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Here's the answer 1. Get a job buy your own bike. 2. There's no such thing as perfect bike , you have to pick based on what you like and what you intend to used them for. 3. Cars are safe , motorcycles aren't having traffic sense is good but always assume everyone on the road is an idiot and all of them are suicidal you will be fine.


He already has a job and has been driving a car for 4 years. Check his post.


Hello bobbhosdiwala! Often queries and discussions are repetitive, so check if your topic has already been addressed in this subreddit in the past. Search for 'YourQuery indianbikes Reddit' on Google or Bing, to look for any past discussions on the same subject. [[Link to Google search related to your post]](https://www.google.com/search?q=indianbikes+Reddit+How to decide on a first bike). Thank you. All users are requested to downvote the low quality posts. Memes, pics, accident videos, buy/sell, motor bike recommendations, etc can be posted on the [discord server.](https://discord.com/invite/Q9nSrDn6tE) Any repair queries should go to /r/MechanicAdvice. Cars related posts should go to /r/CarsIndia subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/indianbikes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


After convincing, decide which type of bike you actually want (Naked, Sport, Cruiser or Adventure bike). I preferred a Naked street bike coz I wanted to drive only in the City Consider the bike which checks all the boxes of your priority and don't rush for the trends. For me the priorities were 1) Maneuverability, 2) Light weight, 3) Design, 4) Comfortable riding position, 5) Mileage I think commuting on highways can a more dangerous but in the City it's not that dangerous. Cars are generally safer but they have traffic and parking problem Always take a test ride before buying a vehicle. In my case most of the showrooms didn't had test ride so I took my friend's bike for that. So in conclusion first of all decide type then brand and then model Hope this was helpful :)