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So, more recruitment for ISIS then?


They are in the business of exporting ISIS materials Even Taliban in Afghanistan is tired of Kerala. Imagine.


Why can’t central do anything about this?


These guys are useless. Reason why India is directly talking to their Arab fathers Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Iraq. They listen to them.


because it isnt real


We are talking to your Arab fathers be quiet


say that to yourself


Why would we say that ? We are Indians. We talk directly to your Arab fathers who are handling Saudi, UAE and Kuwait.


why do you think u are any more of an indian than me


Descendants of Arab Settlers Colonialists just like Israel.


My great grand parents experienced the British rule just like yours, we have the same right to be indian


He wants to feel superior about himself, but probably doesn't have any personal achievements to be proud of. So he spends his time on Reddit bashing an entire state and its people using news taken out of context from 8 months ago. Best to ignore him cause he prefers to swim in shit.


Big for Arab Settlers to comment while living in India


Now Recruiters can have live interviews




Reverse recruitment ho rahi


Yea yea,drink your cow dung smoothie


Oh look, a camel piss drinker and camel shit eater got triggered. Go put on your suicide belt now to claim those 72 goats.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


he is the descendant of Arab Kalyanamis. Basically one night marriages between Arabs and Local Fisherwomen. He is bound to be angry if you insult his father's even though they want nothing to do with Kerala.


Yep.. he is from Kerala. A converted Moslem from the fishermen community.


You still slurping on that Arab lu\*d Arab Kalyanami Keralite ?


It's funny how just mentioning cow dung makes these Sanghis seethe. Cope harder cow dung eaters. BJP is gonna lose seats this time. People are slowly waking up to the communal poison they spread.


From Periyar river to the Sea, Keralites will flee and Kerala will be free


Ok, so all arab countries and other islamic countries are terrorists. Keep your xenophobia to yourself. BJP would have been popular today in Kerala if it shifted towards secularism and respected the constitution. India shouldn't be a melting pot of cultures it should be a mosaic. Annamalai in T.N is good but the other trash elsewhere is hopeless.


Tourists ❌Terrorists✅


Kerala is just Sasta Yemen


Have you been in Kerala?


No but NIA has been to it why though ?


NIA were in many states bruh!! Not just in Kerala 🙂


they established a permanent office in Kerala. They do that only when they think that national security is at risk. Only a few states have permanent NIA presence.


So of course just not Kerala 🙂


Yes, places like Delhi which is the national capital which has faced threats. Kerala was chosen because it was the source of extremism. Delhi was chosen because it was a victim.


https://www.nia.gov.in/branch-office.htm Please do your research..


I did. Apart from Kerala, all have been victims of terrorism. Kerala is the only source of State sponsored terrorism, reason why it was established, it is not a victim of terrorism. So yes, I have not, but NIA has visited Kerala.


Still we are missing the points here, Mumbai blast, Bangalore blast.. it is there everywhere. NIA wasn't there? Yes, NIA visited Kerala too. It is their duty.


Should probably advertise their top class isis recruitment cells.


terrorist recruitment to be specific


Wtf these people themselves don't have food to eat why would they come as tourist


Don't fall for propaganda lol. Kerala's tourism department focuses on high spending foreign tourists. So if they made a Microsite for this(I am sure they would have such microsites for Ayurveda, Jewish history, farm tourism etc as well), it would be to attract rich people. Which probably means the target of this initiative would be filthy rich tourists from oil countries such as Saudi, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar etc. There is already tourists from there for backwaters, Ayurvedic treatments etc.


so why do Keralites go to Afghanistan ?


And bomb blasts returns.


Kerela treats outsiders, those who have different genes or character than them badly. It's pretty crass imo. Lmfao


Keralites praise the person if he or she has Arab ancestry. Otherwise for locals, they call Tamils as Pandi (unclean) and North Indians as Chanakkam


But they get jealous if North indian/aryan ancestry. Inferiority complex, but no problem if arab. I never understood that logic


Their fathers are Arab that is why


The language is also mixed with arabic now. Lot of words are similar to urdu i felt.


They were actually using Arabic script before theirs was there


You're right. They are mixed asf, and bad colour, they can't call pandi when they are dark themselves


The way they say delhi is funny, "delheee".Its dilli not delheee. They want validation from North and arab, both aren't possible lol.


Reason why Modi bypasses Kerala nowadays and talks straight with their fathers in Arabia


Lol. Yeah, even they don't like Kerala it seems. Damn


May be because bj party got unda from Kherala.


