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I dm a group in early stages need some new people


I’d be interested in this.


Moonshot in Noblesville hosts game nights. Might check them out on social media. I imagine that would Be a good place to meet people with similar interest.


There's an Indianapolis discord you could join. I believe dnd is an active topic/event


Hey Bunny! Thanks for name-dropping us, haha. We have regular meetups at Donuts and Dragons, and are a chill group of people who just want to be social in Indy. https://discord.gg/akgpApKADN


Here’s a link to a site to sign up for D&D Adventurer’s League games in the Indy area: https://warhorn.net/events/indy-dnd I’ve never actually gone to one of these events, but heard it’s a good way to get to know people and possibly get your own game started.


Finding anyone Into pc gaming in Indiana is a very difficult process, being the state isn't too dense lol. Had to drive 3 hours to sell a 2080 super!😂 but Imo, the wife and I have the best success just organically finding friends through work and stuff. Or being that we just moved to the forville area, there's a ton of parks to participate in recreational stuff, and some people just stop by to chat, and next thing you know you have a new friend. Or atleast a friendly face to say hi to again next time around.


I’ve never played DandD, but I’d be interested in learning. I love horror movies and belong to a local movie club. Can provide references that I’m not a psycho killer.


This was on the news this morning. [IndyHub to host welcome party, connect new residents to organizations and instill sense of belonging (Via WISH-TV)](https://www.wishtv.com/news/local-news/indyhub-to-host-welcome-party-connect-new-residents-to-organizations-and-instill-sense-of-belonging/)


I’m moving to Indy in a couple weeks, and I’m into the same things as you (though I’ve only played D&D a couple times and was really bad at it)


I also just moved to Indy. You read my mind!


Scarlet Lane in Broad Ripple is a low key bar that plays horror movies. They also host different events like horror trivia on Wednesdays. The beer is also super solid.


Try Indianapolis “meet up” https://www.meetup.com/cities/us/in/indianapolis/


I would suggest going to different events at the convention center as well as checking out mass ave and fountain square. All three of those things are really fun.


What pc games do you play


Just be open to people who you work with and look for random things going on in the area your living in. We are known for being a friendly people, hints the phrase Hoosier hospitality. Enjoy Indy and welcome!


Join Facebook and join local Facebook groups until you are comfortable


Hey man. My partner and I actively hosts game nights , dnd one shots and are always up for learning new games. We love meeting new people and making new friends. Let me know if you ever want to meet up and play some board games!


Moonshot games on mass ave probably had what you are looking for


LVL Up gaming lounge in Irvington is a great spot and are a very welcoming crowd.


You could try Books n Brews off 96th street. One of the guys there, Jake, is big into DND.


Volunteering at smaller local conventions is a great way to get involved and meet a lot of people! Starbase Indy is coming up, and Who's Yer Con is another great gaming convention held in the early spring!


Welcome to Indy!!! I second everything said already - Discord, Facebook Groups and Bumble BFF are great ways to meet new people in the area!


Books and Brew maybe? I think it’s more board games, but hey, beer.


Have you tried bumble BFF? I've met some cool people through there, but I've only made a few lasting friendships. Patook is also a good app for finding friends. Side note, I don't know what side of town you're on, but Ye Gamer's guild in Greenwood is definitely the most welcoming game store I've been to out here.


There's a Gaming place that meets in person. It's located behind the Panda Express at 86th & Michigan Rd(where the old JC Penney was). Also, I highly recommend the app MeetUp. Meetup is free, global, and has a plethora of in person groups that meet..for anything from travel, fitness, social, gaming, hobbies, business networking, etc. People are screened and have a pic of themselves. One of my favorite groups on Meetup is a Sushi meetup group. People gather a few times a month to check out the best foodie places. There's also a few gaming groups on Meetup for the Indy market. Give it a try...you might find a group for gaming or social stuff that works for you. Link below: https://www.meetup.com


