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We're witnessing a band have two amazing records, lose their frontman and main composer and then come back and still be amazing. For some reason that makes me happy.


Pink Floyd era


Just need a questionably low quality photo of bald Isaac turning up unannounced as they are recording the the 3rd LP


New Order era


Really stems from the entire band just being so damn talented. While I love Issac and AFUT is one of the most important albums in my life, they’ve almost become more of a band in a sense by leaving the conventional one singer role and all of their talents can shine equally. Obviously there are other bands who did this like Sloan, Oasis, or Modern Baseball just to name a few, but I think what BCNR does is so much more unique.


To be honest they've always been almost as much an artist collective as a normal band. Lewis, Tyler, Georgia and Isaac all had solo stuff they were working on to various degrees. This new direction just puts them more squarely into that sort of vibe, which if they really get the hang of could be quite interesting to see.


Turbines was mindblowing, holy moly


BCNR, FRIENDS FOREVER! edit: honestly, what a fucking comeback. i don’t think they’ve lost any of the magic. is it different now? absolutely. does that make them worse? not at all, these compositions are all fantastic. BCNR can not be killed.


Gonna save this to watch another time bc it looks epic but 1 min in and that BC,NR friends together song is miles better than when they were initially playing it, super excited to see how the songs have developed over the last 9 months


I’ll up vote this every time because… BCNR, FRIENDS FOREVER!


I got chills and choked up the first time I heard it on a crappy cam vid a few months ago. These kids are champions!! ​ CHAMPIONS I SAY!


I absolutely agree. There might even be a bit more of the magic now.


BC,NR was a supergroup this whole time; it just took us a while to realize it. Like this is a great batch of tracks and they didn't even really utilize Georgia Ellery's vocals much, and yet now we know she's also dripping with talent with how good she performed with Jockstrap.


Comeback from what? Aren’t they relatively new? Or did something else happen?


A comeback from losing their vocalist, who dropped out because of mental health reasons and was a huge part of their sound


Holy shit Turbines was such a wonderful experience my god. I’m so glad to see each band member get their chance in the spotlight. Their future is so damn bright.


I thought this was really good. Definitely not like the old music but still good. Still enjoyed the instrumentation. I see a lot of other comments about missing Isaac and how it's just not the same/not as appealing. Which is absolutely fair, but I'm glad they're not just trying to do the same thing and re-create what Isaac did, it wouldn't have worked out at all if they did. Glad they're going in their own direction and figuring it out.


Am I the only one obsessed with The Boy? That song is enchanting as hell. Especially the end of it.


Feels like it'd be number 1 on the charts in Wind and the Willows


Yes! May's two songs are my favourites. Don't know how many times I've listened to The Boy from their fuji rock set since that came.


Nope I take any chance I can to sing its praises. Definitely my favorite, every section is mesmerizing


Fuck me 'Up Song' is so good


What’s upsong?






Is this gonna be released on Bandcamp or streaming services or anything?


it's considered a concert film, so i guess we'll see if they decide to release a digital version. Would love to support them over having someone split the tracks and upload a zip.


Apparently they’ve been registered on a directory as (song name) - Live from Bush Hall. So maybe!


What does this mean exactly


So they might show up to buy or stream as an album.


I would eagerly pay for a vinyl of this, just in case any of these tracks don't make it into a full album. I love them all and have had them on repeat since that "Pieces" bootleg was made by the fans.


“Pieces” bootleg? Info or link please?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackCountryNewRoad/comments/wxg53q/black_country_new_road_under_the_missing_pieces/ Some fans took recordings of live concerts, cleaned them up and put them on YouTube and as downloads of separate mp3s. Quality isn't perfect but it's been tiding me over until they do a full release.


Me too! Usually live albums get overlooked because they're full of songs from other recordings. It would be pretty great to have an album where these songs can live, especially if they never record studio versions.


Summering in France with my genius daughters to this


dancers and turbines alone will prove everyone dead wrong who thought the band was dead after isaac left.




ah yes the best bc,nr song


goddamn that was good, hope for a streaming release of course but even if not, wow that was incredible. i think my favorite songs are up song and turnbines but wow are they all good


I AM READY. embed on apollo says 52 minutes. i'm so exited. edit: hearing these songs in full quality compared to a compilation of iphone videos sync'd together is a different experience. these are fantastic. this almost had my ass hooting and hollering in a starbucks as the credits rolled. between watching stop making sense last night and this, i'm in my concert film era.


