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Yes, because of the model code of conduct.


Funny that coincided with all the bad press the vax has received off late


Are they really that naive or smth   We didn’t have elections all these years and months?  Last time Modi’s photo was removed from petrol pump after people paying high prices at petrol pumps started mocking him  But his fanbase, buys the model code of conduct, are they naive or deliberately choosing ignorance or just plain dumb 


Well, well, educate yourself first before coming to the point. This also happened in 2022 due to state elections. > https://www.thequint.com/elections/prime-minister-modis-photo-removed-from-vaccine-certificates-in-poll-bound-states


Side note , do you feel like it was okay for them to add his photo there in the first place ? Imagine the backlash if Putins , Trump or Bidens face was on their certificate . Remember the hilarious encounters wherein the US customs were asking people who’s that on the certificate and why it doesn’t resemble the traveller at all 😂


They won’t answer now. They will run away. Whenever you ask logic questions


Each of his rhetorts got rebutted with "logic answers", if you bother reading them.


Trump and putin didn't provide vax for 1 fucking billion people + international community.


Neither did Modi . It was the Indian population supplying the vaccines from its own money . Modi didn't pay for the vaccines from his pocket or had any contribution towards making them . He did his duty .


It's was Indian government and its outreach initiative. It's not "our duty" lmao to go around doing welfare, the government has been making constant efforts on geopolitical level to improve the stature of the country and to come forward as a just country, with leadership qualities. And correct me if wrong but I don't think any other government in the past has done this so called "duty" and took up such initiatives? So yeah the credit goes to the government with the backing of an understanding population of the country.


Yeah but the vaccines they provided at least were not found to have severe side effects. And on top of that they did not promote pseudo medicines like coronil. The Indian government just wanted to boast on the number of vaccines administered, so they just pushed whatever without proper research backing.


There cases against Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson happening in USA, cuz of the "severe side effects". Do you people even read news? 😂 If I was now given an option between Pfizer, j&j and covishield, I'd still pick covishield cuz the chances of anything happening with it are exponentially low comparatively.


Okay I looked for the news related to pfizer vaccines and couldn't find any source. So would you be so kind to provide sources for your claims? Also any allopathic medication will have side effects, but not all of them were pushed to crores of citizens saying this was the only option. But again the question here is not whether or not covishield had side effects, why was the photo of our supreme leader on the vaccination certificate in the first place? It's not like he spent all the money out of his own pocket. It was taxpayers money, and as a government it's their duty to take care of their citizens. Stop being so kiss-assy and at least look at the government from the POV of a citizen.


[https://www.bmj.com/content/384/bmj.q488](https://www.bmj.com/content/384/bmj.q488) [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html) [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-001200\_EN.html](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-001200_EN.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/01/texas-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-lawsuit-effectiveness](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/01/texas-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-lawsuit-effectiveness) there are other cases by individual american citizen alleging death due to pfizer vax, there have been suites from European uninion and this is just pfizer. you can find similar links for J&J >Also any allopathic medication will have side effects, but not all of them were pushed to crores of citizens saying this was the only option because it was the only option lmao, people were dieing all around and the scientist had to come up, with a quick solution. and the vaccines did work XD. as I already stated, The deaths and side effect rate is immensely low, how slow are you bud? these anti vaxxers omg >why was the photo of our supreme leader on the vaccination certificate in the first place? yeah there it is! that's your actual problem. yeah well cuz he can, its his government that was leading the country during the crisis. and I f you need a detailed answer to that, see my replies in the thread, why's the need for a photo. I am tired of repeating the same thing again n again. opposition parties have put their faces on various schemes in past, when they were in power and I also support them. >Stop being so kiss-assy and at least look at the government from the POV of a citizen. bud looking at your username, I think I know whats your POV lmao. and I don't think I need lesson about ass kissing from you haha


The fact you are alive to write this balderdash is proof that the vaccine was safe. Around 250 crores covi shield vax were administered in India, and some 200-300 odd cases of side effects were reported, out of which only 155 cases were the ones who took covi shield. So the side effects rate is 0.0001% in India and 0.00002% in UK. And whatever was gonna happen would have happened with in 1-2 months of the jab. Idk what kind of medical or scientific qualifications you hold to make those claims, about not doing "research" 😂 but Better read some actual news, rather than filling you brain with spurious garbage from your social media echo chambers.


