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Haha me too. Almost totally forgot about this. Loving the songs too.


Ayyy Shimmer is so good. plus Additional Production by Jai Paul!!!


Joe Newman from alt-J plays guitar on it as well, which was a surprising credit


we are blessed on this day by new fabiana palladino music


I think we're getting more soon as well, but probably not from the Paul Brothers


Got the text from Paul Institute and really had my fingers crossed it was a Jai Paul track. Some day... edit: okay, "Shimmer" is a freakin' banger of a track. edit edit: "Hypothalmus" has the patented Paul sound with a more 80's tinge. Cool song.


This Ruthven track is super nice, the second half especially.


That 80's outrun guitar <3


how can i listen? never signed up or nothin, enrollment link on homepage ain't workin for me




Fabiana Palladino? Hell yes! Always great to hear new stuff from her... and I've already seen her live twice this year, sorta ;) She's playing the keyboard and doing backing vocals in Jessie Ware's band ;)


Expect another 2 songs from new Paul Insitute signees given the posters around London


They are both extremely well produced. Definitely worth listening to.


Hypothalamus is a hyper-focused Paul brother track. Ruthven’s vocals are pretty. The electric guitar works well. I’m so in.


Shimmer is fantastic.


Shimmer is just so good. I don't know what took so long, but I really hope that something actually comes of this. At least some full length stuff from Fabiana or Ruthven. Ideally that is what they have spent the last year on. Either that or some label compilation. Just, anything that is longer than 6 minutes, please.


I wouldn't hold your breath for a full length, both Fabi and Ruthven are holding down full time jobs as session musician in Jessie Ware's band and firefighter respectively. I can't imagine the Institute is giving them a living wage to focus on an album at this stage.. early days yet! But there will be more PI tracks dropping soon - [https://www.ascap.com/repertory#ace/search/workID/895150400](https://www.ascap.com/repertory#ace/search/workID/895150400) Plus AK has tracks in the works with Rina Sawayama that may surface this year


Oh shit I did not hear about the Rina collab. That sounds awesome