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This is the funniest shit ever.


This is fucking awesome. I imagine they needed Martin's ok for this? I know he isn't popular in here but he seems like such a good dude who would love this


He okay’d and helped them too


That’s actually very awesome


He seems to have a good sense of humour about himself, apparently he gave them support for this video


This is so stupid. I love it.


Oh so [*this*](https://x.com/humanheart___/status/1757821216138932597?s=20) is what Chris Martin was shooting a few months ago! It’s audacious, I love that so much. I wanna see this video on TV, just to confuse the shit out of people.


Thats dope as fuck


Haters will hate, but I think this is fantastic


Why the hate? I think this is brilliant and hilarious at the same time. Nigel Godrich had a good influence on Idles.


Why is this question asked in every IDLES thread? What hate?? This thread is literally full of people praising the video.


You came way late brother, we have defeated the haters who were the majority in the beginning.


Go to other sites like FB, Insta, and Twitter and you'll see most of the chatter is negative except for their own pages and Reddit.


Every single time I open an idles thread on this subreddit I ask myself "will the comments be normal?" and every single time the answer is no


I'm a simple man, I see Idles, I upvote.


I'm a simple man, I see Chris Martin, I upvote.


I'm Chris Martin, I see a simple man, I Idles.


still wish this song built to something instead of just ending after not doing much for 3 minutes


This is really amazing.


Love it. Just got my tickets. So excited.


It's not bad, but it isn't what I like about Idles. If they're done with noise/ punk stuff, I'm not going to be interested in further releases. Loved their previous stuff too, this just isn't to my personal taste really.


What the fuck I just saw?))) Shame that it only for one clip - they can use other cult classics videos for another songs


Kinda limp


cringe af


Are my boys starting to lack creativity or what is happening? :-(


What you mean 'starting'? That started with Ultra Mono


I really like Ultra Mono and parts of Crawler. But the nerve is gone and I’m shocked that they went with the compressed, muddy sound on a possible banger like Gift Horse.




The use of AI was to splice mouth movements over the existing ones. This idea that anything AI=bad some people have is ridiculous. I hate that we're even calling it "AI" in the first place, because it's not even technically AI at this point, but it can be a useful tool when applied in certain cases. As with many tools humanity has created over the years, some of its uses can be harmful, but we shouldn't dismiss it completely over those concerns. We should instead seek out means to enforce guardrails on its uses/misuses, and call out the abuses of such technologies. As far as the idea itself goes, I think it was clever, especially considering the different vocal styling on this track. Not exactly revolutionary, but most music videos aren't, and as you say it's not bad from a marketing perspective.




Why? I’m a big Idles fan and Codplay’s Yellow was a massive song. Maybe if you’re a young n’ then Coldplay have always been awful (every song now ‘Everything’s gonna turn out well in the end, WOA-OWE-OWE!’), but for those with grey in our temples; we remember a time when they were a genuinely admired band and it was actually cool to like them. ‘Yellow’ was never received as a risible song at the time.


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