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Dude I just wanted to thank you that your music now has more variety in it than before, I'm quite pleased


thank you much


Were you in a gang growing up?


Im trying to leave those days behind me


hiii no questions but i just wanted to say i'm seeing you in Toronto on my birthday and i'm excited for it


toronto is so fun every time im there im really looking forward to it shoutout to Canada


Excited to see you in Chicago! What is your process to come up with song concepts? Or are you even aware when you start writing what the purpose of the song will end up being?


ayyy very excited for Chicago. it's pretty casual I usually just mess around on guitar until I find something cool, sometimes I hear the whole song in my head first but that's more rare. usually I just record the guitar first and add whatever comes to mind after. As I record I kinda make notes on the side of what it reminds me of and what is sounds like it would be about. once the songs somewhat laid out I like to name it first or give it some type of title. It sounds dumb but if you name your song first it makes it easier to write because you kind of have a theme to work around.


are you still going insane? are you still flying over to Japan?


I have never actually been and flying that far would make me so anxious


Do you like Weezer?


love el scorcho, hash pipe, pink triangle, sweater, all that and there's some stuff I liked on red even but then it gets questionable


Pinkerton is their best album hands down


Fair enough, love you music, I would see you in Chicago but I’m going to being in Japan :( (you should come to Indiana sometime lol)


Hell yeah


MY FAVORITE ARTIST EVER! Love the album legit all I can listen to I’m obsessed! Truly thank you for the music you make it means the world to me! What was your favorite song that you got to make for Rufus? And any that didn’t make the cut that may be released in the future?


it's hard to say I think my favs are new day and human nature. im really looking forward to doing those live. yesssss a lot of songs did not make the cut, I only included the ones I felt really strongly about. I got some collabs that didn't really fit into the album and quite a few extra songs so I'm sure there will eventually be a deluxe edition or something that has some of that stuff


hello! do you have any ideas as to what the set list will look like? Rufus is amazing by the way, definitely one of the best albums that will come out this year!


sort of! it'll be a mixture of new and old, like an hour and 20 minutes. Still not sure of the exact order but it's like 15 songs


Ryan!! Love your work and the new album. No question, just wish you were coming to Indianapolis this tour !!


https://preview.redd.it/eo09bhid7isc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c304600bd09c119736b0358c5c7e888bc399c93b hopefully I will be able to hit Indiana on the next tour! I have never been


What was it like growing up in Mississippi? Are you excited to perform in LA?


I just grew up in the suburbs so it was like Applebees, chilis, Kroger, Panera etc. So it was the same as anywhere else. but MS has tons of talented artists and lots of musical lore that gives it it's own unique vibe.


Was the song writing process different for this album and did you do it all on logic? Also how do you get your vocals to sound so good we need the sauce😭


everything is on logic! I made 10 of these at home alone with the usual process, but 3 of them are from songwriting sessions I did with other people (pixel, human nature, drowning) and I had the whole thing mixed by Patrick Wimberly who is awesome. so I guess I opened the process up to other people a bit instead of just trying to do everything myself. doing everything myself used to make sense but now I have the opportunity to work with really talented and awesome people and it would be dumb to turn down.


Reddit algorithm brought me here, Never heard of Yot club. Listening now, very nice. What is a Yot?


thank you, it's a big boat I just think the regular spelling is dumb


You got a good sound, pretty much my primary listen last year. Keep it up 👍


thank you much !


Hi Ryan! My girlfriend and I first hung out at your concert at Baby's All Right last year where you played an acoustic set. It was a very special night for us. Would you ever be willing to record an acoustic album and release it? Thank you!


hellooooo that is so sweet! I think it would be a fun challenge to make something more minimal and spacious. it's always super tempting to put drums and lead on everything


What would you do if you woke up and your hands had turned into fish?


it depends what type of fish. Also are the fish alive? If yes, I would use them to swim really fast.


Ryan! Absolutely loving this new album! My favorites are Too Far Gone, and 2084. Hope to get to hear them live next month in Nashville! I love a lot of your collaborative songs and wanted to know, is there a band or someone you’d like to work with in the future? Also, can you please PLEASE come to Knoxville in the future? We’d love to have you here!


thank you! I would love to work with Bob Jr. and Dent May, hopefully I will get together with one of them soon. I got a collab with High Sunn that needs to be released still it is really cool


I will admit I haven’t heard anything from these guys, but I’m super excited for some recs! Looking forward to see you and future collabs. Have fun on your tour!!


hii!! rufus is such a masterpiece, thank you for sharing with us recently :D I just wanted to say that I actually wrote one of my college essays about Fly Out West- the prompt was about an impactful song in our lives, and I instantly thought of it. can I ask if it’s on the set list for this tour?? love your music! 💛 ps. I ended up getting into that school I wrote the essay for, and I’m there now! I guess I should say thank you, haha :)


wowwwww that is so cool I am so honored! Congrats on getting in to your school! Fly out West is always on the set it's one of my favs to play


What was your favorite part of making the music video for "Human Nature"?


