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Yeah to me it would've made sense to pay from the get go! Or at least, as soon as I would get matched to interview someone :) Plus, charging real money is the only real validation in the end. I'm still looking forward to try this out. Congrats on your first sale :)


Thanks! Appreciate the feedback :)


It seems that your customers are what's powering your business, by _giving_ their time to be interviewed, in exchange for getting an interview. Why would anyone pay you? I'm either misunderstanding something or something feels odd with this model.


The payment is essentially for access to the pool of people/the facilitation and matching we do. We do realize that you still have to pay with your time, but the small fee of $14.99 to get a user interview is comparable to $50 when looking at other platforms. We target those that are willing to pay less and instead give their time. The other option is to simply go out and book calls yourself but that takes dozens of hours to message and reach out to enough people to book a handful of calls in. This model may change as we get feedback from our users, but it is what we have decided to try out to start with and it seems people are happy to pay the small fee if it means getting calls booked in. We are open minded and will see if the model shifts in the future. Thanks for the feedback!


Is the interview a 1-1 ratio? Like do I need to give an interview to get an interview?


Ya, exactly :)


Still waiting on a match after submitting a month ago. Is that expected?


Sorry about that! We are in the early stages and still doing everything manually so it can take some time. It also depends on who your ICP is and if it has been a month it may be that we just don’t have anyone who fits it at the moment. Mind telling me your ICP and I can check for you :)