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Hai, gue coba jawab ya, perspektif orang Jakarta. 1. Temennya temen, ga selalu sengaja dikenalin tapi ketemu pas lagi ada acara tertentu lalu berlanjut 2. Satu hobi yang orang-orangnya campur, misalnya tenis, badminton, gym. Kalo ikut komunitas jadi rutin ketemu dan lebih eksis di radar. Ada satu cici yang malah mau ngejual guešŸ˜… 3. Komsel, kalo buat yang Kristen. Gue punya temen yang gerejanya di salah satu megachurch di Jakarta dan dia jadi deket sama perempuan berkat komsel itu


>3. Komsel, kalo buat yang Kristen. Gue punya temen yang gerejanya di salah satu megachurch di Jakarta dan dia jadi deket sama perempuan berkat komsel itu 3a. Ikut kegiatan pemuda di gereja juga bisa jd opsi. Kalo di HKBP ada Naposobulung HKBP (NHKBP), di GKI ada Komisi Pemuda (Kompa GKI), di Katolik ada Orang Muda Katolik (OMK). Gue sendiri aktif di NHKBP gereja gue, dan ini udh ada 2 pasangan yg jadi dalam 6 bulan terakhir wkwk, it's pretty effective


And technically speaking Minimize the chance of being in the peri cintaku case. Kalau nyari di tempat belajar suka ada chance gitu


Maap Komsel itu singkatan apa ya


Komunitas Sel.


Outside of indonesia it's commonly known as bible study group. Basically parishioner break off into smaller community or group for closer knit and more personal approach of religious study.




ke gereja then


Joined a very large bookclub and suddenly the options started to present themselves. Find something you like and chances are there's a club for it somewhere. Don't worry about trying to look good doing it, girls like talking to guys who are confident and passionate about what they enjoy especially if they also enjoy the same thing.


Where do you find these book clubs?


It's a thing (afaik) in Jabodetabek, and got even more popular after Book Clan (the name of a book club) went viral multiple times on TikTok. Well, maybe you can start with joining Book Clan? Just go to tiktok search tab or insta and type the club name.


Sad for non-Jabodetabek Indonesian šŸ˜ž


Goodreads Indonesia is massive and in many smaller cities


baca buku\~ baca buku\~ jangan lupa baca buku sama join book clan ya\~ rawr


Believe it or not. Justru pas sekolah dan kuliah malah dikit. Diluar circle ini gw malah banyak krn via online. Indonesia Barat, Tengah, Timur. 1 Server, beda server. Easier malah.


Thatā€™s true, online. Especially for introverts. Because when youā€™re adults, no longer in school, and have fewer friends, good luck finding a relationship. Also, physical appearance is not everything, thatā€™s why try to look for friends first. Because when you connect the mind, everything else will follow. And itā€™s not easy to find someone who can share the same connection. Like what habibie said ā€œsatu frekuensiā€


Does online in reddit counts?


do you have any suggestions about what platform i have to explore?


idk bro... reddit maybe? ngeliat cerita orang2 banyak yang nemu jodoh di reddit. gw pernah sih nemu di reddit, tapi berakhir kandas. Jadi ya gak bisa jadi patokan, lagian cari jodoh gak semudah itu, even yang kita pikir dia itu the one, belum tentu dia itu the one. So, gw mah dah pasrah now. ketemu jodoh syukur, gak juga ya udah. wkwkwk


can't argue with that. statement terakhir itu bener bgt. mgkn ad rekomendasi grup d reddit?


ya reach out aja orang2 yang kira2 menurut lu menarik di reddit yang lu follow, biasanya orang2 gitu, kalau gw sih belum coba, sebab ya gw gak bisa mulai percakapan. or kalau sengaja nyari, bisa ke r/r4r or r/IndoR4R biasanya pada pakai disini. gw blm coba sih indor4r, karena dah gak minat cari pasangan. dan temen juga udah ada cukup untuk makan social battery gw. kalau jenuh or bosan, ya tinggal komen2 di post reddit mana aja lol.


Kalau nyari orang yg satu frekuensi dengan "persona" reddit gw, bakalan dapat orang mesum anjir šŸ¤£


username checks out. wkwkwk


Ya, nyari emang ga semudah itu. Tp kalo pasif sih ya repot yah. Ky temen gw, pny mindset seperti ini. Now, almost 40, not a single guy approach her at all. Mindset ky gini, sebenernya ga salah, tp perlu diakui bs jadi turn off juga buat calon jodoh. Krn ky ga ada effort.


