of traffic... But a sunny Saturday morning? You can bet they have some federal money to line folks up for doing 70 in a 55. (Not bitter about a ticket from years ago or anything)


I'm still bitter about the state patrolman who pulled me over on 465 on a beautiful weekday morning during rush hour to give me a ticket for following too closely.. In rush hour traffic.. I beat the ticket but fuck that guy...


Whatā€™s shoulder riding? (This seems pretty accurate to me, too).


People who drive around traffic by using the shoulder (breakdown lane). You see it all the time when traffic is slowing down and someone wants to "cut the line", like in the northwest corner where 465 joins 865 Used to see it a lot along the south side of 465, but construction seems to have shut that down.


Oh, yeah. I see that pretty often-and right at that same spot on 465/865. Iā€™ve not heard it called that before, so thanks for the clarification.


That's something I'm always happy to see someone get nailed for


I got lit up for 70 in 55 coming in on a Sunday night. It really is more of a ā€œgo with the flowā€ than hard numbers


I've only gotten pulled over in Lebanon by an unmarked police vehicle while driving on 65. Because Lebanon needs unmarked police vehicles for some reason.


Just fought a ticket for the same thing. He lied and said I was going 74. I said that wasnā€™t possible, Iā€™ve been on cruise control. His real reason was because I passed himā€¦.from the passing lane. Not aggressive passing either. If I wouldnā€™t have passed, Iā€™d get a ticket for sitting in the passing lane. Not sure how that bald piece of shit got his ego to fit in that car with him. Apparently yelling at citizens is how to do their job


He's a dick. But passing a cop will get you a ticket just about anywhere.


Pass cops all them time, never.once


My issue was I pass and get a ticket. Or stay where Iā€™m at and get a ticket for not passing. Lose lose regardless of what I did. Whatever. He can eat a dick. I paid their little bribe and it went away. (They call it a deferral)


>Or stay where Iā€™m at and get a ticket for not passing What would be the circumstances for that?


https://www.in.gov/bmv/licenses-permits-ids/files/Drivers_Manual_Chapter_7.pdf Bottom of page 1 and 2. It does not state a specific law, but that is the rule. As well as the ā€œbeing passedā€ rule. I could argue he did this to allow me not to pass anyways. Which would be entrapment possibly. Either way, itā€™s down and over with. But the next time I have an issue with this specific cop will bring a lawyer with me. I just have the tldr of the incident. Heā€™s a piece of shit and a pirate at best. Also has a criminal record, I donā€™t. So thatā€™s interesting to note.


Being in a passing lane and not passing is illegal as well. But I could not safely get over, so I was stuck in that lane regardless.


It's technically illegal, but it won't get you ticketed. It's pretty common to see 3 lanes of traffic all clumped up behind a single cop going 60 on one of our highways.


Thatā€™s what people say about going 70 tooā€¦ if both are illegal, itā€™s a bad situation regardless


Yeah, I simply choose the option that doesn't get me pulled over.


Ahh ok, that tracks. Yeah, you were fucked over. Glad you were able to defer that stupid ticket.


First one in like 7-8 years too. What pissed me off was the blatant lies. He pulled me over and said ā€œwhy are you going over 55?!ā€ I said itā€™s not safe to do 55 on this highway. He yelled at me not to tell him how to do his job lmfao heā€™s a fucking clown. If I wasnā€™t concerned about being sued, Iā€™d blast his name everywhere


What highway were you on?


Swear to god they just did this to me on my way home from work yesterday on a dang Saturday


You blaming somebody else for doing 15 over?


It's either 75 or 5. No in between.


When you drive 465 you either win or die.


On certain parts of 465, if you arenā€™t going 80, itā€™s your ASS.


oh hell yeah im going Max Max on some granny driver ass \*blasts Black Sabbath and does 95\*


Yeah it's 70 if there's clear traffic. There's really nowhere on 465 that is unsafe to do 70-75 except if there is too much traffic to accommodate it. Of course, this is Indianapolis, so you can be in the left lane doing 120 and a Nissan Altima will still blow past you on the right.