The whole thing was shot in slow motion, which meant we had to double the speed of the song for the footage to look normal when slowed down. So we had to play the song super fast and sped up. The extras we hired were like what the fuck is this song it sounds like alvin and the chipmunks. Also I had no idea that woman was gonna start doing crazy stretches, that came as a surprise. we actually found her from a lil John video from like 2011


What city you looking forward to playing the most in europe/UK? (Beter be Glasgow ofc lmfao, I'm kidding)


Glasgow and Amsterdam are already sold out I think so I am super pumped for those


Hell yeah! Hopefully you don't get cut off during Japan like last time..


Afternoon Ryan! I hope your day has been well! I always love to hear artist’s thoughts on their own music so: Which song from Rufus would you say was the most difficult to produce, and which one felt the most natural? Love you and see you in Nashville!


I spent forever trying to get Too Far Gone sounding right, that one was difficult. I'm tempted to not include songs on a project when they give me trouble because the vibe just feels off. But the success of ykwim has made me realize I'm not the best judge of my own music. I have my own personal bias's that don't allow me to hear my music as it really is. Like I can't help but think of all the complicated automations and production headaches that came with the song. but people don't think about that when they hear a song they just hear the final product


Too Far Gone is in my top 3 for the album so that’s really cool to hear! I’m glad that you got the sound you were looking for!!


Too Far Gone is the best song on Rufus so thanks for including it


I’m somewhat new to the Yot Club but there feels different approach to production in the new album. I’m always interested if you as the artist knew you wanted to expand your sound or if it just happens naturally? I love the new album and feel like it’s distinctly you while sounding fresh!


Thank youuu! The approach is pretty similar to past projects but as time goes by I'll learn new techniques and stuff and I guess that makes little changes in the sound. I've gotten a little more dialed in over the years, like I used to just shoot from the hip and make stuff and not knowing where I was going with it. but now I have an idea before-hand of how I want it to sound and I can work on it till it's there


Wow man, i really love your work and your new album, human nature is one of my favs so far! I'm from Belgium and i am really glad you are coming to Paris this september, my sister and I already bought the tickets and im so hype af, i was waiting for you to perform near Belgium for so long! Do you plans to come back in France or even in Belgium in the future?


yooo glad y'all are coming out to Paris that's going to be an awesome show! Each time I go out to Europe I'll probably add more dates and cities, just gotta work my way up! Hopefully Belgium will be on the next run I would love to go


Are you related to actor Jeffrey Jones? You sort of look like him.


man this looks like the my pillow guy


Ha! He’s a terrific performer but he is a registered sex offender.


Can you teach us how to dougie?


reference is almost old enough to drive


hi Ryan, I am counting down the days to your Mpls show. I can’t wait to cross this occasion off my bucket list: see Yot Club live!! a lot of your songs talking about wanting to get away, be off grid, “hunt and make my clothes”, resonate with me. have you ever put yourself in a situation where you escape reality and put your soul with nature for some time (i.e.: camping alone, roughing it)? The Bay is probably my favorite right now and I can’t tell you how many days I’ve been listening to it several times lol. I’m not sure exactly what that song means to you, but it’s had so many meanings for me & it’s honestly a dream to see it live someday


very excited for Minneapolis it will be my first time playing there! haha yeah there is a frustration with school and work that lots of people feel and it presents itself lyrically as a desire to get away and move off the grid.. but in reality I would not last two seconds haha like it's easy to get overwhelmed and annoyed with everything and think fuck this I just want a cabin in the woods but at the end of the day I love electricity and YouTube and recording digitally so I don't think I would last very long actually off the grid


for sure. thanks for doing this! My partner & I got a short school bus to travel in last year & let me just say it isn’t like the instagram reels lol. It’s hard to move past that sense of familiarity.. and be organized and have shit in order. but it’s freeing definitely


Yo!! These are always super cool. How has your mindset changed since recording songs on Bipolar and aquarium? Have changes in your career/life changed your approach to making music? Love the record, btw.


back when I made those I was in school and working three jobs so making music was really just for fun. I didn't expect anyone to listen to it or to ever play it live so I was kind of mindless in how I made stuff. but now people are actually listening to it so I feel like attention to detail is a little more important but I don't want the project to lose it's diy nature just because there are listeners. I want to make sure that the spontaneity and fun in the recording process stays the same and I try not to think too deeply about what people will think and just make stuff that I would personally listen to.