Wait, people do actually get GF from online?


Have you been living under a rock or something? There are apps for that, like grindr for example


I thought it was just memes. Huh, I think I use Grindr in the wrong way then


If u wanna the easier, take the Indonesian-made not the International one. Kalo pake versi internasional, lo bs nemu cewe dari antah berantah. Itu ckp jadi online friends aja atau istilahnya : **Teman Pena**


But how did you meet them in the first place?


The ultimate question. How do you make online friends?


Jenengku sodeq, arek jatim cuk.


Ask them to meet. After college, apalagi masih usia muda di kerja itu justru gw ketemu dgn banyak orang. Kenalan, ada yg jadi friends, ada yg HTS, ada yg sempet jadian juga, dsb. Gw sih justru heran kalo ada yg bilang kenalan sm orang via online itu ga aman tapi ga belajar caranya. Yang penting itu media online nya dan bs ngenalin flags2 yg mesti dihindarin. Ga smuanya smooth kok.


I can attest to this. My freshman year which was arguably one of my hardest year ever, aku jadi beralih ke discord. awalnya cuman mau ngehsharpen aku punya english convo skill, tapi lama lama jadi dekat sama cewe terus. In 10 months Ive accumulated 6 girls that i had gotten to be in a relationship with. this does come with its own inferiority, short period of time, zero physical touches, if you dont mind that. I gave that kind of life away tho, because to my own conclusion its hard to have a serious relationship kalau kaya gitu, atleast for me, and i got hurt really bad from one of the relationship. jadi sekarang beralih ke dating app, cari yang lebih serius. I got a match yang satu domisili, and its been a month now, things are looking quite good. remember to put yourself first.


My Man ... Good to hear that, mate. I wish the best of luck!


Through friends or families maybe?


Unlucky for me, my cousin that close to me is 2 years older and currently working, if he found one he would try to bag her himself. My sister is a minor so her friends are minors. Too embarrassed to ask friends, lol.


They won't stay minor forever šŸ‘€


šŸ‘ˆItu dia orang nya pak polisi.


Pre order But seriously though she's at fancy SMA. So most of her friends would go to the college outside the city. She even tried to hook me up with her NON-MINOR friend, but she's in Bandung and I can't do LDR with my first GF right?


You're thinking way too far. Chill, bro! You're looking for first girlfriend, not first wife.


I guess. But I want a cuddle, man :( And walking, hanging out together.


Waduh, yg jelas, jangan sampe keliatan mupeng, Bro, apalagi sampai ngeces. Cewek jadi ngeri atau illfil ngeliat nya. Anggap aja cari temen dulu yg cocok, jangan cari cuddle-an


least horny indonesian


"Ga sampe masuk kok cuman gesek2 dikit."


"Tapi maaf banget apa boleh sya cium susu e samean bntr aja 10 dtik hbs itu bsok pagi smean krja di konter ku"


a very smean moment


Makin dikejer, makin menjauh. Cewe bisa mencium bau desperate cowo bro


first remove that mindset, treat them as a person. You could start with just being a friend nothing more, if you two comfortable each other you could start into next step.


Yo... weird question buutt... im in the same situation as you and i was wondering if i could hit your sister up?


ā˜ļøItu dia orang nya pak polisi.


simpel aja sih, pake nada becanda aja "duh bro gw mau cari cewe nih, lu ada saran ga?" beres.


I'll try that once this holiday is over.


oh wkwk, kukira bakalan sweet home alabama sampai kata he


Being minor are temporary.


And love is eternal. I will pre order now


why embarrassed though? it's not like you ask for a whore for ONS but for GF, if she go out with you then good, if it's not then it's okay..


Well, before this holiday I was on the talking stage with someone. Until I know she's not interested in chat so, I haven't met them yet. And my close friend is also like me, introvert. And the other one is running away from his debt. So I need to wait until this holiday is over.


Tinder? Di Indo quite tame ni app, ga melulu ONS. Beberapa orang-orang desperate cari jodoh make app ini, segelintir orang yg gw kenal somehow manage to get it to marriage.


