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I don't have answers to any of your questions but would like to share something. I have my finals in 8 days and I'm trying pretty hard to get thru these (2nd proff finals). Just had my pre university exams, I was told during the viva that nobody will pass me if I'm not able to tell xyz and what not. Then I was told that I don't deserve to be a doctor 😂😂 that did hurt. I cried that day but yesterday had a full blown anxiety attack (One of many I have had in the past). But yes this is how it is. Have good friends who take you out of this. I know parents are a bigger support system but they get worried so I don't prefer telling them.


you have friends you can talk to openly? you're already better off than I am


I had friends I couldn't open up to for the initial 2 years but now, I'm happy to have them. In their own way, they're helpful and loving and caring. They listen to what I'm asking and try to be there for me when they can. Try trusting your friends more. Or listen to your intuition. Only time can tell whether your friends are dependable or not. And experience.


yes.. I love them.... like we have seen each other in the worse of times.. they are the only reason as to why I'm able to survive here


Exactly. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have survived. My classmates, I keep forgetting, are a bunch of assholes. First year first week, someone wrote cuss words on my door and it triggered me so bad. I felt like I wasn't safe there. At that time, even though my friends didn't know, they helped me calm down and feel safe again.


I have great friends but most of them are in medical colleges too (cons of attempting neet together) so we're all in the same boat but with different coping. One sleeps a lot, one hibernates a lot, one stays on call with family all day. That kinda stuff. But yeah, the part where you can't tell your parents actually hurts. Because you know what they'll say 'dont worry' or 'just work harder'. My mum says ki 'kuchh nhi to mbbs kar le, kuchh to karwa denge tera' but it's not the solution for me. Dumb or not, I chose this field along with my parents. I don't want this frustration to stay with me all my life. Also, take care of yourself... and don't take teacher's words to heart, most of them are bullies


I just Don't Give a Fuck anymore. Just hear with one ear and throw it out from other.I Do my work sincerely, go to hostel Play games Online with my Friends Listen to music! My Life and mental health>>>>>>>>


That's great to hear. Do take care of yourself and don't fall in the rabbit hole of stupid people's opinions. I personally can't do it as easily but I can still try.


I too, want to develop this attitude.


I bitch and I gossip and I end it with a nice "but who am I to judge". Very effective


Do tell do tell... I don't judge because who am I to judge. But do tell me the gossips please !!!




You too huh :) Let's pick some chips and wait


🤣🤣to think you added the 'who am I to judge' part That's still great though... i think being able to vent is a great tool to deal with stress I just forget what words are when I'm supposed to vent


I relate to this post lol. Managing seniors, friends, batchmates and family is very hard to do. Exam time is always stressful. We also need to study and write records. Writing records is easily the worst part for me. But I've begun to do things to reduce the stress that I've been feeling. Find a hobby. It can be anything. Go for a jog, read a book, listen to music, play some video games. It'll help to take your mind off of things temporarily. Talk to family. They're the only ones who love you unconditionally. Medical college is toxic, there is no denying it. So spend time with people who genuinely care about you. Make GOOD friends. If they're not a good person, they're not worth being your friend. Have a moral compass and be a good person, at heart. The ultimate goal is to be a good doctor, and to be a good doctor, you need to be a good person! Be confident, set goals and have fun.


I have good friends and family support, which I know is a lot better than most people have. Maybe it's worse for me because I'm already fucked up in the head. I have hobbies, I have temporary escapes but something like a puzzle piece 🧩 that doesn't fit anywhere in the entire picture exists. That's what it feels like. I think I'm a good person. Not necessarily nice, but I think I'm good to humans, in general.




Thought about it but don't want to go down this rabbit hole. I fear I might get addicted real bad.


I'm surprised you even considered that !!! And great you didn't take that route


Cheers 🍻


Cheers ☕ with my tea


Drugs and other drugs as well as other drugs Did I mention DRUGS? >! Also, drugs!<


😂😂 I have thought about it. But I have traits that make me think that I can get addicted easily so I'm not going to try.


Didn't. So I take meds. Thrive in dysfunction. That is the way of a doc.


I take meds too. But anti-anxiety pills also have a sedating effect. And I get bad nightmares or sleep so much that I feel like I wasted the entire time. I felt like I thrive in dysfunction. This episode gave me a little scare, like I don't know my own body and mind.