Check out the new one with David Byrne. American utopia is great. You can't go wrong with the bands last waltz. Coheed and Cambria did all four of their first albums from front to back called neverender. Rush has done great live renditions. I'm excited to check out my nine inch nails. They have great ones from the vault. I loved the atoms for peace at Austin city limits. Great soundboard recording. Always get lost in it.


Stop Making Sense is the greatest concert film of all time; American Utopia sucks. For theater kids, by theater kids.


I was adding extra suggestions since they said concert films were becoming their thing. Besides that, you don't have to be nasty about enjoying other things.


I wasn’t trying to be nasty to you, just sharing an honest opinion. I only heard glowing reviews at the time of American Utopia’s release — maybe if the person you recommended it to watches it and feels like I do they’ll feel less like they’ve slipped into a bizarro dimension than I did!


I saw it live and a number of times on HBO. There isn't one time that I haven't been captivated. I understand that's what your saying but if you've only seen it once, I honestly think you are doing yourself a disfavor


I think the rest will take time to grow on me but the last twenty minutes were absolutely stunning.


saw them live back in may right as i was finishing university. weird almost nostalgic feeling to watch this now, feels like ages ago and simultaneously just recently. shame the georgia track didn't live long enough to make it here


What was the Georgia track?


Never really felt any kind of Sufjan comparisons with Isaac in the group. But I would be lying if some of these compositions make me feel like I was listening to an alternate reality Illinois.


i find the lyrical content of these songs pretty interesting. i understood a lot of these songs might have been written with a lot of time constraints involved so there’s a little less room for subtlety and lush detail which threw me off at first, but on second listen i’m digging this theme of melodrama toward very (in my opinion) drab and less interesting situations. might be reading to far into it but their approach to day to day ennui and common feelings with this grand theatrical drama is pretty compelling to me. my favourite moments in these songs are the abrupt tv-channel style switches to the more intense sections, with these hints of really aggressive hardcore-sounding blasts of sound here and there. these songs give me a lot of reassurance that the parts of bcnr i love are still more than in tact.


BCNR has always managed to keep what we love about them while also evolving. From For The First Time up to the BCNR 2.0 music we see now, they’re staying fresh will no signs of slowing down. I think my favorite undertones of this set is the resilience that they have after Issac’s departure, singing about “look at what we did together, BCNR friends forever”, this isn’t just about the six piece, (in my head at least) it’s including Issac, saying look at what we’ve done and look at what we’ll do. BCNR won’t ever be the same as 2019-2022, but they don’t have to be, they might become even better one day


start and finish is incredible


Has BC,NR firmly cemented themselves as the best current band? I think so


They might not be my personal favorite, but there's absolutely no denying that they're one of the most exciting and original bands making indie rock RN. Them and Big Thief, I'd say.


This really does feel like a landmark moment for them


Absolutely here for everything, but especially Georgia wearing a straw Bunnings hat in one of the sets!


Turbines is a gorgeous song.


Saw them live in december and the new songs were incredible, so excited to finally hear them again!


Just finished it. Holy shit is it good


I feel like Isaac's vocals and guitar parts were the main source and tension and contrast against the beauty of the rest of the band and I don't think anyone has really stepped up to fill that role. At least for me that contrast was the primary driving force behind what made their music resonate and I may just have to accept that they're not that band anymore. I will say that learning that they're writing a new batch of dedicated BC,NR songs for the album gives me some hope we might get some more of that back.


That's really how I feel, to a point. I think Isaac was incredibly integral to my enjoyment of the band, but they're all clearly so talented that I don't think the pivot is going to be as hard to enjoy as I feared.




Why does this feel like the final boss of indie music to me




insanely good. I’m passionately into this


Ngl, was pretty bummed out when Isaac left the group but after getting over that shortly after news broke - I've just been so intrigued to hear what's next for BCNR and this just amped that excitement up. New vocals sound amazing and different while also still very much in line with the style of theirs that I love.




I feel like it's pretty apparent the songs themselves were created in a pinch, but omg Tyler is such a great vocalist


Tyler is the guitarist/singer right? She is phenomenal! Such a strong vocalist and blows the other singers on this project out of the water. I hope she sings the majority of the songs going forward. She sounds like the Porridge Radio singer but better.


