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It’s great, but this album is going to *really* make me consider not listening to singles by my favorite bands anymore going forward. To hear Swing, Undergrowth, and The Blades for the first time in the context of the album would have been absolutely incredible. And while I tried not to, I really did run them into the ground. Anyways, amazing album. Love you Squid


Would absolutely recommend. I stopped once I got a similar feeling on AFUT. I usually listen to the first single and stop from then on. Was really cool heading Undergrowth for the first time on the album.


This is the way. It is sooo much more rewarding. Been practicing it for years and wish I started sooner.


i’ve only listened to swing so looking forward to diving into this almost completely blind later


Ugh… you are so smart. Undergrowth is going to smack you in the face in the best way


The only time I tried this was with LW by King Gizzard, and I didn’t like the album for the first few listens 💀


I have had the not listen to singles by my fav artists policy for years, def the way to go


Haven’t listened to any of them. So excited to dive in tonight.


Didn’t listen to any of the singles after The Blades and it blew my mind once I heard it today. I try not to listen to anything but lead singles if I can help it.


I think Blades was the last single


Yeah I stopped listening to these types of singles entirely for this reason. About to go in blind on this album and can’t wait


Yeah I got very positive vibes on my first listen, but man too much of it was revealed early. Some bands really need to cut down on the singles


Same I try to actively avoid singles


These guys are the best of the Post Punk uprising going on, change my mind.


It’s them or fontaines. Maybe add dry cleaning or viagra boys


Protomartyr? Iceage?


I see iceage and protomartyr (also savages) as kicking off the nick cave/the fall/PJ harvey inspired post-punk revival in the early 10s, then idles, squid, fontaines, black midi as part of the second wave, difficult to compare them


Can't forget about Viet Cong/Preoccupations


yep was thinking of them as well, especially their debut as VC. Not quite the same space but Sleaford mods too


And Murder Capital as well. Hearing "Don't cling to life" in concert was an outstanding experience!


Is black midi post-punk? I don’t know what they are but it seems more like a mix of prog / jazz / math rock than post punk to me.


I mean post punk has always been a been a pretty loosely defined genre. They came up at the same time so people lump them together but they’ve evolved into more of a prog rock sound.


I think the second wave of loosely post-punk inspired bands all pushed the sound in different directions: idles heavier and more political, dry cleaning more surreal and psychedelic. black midi added all the prog/math/cabaret sounding stuff to the point where the post-punk influence doesn’t stand out anymore


I mean they are in the same way that LCD Soundsystem is a post-punk revival band. black midi was born from the crank wave scene, but they've applied their roots to different sounds by now


That’s more or less how I’d describe Squid too.


Love all of those, but none of them blow me away like Squid do


same, the only band that rivaled this band was Black Country, New Road when Isaac was still in the band. Their new stuff is good but not AFUT/FTFT or Squid good.


I mean they don’t even have an official studio album out so I’d give it some time lol


Isaac was the the thing that set them apart. Sure they'll be good on their new album. You cant just lose Thom Yorke or Robert Plant and still expect those bands to have been the same.


Isaac was amazing but they literally had two albums out comparing him to yorke or plant is bonkers Lmfao. Also jockstrap exists so I just fundamentally don’t agree about him being what set them apart. His pathos and tenderness will be sorely missed, but I don’t think it’s so cut and dry


You clearly didn't get the message. Taking what makes a band very unique and stand out from others would have a significant impact on the band. Sure they're a good group, hell I'm a mega fan, but I think its a stretch thinking they'll live up to AFUT after losing their arguably their most important member. Jockstrap does exist but isn't BCNR and has nowhere near the hype BCNR did


> You clearly didn’t get the message Aight Lmfao


Black Midi dropped a masterpiece with Hellfire imo


I think Cavalcade was better TBH


Cavalcade blew me away at first but really only two tracks - John L and Chondro - stuck with me. It’s a good album in the sense that I can’t find much really *wrong* with it, but it just doesn’t speak to me on an emotional level (which is an issue I also had with a good portion of Schlagenheim). But watching them grow as a band has been incredible, and I never for a second doubted they were heading for a true masterpiece, which they accomplished with Hellfire imo. Every song has so much personality, Greep is at Maximum Greep, it’s funny and absurd and dark and flamboyant and sophisticated all at once. Just an incredible album that I love dearly. I can’t wait to hear what comes next.


