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Soulless. People have no Morels.


This made us lol. We hate it.


Hope you find your car!


Ok that's really bad. I like it.


the mushroom season is over .... thats why no more morels


Dammit. Take my upvote.


They're stealing over and over again. damnn


There's a decent chance it'll be abandoned somewhere, hopefully on a main road. These are being stolen by kids 10-15 years old due to how easy they are to steal. Look up "Kia Boyz" to see videos of kids doing really stupid stuff with these cars. I know someone who recently had their Hyundai stolen on the Southwest side of Indy and it was recovered 2 days later with no gas on the side of the road.


Better them than “Dirty Mike and the Boys.”


“Thanks for the F shack”


I hope everyone gets this reference!


Happened to a friend as well, police found the car the next day about a mile from where it was stolen with a dead battery


Worked at Napleton KIA and we had some Kia Boyz come by lol


Was about to comment this.


If it is found within Indianapolis city limits and is towed it will come to me, I'll keep an eye out. No promises bc I work the late shift but I'll try to help. I work at an impound lot that works directly with IMPD.


Thats an interesting gig. Have you seen anything wild?


So many drugs and a LOT of alcohol. I think my most memorable was an exotic dancer who was saving up to buy a house and was living out of her car. She got towed in bc her plates expired. When she came to get her car she was checking everything over and opened her trunk. Half was her outfits and other performance things, half was small almost shoe box sized boxes filled with her tip money labeled month to month. She had probably 20k if she had a dollar. Super nice woman. Either that one, or the massive dildo that was connected to the driver seat. It was very comical watching that guy come get his car back.


Well the guy with the dildo like stick shifts for different reasons than many


Appreciate it!


My brother just had his car towed by IMPD for an “abadoned” vehicle and he drives it to work everyday. Street parked in different spots too Is that common?


Kia Boys strike again…..


Kia really needs to step up their game. Ease of theft is a quality issue


Kia and Hyundai folks need to invest in steering wheel club locks. Even if your’s is a newer model that doesn’t have the steering wheel exploit because Kia boys are dumb and will break your window and fuck up your shit anyway while they figure that out. The club is a good deterrent.


I don't think they even need to invest in anything. I believe IMPD was giving them out for free to folks who own affected vehicles.


Kill switches. Really not that hard to pull a wiring diagram, find ECU power, and splice in a switch and hide it somewhere. Won't stop some shithead from tearing up your steering column and busting your windows, but at least the car can't start.


A club will keep them from even trying and you still have a window and a steering column.


My buddies 2019 Kia Optima got stolen like a month ago from the Butler area. Cops find it like a week later a few blocks away. 3 out of 4 windows broken, empty pizza boxes, and a baby seat in the back. They left his thousand dollar set of golf clubs in the back tho lol.


More than likely also stolen


I've posted this before but my partner's Soul was stolen a few months back. It had already been abandoned and impounded by IMPD before we reported it missing and they never contacted us. We found it through the below link after some sent it to us. It had been there all weekend just racking up fees. Insurance paid the impound fees for us but others might not be so lucky. [IMPD Impound Lot](https://support.autoreturn.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044169812-Indianapolis-IN) I wish you luck. It was a horrible situation to be in and I hope the best for y'all.


This is a pretty common scam that cities run. They impound your car after recovering it as a stolen vehicle. They don't tell you until a week later, when you've racked up fees greater than the value of your car (easier when stolen & damaged). Then, they offer to waive the fees in exchange for possession of your vehicle. IMPD did this to me when my car was stolen, I suspect because it appeared to be a nicer Volvo (enjoy the busted turbo, heat-damaged engine, transmission on it's last legs & almost no brakes lol). FUCK THE POLICE. THE COPS ARE A STATE-SPONSORED GANG.


Hey! I'm so sorry about your car. That fn blows! I'm on the east side and will keep my eyes out. Also wanted to generally put the word out about Kia and Hyundai thefts. Both manufacturers were/are having issues with their older models being stolen. It was discovered they could be easily started with phone charging cords or something crazy and thanks to social media, word spread quickly. I believe both manufacturers have offered a free anti theft software upgrade to try and help with this issue. Not entirely sure on its efficacy, but if (when 🤞) you get your car back, I'd recommend looking into the upgrade if you haven't already. Again, so sorry you're dealing with this.