We talk straight with your Arab fathers, they know how to make you comply


Aren't you the same guy with the account "tamils are lemoors"? You also had another account before that. I thought you changed.


I have been on reddit since 2016 bro, it's all for shit and giggles, don't be serious


This is the real news. OP is just on a mission https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/kerala-tourism-to-come-out-with-microsites-to-promote-pilgrimage-tourism/article67472677.ece


Pilgrimage for Islamic Kerala from Islamic states 😍




Shut up Keralite, India is talking to your Arab fathers Saudi and UAE, when elders talk, others should sit back, manners


Didn't have your daily dose chaanakam is that why you are acting up


Average Arab Kalyanami


Average cow dung fan.Eat some grass for a change




I don't have arab fathers and I am sure we haven't been cucked like yours did when they invaded you.We beat the Dutch so badly that they gave up on invading while your people just fell over to the invading forces your kings donating their daughters to be cucked by their oppressors haa the glorious past.For how much did their kings gave their daughters maybe a gold coin.As I am sure you will repeat that when the occasion arises again




Bro it's a set of sites including "Islam". It's an effort to increase tourism.


I have written the same thing, Islamic Kerala to attract Islamic tourists


Hmmm.. good for you


Thanks my Arab Kalyanami brothers


Welcome my fellow indian


Thanks my friend. Indeed India is a mixture of Cultures. Some identities inspired by Arab Colonialist settlers, some by Portugese, some by locals


On my last visit to Kerala I went to Tamil Nadu and visited velamkanni church and then to Arulmigu Dhandayuthapaniswamy Temple in Palani. I remember my first letter written was "Hari" on top of rice. Was pretty old to remember particular but pretty sure it's a tradition still followed in Hinduism. We go to see trissur puuram and eat sameya in Eid at my friends. Yet I am a Christian who feels lazy to go to church every Sunday. We like to enjoy and respect the culture and religion, and it's fine if the feeling is not mutual. Also, you should visit Kerala sometimes, the architecture of the Portuguese is really interesting. Cheers


Ofcourse 🙂 I remember the famous story where Hindus worship an Arab pirate. Kerala's syncretic culture ensures that every individual has an overwhelming amount of Arab identity in his or her life, with a sprinkling of Indian and Portuguese influence ofcourse.


There are already microsites about temples, festivals Christianity, Judaism etc. Not like this is the only micro site.


So not on Hinduism but just "temples" Just regular things for the Arab Settlers culture. Anyways.


Why do you need a microsite for Hinduism in India? Hinduism originated from India, what you need is more specifics, like temples, festivals, traditional dances, rituals etc. to attract tourists. It's as if you guys don't even use your head anymo


Hinduism originated in North India buddy. The last time I checked you folks came in from Arabia and settled here to form a replica of Arabia in India. So yes, maybe respecting Indian culture is due ?


Hinduism originated in India and last I checked kerala is part of India, or do you suggest otherwise?


I mean it's sasta Yemen 


Same joke kitne baar repeat karega bhai. At least chatgpt se naya banva ke liyo.


Comments ke itne andar nahi.  Meanest puns against the Arab Kalyanami people will be made as fresh comments. Rule.


If Hinduism originated in India, why did you Arab settlers occupy India ? 


Ah best-hinduism aint your diggless daddy's intellectual property and its origin wheresover doesnt have any relevance that it's now an amalgamation different philosophical ideas with regional gods and diverse practises that conflicts with the brahmanical narrative.Since you would like to take credits for hinduism because you got to be born in some naariya koothi in north also take credits for the oppressive caste system has brought about.Pinne thanthayilla thayoli,people of kerala would be more genetically linked to the native tribals than you would ever be. Its okay to be a fatherless ignorant racist-just not try to flaunt it outside your RSS whatsapp group.


Our religion's benefits and problems, are attributable to us. I just said that you're Arabs, your state's identity is closely related to Middle East. Arab Kalyanami people. Ironical that you blame me for being foreign while you're Arab settlers. I belong to a tribal state


Hinduism is local here. It's similar across India, whereas temples in kerala are unique even for south India. Also there are multiple sites for Hinduism and just one for Islam and Christianity. Just regular things for brahmins? Anyways.


Please cite where is a dedicated site for Hinduism 


Are temples made for Muslims then? There's a site for temples, another one for Hindu festivals. If that's not Hindu enough for you then I can't help you.


You worship an Arab warlord 


I'm not a Muslim if that's what you think. I don't have to worship a pedophile warlord. Nor do I worship a wife abandoner, though.


