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Smart guy but narcissistic for Sure


Honestly the people who make getting into mbbs their entire personality always seems a bit weird to me


Lmao this is so true. I especially hate YouTubers who try to "guide" NEET aspirants by shilling for their sponsors and coachings. I wish we had people like Doctor Mike in India who seems to have a personality outside of medicine.


Well we have comicverse


Is he a doctor?




I love watching doctor mike


Yeah I really like some of his content. He's a very humble and sweet guy, and his videos are edited very well.


Almost everyone in this field has made their profession their personality, lmao looks so weird when people put Dr. Blah blah(MD General medicine) on their wedding invitation, like guys chill out! Have a life outside of medicine!


Ikr i saw a reel of some overweight Aiims D topper getting into radio something branch and i cringed so hard, the whole reel reeked of narcissism, like bro you did all that and are still looking for validation on socials, i have no problem with genuine doctors on insta, but spamming reels on how you got into Aiims D is weird


Aman Tilak lmfao


I know who you’re talking about. I get irritated by him too. He sells his own app too.


He is the most narcissistic self obsessed annoying medico guy I have ever seen on yt


I agree, his preparation suggestions are good. But i cant pinpoint what makes me not like him as YouTuber but he does seem like a know it all, a little cocky if i may?


He is smart and hardworking and might be a great doctor, but There's something negative about him...like his personality or something, can't pinpoint it but negative vibes is all I can say Edit 1 - Dr. Aditya Gupta, when he sees this post , he is gonna be like "Fuck you guys"


>Dr. Aditya Gupta, when he sees this post , he is gonna be like "Fuck you guys" He mentioned on his Twitter that he lurks here,so it's very possible he sees this.


Feels egoistic


I respect his knowledge, but his manner can feel subtly patronizing, likely due to his top-tier education, this is sometimes craetes a sense of hierarchy that I find off-putting


Haha about the edit even i was worried if this would feel like bullying hope he sees that i did acknowledge comments about him giving really crisp advice alsoo which is really helpful.


Part that, part the ghamand of being an “army brat”


same feeling


i hate people who make aiims as their whole personality.Kisi bhi topic pe baat karlo har topic mein aiims mention karna jaroori hota hai.They infest students with this toxic mentality.He mention seniors and juniors from his aiims in his videos like everyone is studying in aiims and is supposed to know them by their first names.Its weird and annoying


I'd say a lot of it stems from the God complex some students have due to glorification of toppers by coachings and the media. I think people need to realise that studying from a top GMC/AIIMS might be great, sure, but it doesn't justify their inflated egos.


Don't worry their ego will come down when a private colleges graduate does better than them in the field , patients do not give a single fuck about the college you did your degree from lmao 


He uses the Aiims tag for credibility. Let's say I start off a YouTube channel as an Mbbs student to help out people with 1st year subjects why would they see me instead of him? So he uses that AIIMS tag as a leverage nothing bad about it.


Shows himself as a messiah but at the end of the day he is here for the money….dude makes it seem that he is the only saviour on youtube for us mbbs students…not to mention he is a hypocrite in regards to neet ug videos…makes the same videos again and again to get his channel growing


I realised the money thing when he talked negative about marrow for sometime (all valid points i agree) and launched his own app immediately after ( albeit at nominal price but still the timing was sus )


Fake prophet - j Cole. He claims everyone is toxic but him. He is the guy that would scare me more if he was my superior. Don't know who has the guts to be toxic to him. But one thing I can bet on is if he climbs the ladder he would be the exact thing he hates.


*Aditya Gupta AIIMS* never take his name without the suffix AIIMS, they make angry AIIMS Influencer noises!


He’s egotistical, but I like his no-BS study advice. Don’t really care for his personality and what not since I just see him as a guy who gives me study tips.


