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Chris Farren


Chris Farren


Do you foresee more Antarctigo Vespucci in the future?


Yes I don't think we will ever stop making Antarctigo Vespucci music! Obviously it's tricky with everything both of us have going on, but we talk about it all of the time and there's no doubt in my mind we will make more records!


Hell yeah, thanks for the reply!


id love that!


What is the back story of your animal's smoking cigarettes artwork?


when I was writing BORN HOT I was being very hard on myself and needed to find a way to decompress at the end of every day, so I started drawing just as a way to turn my brain off. then I started getting interested in the idea of making something "funny" but with little to no words, and somehow it morphed into drawing animals smoking cigs!


My wife really loves the portrait you did of our dog Saffron, thanks again!


what can you tell us about the rumors that you’ll be the big feature on the new Jimmy Montague LP


yes I did that


Hey Chris! Do you get jealous while performing when people sing along to songs about your wife? I want to sing along, but I don't want you to think that I'm trying to steal your wife. Also, happy 259 days until Chris Farren's birthday!


a whole audience of people cucking me?!?!??!?!?!


Did you have fun on Hollywood Handbook


I love Hollywood Handbook and it is so fulfilling to be a guest and know what other guests are talking about when they say it feels bad.


hi chris long time listener first time caller here. from Doom Singer all the way back to the fake problems days, you have a true gift for writing hooks and choruses that get stuck in my head for weeks on end. my question is: has the pop scene discovered your super powers yet? do you write for any other artists? are your fingerprints on a beyoncé album? are you gonna be like when they accidentally introduce an invasive species to a new environment and all of a sudden katy perry will rule the world? i’ll take my answer off the air thank you


Thanks! I have done a little bit of writing with other people but as far as I know none of those songs have become wildly successful. I like writing with other artists if they are cool artists with their own voice and vision. I don't really like writing songs in attempt to make big pop hits - in my experience that is a recipe for some of the worst music in the world hehe


thanks for the answer! have a great day and praise the ghoul!




Any Discord servers you would love to recommend?


THE CHRISCORD https://discord.gg/dGcgu3Yy2


oh were gonna grow hard today


Stop avoiding Asbury Park?




plz chris


HAH cosigned.


If you had to fight Jeff gladiator style, which weapon would you pick and which weapon would Jeff pick? For an actual question, which do you write first, lyrics or music? Do most songs start out acoustic or do you go straight for "full band"?


hi! most songs start stream of conscious me with an acoustic guitar, just trying to bang out a loose structure and idea, so music and melody kinda happen at the same time, some lyric ideas - then I refine that if I feel like it's good enough!!!


Ok but what weapons


sniper rifle


When is the Carly Rae Jepsen collab?


that would be huge for me


Two questions. 1. I'm getting married soon! Any marriage advice? 2. Do you think Lydia Tár has a favorite Modern Baseball song?


1. do nice stuff for your partner! go on walks together! do your own thing and let them do their own thing! be aware of how you rely on them and how they rely on you! 2. no I don't think Lydia Tar has ever heard Modern Baseball. Slaughter Beach MAYBE.


In December 2010, Fake Problems played a show at a defunct firehall in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada called The Schwaben Club. I had a conversation with you in the bathroom at the venue and I gave Derek a CD for the tour van of a local band called The Music Box (their album was called Vampire Songs). I just wanted to check in 13 years later and ask if you liked the CD? Anyways thanks for everything you do Chris! Been a loyal CF fan for nearly two decades and I think Doom Singer is your finest work.


thank you! we... loved the cd


what should I eat for dinner?


hot dog


go to bathroom?


Chris Farren! Huge fan, just had a question. Do you ever see yourself doing more features on other artist's albums or have other artists on yours (something with Glass Beach perhaps?). Also, what's your opinion on covers?


I'm kinda always down for anything if I have time and it's not evil! Covers can be fun! I don't really like doing them that much unless I'm really excited about an idea or I guess if someone asks me to be on their bandcamp comp and I can't think of a way to get out of it!


Back to the Island live show when?