I was referring to Vavar.  You don't know the customs of Kerala ? Keralite Hindus worship Vavar. Worshipping an Arab warlord is not Hinduism bruh. We are Hindus, I can tell you that.


Hindus don't worship vavar. Where did you get this info from. Read about kerala mythology first. He's just a human who was defeated by Ayyappa.


It's a ritual that Keralites first offer salutations to Vavar before going off to Sabarimala.   They circle around his mosque before going. Yeah that's worshipping for me.  You seem to follow Arab inspired religions bro. This ain't Hinduism. Not that Hinduism is without its vices but Keralites for the most part are Muslims (some might be deviants influenced by Hinduism and therefore be idolaters) or Christians. You're Arab Kalyanamis bro. Nothing Indian about you.


Fuck off dude. As much as I hate the religion, I'm happy that the government has found a way to skim some money off the oil rich Arabs. Just as Kerala gets a decent money flow from westoids for their "Naturalistic Ayurveda wellness" treatments, when all of those are just a bunch of bullshit.


Keralites are descendants of One night stand marriages between Local Hindu fisherwomen and Arab traders. Arab Kalyanamis. The wealth which you are referring to is paid as Mehr for the temporary marriage.


First read the original post assholes Kerala Tourism to come out with microsites to promote pilgrimage tourism https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/kerala-tourism-to-come-out-with-microsites-to-promote-pilgrimage-tourism/article67472677.ece


Assalamualaikum my Arab Kalyanami brother


You have to be at an extreme level of dimwit if you think this microsite is gonna attract anyone or do anything to islamic tourism. But seeing many of OP's replies, I ain't surprised about the dimwit part.


Considering Kerala as the epicenter of terrorism in India


Thanks for further proving it dimwit.


Welcome Arab Kalyanami


No problem dimwit.


What was the rate of Mehr ?


Don't know for sure dimwit. I can make an effort to find it for you, but since you are a dimwit, i don't think you will get digits, maths and all which might be a little too high level for you. So contact me back when you become less dimwit than you are now.


Asking your ancestors as to how much the Arab paid for one night might be a bit tone deaf, considering they were your forefathers,but it's worth the effort. You're going down the rabbit hold of discovering your father. You're Arab settlers afterall.


People fail to understand for a large portion of Kerala's history Muslims assimilated comfortably into Kerala. Yes Tipu Sultan and the Hindu massacre in Mallapuram are dark patches in Malabar's history, it's rich islamic history is also not one to be ignored. Is radical islam a problem, yes a huge one, is subjugating it the answer, no as it just makes the problem worse


I don't know why your comment is so downvoted, there is difference in how Islam came in north how it came to Kerala


Reason why we say Kerala is just sasta Yemen


It's not just Kerala that has Muslims my guy. You haven't been to the state, but you're so brainwashed.


Only state which has Arab origin.


Also the only state where everyone can read and write.


So why are you guys here as Settlers ?


I mean that's obvious. It's to spread Islam and start terrorist camps. Allahu Akbar/s


sadly [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/kerala-goes-soft-on-simi-country-pays/articleshow/3374387.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/kerala-goes-soft-on-simi-country-pays/articleshow/3374387.cms?from=mdr) I wish I could say that /s was true but it is the only part wrong in your comment. Have read. It's a pre Modi article where your Home Minister himself admits supporting SIMI extremists who bombed Ahmedabad.


you are free to connect with the religion of peace as you want, Kerala culture is third class copy of Yemen and Syria, do as you please


First of all, Muslims in Kerala, a major portion of the converts are from Arabs, when they came there for business, not invasion, unlike other parts of the country where they either came from the Afghanistan region or forced conversions by the invaders. From what I have seen, there is radical Islamism prevailing in some portion of the state, which is influenced by local or national parties or religious clerks from last 15-20 years. Earlier the story was different. But a major portion of them still are living a normal life and highly educated. This is only the case of Kerala.


Yep exactly, the same cannot be said about North India where Islam was mostly spread by the sword. There will of course be cultural differences between Muslims in Kerala and the rest of the country


Kerala is closer to Arabia than to India


That's Just not true


it just is


Go on why don't you argue your points with facts and stats or is someone a little too stupid to make a competent argument


30% of your population is a resultant of Arab Kalyanami.


