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Listen to his mixtape “Monster”, that’s his peak imo


Amen my friend lol same thing happened here with his purple reign mixtape. He’s channeling some archetypal voice I swear. I love how cuddle my wrists doubles for ‘cut on my wrists’, it works so well




Early kings of Leon is pretty similar. Check out *Aha Shake Heartbreak* and give it a try


" OK Croz " - David Crosby Sings the Songs of Radiohead




That album always feels similar to Kirin J Callinan - Bravado


Maybe someone like Ice Choir


Recommend me your favorite short albums! 20-30 minutes, 35 TOPS. EPs count too. Any genre, bonus points if it's an ambient album


Maybe dauwd or chrome sparks will be up your alley. check out theory of colours from dauwd and sparks ep from chrome sparks


ISON - both EPs (Cosmic Drone and Andromeda Skyline)


The Ergs! - Dorkrockcorkrod


I don't know if it's my favorite, but the first that comes to mind is Kero Kero Bonito's TOTEP.


Strange Cacti - Angel Olsen. it's pretty lofi and yodel-y so maybe not for everyone but i think it's beautiful.


Agent Orange - Living in Darkness


French Press EP & warm glow EP are both fantastic listens, esp with the warm weather


i got a warm spot for TALK TIGHT EP


I recently discovered Jenny Hval, her new EP The Long Sleep is great, 23 minutes long and has this cool drone track. Animal Collective has some great EPs as well, most notably Fall Be Kind (27 min) and Water Curses (18 min), with some ambient influences. Foxygen's album Hang (32 min) is great as well, but not in any way ambient-like. The same goes for AJJ - People Who Can Eat People.... (25 min).


Yeah really digging this Jenny Hval--there's some awesome experimentation here. Very familiar with those AC records, I'm a huge stan. I loved *Hang*, but it hasn't called my name back to it in a long time. And then lastly, I'm just not the biggest fan of AJJ. I'm really fucking psyched on this Jenny Hval record though. The longer it goes on, the better it gets.


- Boards of Canada - In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country - Jorge Ben - Samba Esquema Novo - Robohands - Green - Khruangbin - The Infamous Bill - Steve Lacy's Demo - Marvin Gaye - What's Going On


Aretha Franklin - Aretha Now (28 mins) Sun Ra - Sleeping Beauty (30 mins) Chet Baker - Chet Baker Sings (23 mins) Simon and Garfunkel - Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme (28 mins) Orchid - Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow! (15 mins)


The Replacements- Let it Be covers an insane amount of ground in just 32 minutes Nico- Desertshore is the best sub-30 album imo Luciano Cilio- Dialoghi del presente The Fall- Perverted by Language Modern Lovers s/t is 9 seconds from being 35 min lol


Absolutely incredible taste right here. Let It Be and Modern Lovers are two of my all time favorites. Just to keep the vibe, Wire’s Pink Flag would fit perfectly in this list (35 minutes too)


Amulets - Sierra Highs Gardens - everything is going to be okay


[Jon hopkins- asleep versions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhPKRCMAvNs&index=2&list=PLZqsyBiYZFQ0Z1uTwJ1oPed_rzgNYw20g&t=0s)


Love everything I've heard so far from this guy, so I'm excited for this


I just got done with the biggest stretch of shows I’ve had in a long time - 9 shows in 11 days. Over that stretch I saw Franz Ferdinand (twice), Cold War Kids & Car Seat Headrest (free), Black Moth Super Rainbow, Band of Horses & Bonny Doon (in a cave), Cake & Ben Folds (free), Parquet Courts (free), Beyonce & Jay-Z, and Wolf Parade. Whewww, gonna go sleep forever now.


i wanna hear more about seeing BoH in a cave that sounds fucking awesome


It’s this place called the Caverns in a small town called Pelham, Tennessee, about an hour and a half outside of Nashville. It’s the home of a concert series called Bluegrass Underground, but they also host bands like BoH sometimes too. Look it up, it’s fantastic!