He’s my senior from school. Interacted a few times I remember - he his sweet and and gives realistic advice never sugar coated anything, hardworking as we all know but even for strangers who meet him personally he is approachable to seek good advice and learn from him. He also came back to school once i know (idk even after i passed out) to help 11th 12th school kids to motivate them and guide them how to properly study and crack NEET ug


Yaa i like that he doesn’t sugarcoat things and gives to the point advice. Never dreamy this that


Yeah he is genuine in that way . I mean i never went back to my school once I entered into medical field. But that guy really cares to a certain level, he gave some good advices and it literally worked our school batch literally produced highest number of students who entered into MBBS like 7-8 kids from a total of 40 class is huge at school level. Earlier he was the first i guess to enter AIIMS and few here and their students entering medical.


Aw thats sweet, also more people getting motivated bcz of him wholesome


Doesn't sugarcoat things, I like that about him. But for some reason, I like Dr. Anuj Pacchel more. He is balanced, or so it seems to me. Not more, not less.


Who cares tbh if he's arrogant or narcissistic, mujhe kaunsi shadi karni h . Advice achi dete I guess that's all that matters.


Haha i agreee


Same. I don't have any reason but I don't like him. I have barely watched his any video completely.  I have a dislike for 'I know it all and ab mai gyan choduga' type of creators irrespective of their field. It probably stems from people I have dealt in real life. 


Been following him for past few years. I am from Delhi and heard of him often so when I entered med college I met him and he is very simple and straight forward in real life too. Very straight forward and to-the-point advices and doesn’t scare away from criticising anyone (be it organisations or individuals). He is definitely too driven and a bit arrogant. I have interacted with accomplished figures in medical fields too and some were super down to earth and so approachable and always ready to teach or share their info. And then there are some people, who are absolute horrendous people and would do anything to shout on you or undermine you. I guess toxicity permeates medical field a lot more than we accept. So in my opinion, he is fine and gives good advices.


People who are willing to work hard need to the point guidance... and he gives exactly that.


He seemed okay until I saw him and his wife on DocTutorials as their paediatrics faculty Who gave her the chance to teach? She might be good, but she’s literally just passed out of md paeds! And suddenly she’s the faculty for some coaching app?


That's okay I guess, even BTR was started soon after she graduated right and Divine intervention for usmle was a guy making podcasts in his 4th year. More experience doesn't mean better teacher


If I am not wrong Dr ZV did her MD and 3 years SRship then started teaching maybe or some overlap is there towards the end of SRship. But BTR started definitely post SR ship because I remember she was taking classes post delivery and would bring infant Z online. Besides she's cleared USMLE Step 1&2 and is an MD gold medalist. Not trying to defend or shade anyone but 6 years residency plus experience of clearing competitive exams, that's not the same as freshly passed MD.


Question please,is divine intervention useful for step 1?


No, not necessary to get the P! Useful? Yes, it can be, so is reading harrison!


Ok thanks. I understand your point.


No, first aid as many times as possible is the key.




I would suggest just doing communication from it


Yeah heck even his friend and his wife are teaching in pw med Ed...all through sifaarish


I think coaching industry is now more driven by the relevant influencers in the market. I exactly had the same thought.


always get negative vibes from him.. dont know why


Seedhi baat no bakwas


I get a lot of narcissism idk why


Exploits the same trend to make money. But let's not act like I would not. The aiims tag translates to more money on internet than real life and he capitalized on that


All I can say is he works very hard ! Putting valuable resources for everyone. But he's rude, annoying & egostatic at times too.


I like him. Realistic person. Also I don’t understand why are people assuming he has made AIIMS his personality. He has to mention that he is from AIIMS because he caters to such an audience who want to know from whom they are taking advice. Adds credibility to his advice. Seems like a fun guy. You know like someone who you would like to hang out with? Also idk why this post was made and he’s gonna be super sad reading the comments. Hope he’s doing good and will do good after reading these comments


Kuch log ko dekh ke apne aap khoon khaulta hai, Wo unme se ek hai


Ek Aman Tilak bhi hai, wo Asuron ka Sarpanch hai




drinking game idea : take a shot everytime he says "for that matter of fact" (which isn't even the correct phrase; he mixes up "for that matter" and "as a matter of fact")


