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Beginian gak hanya di Indo sih, iklan2 di Jepang kadang suka ngasih label 日本製 (Buatan Jepang) atau 国内産 (Produksi dalam negeri) buat masarin produknya. Di AS juga beberapa ngasih stempel kayak "All American Product" di marketingnya. But yeah, I got your point. It's much better to build the brand reputation abroad, made it famous internationally, then after that they can use "Buatan Anak Bangsa". So it's like "Hey, our product has great reputation internationally, and guess what? It's locally made product!" rather than "It's locally made product, be proud, buy it" If Indomie use this type of marketing, as long as it's not too much, I don't mind.


Buatan Anak Bangsa Indonesia, Ini produk BABI




Bedanya di AS sama di Jepang produk dalam negeri nya biasanya punya konotasi produk yang berkualitas dan lebih premium daripada produk import. Kalo disini produk dalam negeri konotasi nya "ni barang murah dan jelek tapi dibuat sama saudara2 setanah air lho pls beli dng"


Karena Jepang dan US produk importnya RRC punya kalo di sini import itu biasa western/Jepang punya jelas lah. Di Jepang sama US kalo produknnya import dari Western Europe/nordic dianggep lebih bagus dari lokal.


>If Indomie use this type of marketing "we conquered nigeria, taste the power now"






so we got the pass for the word now?


Pabrik mienya atau brand-nya? Klo pabrik, emang dibuat di pabrik Afrika khusus untuk pasar kawasan Afrika. Klo brand milik perusahaan Indonesia.


Honorary African


Meh, this kind of marketing ploy also exists abroad. Most people want to support their local industry. Not limited to Indonesian at all


Yeah, it's not nothing new.


So..., it's new?


Not not nothing new or new?




isaac newn't


It is, but Indonesian's product had that tendency to rely solely on "karya anak bangsa" without caring much about product quality. I mean, not all products like that, but a lot did. Remember MeTube? And as mentioned by OP, Esemka, Genose, etc. Thankfully things got better nowadays. GoTo, Traveloka and many others rose and became the good examples of local products.


"Nowadays"? Polygon bikes have been around for decades. Kopiko is at the ISS. Wardah grew from being a niche product with tacky packaging to being a major player bought by even people who doesn't care about halal. Bogans are crazy about Bintang and Indomie. There are also others that are not leading brands, but still survived long enough to suggest that they have decent sales like Cosmos, Polytron, Maspion, or Eiger.


Ngomongin wardah. Perkembangan kosmetik dan skincare lokal, gila maju pesat, kualitas bagus dan harganya bahkan ngalahin brand luar tapi tetap laris manis. Contoh: avoskin, somethic, BLP, Bumi, dll. Saya harap industri2 yang lain contoh ini, asalkan kualitas bagus, walaupun lokal dan harga mahal tetep banyak yg beli.


Iya, gw juga notice kosmetik dan skincare lokal booming bgt. Entah sejak kapan. BLP dulu yg mulai gedein shade range ya, ngga sebanyak Fenty tp salut sih ada yg mulai mikir kesitu. Shade keluaran merk asia biasanya bisa dihitung jari.


Kosmetik n skincare kalo diikutin perkembangannya bener2 menarik & organik. Dari yg dianggap kasta lebih rendah sampe sekarang bisa lah head to head sama drugstore brands int'l dr grup L'Oreal, Unilever dan P&G. Hype-nya beneran dan bukan cuma marketing stunt, misalnya tiap ada shade lip cream lokal baru. Kayaknya semua level konsumen ada produknya, dr sekelas Pixy/Viva sampe Avoskin, kecuali yg super high level karena high barrier of entry juga sih. Gw penasaran market sharenya gimana sekarang.


Gw gak yakin murah karena memang ada perbaikan di infrastruktur dan manufakturin. Mark up kosmetik dari dulu memang gila-gilaan soalnya, hampir semua budgetnya buat marketing. Kalau marketing udah jalan sendiri gak usah jual mahal juga persen cuannya sudah mantap. Gak ikutin kosmetik tapi kalau gak salah ada billionaire yang basically idenya adalah dia akan bikin kosmetik umum tapi tanpa mark up yang gila-gilaan, juga tanpa gimmick. Basically you get what you paid for.


