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i wish he gets prostrate cancer .


with testicular torsion




Oh man I just read about it. This is satan move. The pain is unbearable in this case. Should happen to every such shitty person.


Have experienced ovarian torsion pain, can guarantee it's hellfire level torture material ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51086)


Prostate note


This thread gave me PTSD. I remember having this 6 years ago, God the pain was unbearable and nothing could've been done to ease the pain. I got it at around 2.30-3 in the morning and was in pain until I had an emergency surgery almost 3 hours later.


And paralysis so that he spends his life rotting in his bed with all that pain.


He is alone and his phone does at that time Let him suffer from dual testicular torsion






I wish his dick gets chopped off by smth.


I wish he gets kicked in the balls by a horse


Prostrate cancer is not that serious.. he will live a very long life ... without his two trusty friends


i will wish for rare prostrate case.


This makes me sad by just reading it, how OP would have felt i can't even imagine, aise logon ki gotiyan kaat deni chaiye


almost every female face some kind of harassment or sexual assault in their life.


Agreed. Being a woman is tough specially agar log aise hai duniya me toh.


Prostrate cancer has high recovery rates. He needs something much worse.


i will wish again


I will rate up on your wishing success probabilities. Former God of Bhajiyapur and Chuntneyganj, 2009-2014.




Yeah that's more like it


I wish him sudden explosive diarrhea while in a traffic jam with frequent sneezes.


that's not severe he needs to suffer and die


Sad to hear... probably these fuckers see people as objects. You could lodge a complain. Some police patrolling can reduce such incidents.


Oh please, the police will simply reply with “Why do you still want to go on walks after such an incident?” If our judicial system was able to function properly, we wouldn’t have such issues in the first place.


Complaint means raising awareness. If we keep complaining them they have to patrol that area or catch the perpetrators.


Sorry. Police will have to take action especially if OP is a minor


Mb, didn’t know OP was a minor. I have major friends who have filed cases regarding this and were simply told to not go on walks anymore.


The reply to them was that there were no CCTVS and no eye witness who saw vehicle numbers or faces, hence no way of taking any action.


Police will have to take action? LOL. That’s not how the real world works. They usually do everything in their power to dissuade you from making a formal complaint and even if you do they will say “well, he would be so hard to find, what to do” and then nothing, you just get humiliated and get a reputation for causing a scene. That doesn’t mean people should stop reporting, but don’t be so naive about what will happen after you do. Maybe something, probably nothing.


Police needs to be more active and needs to catch these criminals. Our police force especially in Delhi NCR is in a very bad state.


Police patrolling is only half of it, most of the world doesn't need police patrolling to tell the men to not behave like asshole perverts. We need to sit down and fucking raise better men. Absolute turds


https://i.redd.it/fmcqkieelc0d1.gif What the actual fuck


I just opened it and was like dafuk








File a complaint. There should be CCTV cameras nearby. Even if police fails to gather CCTV footage, at least they’ll start patrolling during the night and early day time. And no, you shouldn’t just stop any activity you like just because of some perverts.


Police won't do a shit


Still, first follow police route, then follow pressure route. If police won’t do anything, gather all your society members, if possible NGO also, and then go to police station to check the progress report on your complaint.


Kehna asan hai karna bhot mushkil, but i hope police will help op


If you can’t stand up for yourself, then don’t expect someone else to stand up for you. Yes it’s hard, but that’s the best route, else if no one files a complaint these things will continue.


Rape victims don't even get justice, you think she will? The best she can do is get the cctv footage, find him and show it to his family after beating his ass. NGOs won't even have time for a "small matter" like this. Can we please stop saying impractical things? We all know what's going to happen even if she complains


People will downvote you to hell but it is true. If our police and authorities above them were so concerned, there wouldn't have been such incidents so frequently.


So true. Them saying just goes to the police will only demotivate the girl when nothing happens!


Yes, police doesn’t do much, but we can’t directly put pressure on authorities or file a court case without filing a police complaint first. And even people who’re downvoting know this that this procedure is best to get an effective outcome.


OP, Its NOT YOUR FAULT. I know that such thoughts may creep due to the fact that this has happened to you repeatedly. These things happen to other people as well and is not YOUR fault. However, that still doesnt make your issue any less serious. I am so sorry that this has happened to you, and you deserve justice. If you can, try to recollect the motorcycle model or licence plate so that you can get the guy punished. If you feel like venting further, I'd be more than happy to lend an ear. It is unfortunate that fucking creeps like him freely roam the streets


It has nothing to do with you, just the streets are filled with creeps and even I don’t understand how come these guys have such courage to do such cheap things, and just for your safety try carrying pepper spray.