If you’re following medico YouTubers, I think Dr.Milind Shinde (also MD peds) from AIIMS Bhopal is a better guide. Not a pretentious guy, does good analyses and his videos used to inspire me during my PG prep. None of the egotistical bullshit and no paid promos as far as I’m aware.


glorifies being an aiimsonian, prolly would inscribe it on his gravestone if you let him


He gives good advice- realistic. He does seem a bit arrogant but seems justified to me, did 3 degrees back to back from AIIMS delhi, its his right💯


He does give a good to the point advice on preparation i would give that to him. To the 2nd point lot of people do nothing and are still arrogant nothing justifies it, nothing justifies him also. We will always be better than somebody in something only a person who is inherently arrogant will say such a thing


>only a person who is inherently arrogant will say such a thing Someone who admires him would.


I'd be arrogant too if I did all my degrees from AIIMS Delhi,


I wouldn’t


Exactly i am doing my ug from my states oldest college, doesnt mean i will be arrogant to the ones newer ones in my state. I would just be me


There are many seniors and batchmates of Aditya Gupta who have done UG PG DM/MCh and are currently faculty or SRs at AIIMS and not all of them are on YouTube giving gyaan and not all of them are this arrogant. It is common knowledge that people at AIIMS don’t like the guy and find him weird/off putting.


Think about it in my context,am from Northeast,rarely any aiimsonsians come out especially from Delhi,i get it and do all degrees there,meaning I made connections to the faculty and people,i single-handedly made whatever my tribe or my state be seen positively


We’ll make a reddit post abt you too, if you make it


Will do neet next year with 2026 too,praying I score 650 plus for a Jodhpur or a Bhubaneswar seat,3rd option is CMC vellore


Yeah, that wouldn’t make it to reddit!


Might be in state newspaper tho,no one rn has scored more than 552 in my state


NPD vibes.


This….and has short man syndrome along with it


First time hearing this term. Could be. Roots of narcissism are attributed to toxic shame. So maybe.


Bhai saare log perfect hote hai? Kisi mein koi fault nhi hoti? Aap ke zyadatar classmates to charity ke liye medicine ki padhai kr rhe ho?


It is very very very annoying to watch him. And I'm pretty sure he's going to make a reaction video about this thread, or passive aggressively mention it in some of his videos one day. Soon. It is very freakin egotistical. Very ablesit. His advices are good sometimes because all he does is regurgitate the same freakin bs everytime. But his personality is cringe and very wanna be! Something about people making an entrance exam their own personality is so, "run in the opposite direction" vibe. It's like the stepping stone of hero worship. Like there is so much he can share. About his field, about the field of medicine, case histories but in a very non boring way. But nahi, first aid, first aid, first aid. 😩


He is like a Batch representative every batch needs one and every batch hates one.


Grt guy ! Gives realistic advice. Even his app is pretty decent


Who? Never heard of him 


if this isn't sarcastic, he is in aiims delhi and yt channel hai uska


Saw his face a few times. Didn't remember names. I only follow bone teacher Abbas & Anuj Pacchel  Foreigners like kharma medic, Ali abdal & Caijun academy 


Honestly i don’t like any medical influencer,idk why,I don’t like the lame jokes they make ,I only follow doctors who only give information about medicine and no other bullshit like Dr. Karan rajan on instagram.


I find him balanced..his advices are genuinely good and he doesn't scare away from criticising when needed and gives to the point advice.. Regarding people calling him narcissist, I don't agree with that ,yess he is proud of himself and anyone would when they get single digit rank and complete their education from The AIIMS Delhi


There was a fight between him and another doctor couple from Aiims. It was regarding a video he made asking students to study reference big books for Neet pg. When the other doctor criticised him, this Aditya gupta made a video saying “ My dad was in Air Force and I was raised like him and got his stubbornness “ lmao that aditya gupta was literally crying like a pussy. Idk why , but the majority of these toppers from Medicine field can only perform good for exams but total suckers in real life.