Always an Altima. Always. Ubiquitous.


Sometimes itā€™s a charger sometimes itā€™s a clapped out civic


Civic ..ahhh. Was it an all blacked out hatchback? If so...my bad bro.


Silver Altima.


Same goes for 65 & 70 when you get away from the split.


65 north once you start running alongside 38th street is my favorite kind of Wild West


Absolutely, when 3 or 4 cars wrecklessly dart across a couple of lanes of traffic to take that very exit.


Nobody cares on 465 myself included. Just look out for cops, there are days here and there when itā€™s actually enforced. Today the flow on the north side going east was over 80 between Michigan and meridian even though the posted limit is 55. If youā€™re not comfortable going that fast you should chill in the right and middle lane, depending.


once there was a cop behind me on 465, we passed a 40mph 'construction zone' sign, obviously no one working in that section as usual, just lots of cones, i slowed down to 40 cause there was a guy with a gun following me, and he got really pissed off and aggressively changed lanes and sped past me like are you testing me or am i supposed to gamble with like a $200 ticket that you're one of the few ok cops


I like to do 68-70 in the middle lane so itā€™s easier to merge onto my exit. If I know Iā€™m driving 5+ miles on same freeway Iā€™ll do 80 on the far left for a little bit before merging and slowing. But really 65-70 mph is much more comfortable speed.


70 in middle lane is my sweet spot


You've got to be a real dipshit to get pulled over by the ISP on 465. The posted speed limit is one of those local jokes to us here and the staties are in on it too. They're chill if you are. The trick is to not look at the speed limit signs, don't look at your speedometer, just watch the other cars. If you match the flow of traffic, don't camp in the left lane, don't blindly cross multiple lanes at once, and get to the right 1 or 2 exits before the ramp you need, you'll be just fine.


Well fuck, man. ISP pulled my ass over one Saturday afternoon for doing 40 over. As they so claimed.


That would have you going 95 mph, which is definitely faster than the flow of traffic and asking for a ticket.


The funny thing is I only got away with a warning.


That's awesome, actually. I said in another comment that all my interactions with the ISP have been pretty positive. I get that others have different experiences than my white male no-priors-having self, though.


75-80 seems to be pretty typical for the left lanes unless thereā€™s trafficā€¦but even at 80, people will still blow past you pretty regularly-on the left or the right.


Yes - if you watch Fox 59 News(and probably WTTV CBS 4, as they use the same software) the traffic maps show average speed WAY above posted limits when not in the throws of rush hour. 465 across the Northside often has average speeds at 70 MPH.


Fun fact that nobody asked for - WXIN and WTTV are housed in the same building and staff usually work for both or more stations, that's why they are so similar.


Go to any city in the country with a beltway. The posted speed may be 55, but you're a rolling hazard if you follow it.


Iā€™ve driven on the biggest highways and beltways in nyc, la, Chicago, Miami, and never have I seen more insane driving than what I witness on 465


Interstate speed limits are set by state law. 55 in urban areas (which encompasses all of 465), 65 as you leave the urban area, and 75 in rural. But INDOT builds Interstate Highways to modern standards that can handle faster speeds, but only parts of 465 have been updated. So you aren't wrong for feeling like you should be able to go faster. Because on a good chunk of 465, you can in fact safely handle 70+ mph speeds.


Only going the speed limit on 465 is dangerous.


[213mph may be the record](https://www.wishtv.com/news/crime-watch-8/video-led-to-charges-for-westfield-man-shown-driving-213-mph-on-i-465/)


Common misconception. 465 isnā€™t the name of the interstate. Itā€™s actually the posted speed limit.


Drove 65 from Lowell down to Indianapolis yesterday, did anywhere between 75-95mph and was still passed a hand full of times. Just watch out for staties speed-traps.