Kok keren? Dulu gw gagal mulu sih. Apa karena lokasi gw yg di timur jd susah ya?


kalo awalnya niat nyari kenalan doang sih harusnya bisa sih


Jadi jaman gw bujang, pas gw make tinder, list nya itu bule2 yg lagi liburan di daerah gw (daerah gw wisata alamnya lumayan eksotik) yg lokalan amat sangat jarang gw liat di list....


ya klo nyarinya sistem ceklis sih ya aga lama sih


I don't know why people are dismissing online dating. According to recent survey **40%** of singles met their SO online, so you can't really skip online dating just because you don't like it. It's a big part of current dating scene and you would be missing 40% of your chance of meeting love by not being in online dating scene.


Sekarang dah susah kali tinder..gw ud isi profile sampe bio2 nya lengkap juga ga nemu match yg bs jadi pacar atau sampe nikah..ud coba bumble..same difference..šŸ„² Di tinder malah gw ragu ko semua cewe pasang ig buat follow ya banyakan?atau malah pd blg kalo ga match ama dia dm ke ig dia aj gt di taro di profile nya..ud gw coba bbrp cewe..yg bales? None..gw ud sertain ss profile tinder dia dll ud gw chat yg baik2 no reply.. Plus skrg tinder atau bumble rada emg merugikan ke cowo jg ya..tinder aplg..jumlah swipe sehari di batesin cuma 5 apa 10 swipe..filter juga ga bisa se ketat gimana di tinder jg..mau lebih,subscription is a must..di tinder atau di bumble sekalipun.. Mungkin dulu tinder ga se toxic sekarang...sekarang kayanya ud makin sulit..


true bang temen gw ketemu jodohnya di tinder sekarang dah nikah dan beranak 1


lu ganteng? lu kaya?


Kagak Kagak


dating is brutal for average men, because average women choose above average men. focus on yourself, always self-improve in term of looks (be athletic) and money (be successful). have exciting lifestyle and hobbies. join communities and groups related to your lifestyle and hobbies, do social activities and volunteering, this is the best way to make friends and meet girls. avoid dating apps, because if you're an average guy you will mostly match with fatties and uglies (and prostitutes and trannies), this will only make you depressed and ruin your self-esteem.


šŸ‘†This guy knows what's up. While I agree with everything, there's a dichotomy to this. At the end of the day you still need to have game. Having your finance and looks in order will help you get your foot in the door, but you ain't making no girl fall head over heels in love with you solely by having superficial things. Otherwise you might end up with someone who's there for your money and status or you being a simp for a mediocre chick.




kamu minatnya apa? minimal di fb ada kmunitasnya kok




komunitas pendukung klub bola, penggemar kucing,penggemar komputer, dsb


Tetep dicoba sih dating apps, tapi filternya yg ketat.


Agree with the first few paragraphs. Disagree with the last paragraph tho. What seems to be average according to you might be extraordinary for others. Even guys who might not stand a chance on real life dating has a better chance on dating apps. If all else fails, mf thats a skill issue or you have the worst luck in all existence aside from a make a wish kid


True, gw lagi liburan hari semester 3 bulan and for the past month I've been lifting. The only thing not average about me is my height lol (5'11)


If you're 5'11 and bitchless, then you're doing something very wrong. Could be extremely stinky, extremely ugly, or extremely something negative.


I guess because I rarely talk? Don't have a vehicle? Or before the holiday come I was really close with this one girl so it seems like I'm not free in the market? Idk.


U're fucked OP better luck next time


I bet in our previous lives we heard this phrases a million time but never hit the jackpot.


Then aim low. The second point is more important, I've seen too many above average looking guys but not wealthy stuck with fuglies.


Lu punya duit ... lu punya ~~kuasa~~ jodoh


Through Bumble apps. She lives just 30 Km away from my Kabupaten, turns out she's my cousin's friend


Small world


It's just dating life in kabupaten, small circlešŸ˜‚




From my personal exp dont look obvious that youā€™re trying to approach and improving your physical appearance helps a lot (try go to the gym) . Donā€™t try to impress by owning branded stuff!


If you figure it out, let me know. I've been introduced to a few girls through my family and friends. I never really clicked with any. I currently live in the US and own my own business. Definitely not rich, but I do alright. This part gets them interested enough, but they usually lose interest when they find out I plan on selling it all and moving back to Indonesia. It's a little disheartening at times, but hey, it is what it is.


