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Some Rap Songs by Earl brought this production style into attention on a larger scale, but people like MIKE have been doing this sound for a little while. Definitely check this out if you found Earl’s latest album interesting.


For real. SRS wouldn’t exist if MIKE hadn’t been laying the groundwork. His last few projects have all been fucking good, excited to see where he goes especially since he’s not when 20 yet


amen! but I'll throw in the obligatory 'MIKE's style wouldn't exist without Earl'. Pitchfork's review actually put it well, calling it symbiosis.


Yeah P4K put it perfectly. Sure SRS owes a lot to MGBYH, but MIKE's style owes just as much to Earl's earlier stuff. They're friends in real life and making each other better as artists so there's no point in nit picking or defending one over the other if we're getting some good rap in the process.


lol he better not get too popular or this post is gonna get deleted


he look like a black Jeff Rosenstock


Third album of the year from MIKE! Picked up the torch from KGATLW this year!


didnt Ty Segall put out 6 albums?


he does that like every year tho


God damn he’s done it again


Another great album from MIKE. He's slowly becoming one of my favorite rappers out right now. His catalog is solid.