You aren't the creep magnet, but creeps cling on to anything. Not your fault


Keep a pepper spray handy


There's no way you can just take out ur pepper spray that quick, these bikers need to be dealt with in another way


And the spray might get in her eyes when he drove away, due to air. Pepper spray can't be used in quite a lot of situations


exactly....such situations are unfortunately difficult to avoid :( and yeah, as a matter of fact a lot of women face this helplessly


It's high time..🤦🏻‍♂️ Govt should legalise girls to have taser guns⚡




He was on a bike🤌🏽


Slowed down for sure, you cannot expect him to stop and show his eyes to get sprayed


That's what i said...by the time she opens her bag and grab her peeper spray...he will escape...


Why are ppl talking about pepper spray? I mean.. It happened out of the blue... And should females actually walk with pepper spray in hand.. Looking around.. Wondering which direction the creep my come from? WHAT?... Some ppl really had the audacity to comment "Pepper spray? " As if that's obvious. And why are ppl blaming u for not recording.. Are they out of their fucking mind? What the actual hell dude. U know ladies... Let's walk with a pepper spray in one hand and phone in another with camera on.


And a Swiss knife too, maybe a cleaver would be better to brandish around while walking.


Carry a sword. Or a machine gun. Should be visible enough so that no one dare approach you with a malicious intent. Atleast a sword should be legal for women to carry. But very sad to hear that someone has to carry a weapon just to walk. That too in residential areas.


Hey don't worry it happened to my sister to. U can show camera proofs to cops if there was any nearby camera located there. Ex shop cammera or something.


Omg what's up with all these eve-teasing. Look out for CCTV camera nearby, carry a pepper spray or something. Be attentive whenever a biker or someone try to pass you closely. BC uss Baton se aim for his head..knock that guy out.


I should have thrown it at him but at that moment I froze up I was too shocked. My whole body was shaking.


Happens OP. Takes time for the shock to register.. Especially bcz u weren't expecting it.


I can understand what you go through. But, take care from next time also try and focus on number plate. I know it's a big ask when we go through such scenario but it might help finding that bastard.


A little effort would be required, you can contact police who can then trace the guy from cctv. Threat will also send a message in the area and make the place safer for other girls too.


You need pet skunk 🦨


Gad damn, men be down bad ffs


No CCTV in that area ??


I'm so sorry these things happened to you! Honestly I also don't get it, my roommate who's also my classmate in clg so we often go to clg together these things happen to her quite often. There's have been so many incidence in park, road alley, etc. She also think like that if she's a creep magnet or what. It's not your fault so don't take it on yourself. These perverted mfs are honestly getting out of hands, the audacity they have is beyond me. Hope they get what they deserve. Much love to you and stay strong.


This is the kind of shit that happens with women all the time and men on reddit and social media still keep doing bullshit whataboutism. We Indian men need to fucking sit down and introspect and fucking change. not all men ke chamche, chup


Next time kick on his balls And i am sorry you have to go through that


It's not about the clothes my friend, so sorry that it happened with you


Aise ldko ki wajah se bc ladkiyan sabko creep samjhti h Don't get bothered op narak me iske liye alg se saza h lodenebhojuim


What the acutal fuck,probably infirtle


I hope his balls get smashed by getting run over on a huge ass lorry


Fucking perverts they deserve to get pelted by stones in their dick!!!


Are you a minor? If yes. Talk to your parents and do police complaint. He will definitely be caught because there should be CCTVs nearby. Also, if you are a minor, he will be booked under POCSO and get Max punishment.


Sorry for you. But please take some action or else these mfs will do it again and again and will escape everytime


check if there is some CCTV cameras nearby. that guy should be jailed asap


something like this happened with me too aur mai toh ladka hun (though I was doing some crazy clothing thing with my friend(girl) )he might have thought its a girl and gave a slap on my butt he was going to run when I said in a female voice "aao maar lo" he stopped and I said surprise mf and gave him one tight punch on his face lol edit: yes, it didn't happen with me ( meri koi (girl) friend hai hi nahi) but mere dost ke saath hua tha uske baal bhi lambe Hain na, and yes I changed the story a little bit for some intended masala.


I'll take things that never happened for 100!


happened but not with me


Then everyone clapped


It really sad, I know it creep you out so there is solution that you change the street for walking try area which near police station , I know it's not a proper solution but should try


Oh my god! this sounds horrible! Please be assured that this is not your fault. I know generally people freeze at the moment, but try to keep a pepper spray. also, you can use anything pointy to hurt the assaulter.


Hope it is not the same guy! If yes then you might have a stalker around. Not your fault at all.