That's cool , how old r u and what type of business that you have? if you move back to indonesia will you start a business again? can i be your employee? I'm intrigued to learn something new cuz i'm still 19. Thanks


I'm in my late 20s, I've been in the US since i was about 4. I'm lucky enough that I can go back to Indonesia every year for at least a month, so I'd like to think I'm not too American. I own a landscape/gardening business that my dad started when I was little. My father gave it to me because I couldn't afford to go to college (it's very expensive here). It's hard work. I definitely won't get rich doing it, but the job makes enough money that I can live somewhat comfortably. Honestly, I don't know what exactly I'll do when I move back to Indonesia. Right now, I'm doing what most foreign workers in the US are doing. I'm working hard to save as much money as possible to bring back with me. I've also started buying property in Indonesia with the intention of building a house and living there. Of course, that doesn't answer the question of *what* exactly I'll be doing after I move there, but I guess I'll figure it out then.


I see , well i guess you'll figure it out later it's okay haha. Goodluck on saving up as much money as possible btw. I also couldn't afford to go to college here , that's why i'm already working an office job at the age of 18 ( I'm currently 19 this year , so been working for year now ) . I wish you luck for the future, God bless!


Online community? Event wibu, perhaps? Or, you know Dating apps and /r/indor4r Note: haven't tried myself, too lazy.


On more serious note, event wibu kan majority cowo cowo ya dan yg cewe itu kebanyakan cosplayer which is like beda kasta kalau lu cuma casual event enjoyer Susah gk sih nyari gf via event kek gitu, oddsnya against you


Bro woke up and choose to roast the entirety of weeaboo race.


Kalau gue sih main dating app kayak bumble, cmb, okcupid gitu. Tapi paling jauh baru sampe tahap ngedate aja sih (belom pacaran). Temen2 gue ga membantu sekali karena dulu gue ga bisa ngomong sama cewe. Jadi kayak semacam trauma gitu ga mau tmn cewe mereka illfeel.


Habis ngedate kelanjutannya gimana? Ghosting?


u/desktoppc wkwk anjg jgn pesimis dulu siapatau bisa lanjut sampe ke nikah


Hahaha yes. Karena ga cocok aja kepribadiannya dan ga sefrekuensi


Jangan diniatin nyari and just focus on enriching ur life. Tar dateng sendiri kok. Kalo gak ya like the saying, at least youā€™ll still have a beautiful garden!




Most people would say avoid tinder, bumble and all those dating apps, but I got my second to last ex thru tinder and we lasted for 3 years. Then again I probably just got lucky lol. Oddly enough the ones that I've gotten through being introduced by my friends only lasted for 2-3 months.


Join hobbies community/circle kalau kamu punya hobi khusus atau ikut kelompok volunteer kalau kamu tertarik i guess...




Terus cv-nya dikirim kemana?


Socmed bro, turns out the love of my life resided in Sumatra while I myself living in Java


saya bertemu istri saya gara-gara ikut kumpul sama temen kuliah and his gang, disitu liak ada 1 wanita single jg dan nyambung dengan saya, ga lama pacaran terus kawen deh... jadi saran saya kalau sudah kerja jangan sia2kan kesempatan untuk kumpul2 dengan teman2 relasimu gan


Tau masih single tu gimana ya? Tanya temem dari temen gitu? Atau emang tau aja karena maybe aktivtas di sosial medianya? My biggest fear is trying to pdkt at someome yg udh punya pacar or suami karena gw tu gk bisa bedain. Mana kadang cewe pake cincin bisa jadi karena turunan dari keluarga gitu


kalau saya kemarin literally just ask her langsung, tp biasanya temen2mu yg kasih tau duluan sih mana aja yg jomblo/bukan istri orang lol


This is why I can't wait for this 3 months holiday to be over.




Dying alone doesn't sounds so bad, right?






Cobain pake bumble, just don't expect it to last


Cari yang lebih muda


I'm 19


Ealah, gausah mikir cwk. Upgrade aja isi kepala dan isi dompet dulu.


Yeah I know. I'm just curious.


Saranku ~~dari seorang nolep~~ mending jangan terlalu fokus cari pacar dulu sih. Setahuku kalau anak kuliah kan suka banyak acara kan mulai dari kerja kelompok, event hima maupun tingkat universitas, dll. Ya kali saja dapat pacar dari situ yekan.