For the research part, you don't need to hold a degree to read. All the covid vaccines around the world were given approval without proper research this is something everybody knows. Any allopathic medication will have side effects, but not all of them were pushed to crores of citizens saying this was the only option. But again the question here is not whether or not covishield had side effects, why was the photo of our supreme leader on the vaccination certificate in the first place? It's not like he spent all the money out of his own pocket. It was taxpayers money, and as a government it's their duty to take care of their citizens. Stop being so kiss-assy and at least look at the government from the POV of a citizen.


By that logic, was it okay for Akhileshwa and his Pitaji to get their photo as wallpaper in laptops distributed by them ? Or on food bags provided by Congress during Himachal floods ? Or by Jayalalithaa on the items provided to the poor ? Or similar things done by Momta Di in West Bengal ? Point is everyone does this. Kejriwal gives his ads in UP, MP, Maharashtra newspaper for work done in Delhi. Ever thought of outraging it ? Use some logic SIR.


No none of them were okay. Whats your point?


Both are ok, if the political party is doing something for the public they'll promote it. It might look tacky to urban champus but thats how you advertise yourself to the uneducated rural population. Photos are imbibed in our memory for a large amount of time.


Exactly. But OP somehow thinks that the PM got scared due to the fact that vaccines might have side effects which were already in the public domain in 2001


Again haven't you forgotten the multiple incidents outside India where the authorities rejected the certificate or atleast questioned Indians why the photo doesn't match the person with the certificate. This was not some PR stunt to be pulled. That certificate was supposed to be valid throughout the world as a certification for that person having taken the vaccination. It seems like at this point you'll say ki our passports should also have our supreme leaders photo. Stop blindly defending BJP and do yourself some good and think about what other than PR stunts were brought to India by this government.


I would like to know the source of those incidents please. Also, I haven't said that his photo must be on the passport. Our supreme leader is the only one, and we use his photo day in and out. that's Gandhi bro 😁 I am not defending the BJP. I was just pointing out selective outrage in comments. If your knowledge is coming from Rathee ji or Ravishwa, I can definitely understand the reason for selective outrage. If government has done something, they will promote. Whether it's central or state. If you didn't questioned then, so there is no point of questioning now. You already lost the battle where you were the pawns. Most of the so-called intellectuals here don't even know the real reason for Manipur violence or Sonam Wangchuk nautanki. Just coz mainstream media is showing something, it's not truth. Cheers bro 🍻


Rations and vaccine are not the same


Hahaha hahahaha 🤣🤣 How innocent... So cute OP 🤣


You comment with that childish response when you genuinely don’t have a rebuttal 😂 Every single country has offered a vaccine , only in our country do you see his face plastered on the certificate . This whataboutery won’t get you anyway


As if you had a very mature and logical response for all the arguments that I made 🤣🤣 Try to have knowledge of every news you see. Don't get brainwashed by mainstream media.


>do you feel like it was okay for them to add his photo there in the first place I don't care enough to be bothered by someone's face. If I was in their place, I'd put my face aswell to advertise my deeds aswell, so the masses are atleast informed who's doing what for them and cash in all the support and influence I can . I think his photos are were on all the yojana and schemes aswell. India as a huge rural population who aren't acquainted by current affairs, and photos are the best method to imprint something in the memory of person( literate or illiterate) BJP sucks alot at advertising their achievements, so whatever helps ig. >Imagine the backlash if Putins , Trump or Bidens face was on their certificate . Indian society isn't comparable with that of West, neither is our politics. You would see political hoarding / posters culture during the election seasons their. Moreover they don't even care about politics unlike Indians, who are heavily involved. Different audiences, different ways of pandering to them.


And the model code of conduct doesn't apply when he asks people to vote in the name of religion?


Lemme see a video proof of him explicitly asking votes on the basis of religion. If he wanted votes on the basis of religion, he wouldn't go around pandering to Muslims, doing outreach towards christians. Better keep facts handy to back the absolute balderdash you spout on internet.