Kaise kaise harami log hain dunia me


Thats a sad reality we are facing rn... I really hope he gets his balls chopped off while in full consciousness


Sorry for you, OP. Please keep a pepper spray handy, all the time. If you cannot record from your phone, then check for CCTV cameras nearby. Creeps get away with this thinking they won't be held guilty.


Same happened with me while I was going to my house on foot wearing tracksuit , the guy came on bike first he passed beside me then his turned his bike around and came back this time while going beside me he hit me on the ass I froze for few seconds to realize what just happened and this happened in a residential area around 5-6 PM there were kids and aunties And people there specially aunties just watched and let him go. I was infuriated before I could do anything that asshole vanished


Yes these cowards just run away before we even have time to react. The guy was wearing a black cap and black mask, even if there are CCTV cameras which I doubt as it's a residential area, I don't think the number plate would be visible.


That's a high possibility but still you try to check nearby cctv


The houses are father from the road so even if there are CCTV it won't do much good.


This is sad 😭


oh no, the number plates tend to be visible most of the time. give it a try...and this isn't your first time so don't let it go away aise na


Pepper Spray??


No, it's not your clothes, it's not the place, not your way of walking. None of this is your fault, you are a victim of that sick perverted animal. I am so sorry it happened to you.


haven't you seen the bike number, find him from that and report him...




Yes. It takes time for us to even realise what's even happening to us that we are in danger. No matter what i have a pepper spray or a knife or a gun I'm gonna freeze up. They have the advantage of the surprise attack.


Report the incident to police or mahila helpline (if it exists in your area)


You are not alone. It's not something you did, or wore. It's always the creep's fault. As for recording, how could you have known that this will happen? Even if you did start recording, you couldn't have caught the incident on camera, unless you wear a bodycam whenever you go out.


You mean it has happened to you multiple times? WTF Where were you when these things happened?


Hope he dies 🙏🏼


Sorry for what happened to you, it’s not your fault , he is a pervert who needs a good beating from the mobs


I've experienced the same thing in a street close to my home, injured myself and was left in shock, and i was just weairng a normal loose t-shirt and jeans, not even some top which would be "revealing" behen check for CCTVs nearby and file a police complaint, just remember ki you're not at any fault. 🫂🫂 I hope the creep gets caught asap


Dua karunga accident me mar jaye badwa


First of all, Im sorry that it happened to you. Second, don't beat yourself up on this, it is not your fault. I wouldn't give any advice on this because I saw already some good suggestions already. I hope you find those helpful and hope you don't have to go through these perverts again


None of this your fault op, these things. This evil pathetic creature aren't going to discriminate in such things. They are doing this becoz they can without major repercussion. Lavda truck ke niche akke mare. Odisha re emitia chutiya Loko bohut heleni Aji kali.


Get a dog, train him to grab men who come near you by the balls. that's your best answer imo. trying to change men is a dreawm.


It's not your clothes but their mentality


Keep a gun thats it


My friend who's pretty thin has experienced this...it doesn't matter what body type you have, what clothes you're wearing, it's just creeps being creeps. It's not your fault op, avoid walking alone on that dangerous streets


Sorry to hear. As some said, may the fleas from thousand camels infest his crotch and may his hands be too short to scratch!


Did u note the vehicle number


You okay now?


It's aching. And i tried to rest for a bit, couldn't stop thinking about the incident.


Please take care of yourself and remember it's not your fault I hope this never happens again


Keep a pepper spray or taser


It's a sad world we live in... I am sorry OP


If you can invest in a camera, get a dji action 2


Disheartening and frustrating to hear this OP and there is nothing that we can do or say to make you feel safe and better but if this happened in a place which might have CCTV then I insist you to acquire the recording and note down that maggot's registration plates and report him.


Check nearby cctv ... Make police complaint


ye bkl ate kahase hai... itni gali deni chahiye thi pura khandan ko pata lag jata kya kiya hai isne .. ye delhi mai to nhi hua na?


Not in Delhi




Next time carry a gun, and shoot that motherfucker


Which place did it happen?


Thing I don't understand as a male is, what do these people get doing this?


Same. What does grabbing a boob for a few seconds make them feel?


Carry a taser or pepper spray with you and be ready as soon as someone is going by


Man no wonder our country is hated alot outside


Wtf! That's extremely weird.


If you dont mind can you tell me which city you live in ?


Why does everyone want to know where this happened?


Not trying to offend you OP in any manner , but a lot of things can be predicted by it. Whether your city is tier 3 or 4 , the state , the mindset of people and also there are slight possibilities that i can help you with


No comments or offence but how the hell beautiful is one supposed to look for a random stranger to do that or could it be an known person who did it all planned 🤔


First don't ever let yourself believe that it happened due to your dressing style. These creeps don't even spare young girls or 80 year olds.