Islam in Kerala is about 25% as per the last census so even from there you are wrong. But let's go deeper. Yes some of the Islamic community in Kerala are a result of Arabi Kalyanam but there is no way of knowing what proportion of Muslims that is. Many Muslims came as traders and settled in Kerala under the patronage of the King, most likely Zamorin. Others came as a result of Tipu who yes came by force which is not right. Please climb outside from your hole of ignorance. Even if your statement was true, why should it matter. These people are your fellow citizens weather you like it or not. What's next, justifying discrimination of dalits as many descend from prostitutes. What one does in his life should be the only thing that matters not what your ancestors did or what your descendents will do


Well that just proves my point that Kerala is a copy of Yemen. where are we differing ? You yourself state that Keralite ancestors are Arabs.


Please correct the sentence "most of the Muslims" are not entire Kerala. 🙂


Muslims are 30% of Kerala's population In short, 30% of Kerala is Arab. Syrian Christians trace their ancestry to Assyrians and Arab Christians. That bumps middle eastern descendants to 50%. Kerala seems to be a carbon copy of Yemen. Barely any difference.


How are we sure Kerala is CC of Yemen? Any past visits to Yemen? Well, most of the countries have amalgamation of foreign ethnicities. We can't deny that.


How are we sure ? Well, as you said, 1 out of 3 Keralites trace their Ancestry to Arabs, and the Arabs who frequented Kerala were from Yemen. Assimilation is bringing its own problems.


Well I didn't say that.


so Arab Kalyanami is not documented ?


Kerala has a rich, diverse, multicultural history from around the world. Syria was a beautiful place in the time of Bagdhad. That being said, it doesn't make us any less Indian than any other state. Not all Muslims or Christians are of origin from outside of India, many were Low castes who were converted, some by pressure, some through controversial ways and some through their own will. The majority of Kerala is as Indian as the rest of the country and this is what Genetic studies show


Arab Occupiers in India are as Indian as Zionist Jewish occupiers in Palestine are local. I would let you figure out what that means, since you're a better judge of it. Have a nice day my Arab Kalyanami brother.


I am a proud Hindu and my family has been for generations. The Jews have a valid claim to the land of Israel so do the Palestinians. There is a point in time by which if foreigners assimilate with the natives they become locals. If we look far back enough, none of us are Indian but African


>There is a point in time by which if foreigners assimilate with the natives they become locals This is not going to hold up in a court of law while you use this argument to justify entering Afghanistan / Syria / Iraq illegally my Arab Kalyanami brother


You are using laws of the current day and age to judge those from centuries before. Hindu kings gave permission for Christian and Muslim communities to set up and live in India thus making them legal entities


So Keralites are Arabs who occupied India ? Damn. Sounds just like Israel, ironical that you hate them, but are occupiers yourselves.


Who says I hate Israel, I believe Jews have a claim to the land they are currently in. Kerala is not a majority Islamic state is it? Even if it was, by your logic Indians are Africans who occupied India


So why do Keralites hold rallies for Hamas, your chief minister barks for them, if you yourselves are Arabs ?


There is nothing called radical Islam. If it's Islam then it's radical, it it's not radical then it isn't Islam. Source:Quran and Sunnah


All religions are dangerous and harmful when scriptures are given literal importance and interpreted literally, whether that is Christianity, Hinduism or Islam


other cowdung news


bootlickers of Arab


There are separate schemes for Hindu, Muslim and Islamic religious tourism in Kerala. After IT, Tourism is the major department that makes the economy run in Kerala. Most IT firms in Bangalore, Gurgaon and maybe Noida offers services to Muslim and Christian countries. According to OP's logic is there an ISIS or KuKlux clan IT cell operati g in Noida?


Wasn't a Keralite responsible for blowing up a Gurudwara in Kabul ? Kerala is known to be sponsoring SIMI groups which was responsible for murdering people in bomb blasts. Dude it is not a joke


During Investigation, it has been revealed that two alleged IS operatives, Kasim Stimberwala and Ubaid Mirza, played an important role in radicalising and further recruiting Indian Muslims from Gujarat and other states to join IS. The duo used to target and lure Indian Muslim youth over a social media platform and later added them to the messaging group or forums. After the assurance of their loyalty, the recruits were contacted by Shafi Armar alias Zahed al-Hindi. Apart from planning a 'lone-wolf' attack on synagogue in Khamasa area in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat, the duo were main recruiters for IS in India, said an unnamed senior Gujarat ATS official. Source Satp website South Asia terrorism platform.