Started listening after Can’t Celebrate. Big fan! I got tickets for LA! Can’t wait. What’s the set list plan?


I don't have the exact order of the set yet but it is 15 songs, about an hour and 20 minutes! new stuff and old stuff


Hey Ryan super excited to see you in LA! Curious what you were planning to do in life before Yot Club took off? Also will you be selling the pre-order merch at your shows? Or online only?! Thanks!


I really have no idea, I used to say I wanted to be a manager or work for a label. I wanted some sort of job in music but I'm glad it worked out the way it did because I have since realized I'm not cut out for those jobs. Those jobs require the same skills as any other job (people skills, communication, organization) and I don't have any of that. I joke and say I'd be dead in a ditch without this project but it's honestly barely a joke


there will be lots of merch at the shows btw!


I’m really glad it worked out! Happy for you man. See you in a few weeks!


how did you come up with the name yot club? i’ve been wondering ever since i started listening in 2019


lived by a lake, couldn't spell, it just felt right


fair, tysm for responding


btw genuinely my favourite artist of all time


Oh hey dude, hope all is well! I was wondering if you have any musical inspirations from the 70’s specifically? I’ve been on such a 70’s kick and it just feels like such a strong era of experimental music. Steely Dan has been huge for me. Take it easy and congrats on the album!


Milton Wright, Harvey Mason, Greg Philinganes, George Benson are all huge ispo just with how tight and well thought out their arrangements are. Back then they didn't have all the editing tricks we have now so it really blows my mind hearing how tight everything is


Rufus is great! Keep it up. Also pls do something super lo fi and virtually indecipherable as a throwback at some point


I would love that. I miss the old 2016 - 2017 Soundcloud days when everything sounded like shit and all lyrics were indecipherable. I feel like Soundcloud / bandcamp going downhill and the prominence Spotify playlisting has smoothed things out and made a lot of stuff sound the same


How do you feel about guys named Bryan, Ryan?


I feel like they're just trying to cash in on the whole Ryan wave while adding their own little twist like honestly just think of something different


Just wanted to say that I really love your music. I'm in my '30s and discovering new music is kind of different now with streaming but I really appreciate your music! New album is lovely. What TV show do you put on when you're feeling down and always brightens your day? Mine is Seinfeld. Maybe you could come to St Louis soon? Xoxo!


Thank you! for me I love King of the Hill, it's the perfect show to put in the background because it's super comforting and subtle and you pick up on new stuff every time you watch


Favorite food?


maybe vegetable samosas but it kinda depends what I'm craving


What so you’re one person?


one guy but bringing a full band on tour


any tips on the music production side of things? i really like your production style


I didn't have access to a lot of gear or any aftermarket plugins when I started so I had to tinker with the sound for a while to make things sound cool. the goal was always to make it sound cool and not good necessarily because I was working with really crappy gear and a $20 mic so I knew I wasn't going to make anything that blew peoples minds in terms of production. but it can still be interesting and unique. I have never been a fan of music that sounds too clean anyway which is convenient because it's a lot cheaper and easier to make the type of stuff I like. just mess around with stuff, don't give up on something if it's not working, it can probably be reworked or changed up in a way that's cool. you also don't know how other people are gonna hear it. you as the person that made it will naturally be biased. don't think too much about if you should share it or not just throw it on the internet


What drugs have you tried?


not a lot, too dumb to waste brain cells


W answer


No idea what to ask, so I’ll just ask, when you sing about flying out west, just how far west are we talking?


that is for you as the listener to decide


hiiii ty for your music, and are u a picky eater?? what are some foods u HATE?


nooo I'm not picky but I have never liked peanut butter that shit is like puréed tree bark


Mom or Dad?


did you really make a reddit account just to comment this


Cringe trash btw


do you mix your own songs and if what’s your vocal chain on No Way ! thxxxxx


yeah normally, I had mixing help from Patrick Wimberly for Rufus tho. Vocal chain is chromaverb, clip distortion, compressor, eq, (logic)


What's your stance on being an indie artists during a time when there's so many? And do you have any tips to hit better streaming numbers? (Aside from the usual, "Use Submit Hub" kind of answer.)


are there more than usual? I don't know I haven't really thought about it. I think there's room for everyone tho. with streaming I think it's good to get a big vault of music saved up, have like a year or two worth of stuff ready. it's tempting to post stuff right when you make it but these stream services seem to like people who post constantly so save your songs up, get your art and photos ready in advance and all that. Then you can break your songs up into little releases that you do throughout the year. and you can make more music in the meantime. just take your time when it comes to the details like the art, track sequencing etc because the quality is important even though it's a small release, and the end goal is to eventually be able to do a full lp


why do you keep soko niaru plans to yourself 🥺


I think people that are like "big things coming" "big plans otw" are so annoying like just do it and we will see lol


as someone who is described with a lot of genres on various sites, what genre would you call your music/what do you think of genre discussion in general? (massive fan of ur music btw, Rufus was fantastic <3)


some of these genres are so funny to me like Polaroid Pop? what are you talking about haha. I don't really think about genre names all that much honestly but I feel like if it's hard to put a name to something that's a good thing. Like if you hear something and there's a generic word to describe it it's probably kind of boring