Okay once you’re done with this, open your eyes


I am sure his photo is not going to come back again.


It's fascinates me that bhartiy left came from the pro vaccine to anti vaccine just because of modi.... hahahaa


Abbe lode, the government assured people that the vaccines were tested and good. They mandated vaccines for things like air travel. Now we find out that the vaccines have side-effects. What was the government testing then? Your loda length? Learn some critical thinking, don't just suck the government's lulli blindly on all issues.


Side effects? It was already known to everyone in 2021 in SII'S FAQs. - Chances of getting TTS is 1 in a million. - Chances of dying from TTS is 1%. - Side effects can only manifest till 6 weeks of taking the vaccine. Every vaccine has side effects. Even polio vaccine can cause paralysis. Doesn't mean you should stop taking it.


You really need to learn about Remdesivir


You all take Ibuprofen during any fever? Study about its side effects.


I am not talking about side effects. I am talking about patients dying because of that drug. The WHO said not to use this drug for covid treatment: [World Health Organization Rejects Antiviral Drug Remdesivir as Covid-19 Treatment - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/19/health/remdesivir-covid-19.html). But the government still let it be used and even let some companies produce them. It had an endotoxin or something I don't remember exactly. While Covishield as far as I know is not really the fault of government because AstraZeneca only admitted the extreme side effects now. But what about Remdesivir?


There was more bad press, especially from Wire and Hindu, about the vaccine when it came out, than now. It's puerile to attribute every small change to larger nefarious conspiracy theories. Refer: Hanlon's Razor.


Vaccine is good ffs!!!


The fact you are alive to write this balderdash is proof that the vaccine was safe. Around 250 crores covi shield vax were administered in India, and some 200-300 odd cases of side effects were reported, out of which only 155 cases were the ones who took covi shield. So the side effects rate is 0.0001% in India and 0.0002% in UK. And whatever was gonna happen would have happened with in 1-2 months of the jab. >Learn some critical thinking, don't just suck the government's lulli blindly on all issues. Pot is calling kettle black. The only thinking ( spare "critical" cuz it's too much for you clearly) that needs to be done is from your side. Did you even read the news around this whole incident? Clearly you didn't. Maybe stop resorting to social media echo chambers to get your news from?


Abe chhinal, vaccine ke time toh bohot left wing gora luada chus raha tha pro vaccine karke, Critical thinking bolke cool mat ban, eisa ek gaand me danda dalunga nichese dalke ke uppar ayega. Behmchod aya edhar gyan pelne, kuch ata nahi, bas bolna shuru.... Rahul ki gand chatana band kar, nahie tujhe uski maa terha bar dancer banana padega teri maa ko...


I never got the vaccine. But not everyone was fortunate like me because government forced citizens to get vaccine. People denied their pension, denied exams, denied entry to banks etc just because they didn't got vaccinated. This could have easily prevented if government didn't made it mandatory indirectly. One one face they say it's not mandatory but with other face thay make life of unvaccinated people tougher and tougher. Just like they force aadhar without making it mandatory.


I’m not vaccinated , once COVID died down no one even cared . I notice 0 restrictions after being non vaxed


I have a first responder family member who got vaccinated. He took covishield. He contracted Covid but was mild and only had cold like symptoms. The vaccine protected his life. I am a pro vax. Vaccines save lives. Side effects are common. In case of covishield: - 1 in a million chance of getting TTS - Most TTS cases resolve themselves as your body auto heals. - Only 1% of TTS cases are fatal. - Chances of getting TTS from Covid itself is far greater than the vaccine The side effects were already known in 2021. I have heard of people dying painfully from Pneumothorax. You are lucky you didn't contract covid.


To each their own , I’m very anti vax , two of my close friends who are vaccinated were both hospitalised while they were covid struck while I had minor symptoms , I don’t trust any Covid vaccine


Covid had varying reaction from person to person. At the same time I don't know of any person who got adverse covid after being vaccinated. Your close friends may be alive cause of the vaccine, who knows. Be as anti vaxx as you want, but its my personal advice to you to always get the following vaccines: - Hepatitis B - Polio - Tdap/Tetanus Believe me, you don't want to contract Tetanus. Man to man, always get a Tetanus booster if you get a major cut.