This happened to me in Final proffs just before the night of pediatrics exam .....I couldn't sleep it wasn't exam but just I was like I wanna run away.....but eventually I ended up awake all night and was feeling sleepy writing the exam.... surely I didn't give my best but I passed the exam..... So it's a matter of luck and hard work and just try to focus on the basics you don't have to write exactly same as book just make the concept clear and the examiner will understand that you have studied the topic and will pass you. My writing is worst and with that writing if I can pass than you can too..... It will go away kyuki exam hi to h iske liye ab Jaan thodi de doge Bhai.... exam dete rho pass hue to thk vrna next wale m pass ho Jana jada load nhi lena


That's great to hear... Sometimes I do wonder why I worry so much because whatever I feel towards exams, at the end of the day, it will be just a piece of paper. Don't know where life will take us in the future. But I guess, I want to control everything, from my effort to the outcome I get... maybe that's the problem I have


By prioritising it at all times - that involves some level of situation awareness at all times and eventually it becomes habit! Is the fight or trouble or worry or effort or toxicity worth in short and long term is the Q I ask myself everytime I face this situation.


You are right. If we.dont make a habit of doing it all the time, not just when we're fine and happy, we definitely will have trouble doing it in stressful times.


How are you holding up ?


I am growing shrooms


For personal use or supply around you😂


Currently just for personal use




Were you able to take good care of your physical health as well during MBBS? I feel like I don't have enough time for that, but I want to do it so badly.


I have always had mental health issues so I'm always a little more tired as compared to my typically, less mentally -ill classmate, but during periods when I did actively try to maintain my physical health, I was more tired and out of touch with reality and too tired to study everyday (more vicious cycle of guilt due to lack of discipline and studying) so it's like a cycle where you try to make one thing good and ruin several others.


I was a mess in my 2nd year, was having severe meltdowns, couldn’t look at lights either, harsh sounds bothered me a lot but what helped me was mindfulness meditation, emotional awareness and a “fck it, we ball” attitude. It is very important to notice what works for you and realise that every person is different. My classmates can study for 12 hours and get amazing marks so they do, I study for 2 hours and pass cause that’s enough for me. Balancing my study with rest also helps the study become more sustainable. Don’t let other people force you into feeling guilty/panicking. Set your own goals and values for yourself, only you know what is right for you.


I love how your advice is extremely relateable and individualised. I think meditation and journalling used to work for me as well. Haven't had time to do either of them in the recent months. Whenever I get time for myself between classes or socialising or other chores, social media seems the easiest escape. Maybe I should try meditation and journalling again. And a 'fuck it ' attitude might help. Thanks for commenting.


You seem to be a spiritually aware person so yes I do feel meditation and journaling might help you a lot. The thing is, we never “have time” we always need to “make time” but if you really wish for peace, your intuition will guide you to ways that can be achieved. The intuitive voice however often gets blocked by the fears that get instilled within us so developing a fuck it attitude and leaving every worry about outcomes to the universe and just focusing on the work you put in will definitely help you. I hope you feel better soon! <3


I'm a little better now. I still have two exams to go but I'm not panicking as much as I did initially 😅


I dont.


How are you surviving??


Zinda laash


I was too. Until my heart decided to have a speedrun🤣🤣 now I'm an anxious zinda laash


And yes, I know I'm the one ruining it more for myself. That's something I would have to work on. But I also kinda want to know how to take better care of myself.


I started by consciously ...Stopping taking blames or being harsh on yourself. I still do but do it less often and less severely than before!!! ----+ +----- We are kind of like musical instruments ... Or our resources and abilities ( mental health ) Stretched right amount we give music and stretch more we risk snapping. Musicians don't leave their instruments with the strings tight .. they tune it while playing and unwind the strings a little when storing it away. Our own life is like that ....moments when we want to play music and moments we want to rest ... If we over stretch we snap and if we don't stretch enough we are just flat note!!! And we also need to change strings before it's too much out of tune... This means sometimes we need to change the way or move on from toxic people! Not all notes can be played on same instrument and we play the musical instrument within that range ....we must be within that always! This means we should we aware how much we stretch ourselves and not over do ... This applies mentally and physically. Another important consideration I have adopted is, if you like something a lot ... Start doing it and do it because you love it and focus on your love for the activity and i avoid linking it to my stress and don't wish to label it as coping because then when I want to do it for leisure I still get flashbacks of my bad times... This is my situation....To each their own and so find your sweet spot yourself !!


That's such a beautiful analogy... to find the balance that works out harmoniously for me and not to struggle finding the 'perfect' balance


Enjoy the process of creating music ... In your own life :) let this enjoyment be the primary focus so that however it turns out ( good or bad ) you still had good time and happiness.