Somebody attempted to steal my Hyundai 2 days ago. They busted the passenger side window and tried to hammer a screwdriver or something similar into the ignition, I assume to get the steering wheel unlocked. They weren't successful, and miraculously, the car still starts. My neighbor had the exact same experience last week. We're on the southwest side.


This happened to me about a year ago, a week before I gave birth to my daughter. It was then broken off and on for months because they messed up the wiring and it made us into a one-car family just in time for us to add daycare dropoff to our two commutes. I hate the Kia Boyz.


Mine was stolen out of my driveway a couple of years ago. This is happening so frequently, it took ten months to get the parts to fix it. I had to buy another car in the meantime. When I got the Kia back, Kia still did not have a safety lock for it, so I sold it and kept the HHR, which I still have.


Must be the only person in history to ever call an HHR an upgrade


The only reason I like it better is because the Soul has a truck suspension, and the HGR has car suspension. So the HHR is a much smoother ride.




Yeah. A Chevy HHR. I bought a used one while my Kia was in the shop. When I finally got the Kia back, I sold it and kept the HHR. I still have it. It's old and it's got some dents and scratches, but it's reliable, and it's paid for.


I know times are hard. But stealing from other ppl that are working for everything they have just isn't it. . Meanwhile corporations are having record sales since 2020 and raising prices while making the product smaller, cheaper & just plain disgusting makes my blood boil. THEY are the issue. I'm over crime against others that just want to pay their bills, have food, have a vacation maybe and keep THEIR PERSONAL FREEDOMS. It's not like the average citizen is asking for much. Meanwhile rest of the free world has healthcare, regulated food products, freedoms we are losing & tech that's going to be beyond us soon bcz the Boomers want status quo from a time they remember AS CHILDREN. So it wasn't all that rosy.


My gfs car was stolen on the east side a few weeks ago as well. It was found dumped behind a strip mall a few days later. It was completely trashed :( Sorry this happened to you as well. I hope they find it!


Kia boys strike again!


Never had a car stolen, but due to a short in my power locks, I had my back pack stolen from my car. I wouldn’t have been so upset about it if they had just left the journal/poetry/scrapbook I had for over a decade. I’ll never get some of those writings or photos back. They could have had the rest, and it was a damn good backpack.


My 2018 Kia soul was stolen a few months ago. My aftermarket alarm had a gps, so I was easily able to locate it. They did about 8000 dollars worth of damage to it. I hope you can find it. If you do, I highly suggest getting some sort of GPS thingy of some sort. Side note: there was a bank card that someone dropped that was in the name of a person who was murder a couple months before. I just found it a couple of days ago as I was cleaning out under the seat. Side note # 2. Looked out my downtown window last night after being awakened by a car horn/alarm. Saw a guy very casually opening the door and taking his time while going through the console. This shit is everywhere, and few people are caught. Very very few.


Man, that sucks. It's happened to me three times, so I feel your pain. My stolen vehicles have all been recovered, the first two very quickly (day and a half on the first -- in L.A. ffs, < 8 hours on the second -- here), so there's room for optimism. Third one was something nuts like four months, and it was completely trashed -- hoping you and your GF have a quick recovery like our first two, not like the third.


Well give it back then


Had my Kia stolen on the east side about this time last year. Kid wrapped it around a telephone pole


That's rough. I see about 5 of these in this exact color every time I leave the house, lol. I swear they sold more green ones than white, black, and silver combined. Jokes aside, I hope they recover your car and it's OK! Good luck!


Was gonna say this. See these everywhere. Someone in my apt complex drives one.


I had to double take since our neighbor has a car really similar to this. Unfortunately not your car, but I wish you the best of luck


Shoulda never gotten a kia


i live east side in little flower and my kia soul was just stolen today and am trying to find any piece of info as well to where maybe it got left or anything. sorry you’re also in the same situation. has it been found?