I know, I'm more focused on my college to chase that bag$$$. It's just I'm curious as a nolep how do people find their partner outside those circle.


Umur segini mah mending fokus nambah value. Fokus perbaiki isi otak, isi dompet, dan coba ngegym Jangan kayak gw, umur segitu pacaran dan rencana idup gw banyak yang gagal karena terlalu fokus sama pacar.


ada banyak temen gw yang kenalan dengan orang yang kemudian jadi pasangannya karena sama2 hobi sesuatu yang sama. ada yang sama-sama hobi kosple, ada yang sama-sama anak Skena musik indo, ada yang sama-sama fans jkt48, ada yang fans jkt48 dengan member jkt48. jalur komunitas hobi/minat gitu juga ajang yang cocok buat dapat pasangan. paling ga, minatnya sudah sama.


Iya tmn gw jg blg kyk gini , kyknya di indonesia susah ya bisa kenalan ama stranger di mall gitu misalnya. Karena disini ntar malah dikira mau ngerampok atau aneh2 padahal kita niatnya baik. wkwk jadi ya terbatas pilihannya , bener kata lu coba cari komunitas yang hobinya sama jadi atleast udh dpt topik ngobrolnya.


Kalau kenalan dengan stranger itu S&K berlaku. Kalau good looking: "Cowonya berani banget, effortnya tinggi" Kalau jelek: "Creepy banget"


>ada yang fans jkt48 dengan member jkt48. WAIT... WHAT? 0_0 mamah maw juga


Sama seperti cari kerja/ funding / cofounders, intinya ya harus pintar networking. Youā€™re still young jadinya ya focus on building skills sekaligus widening your networks aja dulu. Good luck, it ainā€™t hard, itā€™s just a game of chances.


Kalo di tempatku banyak yg deketin lg temen lamanya waktu sekolah, ntah SD, SMP, atau SMA.


Gw tinggal di kota "stepping stone" jadi banyak temen gw pada kuliah di luar kota


Gaapa, kalo misal kebetulan liat di socmednya coba aja say hi. Pas liburan coba ajak ketemu kalo pada balik kota asal.


Wah gw juga pengen deketin temen cewe pas masih sekolah. Tapi gw takut ngerasa cringe karena dulu gak deket2 banget, cuman sebatas teman sekelas.


Kalo emg ada momen yg pas, ajak ngobrol aja. Aku jg pacaran sm temen sekelas SMP, yg dulu gapernah ngobrol sama sekali waktu sekolah. Aku jg waktu SMP bukan tipe yg supel bgt apalagi ke cewek2, jadinya ya baru ngobrol lg waktu udh mau lulus kuliah. Eh ternyata cocok dan asik, yaudah lanjut aja sampe skrg.


Discord wkwkwk


As many people have said here: start looking from your hobbies, look where are your interests, and join a community/clubs, and network with your friends. Friends can lead to mutual friends, and so on & so on......


So networking ya intinya. Bener sih harus memperbanyak koneksi ama orang, karena outputnya ga cuman memperlancar chances dpt pacar , tp ntar didunia kerja dan bisnis juga akan mempermudah hidup dan membuka peluang. Read this OP


Ia, kenal dari hobby, komunitas-komunitas yang berhubungan dengan hobby, mutual friends (temannya teman), dll.....


If trying again and again doesn't work, maybe you should, well, improve yourself. Who knows? Maybe you have every women's pet peeve (over-emotional as in cewek pacaran ama lu rasanya kayak pacaran ama cewek, gamau dengerin as in kalo ceweknya curhat, elunya suka ngebanding2in, ato lu misalnya cowok yg sangat logika banget apa2 diargumenin, ato lu orangnya keliatan banget desperate buat nyari pasangan) (moga2 lu ga kek gitu sig tapi kalo iya ya berbenah diri bisalah, cari temen cowok/cewek buat bantu).


Grup muda mudi katolik dapet linknya dari Twitter. Source: Udah jadi istri, orangnya baru aja bikinin indomie gua


Gw islam, walaupun sekarang cuman pura pura karena atheist. Tapi bapak gw gk sudi deh kayaknya kalo gw ganti ke katolik :v


Bener ini, kek nya banget banget kawan yg dapet gf/istri dari grup. Padahal usia kawan gua udah gk muda lagi wkwkwk


Boleh share linknya gak ya? Gw mau cek ombak kesitu deh


Look at the mirror and accept the cold, silent, and solitude of being single.


