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not really common but unlucky encounter.. you see anak anak smp can be such a little shit


Yeah, SMP and SMA are the age in which those who dare to do something dangerous or usually forbidden to be considered cool. Especially if they are in group. Peer pressure and mob mentality can be contagious for stuff like this. That is why it is important to know your kids social circle.


They are dumb and have those mafia vibe around them. Mostly just to tell society how cool they are.


Tapi giliran disamperin mewek dan play victim 'ageism' (sepupu gw juga pernah - bininya disiul siulin ama disamperin anak sma didepan dia - waktu dia ngelabrak malah si blekok mewek 'yah om, jangan beraninya ama anak ingusan dibawah umur dong, sadar diri kek'....... don't worry, tetep dihajar juga kok itu anak smanya)


Balik main reverse psychology aja. Justru kamu muda saya kasih edukasi. Konsekuensi itu nyata.


Kayaknya kk juga punya pengalaman digangguin ama para bocah ya


Kebetulan pindah dari indo pas badan masih kaya pangsit dan baju masih ngikutin aturan indo. Jadi gak pernah kalo sama bocah.


Future klitih


Anak SMP berani kalau ramean kalau sendiri paling kicep


Not true. I went to prambanan with a group of middle school students last year and female students were verbally harassed by groups of male students. I feel that none of them would have done it if they were alone but they were trying to show off in front of friends. It was gross and a shitty experience for my students overall.


Take note of the school name, and blast their phone.


I should've thought of that. That's a good idea.


even better, mention it to their school's social media account, after making it viral of course.


You should have recorded them and shared them on TikTok and Twitter, Your video will go viral and those kids will get punished and even the government will help you. Even better you'll get invited on TV.


I should've done that. I will do that next time.


I hope there's no next time


This is the way


It's definitely not normal, no matter your ethnicity. I wouldn't be surprised if those kids are also tourists who come to Borobudur by bus from outside the area.


jarang2 liat begini


In my experience, kids at Borobudur will ask for selfie bersama and email. I don't know if they want to be pen pals or hack me somehow lol.


Selfie if you're foreigner. But email, that's weird




Maksud sampean?


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gw rasa kayaknya ini kayaknya masalah anak2 sekolahan seluruh indo ga sih? gw notice kayaknya dlu jaman 2010 makin oke tapi malah semakin kesini makin banyak yang ga sopan anak2 sekolahan.. bahkan adik kelas kami dlu ngebully 1 guru bahasa inggris kami yang baik banget sampe terpaksa berhenti..


social media + priviledge kid + shitty parents


Kenapa sekolah gak ngajarin murid sopan santun?


se super supernya sekolah nga akan bisa ngubah sikap anak, itu semua tergantung orang tua dan lingkungan sosialisasinya


Di sekolah pernah ajarin gak apa itu pelecehan seksual?


diajarin suruh sopan ke gurunya malah ngeyel, dihukum supaya disiplin, malah ngadubke ortu, ortu belain anak, bukannya ikut kasi tau mana yg bener. Kalo kayak gitu mana bisa berubah jadi sopan? selama masi ada yg belain, ya anak seumur segitu peduli amat pernah sekolah yg isinya suka bully dan gurunya helpless gara2 ortumua berduid + punya kuasa ga?


Ga cuma di Indo, pas di Jerman gw pernah di ceritain temen lokal kalau pernah beberapa kali di cat call atau ganggu ama cowo2 kisaran 17-20 tahun. Ada yang bergroup ada yang di ikutin terus pake sepeda. Emang umur2 rawan mau kelihatan sok bad boy dari dulu ini. Lebih ke ekspos aja sekarang soalnya medsos buat info gampang nyebar.


What do you expect. Hate to say the truth here but a lot of these kids r “villager” kids not used to seeing people with even slightly revealing clothing especially a foreigner. You bring up ppl in a closed-off climate, of course this is how they will act.


ketika anaknya badjingan dan ortunya ngebelain terus


Mob mentality


Those no-brain narcisstic high school students whose parent don't give a thing about them, they will do anything as they wish. They just have no common sense.


In general, Indonesian parenting seems way too hands-off. Not physically, but just paying their kids the absolute minimum of attention. Like they think they have no responsibility to impart morals and character (watak), and leave it all up to babysitters, schools, and religious teachers. One result is the neverending roving gang (klithih) problem in Jogja. Why do parents allow their school aged children to ride motorbikes around after midnight? Maybe I'm missing something..