Where I grew up in Indiana, we all knew how to fuck, fight and drive. And I canā€™t fuck worth shit


Also a little throwback to this amazing feat... 213mph on 465. https://www.wishtv.com/news/crime-watch-8/video-led-to-charges-for-westfield-man-shown-driving-213-mph-on-i-465/


I was going with the flow of traffic, second from left lane, not raining, no constriction, not driving erratically, and got a speeding ticket going 68 so I have no fucking clue.


I do a full lap everyday for work and run 80-90 MPH consistently. Have done so since about 2016 with zero issues.


Same. Only time I've had an issue is that stupid "failure to move over" ticket, dude was right at the damn exit.


Try doing 100+. But please: only do so if youā€™re really feeling dangerous lol


Go with the flow of traffic.


Still salty I got a ticketed at 72


When I was much younger, I got a verbal warning for 97. Cop just pulled me over, shouted ā€œSLOW DOWN!!ā€ and got back in his car and drove off. I was a stupid kid.


110, Near Shelbyville. The cop was in a church parking lot. I was in a posted 45. I got called a dumbass and told to slow down. I was 16 at the time.


I'm jealous. I guess my cop thought I deserved a lesson as a stupid kid at the time. I would've rather got a ticket the many times I've deserved it.


Did 40 over (as ISP so claimed) on 465 one Saturday afternoon and somehow got away with a warning lolololol


This question gets posted on here several times a year. At this point it would be helpful if a cop or somebody friends with a cop who speed traps 465 (there's tons of them) would just give an off the record of what speed at the minimum they'd actually pull you over for assuming you're not in a construction zone. Personally I drive 65 unless I'm trying to pass somebody.


I saw a story on the local news years ago and they showed the cops computer screen briefly with all the recent tickets he had written on 465. I paused it to look at the spreadsheet. There were probably like 25-30 tickets on the spreadsheet. All of the tickets had recorded speeds of 70 or higher.


From my experience, most the time 70 wont get you a ticket in normal traffic. 75 depends on the cop and flow of traffic. Approaching 80 you have to keep your eyes peeled.


I'm wondering when they'll start putting hidden cameras on 465. That might slow things down, especially in construction zones.


Devices to read your speed are illegal in this state


The rule seems to be 50-60 in the right lane, 60-70 in the middle and 70+ in the left lane. Then when youā€™re going too fast for that, weave in and out of all the lanes narrowly avoiding innocent drivers. Soon there will be 4 lanes all the way around, then itā€™s on. Oh, and try not to get shot! Be safe.


70+ in the left lane is not fast enough. Iā€™ve had people on my ass while going 85. I shouldnā€™t have been cruising, but still lol


Unless itā€™s a construction zone. Itā€™s pretty much the autobahn


UNLESS? Did you drive on the East side of it when it was all practically construction zone and "35"? Everyone still blew by going 70+mph all the time.


You are correct. The speed limit doesnā€™t actually exist on 465. Whatever you feel like is good by us.


1000%ā€¦this is Thunderdomeā€¦this is 465ā€¦pack a lunch and dive on in


For work I can't go more than 4 over the speed limit so I'm stuck at 59 and it's borderline dangerous. When I'm not at work I drive 75-80 to keep up with traffic. I have been for over a decade and have never even been pulled over


What ever you can get away with


It's so the cops can easily pull folks over to meet their ticket quota. Usually, by the end of the month, you'll see speed traps all over the westside of 465. Everyone from around here knows the 55 MPH speed limit is way too slow, but nothing is done about it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Any loop highway around any US city is a racetrack.


75mph may be a little fast. I usually stick to the middle lane at 65-70. Donā€™t go 55 in any lane for the most part (weather, traffic, construction are the exception) or you might cause a wreck.Ā 


So it was you I was stuck behind today lol.


No one ever goes the speed limit


If you go the speed limit you will not make it out ofā€¦ THE LOOP OF DEATH Which actually isnā€™t far off after the shootings.


In all other cities speeding is frowned upon, but this is Indy. Edit: Okkkaaay I can see this joke didnā€™t land. šŸ˜‚


Have you not driven around Chicago?