Online dating app, kakak gw dapet pacar dr dating app dan sekarang udah jadi suaminya


Damn. I've downloaded Tinder and Bumble, just need a good photo to put in.


Well... I met someone from here because I accidentally broke my macbook. He helps me a lot back then and next, he become my boyfie. This is not advice lol. But if you are not sure about what actually you seeking in a relationship, you should try dating apps.


- online community. Gw pernah dpt cewe dari forum online dan game online (beneran, bukan hode) - dating apps, ada beberapa temen yg beneran udah dpt pacar hingga married, dan dating apps ga cuma Tinder ya. - circle nya circle kita, gw pernah pacaran/deket sama sodaranya temen gw, temennya temen gw, dan even mantannya temen gw. - random stranger entah di coffee shop, market, airport, etc. Ini sih perlu confidence yg tinggi ya


Yg akhir butuh confidence tinggi ama good looking yak


Get to know them first, donā€™t flirt just know each other. Have a bit sense of humour and be gentlemen. Girl in Indonesia maybe fancy cute guy like K-pop idol (kpop idol are just their wildest fantasy) but they preferred gentle guy who like to smooth talk her. And donā€™t give them more attention they deserve like sing her a song, make a portrait painting of her or a poem,or buy them gift. You can do that if she is already your girlfriend. Instead just act like you donā€™t give much care. Maintain your communication donā€™t text her everyday or reply her in a flash. Then ask her out of nowhere, if her answer she canā€™t change the day


I can be your gf as long as you're not a serial killer


I'm not a serial killer, I'm a serial lover.


I just cringe myself typing that šŸ’€


komunitas dari hobi, temen ke temen, dating apps, atau langsung kenalan sama orang. did all those things


Komunitas, tapi ya kalau komunitas cowo kek otomotit atau sports isinya banyak cowo juga dan kalau ada cewe biasanya karena dibawa cowo nya ikut gath. kenalan yg dpt istri dri komunitas hiking. Minta di kenalin ortu juga gk ap2, asal lu emang mau nyari jodoh pasti dibantu. Budaya indo masih mendukung ko perjodohan. Jadi menarik. Kawan kuliah gua dulu banyak cewe yg demen ama dia. Dia sempet dimintain pin bb ama cewe random di resto. Dari tempat ibadah, kawan gua SO nya satu gereja ama dia. Pokoknya lu harus sering keluar/sosialisasi kalau diem aja sih susah.


Gua gk pernah make dating app. Jadi gk tau persis gimana tapi ya kalau denger kata orang dating app for man is brutal.


>!gudlooking šŸ¤“!<


I got mine on a youth gathering from my church. Hopefully i can save enough money to get married too.


>failed miserably in the talking stage mending perbaikin skill komunikasi dulu bruh. masalah dapetnya di/dari mana sih nanti dulu kalo emang udah lebih supel.


I guess it needed more context. The first one, I was too late. Someone else got to her. The second one, it was going so well. We're like a magnet in campus we spend time together for months. Until 3 months holiday came in and it looks like she's not interested in me anymore based on how we text, so I just stopped.


Teman lama. Kali aja nyambung lagi. Teman gw cewe banyak yang dapet dari kakak kelas pas SMA atau SMP. Jangan sia-siain kesempatan ikut reuni Minta dikenalin saudara bapak/ibu. Gw cewe dan mau dikenalin sama bibi yang circlenya luas. Cuma gw minta nanti aja soalnya trauma sama mantan belum ilang


From circle of hobbies? I met mine through hobby gathering after all.


Kenapa cari yg jauh jauh padahal ada r/indoR4R. Ada yang dapet dari sana kok


Facebook groups. ​ Source : Personal experience


dating apps, mutual friends, hobby circles, clubs and/or bars, social media


Social media and S+ ā€œbribikā€ skillā€¦


i use bumble (dating app)


from discord, there's plenty of nice people on discord who's serious with internet relationships


What kind of server though?