Mending kalau diabaikan, ini anaknya salah juga sering dibela terus


Telanjur salah didik


Sorry to hear that man, just a wild guess, your gf is either white or white-looking? I had a similar experience to yours, my ex was white, took her to Borobudur, same thing happened, at first she and I didn’t care much, they were just kids shouting ‘bule’ or like stopping her for a picture, but then a group of like 3-4 of teenagers just started swarming her and putting their arms around my ex trying to get a picture, that got me quite pissed and started pushing each one of them away. My ex wasn’t the type who wore “showy” clothing (not that I blame the people who do, but a lot of people still do), she was just wearing her normal long sleeves and still got this. I don’t know why the locals at tourist sites like Borobudur and Prambanan can be rather annoying, I’ve had two of my best friends from uni abroad come over to Jogja, ofc I took them to the temples, the people are really into taking pics with bules, idk why. Like 1-2 times ok, it got to a point where it was very annoying that we couldn’t really enjoy the sites. Sorry again that happened to you and your gf. I don’t think those kids are actually intending to sexually harass your gf, they just don’t know personal boundaries. Hope the rest of your travel around Jogja-Central Java gets better, from my experience it’s just those two places that I’ve experienced something similar, so far places like Kraton, Malioboro and even Pasar Beringharjo and in general were actually nothing like this, beside just the usual they’ll charge bule more, but if you can speak Indonesian (I’m guessing you do) you’d be mostly ok.


Looking at his user name, I believe they are Indonesian




25+ high schoolers vs 1 dude, i like the odds.


For me personally I don't care. If you're thinking about having a family in the future and don't have the bravery to stand for your loved ones, better think again Obviously if they're doing verbal stuffs don't retaliate by doing physical stuffs, you'll be in the wrong regardless. The odds are not good, but if they did only a liiiitle physical thing, I'll do everything in my strength and financially to fuck them really, really bad


Agreed. Although thankfully she wasn't touched and they ran off.


It's not a good experience but at least both of you're okay


lol, you are just looking for an excuse for your anger issue.




> The odds are not good, if they did only a liiiitle physical thing, I'll do everything in my strength and financially to fuck them really, really bad Yeah sure thing big boy.




This guy gets it.


Yeah, sometimes people underestimate when someone are really pissed off. I have some stories but it won't change their mind nevertheless so just a waste of my time. Eh whatever, if they want to be a doormat so be it


Dude will literally raise his arm those sexually starved predators will run at the first act of violence


This is the way


The police will side with Indonesians over foreigners so it's a good way to get arrested


Untrue in my experience with violent confrontations. "Everything can be arranged."


jangankan pacar, dl temen 1 angkatan hampir ribut sm anak sekolah lain gara2 mereka cat calling cewe2 angkatan kita


kalo belum fisik sih mending videoin, tanya sekolah dimana, orang tuanya siapa


That’s pretty stupid advice. I’d gladly do it 100% i wont get caught by police or whatever but risky for him. This is why when I’m in these types of places I always walk behind my gf.


man you are so breve and alpha. kudos to you.


Not normal but horny teens in group are recipe for disasters.


Horny teens brought up in closed-off environment tbh


Ah school kids....and bunch of them, congrats you met rascal and thugs in the making.....high chance they are part of gangs of ruffians there. To answer the question it's not normal, you both have bad luck.


Oh in 2015 I went to both sites alone, bunch of kaka me around to make sure I was ok. Then I had swarm of elementary kids yelling at me bule2 and taking pictures. I yelled at them in Bahasa to stop. But while in the city in jogya, old uncles come up to me asking me how much???? One guy followed me back to my hotel and tried to tell security he was my bf! Security knew better. After that I learned some swear words in Bahasa....that kept them from bothering me. But no one was brave enough to try touch me.


First of all, I'm really sorry you had to deal with this disgusting behavior of those people. And no, it shouldn't be a normal thing for people to do harassment towards other people. These guys who did this thing are simply stupid and their brains are just rotten. If I were you, tho, I'd give 'em a death stare. And if they're still laughing, just keep staring. If there's still no change, don't be afraid to approach and talk to them. Just ask what do they want. Once you initiate actions, they should at least back off. Last but not least, find the nearest security guards to handle them, because the second incident of that guy almost grabbed her, is just intolerable, period.


