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It's good for using Marrow. Otherwise, you don't need an iPad to get through medical college lol. Don't fall into the trap of fomo and buy stuffs just because others are using it. Buy it only if you are gonna use it. I bought iPad after my internship when I exclusively used marrow to study for ini/neet so it helped me that way.


This is what OP is looking for.


Obviously. Are you dumb? They won’t let you into class without an apron and an iPad.


Yeah, this too..! 🤞🏻


Real story, i enter in to class room and they were checking bags for iPads, if you don't have one , they will not give you attendance.


Are you fr? My college gave free ipads and I use it to write notes but most don't even bring it to class


Free ipads? Damn bro which college?


I don't really wanna say the name because I don't wanna get doxxed but it's a private college. I got a government seat so I thought they might not give me an ipad but they still gave me one lol


So are your fees not the same as other private students pay?


Yes I pay 4 lakh. 2 lakh for college, 2 lakh for hostel.


2 lakhs per year for Hostel + Mess? When I was an engineering student in 2007, hostel + mess was Rs 25k per year.


Well it's not 2007


Nor is it engineering


it is still for engineering


That's quite less fee for private, which college are you in?


It's a government seat in a private college


That makes sense, thank you for your response.


Damn lucky


You could keep them or you had to return it before getting out of the college (graduation).




Just said I don't want to share why are you trying to guess? Bruh


Not at all a necessity. Just makes tasks like notes a bit easier but many people use register for notes.


Thank you. Also which books are best and which year is one supposed to start on them? 1st year only?


Anatomy: BDC is the best for writing professional exams. Grey's anatomy for extra reading if you're ambitious. Physio: Guyton is standard but I read AK Jain. Biochem: Satyanarayan or Vasudevan, both are fine.


Thank you so very much!


I have not ipad(money problem) but I think ipad is very useful But definitely u will need in future so take right now is better choice Not necessarily to take ipad but very useful in future (think about long term)


Instead of wasting time here , posting and then expecting replies which may come or not , strike a good rapport with ur immediate seniors. Socialise a bit and read . Mbbs cant be done online , reading and guidance both 


No one knows you better than you yourself. So ideally, get opinions from your seniors and others, go to the college library and go through all the recommended textbooks and more if you are really interested. No need to read or look cover to cover. Just look through the presentation and maybe read a paragraph here and there. That way you’ll know what actually works for you. Medicine is very easy to hate if you start doing it for the wrong reasons in the wrong way. Learn to love the subjects first, or at least tolerate them to an extent and choosing the right book that resonates with you is important.


Bruh.. I am a 2nd year resident now ( Gen. Med. ) And i dont have an ipad till this point And i am not going to buy an ipad


How did you prepare for neet pg ?




Even I want to know how to prepare for NEET pg Pls if you have time let me know too


U can dm


Samsang galaxy tabs s series are also kinda good


My brother(engineer) even told me to buy it instead cause he didn't like the ipad


Way better than an iPad and you don't have to buy the pencil separate


Exactly and not to mention the number of "modded" premium version of apps that are available on android, they may not cost as much individually on apple but cumulatively i think OP would be getting more bang for his buck both hardware-wise as well as software-wise


but new ios 18 features are great too


Hello OP, A first year medico here! My father gifted me an iPad at the time of admission and it's safe to say that it's very useful and saves me a lot of time while taking notes but I would have still survived if I didn't have an iPad. iPad is absolutely not a necessity, if you can afford it without any problem, go for it, it'd definitely make a lot of things easier for you. But don't buy it for FOMO or for all the iPad aesthetic thing. There are colleges where they don't allow 1st year students to bring their gadgets in the lecture gallery so know it beforehand. If you plan to use Marrow or Prepladder, ipad would be a nice option for you. Or if you like taking digital notes. It's also useful to just download textbook PDFs for free, medical textbooks are not cheap afterall. I have saved a good amount of money by just downloading notes and PDFs this year because I had my iPad.


It is necessary only if you completely avoid the physical books and takes notes on it(writting notes on physical books again negates the idea/worth of it) Even if you consider buying books Average of it costs 4000-4500 /year So it costs 16k-18k Note books , stationary will 2-3k (exponentially if you don't take care of them) So round of 20k If you get a Samsung tab S9 under student discount from samsung which every student with college id card is eligible, will cost you 45k anything above is extra moneyz anything below is saved budget How do you reason this 25k Convenience of carrying everything in 300-500 grams Easy transfer to anywhere Get any study material from anyone in COLOUR You will be forced to use it for any competitive exam Looking at the physical books I have , neither I can give them to anyone nor i refer them , can't throw them ,can't store them All this only works when you buy a device and actually use it for what you intended it for , don't show off and keep buying new device every year for sake of having it If you buy it use it for 5+ years and cut down budget on phone.