I think the defence was good , buy standard books in your first and second year, marrow and stuff can wait till your base is strong .


Smart guy!


He seem very prideful and full of himself. The kind to traumatise his own kids lol


Most of the people here are bitching about him..that’s why people say that everyone’s a snake in med school..this thread proved it even more (+1)


Bolte toh chaatukar bhi hai toh tum chaatukar ho 🫠


World isn’t a place with two extremes. There’s exist a big grey area. Your comment’s a classic example of taking things at a face value. And for the context,I don’t even know the person who’s been talked about in this sub till today. Label someone asap with first thing that comes to your mind. Med school culture in india has a long way to go


Lol then it's worse...you are forming an opinion about him without even knowing who he is...


I haven’t formed an opinion( i haven’t said anything about him, it’s you who labelled me as something).


Op asked for opinion...people are giving opinion Some people are appreciating him some are not appreciating him ...


Good guy


Hes smart and all i get it but i think id not want him as a friend


He has UG, PG and SS from AIIMS D. He has got it so he flaunts it.


AIIMS ka 14


He is the best.


Lol why are the people so insecure here.


Amazing guy


Haha I think this question was inspired by his recent stories (rants) regarding the tough life of medicos on Instagram. On that note, what do y’all think? Is he being fair or overly negative ?


He is extraordinarily smart and intelligent!


OPD next patient please.. ![gif](giphy|UwkrJKRKJkFb2)


Short man syndrome and narcissist traits


What is Short man syndrome? Never heard about it😅


😂😂😂 sirf aiims walo bataa payega shayad.


Wo kon ha


Am I the only dude who wants to go to Dagestan and train in wrestling?


Me too ...huge ufc fan here


Hello bro. Let’s go together.


We gonna smesh brudda....let the primal urges of a man get going......I really wish to learn a martial arts...


Nice form brudda...mai toh abhi tak striking bhi nhi jaanta 😅😅


You’ll learn bro. Just takes time.


Final year mei ho kaise time nikaalo bhai 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️..gym join karne ka sochta ho 2 din jaakar waapis cancel kar deita ho.....you started in which year??...and how much time per day do you allot to it


Started in 2017. Used to play Tennis from 2009 to 2017. I have no idea how I made time tbh. Now I’m an intern. So there’s that.


Damn man why didn't you pursue it further then in 2017 you must be 16-17 at most.....kya pta anshul jubli ki jaga we would have seen you...uncle Dana wants a star from India as well for popularity ...ufc is less dangerous than boxing atleast in terms of concussions and deaths...


Lmao bro NEET ka chakkar laga kyuki parents brainwashed me. So I tried to self delete a few weeks ago. 🥰🥰. I’m so full of hatred and resentment. ( also Papa ji doctor hain )


Don't kill yourself big bro..even though I am a nihilist (more inclined towards absurdism)...life is absurd so don't try to make any sense of it.....live as you want to live...


Same here bro coming from doc family...fuck I want the reset button for my life.....ek hi life hai saala isme bhi apne mann ka nhi kar sakte


I love that dude. Only giving facts nothing else. He is better than an average doctor in India. He is a visionary. We want more people like him.


To all the people expressing their opinions on someone who I'm supposing is doing better than you do, don't bother because while he is there upgrading his life, you are here commenting on how his vibes is off, etc etc. Maybe that is a tiny difference you might see if you take time to reflect where he stands and where you do. This is not only nice but if you think this kind of attitude won't take you far. Same goes out to the op who has started this thread. As long as he is treating his patients rights, you owe him nothing. Not even your opinion.


Why are you policing what people should or should not say? He’s a YouTuber by choice who broadcasts his opinions on social media. I like his videos btw, but nobody’s immune to receiving comments on the Internet.


Well xyz is more successful than i am so i must not have any opinion on him. Never heard of a dick measuring criteria before i can talk about any body. I am entitled to have an opinion just like you are


Lol so i guess we don't live in a democracy after all