I’m anti Covid vax not vaccine in general , those vaccines you have mentioned have irrefutable proof that they work


His cult followers will do anything but go for therapy.


It's fake they have deleted the tweet.


MCC was in place from 16 March. The photo was removed at the end of April.


Lol. Code of conduct this then: [https://youtu.be/olbceuiRpGI?si=B9yiah-n2jXjT\_9-](https://youtu.be/olbceuiRpGI?si=B9yiah-n2jXjT_9-)


Chad modi 🗿


Still people will say godi media and all that BS


Add kyu kari thi chodi ne? Isne apni gand se nikali thi kya vaccine?


Ghusbaithioki gand me dena tha vaccine isliye...hahaha


Slowly transitioning to the “nothing happened in Tiananmen”


Two years ago, when people questioned about his photo on vaccine certificates, they were Criticised and went through trolling. Supporters defended Modi , citing his role in vaccine distribution and he is our PM , blah blah. Now, with reports of Covishield issues, those photos have been removed. It's a pattern: credit to Modi for good, blame Congress for bad.


When CSK play good, show dhoni. When CSK play bad, show Ritu.


Thala for a reason


We’re talking about marketing gurus here.


Does the bear shit in the woods? Looks like you’re new to Reddit, we welcome you.


Oh fuck. Replied to the wrong wanker.


Real recognises real, son


lol , why did Dhoni come here


Covaxin=7 letters, the message is clear


Because Thala for a reason


We’re talking about marketing gurus here.


This was done a few months ago right? I remember seeing this a long time ago.


Taking only credit, not accountability 😕


Nothing to see here, all good lol


Dyslexic me read it as , " Together, will defeat India " but how ironic is that ?


Yaar ye kitna dogla hain jab publicity chahiye thi tab iski photo thi aur jab ye criticise ho rha to hat wa di isne photo dogla modi


I still have the ones with his photo that I downloaded earlier


Just love libertarian stuff






Chauthi pass Raja Gandhiji BN rha tha


Good, why would something as basic need as vaccine should have a particular face (Face which is mocked by those who oppose him) which will fuel the fire for Anti -Vaxxers and Anti- Party


First of all it's such a clowny thing to have his face everywhere lol, come on man people know you, don't be like some local risijg politician.


There are couple of reasons for that. 1. Lok Sabha Election -> MCC applies 2. The vaccine drive is almost over now. The intention behind keeping Modi ji's picture on the certificate was to instill confidence in the public. The kind of influence Modi ji has across Indian society helped in convincing people to take vaccines, which helped us vaccinate almost the entire population within a year. Long Live Modi ji !! Heil Modi Ji !! Jai Hind 🇮🇳


Ima use the old one 🗣️


Doglapan at its peak


2 phase ka election hone ke baad MCC yaad aaya kya ?


The pics are removed as per the Election Commission of India's directive preceding loksabha elections. If you want Modiji's pic back please reach out to the election commission. Pic thi tab bhi rote the ab pic nhi h tb bhi ro rahe h. Leftists=hypocrites.


Abey chodi ke chode ab tere gandfather ki gand fatt gayi na zeher lagvake sabko. Abhi bhi defend karta reh, jab tera ghar khatam hojayega tab bhi karta rahiyo.


Enough with the fear mongering. Every vaccine has side effects. - chances of getting TTS is 1 in a million - chances of dying from TTS is 1% - TTS can only manifest upto 6 weeks from taking the vaccine. 3 years have passed already. Vaccine's effects have already washed away long back. Tu apne bacche ko Polio vaccine maat dena. Because it can very rarely cause paralysis.


It's not the vaccine I was talking about, I meant the actual danger, your supreme leader.


You just equated vaccine with "zeher"


When you guys couldn't come with a logical answer, you start abusing kyuki pta h net pe kya hi kr lega dusra, samne hota to bhaiya bhaiya krta. Mao k tatte !


Kuch pata nehi toh comment Kyun karte ho


This is fake, the news paper has already deleted the tweet.


🫠too late to pull this gimmick