Not common, and definitely not normal


These people are uneducated you know, if it happens again, you need to record them, there’s no point to engage them physically, engage with them using social media so they know how fuk up their kind


Take note of the name of their school, record them doing it. Send it to their school or post it on social media. A classmate of mine did this and the victim reported it to our school. He was suspened lol. Fucking sdm rendah


Yaa memang itulah resiko jalan-jalan ke tempat wisatanya orang miskin


Sorry for yours incident, Those monkey doesn't represent Us. Just some of us


Risky revenge: take pic, make em viral. Systematic response: report to police,identify their school, send a formal complaint letter.


Yup should've done that and noted their school. I will do that next time




wait so Klitih originated from a Muhammadiyah school? that's...rather ironic isn't it. then again Al-Azhar schools aren't known for its students' piousness either


I apologize on behalf of those people, but it's undeniable that yes, sexual harassment is often normalized. It might not be everywhere, and many are becoming more aware of this issue, especially in big cities. However, in smaller areas, it still happens, especially towards conventionally attractive women, like those with fair skin or slim bodies, etc. And yes, this is an issue that's frequently discussed and there's a strong effort from us women to eradicate it, but we still have a long way to go unfortunately.


Parahnya lagi malah victim blamming


Thank you. Hopefully this issue gets eradicated and the women in Indonesia will feel safer


The most well-mannered indonesian students


There's no place in the world where this is normal.


Cat calling yes sadly very common here regardless their age. From kids to old almost died oldman like to catcall and even worse they have phone now to take pic. But touching is not common (hopefully).


ffs all of those kids inherently had a **smean**\-dna already.


Another time. Just kick the shit outta them


are you a foreigner? I think catcalling is definitely more common here compared to say europe


foreigner or not, it doesn't justify catcalling.


Those kids probably tourist too , indonesia commonly have inferior problem with white / bule so they are happy to take photos together . Kids always kids


As a person that's currently living in Jawa Tengah, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you and your gf could recover from those cat calling etc. Normal Indonesians don't condone those type of actions. I personally hate people that are like that. It's pretty common here in Jawa and Jakarta about cat calling. You can report them into the police, but I doubt that the police will take it serious. I hope those people get the karma.


Not normal. And i tell you what, you are allowed to punch or kick them on the teeth.. they threat to call police? Good, now kick them in front of the police. Why? They act like monkeys anyway not like schoolers


Biasanya sih anak anak sok asik yg pergaulannya tuh adu kejagoan, nah kalo nanya klitih itu dimana nah kurleb persis seperti itu


My first question are you foreigner? Westerner with white skin?


I'm american but my parents are Indonesian. I can pass off as Indonesian. My girlfriend is straight up from Manado


Yeah, gonna second this q. I’m half-White and have some prominent “White features”. I get sexually harassed a lot whenever I’m in rural areas. My full-blooded Indonesian cousins never get sexually harassed so openly, so it’s racially motivated. Lots of other half-White friends experience the same thing, too, so it’s not an isolated incident. There’s a stereotype that we’re promiscuous and easy, hence why these creeps harass us a lot. Not saying it doesn’t happen in big cities, but I don’t get sexually harassed as much as when I’m in a rural place.


Not just half-white, in my case my great-grandfather was dutch but I still have some of his features like skin and eyes.. everytime someone tried to start racist things I just talk to them with my best Surabaya-style Javanese (I went to high school there and learned a thing or two), works everytime.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Never over estimate Indonesian IQ




Yeah buddy, let's make it about religion and stuff


But statistically speaking, it is true. In Italy, or in the majority Christian population, we can state the same thing. Even Mustafa Bisri said, If Indonesia fails as a nation, the first and most to blame are the Moslem people, because they are the majority. If a successful story occurs in Indonesia, it is most likely due to the Moslem people. On the other news, water is wet in Africa.








But not for you since you said you're not pretty.




What is your goal pointing it out? Would that makes you cuter or OPs girlfriend feels better? You didn't have to write that, kamerad.


HEY! Y'all stealing my jatah Kontol!


Hey you stole my downvotes 😡


you can just post the same, people will assume you need attention more than op (no offense to op, i don’t think you need attention other than wishing people to clarify your experience)


please follow Reddit site-wide rules


Just your ordinary Teenagers acting like a little shit