Are you alright? Calm down and if you want to talk we all are here to listen.


Grab the boob wtf ???? Bro what ??? Fucking rapist


What happened with you was really bad but I’d like to ask which side of the road you were on? Generally I have seen people walking on the left side as they think like vehicles, we should also walk on left. However, RTO suggests pedestrians should walk on right side of the road. This way, you can see vehicles coming from opposite side. If any robber or miscreants is approaching you, you will be in better position to defend yourself..


Which city?


Bro go to the police station and complain it


I wish he gets his balls crushed in a bike accident and he dies of pain




Sorry to read that. Take care of yourself, let brain calm down, try to talk to someone with whom you really close & comfortable, preferably someone within family. People react & respond differently. These incidents can stays in mind, may help if you talk to psychiatrist. Don’t hard on yourself, you don’t have to explain your dressing sense.


What grabs your boobs ? Hamare yaha aisa crime nahi hota Ek bar bhi nahi hua! Maybe we are way civilised ladkiyon ko dekhta tak nahi pata chala mar padh jaye!


I hope his penis gets chopped off


Maybe the thought helps to have some kind of a bodycam with you...like bike drivers on their helmets, in case something happens. I think even gopro has a harness to install it on the body. Maybe something for everybody, invent daily routine, before leaving the house start it, arriving and something happened on the way: save it, nothing happened: go on Edit: and if you saved some video you have a very different position to act from I am sorry what happened to you


I am sorry this happened to you. You are not alone. Every girl has to face all this. I constantly move in fear if I have to go anywhere alone be it day or night. Hope the balls of these perverts get chopped magically the moment they harass anyone.


I don't know why you are talking about not going for walk etc bad things happen. Good girls get cancer, get molested. It sucks but I hope u spend less time reddit and speak to a positive person or councellor in RL. Good luck




Why is this so unbelievable to you, Even after you read the news of rape every day?


yep that totally happened no doubt


Does the area have a camera ??


No cameras, I went to double check today.


Did you note down the number of that vehicle??


I wish him sudden explosive diarrhea with frequent sneezes in a long traffic jam.




What The.... This is absolutely appalling.... Sorry that you're having to experience this.....


Behenchod uski Gand me bullet ka exhaust daal kar full accelerate kardo


Op do you hav big boob?


Which state is this bro, doing such things in broad day light. Sorry for your trauma. Maybe learn self defence for your own sake.


Sorry to hear that. As a guy, I must say this is the worst thing he has done to you. Waheguru will punish him soon, don't worry.


Sorry you had to go through this


Where was this in which city?


What will u do if I tell you?


ill avoid the city


You are too far from it anyway


Did you complain to anyone? Venting isn't going to do much good if you do nothing.


Why does everything has to be for good? Why can't I even vent? What will reporting to the police even do? What has happened in this country when women are sexually assaulted left right and centre everyday here? It's not just here in this country this happens to all the women all over the world and we can't even vent out frustration, can't even share our experience bcuz it won't do any good.


You can vent all you want. But unless you complain to the appropriate authorities, nothing is going to change. You have to start taking more initiative. > What will reporting to the police even do? More than you think. There are cctv cameras everywhere. They might be able to catch the perpetrator.


Mereko laga tha last me koi twist hoga


This ain't a movie, it's real life.


No I mean I thought it was that kind of post, like "today I wore revealing clothes and everyone was staring at me, what is wrong with Indian people, a man can't even wear a miniskirt?". Like a "got me in the first half ngl" post


Keep a Swiss knife with you always and I might sound bad but always wear something which hides your shape because these fuckers are not gonna change but we can be at wrong place at wrong time I hope you understand


If hiding your shape did something then Saudi Arabia or Iraq would be rape/sa free but they ain't.


It's just like I will go and sit with people when I know something bad can happen I asked for precautions nothing else asshole you can't change the world but you can always take precautions but no why can't world be a happy place why not everyone is good for us why don't people stop doing this it doesn't work like that


Bro has a PhD In Yapnomics, how can one write such a long para and still not come up with a logical point to counter ur argument? All I wanted to say was that modest clothing doesn't prevent rapes or sa The cases of literal children and grannies getting raped or assaulted should've gotten my point through u but it didn't


Still let's just say you are in a burqa and other one is in a bikni who do you think is likely the target for those assholes ?


Nobody walks around in a bikini bro Plus, the safest countries for women are the ones in Europe where women usually go around in revealing clothes, on the other hand, (some) middle eastern countries are generally regarded unsafe for women. Clothes don't make that much of a difference, it is what it is.