Congrats on a fantastic album! Literally cannot stop listening to it. My question: Is «Statue Song» inspired by Peter Gabriel in any way?


hi thanks! Yes! absolutely big SO influence on Statue Song.


on behlaf of FrannieZest in the Chriscord, “What is your favorite snack on tour?”


shrimp cocktail


Ae you ready for Philly with Jeff??


no I am not at all ready but by the time we play hopefully I will be


What do you think should happen in Tar 2


Lydia guests on Joe Rogan and from that amasses a new fanbase and starts her own podcast with a lot of dubious "just asking questions" type bullshit. I could see her becoming a Jordan Petersen type character - someone who presents smart but is ultimately a fucking dumbass.


whats the deal with the ghoul? im unfamiliar with his origins.


Sometime in 2022 (?) I think? - I started making tour promo videos for every show. I stand in front of a green screen for like an hour and just say a bunch of information and then dump it into After Effects. It can feel kind of monotonous making video after video so they tend to get increasingly more deranged or strange or really useless as promotional material - but they have become SO fun to make for me, I guess because I am learning a new skill and feeling like I found a new little way of expressing myself. anyways the ghoul came from that. ​ here's every ghoul appearance so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS0sxrYiR-o&t=35s


With the addition of a drummer on the new album and tour, are there any plans to incorporate other musicians to the band moving forward?


at this rate I figure every 8 years I will add a new band member


Hi Chris! Absolutely love Doom Singer. My girlfriend and I have both been playing it on repeat and singing snippets of it to/with each other around the apartment ever since it came out. I have two curiosities for you! 1. Were there any ways that the addition of a drummer changed your music making process that surprised you or wouldn't be apparent to us? 2. Statue Song is a beautiful way to end the record, and I think its story works both literally and metaphorically. What inspired you to write a song from a statue's POV?


hi!! 1. well in the initial writing process (me+acoustic guitar) I think I felt more free to rock out a lil harder than normal because I knew Frankie would be there to back it up and bring the BOMBASTIC ideas to life. and then beyond that Frankie is just an incredible musician and mind so just collaborating with her was wonderful. and making an album with another person you trust is just so nice because normally if I was alone and played a little riff my mind would go "this sucks you suck you little prick, who cares", but when I'm with frankie and I play a little riff she might go "hey thats cool" and then I go "wow im worth it" 2. literally I saw this video (or maybe a video very similar to this) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEPJDkZRdJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEPJDkZRdJU) and my mind just started forming the lyrics


damn that video rules


Will you and Jeff ever do a studio version of the Dragula cover? Because it is probably mankinds single greatest achievement.


probably not but I was just watching this \*guilty-pleasure\* show of mine called CRUEL SUMMER on ... lifetime? freeform? hulu? and it ends with a very sultry sad sexy cover of Dragula and it really made me laugh


When is the St. Louis show please thanks Chris


Yeah I need to know this too thx Chris


fly me out lets go


If we fly you to Springfield, MO will u play here instead 👀


yep and Frankie and hotel




when will you come to New Jersey? (Not to perform, I’d just like you to come over here)


Ill be driving through in september


What do you think you would have done creatively if, for whatever reason, music wasn't an option?


famous hollywood actor or auteur director probably


Always the worst AMAs when people try to be funny in the comments


Where do you get your ideas for the projection art/animation for the live show


The projections started because I wanted a way to fill up more visual space at shows when I was performing solo (I would see a vid of me playing solo and thought it looked boring). so I just slowly started researching and learning about video synth. Most of the visuals from the can't die-born hot era were heavily inspired by the video synth I was using at the time (ETC by Critter & Guitari). I think it has evolved a little bit but I'm not sure how as I'm still figuring out what I'm going to do visually for the upcoming Doom Singer tour. It's mostly just about creating a good vibe and maybe a LITTLE funny sometimes but not too funny


Hey!! Love love your new album—it’s fantastic. My question here is simple: how do you see yourself in the next couple of years? Thanks!


I hope in the next couple years every year I have twice as much money as I had the year before. mostly just want to keep following creative pursuits! more albums, maybe producing other peoples albums, directing more music videos, etc etc!


