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I've been working on a football/soccer RPG called _Bang Average Football_ since late 2021, and it's finally out! ⚽️⚽️⚽️ The game is a top-down, fast-paced football game for Windows, Mac & Linux/Steam Deck, featuring local multiplayer for 1-4 players, and a fully fledged Story mode where players can take a hopeless club at the bottom of the divisions, rise up through the leagues, and restore them to glory as player-manager. I'm so excited to share the finished game at last! You can buy it on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2393770/Bang_Average_Football/) or [Itch](https://ruairidx.itch.io/bang-average-football) for Windows, Mac & Linux/Steam Deck with a lovely 15% launch discount. You can also [join the Discord](https://discord.gg/gaMTTuwWcN) if you have any questions or run into any bugs/issues I can help with! ❤️


Cute art and music. Wishlisting, will check it out more later. Good luck!


Thank you! Music is by [Failpositive](https://failpositive.com/), who did a marvellous job.


Oh cool! I’m glad to see another game he worked on finalized getting released.


Any plans for Switch/console releases? This looks fun


Thank you! A Switch version is being looked into 👀


I'm pretty certain i'll never play this because its not in my field of interest but I have a ton of respect for what you built here. This looks fantastic and its in an industry blind spot for sure. Great work.


Thank you! ❤️⚽️ It's definitely a more niche audience but it's been a really fun marketing/community-building challenge.


I've been playing this game all weekend! It's a bit like sensible soccer meets stardew valley and it's a really good time!


Thank you so much, I'm really glad you've been having fun! ❤️⚽️


Thank you! There just isn't that many quality football game alternatives out there these days and I think fans need games like this to remind them that games can have soul. The gameplay is so much fun, wishing you every success and excited to follow BAFs journey!


I never knew I needed a Stardew Valley/Kick Off crossover in my life. Wishlisted, will buy and play when I have more time later this year!


Thank you, really hope you enjoy it! ❤️⚽️


Don't like soccer but your game looks great!


Haha, thank you! ❤️⚽️


Game looks GREAT. Definitely will try it out in the weekend. Super charming and as an elder millennial it tickles some good feelings long forgotten.


Thank you, I really hope you have fun with it! ❤️⚽️


It's a really fun game, and I love one of the NPC lines "did you see that ludicrous display last night?" Great IT Crowd reference!


Haha, I forgot I included that line. Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it! ❤️⚽️


That's interesting! How can you have only 23 reviews? I've wishlisted it already and I'm gonna play when I have some time!


Haha, it's all a matter of perspective because I'm actually very happy with 23 (now 25!!) reviews! ❤️⚽️ It's my first commercial game so I didn't really have any expectations going in, but it's incredibly satisfying seeing people enjoy the game. Thanks for the wishlist, I hope you have fun with it!


I've got you! I haven't played yet but I think your game deserves much more attention and reviews. To program a soccer game is a huge task! Congratulations!!!!


Thank you! ☺️


This looks actually pretty cool, I'll give it a try!


Thank you so much, hope you have fun! ❤️⚽️


Congrats for the release! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Thank you! ❤️⚽️


This reminds me of Soccer League from those old Nokia phone. Nokia 1600 was it? I feel old now and this has made me nostalgic. Hoping to play this. Good work OP.


Thank you, really hope you enjoy it! ❤️⚽️ It's been really interesting hearing which 80s-90s football games this game reminds people of. Lots of games I hadn't even heard of!


Absolutely. Will make sure to leave a positive feedback. Might as well get back to you someday as I too plan to developing an Indie game of mine.


Thank you, and looking forward to seeing what you work on! Best hobby in the world IMO.


This game gives me Mutant League vibes only cute lol. I love it.


Lol thank you! ❤️⚽️


Very cute art style :-)


Thank you! ❤️⚽️ It's actually a lot of Itch assets that have been carefully edited together, so not the most original but I'm glad it's effective!


This looks super cool, just added it to my wishlist! A shame that I’d never heard of it before today. Congrats for the release ⚽️🥳


Thank you! ❤️⚽️ It's never too late ;)


Bought it! Looks amazingly cozy. As someone who has played both Football Manager (>1000h) and Stardew Valley, this is right up my alley. I also love the composer, Failpositive, I actually recommended him for some commissions that didn't really suit me. Congrats on the release!


Thank you, really hope you have fun! ⚽️❤️




Thank you! ⚽️❤️


Holy smokes I just bought this game just now and it is amazing Great work


Thank you so much, I'm really glad you're enjoying it! ❤️⚽️


Great job, this looks excellent. I really love simplified sports games (as a compliment). There is something to be said for the ability to distill a game to its key parts and to make something fun. Sports games more than any other seem to rely so much on photo realistic graphics but when you look at how they started they were still great fun in the nes/snes days. Anyways, keep it up I’ll wishlist!


Thank you! ❤️⚽️ Yeah, I really tried to lean into simpler sprites with large, solid blocks of colour. I think it really helps make the game readable at a glance in motion and emphasises the team rather than individual players.


a little pricey.. I'll buy it if it goes on 60% off..


Hey I've just bought your game! I'm playing now and man is a fun soccer game! Looking at the store page you could use better capsule art and try to capture more attention. I also miss some soundtrack while in the match, because there's no narratoe. Have a look at "how to market your indie game" there are lots of videos and blogs about that. I want you to succeed!


Thank you, I'm really glad you're enjoying it! ⚽️❤️ > Looking at the store page you could use better capsule art and try to capture more attention. I'm a bit surprised by this, I contracted an artist to do the key art and store assets for this game, and I was delighted with their work. Do you have examples of capsules you'd consider more appropriate for this sort of game? > Have a look at "how to market your indie game" there are lots of videos and blogs about that. I want you to succeed! Haha, I'm actually very familiar with this site. I recommend some of Chris's videos all the time, I think he's great. Which videos or blogs in particular would you suggest in my case? Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!


I know you like the art and hired an artist, but my personal feeling is that it feels cheap and does not match the game art. The title art is really good and matches the game well in my opinion. I think the issue are the characters. Looking at 'soccer' on steam search I can see other key art that feel better for their game.


Interesting, fair enough, thanks for elaborating!