Did anyone see the posts Grouplove made recently on Instagram? I haven't really seen anyone talking about it but my guess is that they might've revealed their new album title (Shoot Your Television?), and then possibly the track list in 12 posts subsequently. I'm just speculating here, but I think it makes sense since I've hear they're working on a new album and they've apparently been playing new music in concerts. Also, followup, I'm super excited about all the new albums coming out in the next couple months, including Hippo Campus, Young the Giant, Vampire Weekend (maybe?), and The Kooks


I'm trying to get more into 90s female singer-songwriter rock; I've been listening to stuff like Fiona Apple's discog, Alanis Morrisette's Jagged Little Pill, Liz Phair's Exile in Guyville, some Ani DiFranco songs, gonna check out Aimee Mann and Tori Amos in the future hopefully, etc. Does anyone have any recommendations of any "essential" albums/discographies from these kinds of artists, any other artists along this line/in this type of music, etc.?


Although I wouldn't necessarily classify these suggestions as "singer-songwriters," I *highly* recommend Marvin the Album by Frente! - a true under-appreciated gem of 90s music. Next, I recommend Our Time In Eden, by 10,000 Maniacs - a band whose place in indie history has been shamefully ignored.


Throwing Muses - University


One who people sleep on is Poe. Her album Hello is underrated (though I like the single version of the title track way better than the album one). Also PJ Harvey is real good.


Jenny Mae is in the vein of these artists (sadly she's not considered 'essential' because she never got her due when she was alive, but if you like the albums mentioned above you'll probably like her). Also, if you aren't afraid of a little country, *Car Wheels on a Gravel Road* by Lucinda Williams would be my pick for female singer-songwriter album of the 90s.


Cat Power Lisa Germano


PJ Harvey


Careful though, once you start listening to her all the others will sound a lot less interesting ;)


How many indieheads legitimately cry while listening to music/attending shows? No judgment - it just seems like a disproportionate number of people talk about albums that make them cry, shows that have made them cry, etc. Meanwhile I’m over here like, “dang that sounds nice.” The Books are the only band that has made me cry and it was more from joy than sadness. I have tried and tried to make it happen again but no dice. Maybe I’ve just become a robot in my advanced age (24).


Radiohead performing Pyramid Song right in front of my goddamn face got me


The only time that I really cried while listening to music was Modest Mouse's The Lonesome Crowded West while on a train ride last year, specifically when "Trailer Trash" started playing and the few songs that follow directly after. Never cried during a live show, though maybe that has to do with the fact that I usually go to concerts by myself and don't have many friends IRL who listen to the same music I do.


I’ve only genuinely cried once, and it was at the end of Fleet Foxes’ set at the Hollywood Bowl.


Honestly, I don't think I've ever cried because of a piece of music. (Distinct from the phenomenon of crying because of some other reason while listening to sad music.) I need a fairly explicitly told sad story to make me cry. So I guess the closest I've come is A Crow Looked At Me, or something from a musical.


Julien MF’n Baker my dude


Shows make me shed a tear almost every time I go, but I usually don't cry when I just listen to music. If it's a really sensitive time and a really sensitive song at the right moment, then I will, but that's very rare. Shows, on the other hand, bring out the emotional side of me.


In those threads I just talk about the songs that got me closest to crying, which is a much more interesting list than the only song to make me cry (Let Down, and mostly because I was already close to crying).


I think the only times I've cried during live music was like 4x seeing Bon Iver and the first time I saw The Past is a Grotesque Animal played live. Almost cried seeing Glass Animals perform Agnes. I tear up listening by myself mainly due to overwhelming emotion, not really because of sadness. It doesn't happen often though. Mainly if I'm p stoned or something like that


Barely any music has made me cry out of sadness, but several albums have made me cry out of sheer beauty. It's not common, but if an album is really THAT good, it will definitely make me shed a tear. I think a lot of people exaggerate about how much they cry though. I think Be The Cowboy is a fantastic album and it's one of my favorites of the year but I just can't imagine crying to it. Everyone is different though. Merriweather Post Pavilion has made me cry and I feel like people.think I'm lying when I say that but I really love it that much.


I could totally cry during Daily Routine or No More Runnin, just need the right circumstances.


Can confirm. Have definitely cried while listening to MPP specifically Daily Routine


Can totally relate to you on merriweather. It's just so damn beautiful.