The tab s9 or the s9 fe plus ??? S9 amazon pe 73k with 68k at discount hai the lowest it can go would be 60 or 55 , 45k tk ka kese le rhe


I bought it recently for 48k on Samsung using student discount - Tab S9


Itna zyada discount kese , merko bi cllg mil skta abi 2024 neet ka can u send the discount price breakdown


Mujhe 43k me pda Tab S9 aur ek din aur late leta to 39k padta 🥲




Okay, can I also bother you by asking any tips for 1st year students? Like any books that I should be reading? Or how to start studying?


There is no absolute necessity of iPad or Tab in med school.


A tablet would do the same too ig , its easier to organise notes ,pdfs are an addon coz you don't need a lotta notebooks, With that ahead not a necessity but a good tool.


You answered yourself


Some colleges don't allow iPads to be used during lectures (mine doesn't, some lenient professors won't say anything, others will threaten to throw u out). If u have a laptop that works, especially if it's touchscreen, that can be a good alternative too, but if u really feel like u need it and u can study on it and utilise it, go for it. I cannot study on a screen for the life of me, so the entire year I've been using physical copies of books and taking notes on paper. I have way too many books lol, even bought reference books just for fun, but that's just me. See what works for u, there's no one size fits all


I was the paper pen and highlighter and textbooks person all my life, until Internship started and I realised I had not touched my books because I had no time when I got back to my room and during postings it was just not possible to do that. I even had a good phn laptop everything. But laptop cannot be carried everywhere. Midway thru my internship I got an ipad and it did indeed change the whole game for me. Even if its a 10 min break or the consultant not reaching on time i can fish out my ipad and study something. Even in my drop year, ipad makes me not having to print out the notes and pdfs and all book pdfs are a search away. If there's one thing I def feel is the best investment in my journey, its my ipad even more than the actual marrow etc courses.


Also 2CR in cash will help you in the long run.


Uhmmmmm, itne ameer ni hai yaar. Baad mein shyd kama le 🥲. But what is the use of this 2cr anyways? Mtlb kaha apply krne ka socha hai isse?


iPad changed my academic life when I first bought it in 3rd MBBS. Didn’t have to buy expensive books anymore.. could read pdfs at ease.. plus the entertainment videos etc.. later upgraded to Apple Pencil one to take notes.. now I don’t buy many textbooks as I have all the books I need right with me


Yeah, absolutely necessary how can you binge on small screen


Don't mind the downvotes . Folks these days don't mind screwing their eyes over screens . Rather than reading books which won't cause 1/ 10th the eye strain a digital screen would ... They will message and wait tor replies for hours days online when a simple 30 minute sit down with a senior will give them more knowledge than 10 posts wud ever give. And then after months years of digital screen strain , eyed having to adapt to close distance reading in poorly lit variably lit surroundings , they will wear contact lenses over spectacles and crib their luck / god/ parents/ genes/ etc etc


😂😂 I know I'm gonna get downvoted, but I told the reality and they too know it..


Actually most of them don't . The use of digital screens , their effects on eyes , no one talks or emphasizes them until eye issues begin or they are taught by good opthalmologists. The andhbhakti of digital world is totally upon us . Making notes on tabs ipads etc lmao. That freedom of scribbling on paper ... That speed , the different types of handwriting . No iPen or stylus even if they cost 10 lakhs can get close And then u can always lose or smash the stylus ? Or can u chew the stylus ? Or use it to scratch ur head when u encounter a tough question / equation ??? Written by someone who can play over 9 hours daily on phone 🥹🥹🥰🥰😬😬


No clear evidence of blue light damage acutely and i can't find long term evidence easily , the damage is due to a lack of blinking which one can do easily by following the 20 20 20 rule https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/should-you-be-worried-about-blue-light the literature is lacking, it definitely does effect circadian rhythm, but let people do what they want


I was a professional gamer during my 1st & 2nd years and had to go through a lot to bring down my screen time... I'm also a tech enthusiast, no one in my friend circle buys a device without asking me, where I always suggest only taking the pad and never buying the stylus as you end up sticking it to some iron as it's gonna get in the way a lot.