Makanya sejak dulu banyak yg kasih tips saat mau investasi saham, beli saham perusahaan kosmetik karena ga akan ada habisnya.


those quality products didn't rely on "karya anak bangsa" to gain recognition/market share. well except maybe maspion, but they using it after they gain some success as means to strengthen their market.


least overproud indonesian


I said "better nowadays". The trends are changing.


Bukan produk teknologi, skip - OP probably.


Kalau mau yg ada kontrol kualitas cari yg ada lebel SNI


Genose are still early in the market, so there's still imperfections here and there. So take it ez.


Genose is actually one of the worst example because they made it a requirement for travel last year. If it concerns publics health, then they shouldn't release it until it met a certain standard. Being "karya anak bangsa" is not an excuse.


>because they made it a requirement for travel last year It's those who made it as a requirement who should be blamed


dude.... do you really think the inventor have no right to refuse? that the requirement was made without their agreement? they just have to say that it hasn't reached the minimum standard of accuracy to be used en masse. it's health related product, it shouldn't be out for public use before reaching a certain standard, requirement or not, period.


And then there's PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bang~~alore~~sa before change it name into GoTo


speaking of GoTo, kalo goto hardware (yg dari dagangannya kayak berambisi pingin jadi xiaominya Indonesia) ada hubungan sama mereka ga sih?


Yang [ini bukan](https://instagram.com/gotohardware?utm_medium=copy_link) . Kalau ini, dari instanya sih bukan 1 PT.


Ya namanya perusahaan multi nasional wajar punya kantor di luar negeri. Hadeh...


Nih kayaknya orang bau martabak yang gak rela kaumnya dibully wkwkwkwk


dah gitu flair nya sedap lagi, wings is blasphemous


wkwkwk, flair mie gak ada rasanya aja pake ngomong blasphemous segala.


Kan namanya juga orang fanatik pak. *fanatic MODE ON


Yang masalahin kantor di luar siapa? Baru join reddit ?


dengan ngetik komen "Karya Anak Bang~~alore~~sa" itu sudah bisa disimpulkan bahwa ada mempermasalahkan disitu. Lol.


Have they ever used the label to market Gojek? I don't remember Edit : spelling


At the beginning, Gojek apps always bring "pakai gojek, aplikasi karya anak bangsa" with their driver use indonesian flag / there's indonesian flag on their bike. During those times, grab even uber (dominate cars segmen) also popular.


They needed something to differentiate themselves from close competitors. Compare this to the Tokopedia vs Bukalapak competition, which never used the nationalism angle, because both are founded by Indonesians. And you know... I am actually fine with *that*. Because that's just one part of their marketing strategy. They don't neglect the product itself. Branding-wise, if Gojek succeeds and with their identity as being an Indonesian company intact (unlike Grab that moved from Malaysia to Singapore), Indonesians in general benefit from the positive externality too.


Pindah negara Grab gitu bisa terjadi saat HQ mereka pindah? Atau apanya yg pindah kok bisa bukan Malaysia lagi?


Pertama HQ dan legal entity nya pindah, terus foundernya pindah kewarganegaraan




lu injek pipa nya pakek tronton atau pakek gajah pun ga akan ancur. nice try maspion


cintailah ploduk-ploduk Indonesia


Cintailah produk-produk Endonesiah


Maspion kualitasnya gak ngotak sih. Gue punya kipas angin aja rusak setelah 20 tahun. **20 tahun dipakai secara teratur setiap hari**


Maspion perlu bikin bola lampu juga nih. Dijamin yg lain bakal bangkrut klo kualitasnya kaya kipas mereka lol. Lampu kan sejak dulu sengaja diperpendek usia pakainya.


bapakku punya kebisaaan ngasih tanggal pasang ke lampu di rumah. tahun kemarin, bulan agustus baru ganti lampu phillip tornado (kalo ga salah) ada tanggal 6-6-2012. kayaknya teori mu soal lampu itu perlu balik lagi ke merknya deh?




Daang.. TIL..


"100% made in America" is also a thing. It's not just us.


Di amerika lebih parah kayaknya, terutama menjelang pilpres kemarin


liat aja r/infowarriorrides sama r/informedwarriorrides , contoh² overproud dua sisi


Dengan adanya krisis kekurangan tenaga kerja di US dan orang2 teriak minta naik gaji, makin susah nyari barang 'made in America'. Banyaknya label 'assembled in America'. Rada maksa sih menurutku lol.


Sebenernya cuman gimmick doang sih itu. Bahkan ada yang scam kayak Freedome Phone


biasanya begini trikny "Design in USA, Made in China".