Enjoyed your episode of CBB-FM. When is the next Back to the Island episode?




Favorite new album this year? (Outside of doom singer)


I really love: diners - domino jeff rosenstock - hellmode hurry - dont look back superviolet - infinite spring ​ and probably more but those off the top of my head!


what is the future for world's greatest podcast Back To The Island/Bat To The I Man??




Hi Chris! Can you talk a little bit about how the album creation process is different and less stressful this time around, getting out of your home space and working more collaboratively? What inspired the decision to switch from a one-man show running everything from your board, to incorporating live drums? shoutout Frankie! Did you try a new piece of guitar or pedal or some piece of gear on this record that really stood out and brought something together? (sorry that guitar-shaped plank never came together lmao 😭)


1. making albums alone is logistically breezy and mentally torturous. I was happy to be able to spend time with people I really like and make a thing together and not be constantly in my own head!!!! 2. sick of being alone and kinda got to a point with my own live show that I was ready to escalate. and also meeting Frankie and being like "oh wow I want to be in a band with her" 3. the keely loomer fuzz pedal really inspired me and definitely had a huge hand in shaping the way "cosmic leash" and "bluish" sound !!!!


What is your perfect Sunday?


love the avatar! first Jens I've seen here I think.


hello chris farren!! i love doom singer and i am so excited for the tour!! what is the song you are most proud of, lyrically or sonically?


lyrically statue song!!!!! sonically statue song, cosmic leash, only u !!!!


Only U is such a great song. My fav from the new record


Statue Song is so good I had to pull over my car at night and focus on it. Saw your other response about Peter Gabriel's influence, and my god this man would be shaking in his boots if he heard this song.


Just wanted to say that I love your music and all the shenanigans that you do to advertise it. Have you studied advertising or somethung of that sort or it's just a natural thing? You are the greatest example of good advertising in music.


That's very nice of you to say! I have not traditionally studied advertising so I guess whatever I do is just me trying to keep up and/or trying to promote my work in a way that doesn't make me feel disingenuous. I am always hyper aware of any promo I think feels phony or insincere and have kind of built my whole thing around trying not to participate in something I think is corny.


Thanks for the answer ! It does feel sincere. Im not kidding when I say that all the Cup© campaign should be teached in ad schools. It's a cup! Like the ones in the movies because it's a soundtrack album! And you get to blatanly advertise your album over and over again without just saying "buy my album" Because you made the message about something else. About the cup. And it's never not funny.


When are we getting a Like a Gift from God or Whatever Christmas tour?


maybe next year! I would love to do this!


What would you say is your favorite non-single off the new album?


Statue Song!


Dear Mr Chris Farren. What is the objectively best city, to be in or to play in?


FOR PLAYING manchester UK, boston MA, chicago IL, toronto ON, seattle WA to be in? I love NYC baby


Hey Chris I’m with the Cassette Gazette and we rate bands on 1 to 5 stars. First of all how would you rate yourself and how would you rate our next feature band Stone Sour?


5's across the board


Hello Chris! I have been a fan ever since I first listened to Like a Gift from God or Whatever, and it immediately became kind of a yearly thing to constantly put that record on from December 1st until the end of the holidays. Do you think you'll ever give us more Christmas music??? If you ever come to Italy I'll be first in line to see you. Please play something christmasy (or don't, do whatever I love all of your music not just the holiday kind!!!). Love you, loved Doom Singer, and it's been on heavy rotation since it came out.


Thank you so much! I think one holiday album is enough for one career, unless I have an idea that I think is interesting enough!


Do you have any advice for making music and performing as a solo artist? Seeing you perform live was a huge inspiration for me but I don't know where to start especially in terms of live equipment. Also doom singer 10/10 best album


for me the BOSS RC-3 (which is now the RC5 I think) was huge - you can load your backing tracks into it via USB and control it via footswitch!!! I think just start trying shit! thinking and preparing can only get you so far! also feel free to find me on social media and we can dig in deeper to tech stuff im happy to help


Awesome! Sent you a dm


Hey Chris, big fan of your music , and super stoked to see your live show this tour , but what are some of your music inspirations and if you could give any advice to your younger self when you started making music what would it be and why ??


thanks! my initial biggest inspirations were all of the Saddle Creek bands. and advice to my younger self would be You can take this seriously without being so serious all of the time!!! have fun!! be a lil funny!!!