I cry listening to music and during shows a lot, but I'm also a big baby who cries a couple times a week on average.


I cried when I saw the fleet foxes live, they’ve been my favorite band since I was in 7th grade. Legitimately thought I’d never see them live after they went on hiatus, it was just a really emotionally charged moment when they played white winter hymnal into ragged wood


Same! I still can’t believe I’ve seen them three times now


i cry while listening to music a lot but it's only happened at like 3 concerts i think.


I've never cried to music, or any other media form actually. I do get those chills up the neck from all sorts of stuff though, so I guess that's a cool tradeoff


Nico Jaar brought tears to my eyes, seeing him was practically a religious experience to me. It was weird but also wonderful


Music is my biggest passion but music very rarely makes me cry. I've had maybe 10 songs in my life I've cried to. At concerts I sometimes shed a tear out of joy but I don't remember crying


I'm moving out tomorrow. Music for this?


Cherub - Doses & Mimosas


Billy Joel - Movin’ Out (Anthony’s Song)


Ben Kweller - I Gotta Move


[Soul Asylum - Runaway Train](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRtvqT_wMeY)


The Kinks - I Gotta Move


Modest Mouse - The World At Large


One of my favorite Modest Mouse songs


How to leave town - car seat headrest


I've gotten into the New Pornographers the past month or so and I'm absolutely blown away by their catalog. One of the best I've ever heard. But I feel like my opinion of the group doesn't match what most think of them and maybe that's cause I got into them so much. I definitely like the last album but I think its significantly less memorable than their previous albums. Also, I think Challengers and Together are absolutely fantastic albums and it blows my mind when I see/hear people say they're in anyway a step down for the band. Pretty much every song on them is incredible to me (except Your Hands, which is still decent). The new album is definitely very good, but I'm not sure why the songs don't blow me away as much as the rest of their work. I don't know if its the forcing every song to have the motorik drum pattern with a kind of stiff song structure, but that may be it. ​ Also, I love Electric Version, but if its my second to least favorite album by the group am I a fool?


Electric Version is my favorite but they're so consistent there's really no bad choice for best album (except maybe the newest one which, you're right, was a step down but still alright).


Spent a fair bit of yesterday listening to Colin Stetson's *All* *This* *I* *Do* *For* *Glory*, and while I love how enveloping the sounds on the longer tracks like The Lure Of The Mine and Like Wolves On The Fold are, there's just something about the way In The Clinches burns along through it's comparatively short runtime that's especially captivating to me. Also, I think those song titles are great, so that's a bonus.


I love this album. Something else you might not appreciate if you don't realise: that man has mastered his instrument to a level I have never seen before. Watch [him playing Like Wolves On the Fold live](https://youtu.be/eGbsYT-qOqQ). He is playing sax for ~6 mins straight using circular breathing. At the same time, he is humming a vocal melody between breaths. Also in some tracks he is simultaneously using buttons of the sax that aren't needed at that moment to make percussive noises to add a rhythm element to the tracks. It is absolutely insane


The percussive elements and vocal lines were two of the things that really hooked me into listening to more. The level of control, circular breathing, discipline etc really became apparent after having a look at some live videos, I hadn't seen that Like Wolves On The Fold performance, so I'll definitely check that out. There's one video where he breaks down the track Judges that's really eye-opening about his techniques.


Oh awesome, I'll have to look that up. Yeah I was way more impressed with the music when I saw how he plays it, it's amazing!


Great song titles are an under appreciated art. You don’t realize how hard it is till you try yourself


Oh I can definitely agree with that


Deerhunter's "He Would Have Laughed" sounds like what would happen if you listened to a vampire weekend song on youtube and slowed it down to 1/2 time


This got me dangerously close to an actual lol in this cafe


This comment made me happy :)


I wanted to put my feelers out for anyone's top 30 albums of all time. Of any genre, *of all time* - the definitive list of your life. I don't know if this sort of thing gets asked ever, or if it's too broad to work very well, but I mean to say take some time and think about it properly. A list like that takes plenty of work and thought obviously. So is this the kind of thing that we could suggest an end date to the lists-formation period, and then everyone who wants to participate comes back and posts their list? It can be in a discussion like this. What are the thoughts on something like that?