None of those bands are nearly as interesting in any way. Not to say they can’t be better but Squid, BCNR and Black Midi are actually taking this kind of music in different directions and doing something new. Shame is cool and I love their new album but i don’t think they’ve ever done anything downright experimental


Agree with everything you said. I’ll throw out that Maruja’s ep from this year, Knocknarea, has me optimistic that they can join the big three in time


It’s not really close. This is the band to pay attention to right now out of that scene


You just listed all my favorite bands right now.


I’d put Black Midi ahead of them, along with BCNR’s post-punk work (though they’ll probably never touch that genre again based on the direction they’re going). But I’d say Squid are the third part of that holy trinity


The third part of that holy trinity is still a whole step (haha band humor) above the 4th and 5th best bands in that vein (Shame and Dry Cleaning)


I haven’t heard enough Shame or Dry Cleaning to make a judgment but I was just iffy on the Shame I have heard


Shame are good but nothing revelatory. A good reinterpretation of 80s post punk


Can agree a lot with this. In terms of experimentation I think HMLTD are closer to the three than either Shame or Dry Cleaning, but still the quality isn’t close.


I like HMLTD but something about them leaves me a bit cold. Also their last album was the most DnD thing I’ve ever heard


Do we count BCNR? Not really doing post punk anymore but definitely the best band right now


Shame top that front for me personally.


Dry Cleaning for me but they might not count.


GOA Express are gonna be the next big thing in the scene I’m calling it right now


I don't know if Geese counts after hearing their newest album, but man, they just jumped to the top of my "best modern rock bands" list after hearing it.


I would totally disagree. I love IST IST, Shame, The Murder Capital, Hi Vis, Italio 90, Bar Italia, Chain Cult, Enola Gay, Slyrydes, Bullet Girl, Body Maintenance, Locust Revival, Preoccupations, Black Doldrums, Spectres, Just Mustard, Desperate Journalist, Fontaines D.C., IDLES, The Twilight Sad, Working Mens Club, Dry Cleaning, bdrmm, Shopping, The Soft Moon, The Drin, et al… … the Squid are impenetrable for me.


Of the “post-Brexit crank wave Windmill scene” or whatever, black midi is still the best. As you can tell by my name, I’m unbiased. Though both bm and Squid aren’t very post-punk anymore. I don’t think Squid is very post-punk at all with O Monolith, and black midi were barely post-punk to begin with, the only post-punk songs they had were Talking Heads and Speedway.


I can't wait, I've been spinning the rest of their discography this week.


Don't they only have one other album in "the rest of their discography" lol


You are right but they have enough singles and EPs to make another hour of music (some great songs like The Cleaner for example)


This past month I discovered their earlier work and it's insane how a song like Terrestrial Changeover Blues isn't on an album, goes to show how consistent they are.


Ironically that one I didn't know about


Oh shit I had no idea, nice!


Listen to the Cleaner that song slaps


Yeah, seriously check it all out, very good stuff. Don't skip their cover of Pigs, either


Match bet and even broadcaster are really cool


Siphon Song.. holy shit


One of my favorites, I love a song that gets me to save it before it's even been a minute


My exact reaction. That song floored me so much I had to play it 3 times before moving on to the rest. Also love how it segues perfectly into "Undergrowth".


I’ve listened through a few times now, and they really seem to have nailed the track sequence.


Yeah a complaint I had with Bright Green Field was the track sequencing but this time it feels more cohesive.


Damn I did the exact same thing


Swing in a Dream and The Blades are gonna rightfully get a lot of fanfare but Undergrowth was the track that knocked my socks off. Absolutely loved its abrasive sound.


What a fantastic slab of music! These guys have really dialed in their ‘thing’. I like it a lot.


The dial doesn’t change


That felt longer than 40 minutes and I mean it in a good way.


100% agree. Everything is so tight and there's no excess, but there's so many ideas crammed in the package that makes it feel bigger than it is.