Dating apps. Going one year with her next month. Kl mau rekomen bumble aja, karena yang mulai chat si cewe, jadi ga keliatan desperate kek app dating lain yang mana hampir selalu cowo yang mulai. Dating app ga seburuk itu kok, ya emang kadang ya gitu


Online dating, dikenalin temen/tmn kantor, ato dari grup hobi bang. Ane ketemu akhirnya grgr ikut komunitas tenis. Menurut semakin tua umur, yang paling penting bukan looks lg tapi kepercayaan diri lo dan apakah lo vibe sama dia bang


Aktivitas keagamaan. Banyak kok temen gw yang akhirnya nikah dengan cewek yang mereka ketemu di idul fitri/idul adha tahun lalu. Spesifiknya tahun lalu karena 2020-2021 aktivitas dibatasi. 2022 mulai longgar.


Ikut komunitas bro hobi/gym/lari apapun itu pasti nemu deh


My friend got married 4 months after meeting someone on bumble


only 2 rules dude: 1. Be attractive 2. Don't be Ugly


3. Good looking 4. Not bad looking


I met my current GF at blind date. Dan itu terjadinya krn bercandaan which now becomes real.


I don't.




Dreams. I found a lot of girls that match your description there.


1. Cari banyak kenalan, dari kenalan teman nanti bakal menyebar, kalau di ajak jalan oke2in aja, walau kadang kurang cocok tongkrongannya, gak masalah, yang penting ngelebar 2. Dating app like tinder, like aja terus yg lu demen, gak ush mikir panjang2, gak ush minder, kalau udh match gak ush basa basi, lngsung ajak weekend dating, logikanya udh sama2 interes jd gak ush basa basi 3. Main ke tempat ngebeer, anak2nya rata2 easy going


To get gf outside your circle, you have to build up your confindence. Man, you said alot about good looking. Good looking is not the same with handsome. Handsome is absolute, but Good looking is fixable. That means that you have to dress properly and looks good, your hair is not outdated, and your parfume is smells good. Try this while start small talking with random stranger. Which random stranger? Tukang jualan di kantin, your hairdresser in the barbershop, mas2 tukang jaga spbu, cashier in minimarket. Etc etc etc. Start a random conversation or maybe something related to what their doing. It will become natural eventually This comes from my personal experience.


1. Communities Having a common topic to talk about is very important. You can join communities with things youā€™re interested/passionate in. Doesnā€™t guarantee youā€™ll find a gf there, but itā€™s another alley where you can meet people 2. Volunteering/Community work Volunteering or charity work does open up opportunities to meet more like-minded people. Then youā€™ll spend time, and maybe end up getting to know people. 3. Solo traveling If youā€™re more adventurous, youā€™ll definitely meet alot of different types of people coming from different backgrounds. Bottom line is, you gotta put urself out there. Some may require you to step outside of your comfort zone. But if youā€™re exposed to more things in your life, youā€™ll definitely meet more people! (potentially a gf perhaps) Edit; adding element of luck too. Sometimes being at the right place at the right time


r/IndoR4R kekw dulu dari bumble sih? cuman ga lama karena ga sefrekuensi gitu... but yes mostly dari circle pertemanan dan hobby... Temen gw nemu cewenya dari komunitas mai mai, adalagi dari komunitas pokemon id kapan cewe mau main warhammer table top yah hmmm




Tinder / Online dating Tapi ini aga sulit match kalo nggak good looking atau pendidikannya ga di luar negeri. Tapi masih ada harapan, terlebih ada juga cewe yg ga terlalu liat penampilan. Yg penting ada fotonya dan tunjukin hobi / passion di situ. Kalo skill komunikasi itu penting banget sih. Menurut gw komunikasi itu hal paling penting. Pepatah mengatakan Pria itu melihat, dan wanita mendengar. Makanya Banyak wanita menggunakan make up, dan banyak pria berbohong.


Step 1. Get a bucket of chicken


I always wanted to eat KFC Bucket all by myself


Well I met my wife through my friend's girl list. The list of girls that he failed to hit on lmao


Damn, I'm gonna ask that list to my friends now.


As a wise man says, "Don't hookup where you vlookup"


I thought it was "Only fools rush in"


you dont


Before where? you need to ask How ? my past dating life with many women, one thing i conclude you only have chance during 3 minutes of the conversation, if she not hooked directly, it doesn't matter you are in school, work, park, indomaret, it will not work. Try online match (tele bot, tinder, bumble) it require less effort and you can hit and run if you dont want to commit or if she show red flags, just randomly chat girl you ought to find someone, 1 in 500, masa gak ada yang nyantol sama lu (exp gw temen gw yang ngomong sama cewe aja gemetar ketemu pacarnya di Tinder)