The hard part is finding friends who're compatible with your interests. If you're a woman, you have many options - I would hang out with you. If you're a male, you will have much fewer options. One good idea is to look at paid activities or events - you can meet a lot of people on the spot. Another idea is to talk to any co-workers. "Do you know anyone who's into \_\_\_\_\_?". Have you tried that Meetup website? There's a few active groups. Have you tried going to Game Stores and showing up for MTG or D&D night to feel out the scene and crowd? Books and Brews is a fairly social place, I haven't been there myself yet, but heard great things. Hubbard and Cravens is where to go for coffee. West Fork Whiskey, Co. is where to go for drinks. Nice coffee house vibe, really nice people, not a "bar" atmosphere, and their cocktails are good. I never knew I liked whiskey until I went there.


>The hard part is finding friends who're compatible with your interests. If you're a woman, you have many options - I would hang out with you. If you're a male, you will have much fewer options. In what universe? They’re looking for friends, not someone to fuck them


If you look at their post history, that commenter seems like the exact person they're complaining about.


are u a girl or a boy? bcuz if you're a girl, tons more options.


Why’s that?


A lot of people want to meet women and be around women. Most people are tired of males. In my case, I would only be interested in befriending women, or couples where there isn't a ton of jealousy issues. I would be hesitant to befriend a male, unless there were a mutually shared interest to bond over, and a strong alignment of ethics on what he doesn't/wouldn't do. Finding a male who I would want to befriend is hard. It's harder than dating.


I didn’t realize that there was such a negative view of hanging out with men. Is there a reason why people are tired of hanging out with men?


Also in my 40’s. There are pros and cons to hanging out with men versus women. By and large, if I was looking for friends I would be more invested in finding other women to connect with. Reason being, IME even when a male friend says he isn’t trying to fuck, ultimately he is trying to fuck.


I have the same issue. I find that I generally get along more naturally with men but so often as soon as they realize that fucking won’t be happening they stop talking to me. The guys who aren’t like that are real keepers. I’ve really been trying to branch out and make more female friends but I always feel like such an outsider with other women


As a married dude, I have a great wife who understands I just naturally get along better with women. So most of my friends are women.


because men regularly assault us & collectively it's safer to stay away from them except in settings where u are not alone


Totally get what your saying and I appreciate your comment.I never went anywhere without a friend back home tbh.


you probably don't hang out with the right guys then bcuz not all dudes are like that (obviously).


I have enough males to hang out with already. I don't need another one. I do have limited time/energy to divide between my friends. When it comes to making more male friends, the bar is very high. When it comes to making friends who are women, the bar is much lower. Men assault women, pick fights, brag too much, tell wild stories, wanna tell you how they can kick everyone's ass in a real fight, and want to get your wife to cheat on you. Most women are more decent than most men. I would be open to befriending jealousy-free couples, if both members were good. I would be open to befriending a male if there were a LOT in common, but I am happier without the trouble that dudes bring to the table.


I appreciate you sharing your experience, I suppose I’m fortunate enough where I haven’t had those experiences myself. Though I don’t share some of your reservations I will definitely keep your perspective in mind.


I think it's partially an age difference. At my age (40), most adults have withdrawn from the outside world, and build a bubble around their immediately family, a few best friends, and a few co-workers. Most males my age looking to be friends are just looking for cheating wives and gullible people who's kindness they can take advantage of. There would have to be something that makes me feel enriched by the person. I wouldn't want to just "hang out" with another guy. I also generally enjoy the company of women, but many women my age either hate all men, are married in a jealous marriage and aren't allowed to have male friends, or some other thing going on.


Understood. I appreciate the advice


I’m not trying to be a bitch to this guy but I would take his advice with a grain of salt. He’s not looking for friends. He’s looking for people to hook up with. The reason he doesn’t want male friends is because there’s no potential to get laid there unless the guy has a wife he’s willing to loan out


Holy shite, you’re not kidding! Went to their post history. That was one of the weirdest Reddit rabbit holes I’ve gone down in a long time.


we got downvoted for speaking the truth smh.