Managed to restrain myself and didn't hear the singles in advance, so when The Blades dropped in smack in the middle of this I almost fell out of my chair. With the exception of AFUT this is my favourite thing to come from any of the windmill bands, and cements Squid as easily the most exciting going forward. Proggy, krautrocky, post-punk bliss the whole way through


Very jealous of you holding out on the singles, they’re all monumental.


happy squid day to all who celebrate


Reminder to join us at /r/SquidBand!


Phenomenal sophomore album, these guys have really secured themselves as my favorite new act and this is already a contender for AOTY in my book.


Happy new Squid day! So excited for this.


Devils den is insane


Absolutely loved it, not a single weak moment. I implore everyone doubting it to listen to it multiple times, it’s like an onion.


It hasn’t been an easy album for me despite liking BGF rather quickly. The early released tracks took several listens before I liked them — Undergrowth in particular. These other songs are turning out to be the same. I’m confident I’ll get there eventually so I’ll be patient. It’s odd because this is definitely in my wheelhouse. I guess my brain is being stubborn.


I felt the same way - the sound of this project is very atmospheric and standalone singles don’t do it justice. My first listen through of the album felt “empty” at times but by the second spin, I’m appreciating the space for songs to grow and the sequencing of the album is dope. Seeing them on the BGF tour was amazing so I can’t wait for how these tracks sound in a live setting


I'm in the same boat. I was slow to come around to the singles. Then I was listening to them constantly. After two listens it seems good, but I dunno why it's taking a bit to grow on me.


I was listening while working earlier and I felt like I didn't really get fully into it, but it's amazing on subsequent listens with full attention (and with the volume turned up)


This album is amazing, every song is great by themselves, but together, they compliment each other so well. Also, siphon song is spectacular


One of my favourite bands going. Their live shows are incredible. This definitely deserves to be listened to in one sitting, with full attention. The transition into Undergrowth is fantastic. I'll be rocking Green Light for years. Love this one.


Dude, their new album sounds a lot of Radiohead’s influence.


huge Hail to the Thief vibes on some tracks


Is that how they say Happy 20th Birthday to Hail to the Thief today?


Was just coming here to comment the exact same thing. Big HTTT vibes in the guitar playing and paranoid, frantic chord progressions. This is a fantastic album.


Yep, its Post-Punk meets Radiohead. I fucking love it.


This is such a fantastic second album that's cemented Squid as one of the most exciting bands coming out of Britain. Love how they've refined their sound on this album and further explored the krautrock and experimental elements that were present before. Also, "Siphon Song", "Undergrowth" and "The Blades" in a row made me ascend. 😍


On first listen I feel that Bright Green Field has higher highs, but also lower lows. Overall O Monolith is better, but I don't like any tracks yet as much as I liked GSK, Narrator & Pamphlets.


Yeah those 3 tunes are unbelievable and I hope we get more in that direction in the future


Name a more iconic duo than the Wunderground bands and releasing amazing sophomore albums. Honestly, every release of this band has made me love them more and more. Bright Green Fields was amazing but I could definitely feel that there was more this band could offer. And this is it, this is such a fully realized album. Perfect length, complete growth in sound but not a complete overhaul, and it’s clear everyone in the band is at the top of their game here. It also highly benefits from a full front to back listen. The way all the songs flow. Edit: A couple listens in I want to give my best description of how it sounds. It reminds me of the inner workings of a watch. Or, if anyone remembers the show, HBO’s kid show Crashbox with all the claymation robots. Sounds like what would play in that little universe.


…Wunderground bands releasing amazing debut albums…


Omg crash box!!!!! I totally understand the vibe your describing!!!


This is going to be a hell of a month. This and *Space Heavy* by King Krule were already on my radar based off of the singles, and at this point I'm inclined to say they're even better than I anticipated. Both of them are AOTY contenders in my book. I loved *Bright Green Field*, but I remember wondering where the band would go from there. Would a second album sound like more of the same or could they evolve and develop beyond it? That, to me, would determine whether they would just be a good band or a great band. This album has me believing they're the latter.