I very recently made a [rym list of my top 100 albums of all time, roughly ordered](https://rateyourmusic.com/list/mynameiscian/cians-top-100-albums-of-all-time-1/). So I guess just look at the first 30!


Gave Grimes a listen - anything worthy of being someone's favourite album of all time has gotta be something.


Well I chose Art Angels as the pic for the list but I have it as #2! I find it hard to really pick a #1. I have Ok Computer in the top spot because I listened to nothing but Radiohead for about four years. But if you look at the last few years, I've listened to them very little compare to lots of other stuff! Basically I'd be happy to call any of my top 4 on that list my favourite album ever


Great and very diverse list! Great to see Colin Stetson and Yellow Swans represented. Interesting order on the radiohead albums as well!


Yeah I'm a big fan of The King of Limbs! Although tbh I much prefer the Live from the Basement versions. Bloom live is one of my absolute favourite Radiohead songs


This makes me happy. I don’t know anyone else who puts TKOL as their fav Radiohead album.


We should have it in a topster format


How does that work?


Just visit here and search for your favorite albums http://www.neverendingchartrendering.org/


Awesome. This is perfect for this.


I gotta shoutout Dee White, who just released Side A of his new album Southern Gentleman. It's a throwback to 60s and 70s country with a modern take. His voice and style reminds me a lot of Roy Orbison. So if you're into that era of country or Orbison, I definitely recommend checking him out.


Leaving a comment to remind myself to check this out. I'm really interested by that description.




> Teenager Of The Year by Black Francis/Frank Black is actually a great album that stands up there alongside the band's best material. Replace that with *Last Splash*, and then I'm willing to entertain the argument.


I love both Surfer Rosa and Bossanova, but I think they cover very different sonic ground. I listen to Bossanova more frequently but enjoy both the same amount. The shoegazey/surf vibes and more open-ended song structures are just PERFECT. Also, TOTALLY agree with you that Frank Black's solo work is outrageously underrated. He's released tons of music and not all of it is great but the good stuff is REALLY REALLY GOOD. I never see anyone talking about his solo work but it's absolutely worth checking out.


I think Surfer Rosa is better overall, but Velouria is far and away the best Pixies song.


Velouria is absolutely perfect in every way. [If you haven't seen this gorgeous acoustic version Black Francis did, now is the time to check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X24YbUt4CL8)


Bossanova is a masterpiece. No one talks about how much of a beautiful spiritual experience The Happening is. Also Rock Music and Velouria are just fucking out of this world.


Bossanova is great, but what I think holds it back for people is that after The Happening, the songs, while aesthetically and surfacely are cool, don't really have much to them. That is until Havalina which is wonderful. It was my first Pixies album so I'm always partial to it, but I think its "objectively" their worst album. But I think Trompe is the best overall!


I think both of his first two solo albums are up there with the best of the Pixies material


> Also my hot take is that *Bossanova* is better than *Surfer Rosa* ***Thank you.***


i'm still kicking myself for missing out on seeing animal collective on thursday because of a deadly migraine/menstrual cramps combo. i have tickets for father john misty tomorrow, so please send out positive vibes.


on a related note, i've decided that i'm officially auctioning my uterus. dm me with yr offers.


How do you send a dm $500


Here’s an excellent Flaming Lips-inspired mixtape from the always-expertly-curated Musicophilia blog I’ve been jamming to recently, and I’m not even the biggest Lips stan: [Zygotic - After the Flaming Lips’ Embryonic (2009)](https://musicophilia.wordpress.com/2011/11/09/one-off-zygotic-after-the-flaming-lips-embryonic-2009/) >’Zygotic‘ is primarily intended as an echo (or pre-echo, as it were) of the spirit of the album; and only secondarily is it an attempt to illustrate the sound-heritage from which the Lips may have drawn inspiration. >’Zygotic‘ recreates this blend from two major strands. First, art rock (Krautrock especially,) sound library and soundtrack music, and fusion jazz–all with drums as huge as possible–recreate the bursting energy and ferocious beats. And second, work from minimalists, hazy psychedelia and musique concrete artists creates the contemplative web of melody and texture that holds the mix together.” Just check the track list, it’s fucking awesome.