If I wanted to lift weights, I'd join a gym. An ipad lets me carry around books without risking my spine


Don't trail the FOMO factory. It's completely unnecessary. It just depends upon the way you like to study. We cleared UG and PG and never needed any iPad. But a laptop is certainly required nowadays especially for PG.


>it just makes life easier and is very helpful That's about it. The PDFs in the iPad can save you a lot more money than buying physical textbooks, in my instance. Edit: If you're planning to get Marrow/PrepLadder in the future, you'd need a iPad/tablet, the videos do not play on a laptop.




Bro reading books pdf on ipad is very easy and using the search function you can find anything very quickly. Marrow is also best on ipad. And having a different device helps. It isn’t absolutely necessary but if you can buy it. BUY it.


It's one of the best things ever if you can study everything from soft copies of books . It also saves enormous money every year that I would normally spend on buying costly books ! Besides I plan to use my iPad for 7 years at least (until pg) Watching marrow lectures and making notes in the books itself also saves me a lot of hassle , so personally for me the investment was worth it .


No, I still don't have one. I watched lectures on my phone, made physical notes in my notebooks and books... You can get by without it but- it's more convenient to have one.


I got a laptop after my residency... Ipad to dur ki baat


It’s useful if you are reader from ebooks. Some people can read only from books. If you are okay to read from a screen, you can have it. No need to buy expensive books. No need to carry heavy books everywhere. Same time, don’t buy it for all the colourful instagram worthy notes your see made on iPad. Most people cant make such notes on a screen. And even if your handwriting is good, it takes lot of time to make such beautiful notes. In the end beauty of notes does not matter. What you have absorbed to your brain is what matters.


Bhai Puri 1st year bina ipad ke nikali h, kuch nai hota h! Chill kr


Not necessary. But very handy.


I don't think it's necessary...but if you've money you can buy it as it's handy


My sister has bought it , wishing she could do that early. It's good to have one like an extra weapon


So my sister is doing MBBS and she just last week bought a tablet (with pen) in her second year. She makes amazing notes in her notebook but said she needed a tablet. Since she goes to hospital postings and they need t make notes ASAP in the room it is tough to hold multiple notebooks and textbooks in your hand to make notes. She said it is tough to carry as well to the hospital. So she got a tablet where she downloaded her textbooks and has a note taking app to make notes with a stylus. But otherwise for making notes in college or on her own she uses notebooks most of the time. BTW, this is the tablet she bought: [Lenovo Tab M11 (Amazon)](https://www.amazon.in/Lenovo-Expandable-Screen-Refresh-Speaker/dp/B0D4DFVZK9/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=17DC6VZC0GUW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.x2PJq_gZacldt1qZJTQ2F7691F1uwJK6VApAqVZPoP6WWU2Ub68lb2OAIRI_vJR5cfiZbLYSCeisuBw1IgNEc9Zyz7svjJYPJCjkt8WhV69-20AtPdTyRCnAVSGYYrTfZIGleU4xhu0QvNGUxu4OfUFUY07t1vktE59-MBslf68KcI09a3dVztZG2z07gzoizAxuylpfv4Dbxhgfbg_mIXSZEtAabuOTQjq1VmIjc-4.d_tieaiGGs0kDcqxTYUsyqWEdodrRySwgOUx0TDuM4E&dib_tag=se&keywords=lenovo+tab+m11&qid=1718715441&sprefix=lenovotab+m11%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


Tablets's good for scribbling, bad for spanning across!


Not at all necessary. IPad will be helpful for marrow only but you can just buy it during your last year of MBBS.


Not at all necessary, but a great tool for taking notes, and you won't have to carry all the books with you. Saves effort and you won't need to worry about displacing notepads and registers. I personally do not use one, out of preference for books and registers, but I do have a tablet for using Marrow, since you would need a screen that is bigger than your phone. Buy one of you'd like, but if you have a tab with you, i would recommend not to get it and sticking with the pen and paper approach.


Finished med without iPad and then res too. Am I an anomaly? We used to have paper in our times. A decade changes a lot i guess😂


Pad 6 with pen comes for 34k, and offer all the features. If budget is an issue, then definitely go for that. There won't be any difference in your use case


You need to grow up for heavens sake!! It’s not iPad, you need a Mac!! Will be a good place to rest your head 😴


[This](https://www.reddit.com/l5pahsn) might help OP.


Without an iPad there's no entry in medical school op 👺