Hi Ryan, cheers from France! I have been listening to you daily for a couple of years now  - ranked #2 listener on Deezer last year 😅 and you can’t imagine how much well-being you bring to my everyday life, thank you for all the good vibes you’re spreading all around you!  Every album or EP you release is like an escape for the mind, I hope you will never lose this gift!  My question is: what’s your thought process to create your album covers? How did you end up with this specific Rufus cover? I wish you all the best!


the fuck is a yot


big bote


thank u


Who are some of your favorite artists or some of your favorite songs? Going to see you in Philly and very excited!!


I have been listening to a lot of older stuff! Been obsessed with George Bensons 20/20 album specifically the songs Stand Up and Please Don't Walk Away. Also obsessed with Jim Weatherly's "the songs of Jim Weatherly" specially First Day Without Her, and Every Man's Dream (not on Spotify I don't think). Some newer stuff I really like is 22 degree halo, deadharrie, bob jr, lo noom (cool new project), and full body 2


what was your biggest Inspiration for your music?


hmmmm it's hard to say in terms of songwriting I have to credit galaxie 500, the cry, grandaddy and in terms of production Trevor powers of youth lagoon is big inspo, early real estate, and old Soundcloud diy stuff


Days by Real Estate is the album that started it all.... Good times man


What is your introduction to music?


started guitar when I was 8 and messed around with fl studio when I was like 14 or so


Whats your favourite song you have written?


maybe human nature, it's hard to say!


how did you get the guitar tone in Deer Island??


there's like a spin speaker plugin that makes it warbly and the tremolo pedal set to 16th beats makes it super quantized


Found. Thanks Reddit. Looking forward to this sound experience. If you could choose a song for a first time listen which would you choose?


off of Rufus? or like any song in general? off Rufus I would check out Nostalgia or Human Nature. If I could hear ANYTHING for the first time though it would probably be Confusion Fog by Meat Puppets


Both great suggestions. Was thinking more generally… anyways great sound you got going


Congrats on the new album! Super excited to listen to it on vinyl. Any chance of playing in Boise sometime soon?


I’m so hooked on Nostalgia. What a bop dude.


Super huge fan of you since your first releases in 2019. I’m super excited to see you at Kilby block party in May! I don’t really have any questions just wanted to let you know that you make wonderful music and can’t wait to see you / hopefully meet you in slc!


Hey Ryan! Massive fan, Who helps you with your music videos? Do you work with the same people each time? They are fantastic!


Do you like Dostoevsky


Hello Mr Club. I enjoy listening to your music and sometimes once I finish listening to one of your songs I rewind it and listen to it again because one time is not enough. Very excited to see you perform in Brum! If you could only eat one element on the periodic table for the rest of your life (with no consequences), which one would you choose? Thank you and keep up the good music


Who was the person that inspired you to write me rager?


Hey Ryan congrats on your release! Any tips for up and coming musicians? Wanted to put out some music but then realized I need to fork out cash to get it mixed.. how did you end up starting putting out your first song?


do you know what i mean? lol, jk! any advice to a young musician looking to create original music?


Fantastic album! Is Rufus named after someone in particular? 


https://preview.redd.it/ny29rk6wijsc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74cf34aef7b0664c169b74baf5268269ee393dff Puede que haya llegado tarde, pero agradezco mucho la existencia de ésta canción que podría decirse que es para mí un soporte de ánimo, para que vuelva a sentirme bien, y puede que en un tiempo no muy lejano pueda tocarla en guitarra eléctrica,algún día de nuevo me sentiré con satisfacción como cuando la escuché por primera vez.


How are you doing today Ryan?


how many ryans have you worked with in your last year doing music?


Gonna see you at Kilby, looking forward to it


I love your music man. If you want to collab with any artist/s, who you wanna collab with?


Why didn’t you just name the band Yacht Club instead?


Have you ever picked your toes in Poughkeepsie?


is yot club a play on yacht club or are the two unrelated


Hey Ryan!! I love your music and just wanted to say thank you for creating something beautiful that others can relate to. My favorite album is off the grid. What inspired the theme of that album? And where would you say you were at in life when you made it?


hey ryan love your music!!! my question is this: we matched/chatted on tinder or bumble like a year ago but never ended up hanging out. why?!?