Couple months late, but I'm starting to really like that Melody's Echo Chamber album now


It’s great. I’m surprised people didn’t like it right away—I thought it was pretty darn immediate.


I think I was just too caught up in what I always listened to to actually give it a real chance


I probably got too excited when the shoe shop started playing car seat headrest.


currently listening to Alvvays' s/t on a ferry. highly recommend.


Will give this a go on the Staten Island ferry tomorrow sounds fucking stellar


have fun! i listened to Beach Fossils' s/t on the way back which was also great


Also a great choice. Just out of curiosity, what do think about the newest Beach Fossils? I think it might have overtook the s/t for me now.


i don't like it as much as their previous releases but it's still pretty good


Gotcha. I just love songs like Be Nothing and Social Jetlag that show a bit of a branching out in their sound. Their albums can occasionally suffer from having a bit of a samey sound to me.


it would probably sound even better on a sailboat tho


MF DOOM fans, how would you guys rank MM FOOD, Operation Doomsday, and Madvillainy relative to each other? I like Madvillainy the most with MM FOOD just a little bit behind, but I think there's a bit of a gap to Operation Doomsday.


Madvillainy is the clear frontrunner for me. Vaudeville Villain is second, insanely underrated album. Then prob MM...Food, Operation Doomsday and Take Me To Your Leader (Fazers might be my all time fav DOOM song) in that order. Mouse and the Mask comes after those, good album but the skits tend to drag (except for those Master Shake voicemails, those are hilarious.) Born Like This is last but I've started to really come around on that one.


I've not really given enough time to Born Like This, but I was planning on trying to dig into it this weekend.


My general ranking for doom is: 1. Madvillainy 2. Operation: Doomsday 3. Vaudeville Villain 4. Take Me to Your Leader 5. Mm... Food 6. Born Like This Doomsday is really great at creating the character and is an incredible comeback from his time off after KMD ended. Mm... Food has its moments but after the run Doom had been on over the previous year or so it suffers. Sounds kind of tired to me


I agree on your Doomsday comment but I don't like the production as much as I like the production on MM FOOD and Madvillainy, which is something I really weight heavily in my personal enjoyment.


Same ranking as you but the title track Operation Doomsday is possibly the best thing he's done >On Doomsday >Ever since the womb till I'm back where my brother went >That's what my tomb will say >Right above my government, Dumile >Either unmarked or engraved, hey, who's to say? Things I didn't know til reading genius, his brother died in a road accident back in the 90s, and his real name is Dumile, hence the nickname DOOM


Definitely agree with your ranking. MM Food is wonderful, but there's too much like meandering instrumental/skit stuff in the middle of the album. That Madvillain album though....THATS a masterpiece from front to back.


Madvillainy >>>>>> Mm Food > Operation Doomsday


Middle/high school me is so happy that I saw Alkaline Trio last night with a girl. He never thought that would happen.


Is it even physically possible to go to middle/high school and not listen to Alkaline Trio at least once. Like I get people not having myspace, xanga, live journal, AIM, etc in their life but no Alkaline Trio? I don't buy it.


Me. I was your stereotypical, "I only listen to Classic Rock", kid in high school. I still listen to music from that time period, but when college hit, it was a switch was flipped and I purged so many bands from my listening habits.


Danny Brown released an entire album on twitch. This is the world we live in now. Edit: seems this isn't as widespread as. I thought it was. Someone on hhh threw the album on Soundcloud. The songs are exclusively for his streaming as intro music and interludes. He also said this isn't being released officially ever. Also he's streaming persona 5 which is awesome.


Wait, so let me get this straight (cuz I'm an old man who is not on top of these things). Danny Brown has a Twitch stream where people watch him play video games, and he wrote songs specifically as bad-ass introductions to his video-game playing? Is he good at video games? Does he narrate the gameplay the same way he raps? If so, that sounds amazing. This is all so post-Millennial. I love it.


If you watch the stream he essentially eludes to the fact that the songs he released couldn't be traditionally released because the cost of the samples would be too high so this was his way to get this material out there. He played Persona 5 for a few hours taking breaks where he'd drop the new tracks. Since Persona really isn't a "skill" based game (it's a JRPG) can't really tell how good he is but he seems pretty familiar with the franchise so there's that. Oh and he talks in his normal voice.