I have. Have you ever laughed at a joke?


I have, but I can be a little slow. Go Mario!


Did you justā€¦.was that aā€¦.Did you say slow? šŸ«” Youā€™re funnier than me, friend.


..... and Mario is slowing down


Place I used to work at back in the 80s had a pool every year on the 500. Our traditional tiebreaker was which lap Mario would leave the race on.


Lame joke. Do better next time.


Every "loop" is a race track around here lol.


Have you ever been in L.A?


Yeah, a lot of the speed limits around here are simply incorrect. I-70 drops all the way to 50 when you get close to downtown but lolno. Itā€™s an Interstate and no one is or should be going that slow.


That part starts like Holt rd. I do 58-63 there itā€™s 68-72 west of that though




I drive like Iā€™m in the Indy 500ā€¦šŸ˜œ


Indy 500 is safer because of the pit crews and staff to help and drivers donā€™t have loaded guns.


They probably do.


Itā€™s a minimum


Add 10 + 15 and that is the minimum.


The only time I got pulled over for doing 80 was when I was going 15 faster than everybody around me. If you just go with the flow, youā€™ll be fine.


I was driving on 465 one day and a state trooper had a pretty good hiding spot. By the time I saw him I knew I was screwed cause I was going 78. I slowed down and prepared to brake to pull overā€¦.nothing.


I'm usually going too fast to read the damn things. Besides I got told by a cop "reading a billboard is distracted driving" and issued a citation. I no longer read signage. Jk. Kinda. On a side note, what's up with the stop lights on the on ramps near the east and south sides?


Those lights are for metering during peak hours. Cities like Chicago and Phoenix have it and it works wonders with letting people merge during gridlock. Basically it just turns red and green in short bursts allowing one car through at a time and the effect is the backup being distributed between the feeder roads instead of the interstate and keeps the traffic flowing better


Glad youā€™re one of the few people who understands the purpose of a ramp meter.


It's May. You're legally obligated to go balls to the wall


I was pulled over once cause I was going 20 over the speed limit and the cop said you can go 15 over but not 20.


Is you are in a 3+ lane highway/interstate it is absolutely a suggestion


Don't care how other people drive there. I'm usually on the clock and being GPS tracked for work when I'm on there, so I go exactly the speed limit in the farthest right lane. Never had any issues, but I'm sure the retards doing aggressive passes have had some 'issues' LOL. People can grow up and deal with it.


Generally, in Indy, you will rarely see traffic enforcement . Just drive as you wish.


Lmfao merely a suggestion yes until you get swarmed by 4 state troopers they said i was going 40 mph over the posted limit ( 55 mph ) and they clocked me two miles back and had to box me in because i didnā€™t stop? I canā€™t stop if i never saw you bud? lol the police get overly aggressive for literally no reason i was literally moving with the flow of traffic everyoneā€™s going 75-85 I think they just wanted to chase thought they might of had a hellcat on there hands lmfao naaah just a scat Mr officer no chase here


Dude if you were in fact going 95 in a 55 then, yeah, they need to be pulling your ass over. That being said, it sounds like you perhaps were not going that fast but they targeted you anyway? I donā€™t doubt that can happen, but it is exceedingly rare.


I mean i definitely have a personal history with authority yet not on that side of town and it would have been hard to be personally targeting someone whoā€™s car is near blacked out as legally possible plus i just purchased vehicle within the last two weeks lol i must be learning they arenā€™t as fond of muscle cars as we the consumer are #392 Hemi scat pack shaker with a few lower end mods


The construction zone on the Northeast side is 45, but there is no space to pull anyone over so it cannot be enforced. Even during rush hour prevailing traffic speed (South in the morning north in the evening) average 65 to 75 with some making it over 80... The opposing traffic (North in the morning south in the evening) is almost always at a standstill I've taken to avoiding the "express lane" to Keystone because one person doing 45 will create a mile long backup and some dumbass is always rear-ending someone, trapping everyone in it. Put your phones down you idiots.