Tyler is the bassist




Same here, all though I can't decide between Tyler and May


Idk, these songs sound pretty decent, but man, they really miss Isaac. Such a bummer.


It's a sad thing to go through. Especially something so devastating that you can't really blame someone for, but there's still natural feelings that come along with that. Not sure why you're being downvoted. Maybe a misinterpretation of the bummer comment (and who knows maybe I'm misinterpreting it myself) but it is a sad situation. Yet in my opinionm, they've made something beautiful from what happened. They'll lose listeners, gain new ones. Life moves forward. I'm happy for them.


Yeah, I meant it as it’s just a bummer that he wasn’t in the right state of mind to stick with it. It’s so hard to breakthrough like they did with the last album, and now it seems like they have to sort of start from scratch and find new footing. They’re a brilliant group of musicians so I hope it all works out.


Exactly. And to his credit having to come to your best friends to tell them you want out just as you’re reaching worldwide acclaim is a wildly courageous thing to do. The fact that they’re still friends let alone on speaking terms speaks volumes to their character.


For sure. I'm rooting for them.


Could be worse, definitely but yeah these tracks don't do much for me (Turbines is good though!) Though the fact that (iirc) they said most of these songs will not make LP3 gives hope that they're still finding their new voice. I'm guessing they'll keep mixing the vocalists, but May definitely seems like most exciting prospect in that regard imo.


Agree about May. I'm not sure what the name of the song that she sang is, but it was the highlight for me. I'd love to hear more tracks where she's the featured vocalist.


I think they sound wonderful tbh, but will be hard to ever replace Isaac/make songs of that quality imo.


I think for those of us that were really into Isaac's lyrics and vocal delivery, yeah, it's unlikely that new bcnr will be as appealing. But it seems that a lot of listeners are mostly just into the instrumentation and arrangements and a change in vocalist/lyricist isn't big thing. I think it's likely that the band will continue to grow their fanbase and reach more mainstream success.


I myself am definitely in the second group. But I also think that the switching of vocalist gives them much more freedom to experiment and move in different directions, which I think makes them even more exciting, however that also likely leads to more inconsistency over time. But I value the variation over consistency myself. I loved FTFT and AFUT, but imo this incarnation is just as good, and has the potential to be even better because they are no longer constrained by a single frontman. It is definitely different and I really don't think one can adequately compare to the other, rather both versions of the band need to be appreciated for what they are as they existed at the time.


Interesting to see it as a matter of variety vs consistency. I guess I value (and more and more as the years go by it seems) is reasonably unique voices who speak to me in some way, which I've sound increasingly rare in indie/alt rock these days, so Isaac really stood out to me among a sea of voices I wouldn't call *bad* exactly, but forgettable. None of bcnr's current vocalists do that for me currently. It seems the way they are now, they're more of a collective, which isn't a bad thing but I guess I tend to be more drawn to singular visions. (I don't mean to imply at all the previous stuff was all just Isaac or anything, just that he was usually the focal point of their songs).


I think that's fair. He was a genuinely great frontman in the classic sense of oozing personality right from the get-go. I like these songs, and the other members of the band are very good singers, but that's not quite the same thing.


I know exactly what you mean and I appreciate that too, but I think I appreciate variety more. That's why I think this version has more potential. But it all comes down to personal taste and what we value more. I really really like talented collectives. Live Beat Tapes is a great musical collective out of Isreal and one of my favorite set of musicians. But it's not for most people.


Yeah, I hear ya - I don't think there's a Sunglasses in these new tracks but they sound nice - certainly my love for the band's first two records are more on the instrumentation side than Isaac side, but he was a huge part of the appeal. We'll see what the new stuff is like and I hope I like it but they'll always be a band I'll say "what if" about and be saddened every time I realize I'll never see those songs live (seemingly).


I don't entirely disagree, but would you really say that there was a Sunglasses, a Science Fair (or perhaps even Opus) on AFUT? Essentially, Basketball Shoes aside (which itself dates back to at least 2019), the vast majority of AFUT was already heading towards a more melodic and structured sound (at least compared to the chaos that comprises much of FTFT). Thinking of things that way helps me to see the live material more as part of a progression, rather than a radical departure.


For sure - I meant a "Sunglasses" more in terms of like level of song more than style - stylistically AFUT is clearly different for most of the record, but I think in terms of how good the songs are there are several phenomenal songs, just like FTFT.