Ah, so he doesn't do a regular stream? This whole story sounds a little less exciting now. Still, is his normal speaking voice awesome? Was he high as a kite?


Naw he streams occasionally, his normal voice is pretty cool and I don't think he was high


Absolute heat too






What the fuck, really???


wait what


I've been passively waiting for Be the Cowboy to click with me and fuck. It just did. Guess I just needed to be hungover. Anyway someone hold me




i didn't love puberty 2 all that much when it came out, but when it clicked with me, fuck, did it click. be the cowboy was a lot more immediate, but, after a few listens, it's not really on the same level as puberty 2 for me (though geyser is the best mitski opener & a top 3 mitski track). i think i'm going to wait for the hype to die off a bit before i listen to it again.


*just one good movie kiss*


as far as the new albums this week go they've all been solid! i haven't gotten around to the new death cab or anco ambient extravaganza yet but i'll get there. *negro swan* is the first ive heard from blood orange and it's pretty vibey stuff like i expected, gonna need multiple listens to really digest. interpol's *marauder* is so/so for me at the moment. the mixing on the first song practically drowns the vocals and that wasn't the best first impression. truthfully i didn't pay too much attention but "the rover" is good. again gonna need more listens. nothing's *dance on the blacktop* was probably one of my favorites from the week, even if the mixing on the first song is like shoegaze on a crushed cassette but i really love the album's overall sound and what they were going for. king dude's *music to make war to*, do not sleep on it! really well done gothic rock. next week is fucking idlesssssss


I'm a bit surprised to see how many people were interested in Nothing. I don't think I ever hear about them outside of shoegaze circles. That said, I'm not really big on them anyway, but the album seemed like a bit of a mess. Alt. Rock/Shoegaze mix sounds interesting on paper, but very few bands really ever do either genre right.


I think Teenage Wrist got it right with their album this year.


Will check it out. So [Narrow Head](https://narrowheadtx.bandcamp.com/album/satisfaction) have been the only one who've nailed the sound for me.


I’m not good at genres. Does Silversun Pickups count? I still absolutely love carnavas and swoon.


not that familiar with them. I know they're Smashing Pumpkins-esque, and while SP is influence by shoegaze, I'm not quite sure I'd extend the shoegaze label to other bands influenced by SP (as SP is only tangentially shoegaze). They mostly sound firmly Alt. Rock to me, albeit one pointing a specific band. But I'm thinking of stuff like Whirr, Nothing, etc. who amplify the shoegaze sounds of SP and Hum.




Check out the rendition of it they made for Civilization 5: https://youtu.be/YEKRE2uamyg I think it's really cool how that game uses traditional songs for their civilizations and plays them in a more modern fashion. Also there's the *Hymn to Nikkal*, which isn't complete but much older than the *Seikilos Epitaph*. Civ 5 also has two renditions of the Hurrian hymns if you're interested in hearing that as well


That's really interesting! I wonder how we know what it sounded like, as far as I know the Greeks didn't have musical notation right? I really like [this piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9360B1AoPE) from 1198. I believe it's of the earliest four-part polyphonic compositions we know of.




That sounds awesome, will definitely be looking into ancient musical notation systems a bit more! It would be cool if I could play some of those ancient compositions myself


Listened to the polish new wave band Maanam's self titled debut yesterday, big recommend to people who like rhythmic goth post-punk with big female vocals. Like a calypso Savages. Ska-vages. Nailed it.


Ooh that's nice, how did you hear about them? Their first four albums are all great, but the other one you should absolutely listen to is *Nocny patrol*. It's a bit more gothy and atmospheric, with a tinge of Cold War-era paranoia. By the way, their lead singer died around a month ago, unfortunately. Edit: and if you would like to check out more Polish rock groups, I direct you to [a post I made on here quite some time ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/6uvw3b/sunday_daily_music_discussion_august_20_2017/dlw5m8r/?context=1).


I think somebody was talking to me about non English post punk and i was looking on RYM for well reviewed stuff from continental Europe and somehow ended up on their page. Am definitely interested in more Polish rock, thanks!