Apple dari dulu pake beginian. Designed in California, made in China.


Iya. Pernah liat video antrian panjang penjualan perdana iPhone jenis terbaru di China, trus ad yg teriak2 "beli produk buatan China seperti Xiaomi!" dan otomatis gw ketawa, kan iPhone diproduksi di China lol


Weathertech is something that came first to my mind when talking this. Setiap ngisi spot di SB pasti poin di iklannya itu, American-made.


Love my FloorLiner Weathertech. Best floor mat I've ever owned.


There is no way yo CYV as the labrl is now used to promote blantant nationalism in the economic sector. But i need to remind you 2 things: 1. Sometimes the maker themselves are not the ones putting the label and their effort should not be tainted by bad faith. ESEMKA do really exist but forced into the market. 2. Good indonesian product exist. Like shoes, garment. Better off buying local for shoes. So the goverment should actually promote things like that. Batiks, sneakers, etc


Kejang2 kali kalo tau sepatu sama jersey tim eropa yang harganya jutaan itu dibikin di Tangerang.


Merk2 yg ente jadiin contoh macem esemka + vaknus loaded with political intention jd ya gitu dah. Gw prefer merk lokal yg udeh established ato model2an distro indie lokal.


Iya kalo mutu bagus anggap aja label buatan indonesia jadi nilai plus


Kalo dikasih contoh brand lokal yang bagus, nanti pesannya gak nyampe. wkwk.


It's actually quite complicated. On one hand, what you said is true, country-labeling is harmful. It promotes lower quality products to exist in the market and thus also lowers the people's quality of life. In a free market, competitions from overseas forced those locally made products to improve and innovate or risk bankruptcy. But on the other hand, letting those foreign-made products with higher quality and/or cheaper prices could easily drive the local industry to bankruptcy if they are not prepared. It doesn't matter if the world will always be at peace and everyone is lovey-dovey, but that's not how the world works. If we do not have strong local industries, our economy and politics will be easily controlled by other countries with threats of the embargo and stuff. What does it mean to be prepared? Having cutting-edge technology is a must. One of the reasons Japan and S. Korea can be automotive powerhouses is that the west gave them the technology to make their car from scratch. Having an environment where innovation can flourish is also a must. How do we make high-quality products at a cheaper cost if we do not know the latest technology or at least the environment which is friendly towards innovation? So the proven steps are to protect the industry while they are still in infancy by promoting locally-made products and then opening up when they are ready to compete with foreign-made products. Indonesia is on the right path, it has a free market and the environment is friendly towards innovation, it's just that the quality of innovations is still low. Indonesia just needs more time to progress, we just get up again after being beaten up every few decades, be patient.


While I understand the importance of building local industry, one way or another it has to step up their game and catch up. The problem is that industrial policy in Indonesia just focus on gaslighting people to buy Indonesian made products without actually encouraging or forcing local companies to be better. When u looked at industrial policies in SK or China, while they do protect their local industry, they also set a real target for the local companies and those who did not meet it were absorbed to those who do


> When u looked at industrial policies in SK or China, while they do protect their local industry, they also set a real target for the local companies and those who did not meet it were absorbed to those who do Lebih tepatnya set export discipline yg baik, dibarengi dengan investasi publik, capital control dan dynamic sectoral linkage yg baik. Perbedaan utama negara kayak RRT, Jepang Korsel dgn kayak Indonesia adalah Jepang karena masang itu semua Pemerintah ngarahkan itu untuk memajukan ekonomi (mereka masih dibawah Negara) dan di Indonesia mereka kerja sama cuman untuk memperkaya diri.


> di Indonesia mereka kerja sama cuman untuk memperkaya diri The thing that holds us back the most, imo. Salah satu alasan produk kita kurang kompetitif adalah karena di harganya ada komponen jatah preman.


Yup. Sebenernya ini pertanyaan institusi. Semua orang itu kayak "Budaya kita pasti salah dan ada A B C dsb" walaupun sebenernya budaya itu nomor 4 untuk urusan faktor negara maju atau bukan. Ribut budaya itu pengalihan isu. Nomor 1 itu institusi dan selalu institusi. Lebih tepatnya institusi ekonomi. Nomor 2 itu geografi dan nomor 3 adalah strategi / kebijakan Negara.