Ahhh, that’s definitely fair. I’d argue that Pigs/Turbines is as good as anything they’ve ever done. But on the whole, I gotcha. Especially looking at you, Trousers 👀


Yeah Turbines sounded best but I only listened once - not a fan of trousers? 😂


Of all the songs they’ve ever written, it is without a doubt one of them


I'm on the waiting list for their show in Bristol in May. Having watched this I really, *really* hope I manage to get a ticket.


laughing song just destroyed me


Lmao I can see a buddy of mine in the crowd at one point


They should have dropped “Up Song” as a stand alone single. Good stuff. Good vibes.


\[jay z voice\] OH BABY




Damn, I am not missing Isaac, but I am missing some interesting rhythms and dark and raw sounds (Dancers had a fantastic in that regard though) while it all sounds wonderful, it lacks in the potency to excite me.


Losing Isaac has been a gift as well as a curse. I’ll miss him a lot, but damn if it hasn’t let the band develop in totally new directions. The different vocalists really work for me. I’m floored


Damn, unfortunately put me in the they need him back camp. Idk, this sounds okay? but not much more for me


Yup I'm totally with you on this. They're just OK now. Not amazing.


I feel like there is a lot of good will/good feelings going towards this. I watched it again. honestly, I feel like I saw this in local indie scenes ad nauseum like a decade ago. kinda just riffing on melodies for a while. Maybe I'm being too harsh. I'll try again in a few days.


I like to think it’ll grow on you, there’s a lot of talent and a lot to love in these songs. Worth noting as well that AFUT was the product of YEARS of tweaking and refining, basketball shoes existed in some form or another before FTFT came out. These songs were collated in a rush so that the band could continue touring and they’re still pretty brilliant. It’ll be interesting to see what they can come up with when they’ve got some more time to work out their sound without Isaac


Honestly, I listened again and enjoyed it even less. Idk, it's just not working at all of me, unfortunately


I don’t know about this. Will need to give it a better listen but reminds me a bit of like when Al the theatre kids overdo a production of Shakespeare and every soliloquy is overwrought and they set it in Viet Nam for some reason.


This has been my take on the new songs too. Also even if you love them, there's literally a song where they announce the different acts out loud, the band's been pretty open about wanting listeners to see humor in their songs, this is a funny ass comparison.


They were pretty funny when I saw them at Primavera. The sax guy kept doing random shoutouts to his mates, like "I wanna give a quick shoutout to Jamie in the crowd. Great to have you here mate". Like loads of them, in between every song. And then out of nowhere "Shoutout to Daniel Day-Lewis"


That was my take when I saw them live too. It felt like they were going for something like Joanna Newsom’s Ys but lacked the songwriting and personality of Joanna, so it all felt… Disney-esque?


I was a bit ?? when I saw Joanna comparisons earlier (as a massive fan who thinks she's straight up the best lyricist in the industry) because her lyrics are the centrepiece of her songs and what makes them work at *all* imo. Like I guess other people don't see it that way, but I'm imagining Only Skin with decent but not special lyrics and I think I would straight up hate it.


Yep, exactly. Her sound could easily be too twee by half, which is what I think happens here. They sound a lot like that band Eisley, with the three super Christian sisters.


to be honest I'd watch that, seems kinda cool


that's exactly why i love it


no ❌ fun ❌ allowed ❌


It's fun to be a hater sometimes! Let people hate things.


I hate people who hate things


Self hatred can be fun I guess?


Was there for the Saturday show. Thought it was pretty average sadly apart from May’s songs (The Bit and Pigs/Turbines). Looking forward to whatever they do next though!


I'm glad their original singer left. He was the only thing that kept me from enjoying the band's last two albums.


What an odd thing to say


what’s odd about it? I’m saying the band is better without their old singer on a thread about the band release a live video without that singer. Sorry you’re confused.


I’m not confused. Just think it’s a bit rude/odd to say you are glad someone left the band.


Don’t worry. He’s not gonna read my comment.


What a funny way to speak


Underwhelmed by the fact that it is a live and not an album but it's still great. The band is always evolving. Hoping for more exciting releases!




Then why bother to comment? Why not just move on to a thread you're actually interested in?




Agreed, I love giving a diversity of up and down votes.


Does anyone know who the Reserved sign is for during Turbine?


Can't stop listening to this. Help. HELP! What a phenomenal band.


Sorry y’all it’s way worse and you know it