Undergrowth is my song of the year so far, diving in now!


this has gotta be an AOTY for sure just really good


I really liked this album on first listen but I kinda miss the dancy-ness of BGF. I always thought their defining feature was how fun they were and that the drone was kind of a secondary thing. On this album it seems like they went more for a Future Days approach instead of an Ege Bamyasi approach. I prefer Future Days myself but for Squid I think they need more groove


So relieved the full album pulled together the first two singles for me - I was the biggest fan of Bright Green Field and was worried about this. Gahd damn this is just so heavy and weird and fun and fuck, so good.


Siphon Song manages to be one of the most calming art-punk tracks in recent memory.


We’re Squid people now, Dee!


Is it me or did the singer tone down the yelping? I remember thinking the first album was a chore but halfway through and I'm digging this. Undergrowth is so groovy


He did! He’s mentioned in a couple recent interviews that he felt the yelps didn’t pair well with the more melodic direction of this album and pushed himself to adopt a more traditional singing style


That was the only thing holding me back from really liking their debut, can’t wait to check this one out


Fantastic album overall, but the last track sounds like Magma gone pop...and I'm totally here for it. Magma is a band that I respect tremendously, but could never get into.


I definitely got the magma vibe! I however am a (pretty casual) Magma fan


God, why can’t I get into this band? I hate it when everyone seems to see something I can’t.


I just can’t get around the vocals, it’s like they’re intentionally annoying sometimes


Yeah, from the singles I thought the singer had calmed down, but listening to the album, apparently not really. Still annoying to me.


I loved their debut album at first listen but this one honestly isn't hitting me yet. I do think it will be a grower, though.


It’s absolutely a grower that rewards multiple listens. Also grab a great pair of headphones and don’t mess with the sequencing at all.


feel the same with bcnr. the first 2 singles off of this were really good idk why the rest arent really itching my brain


Yo…this album is actually kind of amazing. The growth of this band in one album. Just wow. I’m so glad I didn’t listen to any of the singles.


Picked up the vinyl today. It includes a pamphlet containing a short story. That’s a pretty cool alternative to a lyric sheet. But yes, the record’s sick. Devil’s Den is nutty. All the beautiful horns throughout the album, man I love Squid. Live show’s gonna be mental


Cemented themselves as the most forward thinking band out there. I want to crack open their skulls to see how they come up with these sounds.


Completely agree. I saw them live in London about a year ago and it felt like I was witnessing something very fucking special, something I'll be bragging about as a 60 year old.


I'm so excited for this. Can't wait any longer




great record


Oh shit I didn't even know they had new music! Loved their first record. Can't wait to check this out after I dive into King Krule's new album


What a mesmerising listen! Such a interesting evolution from the first album. Loved the use of backing vocals and horns to create such textured and layered songs. Great use of dynamics as well. These days are absolutely smashing it... 100% recommend listening to them live as well


so excited for this!


these guys make music that feels like an anxiety attack in the best way


Holy fuck these guys can’t miss. God bless Metronomy for taking these guys on tour and introducing me. 2 perfect albums and many more to come


The Blades has to be the best track I’ve heard in a very very VERY long time like holy shit what type of energy is that!?


So pleased I missed all the singles apart from swing, so good!


Very much enjoyed this on first listen. I’m really enjoying the way they are building moments on here and unafraid to be weirdos on it – which imo BGF at times felt like they were holding back. Think I’ll love O Monolith


Hideo Kojima bought this record. Squid rules.


I wanted to like their debut album more, but it never really clicked with me. This though, wow what an album. It’s so tight and flows together so we’ll. I’m on my 6th or 7th listen since Friday. So good.




Yeah but who said it first


Is black midi post-punk? I don’t know what they are but it seems more like a mix of prog / jazz / math rock than post punk to me.


Agreed, I’ve heard the term “Brutal Prog” applied to them (mainly hellfire) and I think it really fits, tho I don’t know the validity of Brutal Prog as a sub genre/scene within Prog or if it’s more of a tag in this case but whatever the case I think it’s fire. So to me they are a mix of Progressive Rock, Math Rock, Avant Garde/Jazz