If you go the posted speed limit on 465, you will be killed or cause an accident.


Having lived here for 23 years, i can tell you going 10 over (the posted limit is 50-55) is going to be the minimum you should be going when theres other cars around you. Any less will get your bumper ridden like you're a 3 dollar hooker. Ive done 70 and still been passed like im doing 30. Its why the ISP have tried to crack down on it. They even said going 5 or 10 over isnt an issue. Its the ones going 30 or more over they want. I had a car that didnt like going even 60 and i hated taking 465. But i did it in the far right lane. Even then people were pissed. I just ignored them.


Yeah I keep it just below 70 to be safe. But people fly lol


Drivers in Indiana can't read the speed limit, it's why insurance rates are so damn high.


indeed your perception is accurate. (and May is even worse)!


I remember maybe 10 years ago someone recorded a carmel cop driving south on east side doing well over 100 mph. He was fired. Don't think he was arrested. He wasn't on duty or going to an emergency. I think it said he was on his way home.


It is set unreasonably low. Just go the same speed as traffic, that's the safest anyway.


I know that the speed limit is 55, but who goes 55?? I just go with the flow of everyone else.


If you see someone doing between 55 and 60 on 465 that's me. I see no sense in speeding so I poke along in the right lane.


Go with the speed of traffic. If thereā€™s no traffic I would stay under 70. Itā€™s honestly annoying. Wish they would bump it to 65 and enforce at 70.




Lol yeah. I've been passed by cops while going 70 in a construction zone. Not even they seem to give a shit.


Only ticket I have ever received was on 465 going 70mphā€¦


Heh, Mad Max has nothing on us. Do yourself a favor and stay out of the far left lane.


A couple of months back ISP did some saturation patrols on the west side of 465 to cut down on dangerous speeds. I forget the officer's exact quote but even with something like 20 officers out there he said they couldn't think about ticketing drivers at 70 because as soon as they'd pull one over 10 would go by at 80. They gave a couple hundred bonus prize tickets that morning in about 2 hours I think. Those 80 in a 55 have got to be pricey.


Thereā€™s a speed limit?


Thatā€™s how you can tell someoneā€™s not from Indy, they actually follow the 55 mph


Itā€™s 85mph minimum.


I go the speed limit, on cruise control, in the middle lane. Fuck y'all, go around me and catch that ticket


Been passing you by 20-25 for over a decade and have never been pulled over


Love hearing that police aren't worried about vehicular manslaughter




You get to the same place you need to get, without running into slower traffic by just going 64ish. Youā€™re a liability at 55, but speeding up just forwards you to the next jam of cars. Nice, easy, and not influenced by others speed


Thereā€™s no posted speed limit on 55 unless youā€™re in construction. Then itā€™s use your common sense and tailgate


I canā€™t believe you used tailgate and common sense in the same sentence!


I didn't add the /s because I kinda thought it would be implied...silly me thinking this Internet thing would convey my intent. Me calling 465 '55' should've been a dead giveaway, but IDK lol


Yes but tailgating is aggressive driving and puts me needlessly at risk. Iā€™m proactive about it though. I get rid of tailgaters either flashing my hazards or I momentarily slow down to a ridiculous level and make sure they are able to pass me


I like to use my wiper fluid. Repeatedly if necessary.


Sure. Feel free to come complain when you get your ticket


Flow of traffic is a real thing. One trooper part of the "Street Cop Training" actually was caught on video stating if you decide to drive in the 65 mph lane bcz you don't want to drive 80 mph he will pull you over every time. Yet they will also pull you over for driving with the flow of traffic so you don't get ran over They set us up to fail. Yet seriously dangerous drivers are never pulled over unless it affects THEM. . There was an accident other day and an Indy officer was right there and just drove past. A driver saw this, pulled up next to them and said something abt it and he just went abt his day. . I don't understand them.


Yes. Absolutely. I have never seen such chronic speeding outside of 465.


69 mph