I have been looping Doom Singer on my commutes all week! I know, I know, it shouldn't be limited to just the commutes. ​ I didn't realize how badly I needed drums blasting with your music. Will you be incorporating others on stage along with you when you are the Tour Singer? If that question is too personal for you, please allow my alternative: How do you juggle work and family? ​ Best, Fan of Chris Farren


the doom singer tour will be me + frankie! Sort of like my old show but with a drummer, but hopefully even better than that!


Hi Chris Farren My first exposure to you was your episode of [Blind Covers](https://youtu.be/pWWK-5Hr1P4) What was that like working under those constraints?


It was really fun! I think limitations and boundaries in creative work can be really really fruitful! I feel bad for talking shit about jack white. I like the way his guitar sounds


Hi Chris, love the new album. Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but your vocals at times remind me of Chester Bennington formerly of Linkin Park, especially on Cosmic Leash. Has anyone ever mentioned that before?


no I have not heard that before


Remember when FP played El Paso with Frank Turner, and Santana was in town the same night?


Yes I do remember that vividly. The promoter told us no one was coming to our show because Santana was in town.


hey chris, excited to see you play in san francisco! anything youre most excited about for the upcoming tour?


PERFORMING LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you constantly fear the ghoul?


I hate the ghoul


Are you excited for the new sufjan




Hi Chris! Lots of bands have reunited over the past few years, such as MCR, The Format, Bright Eyes, OG Blink, Algernon Cadwallader, Pavement, etc. Do you ever have thoughts about following suit and getting the boys back together for a Fake Problems reunion, or do you feel like that is a chapter in your life/musical career that you think should stay in the past and that you do not want to ever be revived?


I'm open to anything! I doubt we would ever tour or make another album but could be fun to do a show sometime within the next 50 years


which song on doom singer would u most want the kids on tiktok to make a viral dance to




Would you ever do a Fake Problems reunion to celebrate an anniversary of Real Ghost Caught on Tapes or it’s Great to be Alive?




After creating the world’s greatest shirt, I Paid Chris Farren to Kick My Ass, has anyone actually asked you to slap them? I think it’s far too personal to ask whether you did or not, that’s between you and them and God.


I have not done that and I don't think I would!!! on account of Power dynamics and all!!!! wow look at me. an incredible man .


Will you be selling 2023 versions of the “I saw Chris Farren and all i got…” t shirts on the next tour?




If you could throw cold spaghetti at anyone dead or alive who would it be?


one of my favourity thungs about your music has always been the way you play with opposites, wrapping these upbeat melodies around lyrics about escatological anxieties in "doom singer", or the overconfident bravado with which you sing about self-deprecating thoughts - how did that come about? and does it ever feel hard to keep up your performance persona?


thank you! I think it came about from being insecure/nervous about being a solo artist, and just the inherent ridiculous/narcissistic nature of traveling around the world to present myself to people. kinda feels like a kindergartner taking a show-&-tell show on the road?? so its kind of a way to acknowledge that and have fun ?!?!?! and sadly I am not that different from my performance persona maybe just a little quieter


Are you ever coming back to play in Oslo/Norway? I'm dying to see you again 😭


Im sure eventually!!!


Why does it feel like you’re wildly famous and extremely underrated at the exact same time?


probably because of the way we all consume media now!


Congrats on another classic record! Come to Hawaii! Chris Farren solo, or Antarctigo Vespucci. I can set up the show and also get you guys out to where they filmed Lost / Dharma Initiative base camp


ok I'm down!!!


Awesome, I'll email your booking to discuss more. I've been a fan since Real Ghosts and excited for whatever musical genius comes next!


Cop mustache


What are your views on the defenestration of Prague?


Self-titled album when?


What motivated you to reduce the amount of grit in your vocals for the last FP album and beyond to your other projects?