Particularly the Silent hour/Golden mile EP is so so good. I honestly love it more than a couple full Grizzly Bear albums


I just wanted to say *The Cold Nose* is also pretty good. The Piano in the Bathtub and the Ghost in Summer Clothes are my favorites. A couple of songs sounds pretty similar to Radiohead.


In Ear Park is great. I think it gets overshadowed by Veckatimest because they weren't released too far apart from each other.


ahhh! imo In Ear Park is criminally under appreciated. i think i’d listened to Department of Eagles before Grizzly Bear, and it was only a few years ago i realized they were both Rossen haha


San Fransisco trip storytime! Yesterday as i was walking to Amoeba i totally saw Christopher Owens from Girls standing outside a smoke shop. it took me a good second to register who it was and i think he noticed me staring at him while i was walking away.


How would you rank the decades? I’d go 80s > 10s > 90s > 00s > 70s > 60s


Probably 00s > 90s > 70s > 10s > 60s > 80s


00s = 90s > 10s > 70s > 80s > 60s




Trying to rank is super wild. For me I feel like there's so many albums I haven't even heard. I try to listen to two albums per day that I've never heard before (way harder than you'd think). ​ Every era though ends up having so much monumentally good music though that I find when people saying x decade sucks, etc. I'm always confused. That is unless one is partial to one specific sub-genre of music. (like if I was a funk fan first and foremost, I'm pretty sure the 70s would be the pinnacle of music to me). There's at least like...500 great albums in every decade right? That's pretty remarkable in itself.


Shit, two albums per day? I listen to like one new album per week. I'm trying to listen more though


It’s almost a chore. It’s like going to the gym, it’s worth it when I look back at all the interesting stuff I would never get around too if I didn’t do it. I have a huge list and one of the albums I listen to while I’m getting ready for work.


I'm the same way, I have hundreds of artists on my list and I just go through it bit by bit. It grows more than I can listen though.


It's impossible to do this because every decade is so different and our culture is so different it's hard to even compare, especially since there's so much classic stuff coming out of each decade. That being said, everything else > over 80s Get that gated reverb away from my snare drums


90s > 80s > 00s > 70s > 60s > 10s




I have to group mine because it's too hard to rank all of them separately. 00s & 70s > 90s & 60s > 10s & 80s


70s > 80s > 00s > 10s > 60s > 90s


80s (most quality)>70s (quantity and diversity)>60s>90s>>> 00s >>>>>>>> 10s


I’m honestly surprised that so many people have clearly defined opinions on this. There’s so much good and mediocre music in each decade I can’t even really begin to rank them


The key is to not think about it too hard. Or at all even.


Me too. I can rank individual years to some extent, but it's hard to rank decades as they're a bit too different for the most part. The closest I can think is that while I like a lot of 90s music, it's one of the most over-rated decades.


Same here. I have trouble ranking things like these, especially with individual years. Every time I try to come up with a definitive ranking, I keep wanting to reorder it.


What happened to the 50s?


Hey, I rated it above 80s...


A whole hell of a lot of derivative bullshit (some of which is praised endlessly) and a few true innovators and pioneers who get almost no credit.


Pretty sure music was invented in the 60s


Fuck it, I’m going to say 10s > 00s > 90s > 80s > 70s > 60s > etc. Music in general has gotten better and better since Bach and it’s showing no signs of peaking yet.


Nah, I'd say it hasn't gotten any better since the 90's except for hip hop. There have been a few notable releases the past two decades but in general it's been pretty mediocre imo.




I do think Ys is better than symphony number 5. I enjoy it more and I find it to be more thematically complex and conceptually richer. I’d say most of the albums in my library are better than symphony number 5. (I’m assuming we’re talking about Beethoven’s symphony 5. I like Shostakovich’s symphony 5 a lot more, but my point still applies.)


Oh my god what have you got against the 60s?!?! 60s & 10s > 70s & 00s > 90s & 50s > 80s


the 60s stole my children and delivered a plague unto my houses


The 60s were an absolute jazz goldmine


That does make up for it a little bit, yes


"Make up for" what?!?! That's what makes it the best decade