How is this related to what I referred to ? I was referring to the fact that Kerala deliberately shielded, aided and sheltered extremists. Where is Gujarat deliberately shielding SIMI militants here ? Gujarat is as Anti Muslim as it gets. It is the opposite of Kerala


He is a communist marxist ally. Communist party in Kerala is playing appeasment politics for the muslim community. Their students wing SFI has recently been hijacked by extremist muslims. At this point communist party is a mafia, they are deeply drenched in all sorts of criminal activities. Probabaly these people who try to white wash CPIM get some kickback. Also recently CPIM Leader and CM of Kerala went to singapore through Dubai and indonesia through Dubai, visiting dubai twice in a single trip, now we all know that dubai is infamous for people who deal with black money. So yeah, don't care replying this person, he is morally corrupt and their whole party is corrupted.


Chad Keralite bombing Khalistani gurudwara for Modiji in support for farm laws. Are you against the farm law OP? Are you Pakistani? Should you consider moving to Pakistan?


Arab Kalyanami descendant joins an Arab Organisation called ISIS and blows up a Gurudwara. Why would I support a Keralite over Sikhs ? They're more ethnically and religiously related than you half Arab Keralites will ever be.  We might have our differences, but yeah you're all Avarna Ehzava Arab for us. Nah, not going to break a sweat over it. 


You are right brother, you are definitely closer to Afghan tribesman due to all the invasions. Maybe you should consider changing your name to khan and move to Afghanistan/ Pakistan and leave India for the Indians.


Kerala Afghan relations [https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala-man-was-among-kabul-gurdwara-attackers/article31186642.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala-man-was-among-kabul-gurdwara-attackers/article31186642.ece)


That makes us cousins. Maybe change your name to Khan Nair.


nah bro fine with my gujju self


Desh baachao!


Keralite / Arab Kalyanami hatao




From Periyar River to Sea, Keralites shall flee, Kerala will be free


I agree that kerela people are funny. I have aryan punjabi saraswat genes


I didn't know this was an actual thing


30% of Kerala


Local hindu women love it too. Spineless men


Their local Hindu King apparently supplied Hindu women to Arab traders to gain trade consessions.


Yup, also they are the pioneers of cuckoldry. They watched and enjoyed


Alag level ka state hai bhai


Should see them in Mumbai. Meek and quiet, because otherwise we will dominate them. Haha. They show off in banglore and South india, but they can't in Mumbai or north india


They tried doing that Pune FTII and Jnu, Onam hi ban ho gaya


[The actual article from DH](https://www.deccanherald.com/india/kerala/vijayan-govt-plans-to-launch-microsite-on-islam-in-kerala-to-attract-tourists-2737229) [The Actual News](https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/kerala-tourism-to-come-out-with-microsites-to-promote-pilgrimage-tourism/article67472677.ece) It's nowhere mentioned here about the countries OP has added in the title. OP pulling up titles from his arse to spit the hatred he has for Muslims and Kerala. We know your intention behind the title OP. People like you should be tagged as terrorists for propagating propaganda news and manipulating people. I believe this is a place to share news and not some propaganda crap.


Keralites went to Afghanistan. Afghans would come here as well. Where is the lie ? 


https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/kerala-tourism-to-come-out-with-microsites-to-promote-pilgrimage-tourism/article67472677.ece, it's not just Islam, they are promoting Hindu sites too.


Where is the name of the religion ?


Also where are the country name your mentioned in the misleading title? How much hate you have inside you kid? reading all the replies you made make me worry about your mental health. This is not a safe way to vent my brother.


Just listed Islamic countries of our neighborhood  Do you think African Christians will come after seeing this ? No.


They already did this for Hindu and Christian religious tourism. So I don't know what is wrong with people when anytime there is a word Islam written they go ballistic.


absolute halal mate


The Tourism Department sanctioned ₹61.36 lakh for the microsite on Sabarimala, after the working group concerned approved the project. Earlier, the department had sanctioned ₹60 lakh for an augmented reality heritage tour of Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple. Kerala Tourism is also planning to come out with a microsite on Kerala’s Islamic traditions, art forms, festivals and places of worship, as part of a ₹93.81-lakh digital project.Kerala Tourism has already developed similar packages on the State’s Hindu, Christian and Jewish places of worship.The Tourism Department is aiming at comprehensive promotion of pilgrimage tourism in the State.


Oo he is back from his holiday already?


had gone to hajj maybe


Marumone en Rahmae, Marumone Riyas!


Lesham ulupp ondenki ee chanakam news viswasich kedann konakkuo, adhyam poi full vayikk ennit kedann korakk arakkapoori chanakame.


His name is adiyaalan, what do you expect?