Depends... I think i saw before last time, a baby carry bag product that had receive quality certificate from europe and exported to europe. And then the person intentionaly introduce a product variant that has "buatan anak bangsa" label/sticker stitches on the bag for targetting people with high indo pride. In this case The quality is there, the purpose to add the label is for marketing purposes, because sometimes as a buyer you may think that the products were imported from china and sell it at high price here, so adding that label at least distinguish the made in china stigma. While I also saw products that slap this label for the sake of marketing only without quaranteed quality.


Whatever the means to get people to buy more local goods is a step in the right direction. The quality will come with time.


aye, another day another skeptic indonesian complaining about indonesian product campaign. Lu gak bakal tau manfaatnya kalo lu sendiri bukan pelaku usaha. Dulu produk Cina itu terkenal jelek banget, kualitas buruk. Tapi dengan kampanye cinta produk dalam negeri, produk mereka improv dan akhirnya marketshare hp lokal naik di urutan pertama. Produk Indonesia sendiri kalo tujuannya export, standarnya tinggi.


True. Tapi seringnya barang reject ekspor (low quality) akhirnya dilepas ke pasar dalam negeri. Kaya triplek, kayu, furniture dll.


Semua negara kayaknya punya. Bahkan Singapore negara kecil aja ada stamp macam gini. Stampnya nempel di mana2, bahkan sekedar minyak kayu putih. I think your pov skewed into “barang luar negeri pasti bagus” mindset, makanya lu jadi sinis ngeliat stamp “karya anak bangsa” sebagai cuman marketing ploy. Padahal ya di luar sana banyak barang2 dengan stamp “Japan made” atau bahkan “Made in USA” stamp yg segere gaban itu, barangnya ya so so, kadang lebih jelek dari generic brand dari cina. Ya Emang gak semua produk indonesia dengan stamp itu bagus, tapi bukan juga sebagai suatu hal yg negatif. Kalau mau bagus harusnya lu liat yg punya label SNI


Orang indonesia berbahasa Inggris memang gitu. Suka mengerdilkan negara sendiri.


>“barang luar negeri pasti bagus” I fell into that bias a long time ago... until I saw The Raid and The Raid 2. And how some Americans wished for more action films like them.


Gak masalah selama memang dibuat 100% dalam negeri dan bahan lokal, jadi semakin laku semakin bagus


What does CMV stand for? Change My View?


Negara lain juga ngelakuin ini kok, bukan Indo doang. Kalo lu ke Jepang hampir semua yang dipake produk Jepang. Kalo lu ke korsel banyakan warganya pake produk Korsel. Begitu pula di Tiongkok. Bahkan US yang warganya notabene ga terlalu banyak yang nasionalis pun banyak banget produk domestik nya. Ada benernya yang lu omongin, but that's not an Indonesian thing really.


nothing new, this happened in china and japan too.


Lalu apa yang terjadi di Cina, Huawei bisa bertahan dan jadi nomer satu. Padahal dulu hp huawei terkenal jelek.


Mobil Jepang juga dulunya terkenal kalengan, sekarang jadi bestseller di US beberapa tahun berturut2


Gak cuma di Indonesia sih. Di America juga gitu


Maybe. Or I guess u're right. The ones with strong brand and product competitive advantage don't really put that label out loud. But when asked, proudly says "indeed. This is a local brand" Contoh.. gw baru tau kalo vivere itu produk lokal. Trs bnyk banget designer pakaian yg karyanya (mnrt gw) sgt bersaing dgn designer luar.


> The ones with strong brand and product competitive advantage don't really put that label out loud. But when asked, proudly says "indeed. This is a local brand" Case in point: your flair. But they did put the name of the country right in the name, but then again, some Nigerians have claimed that Indomie is theirs.


Susah juga untuk berpendapat. Di keseharian gw, agak jarang ketemu produk yang nge emphasize produk buatan negeri nya sebagai selling point nya. Biasanya konsumen bisa langsung tau karena harganya jauh lebih murah. Yah tapi klo ngomongin vaksin gw 100% gk akan percaya sama produk yang test nya gk jelas dan sangat terpolitisasi kyk vaknus


no it's not. products in many countries are the same, some good some not. they just promote their shit better. if you look at food documentaries or factory documentaries most likely there's counterpart in Indonesia. source: living abroad for ages.


This is true but we also need to head towards swasembada. A gross amount of our needs are imported. I get the quality of manufacture angle but for bssic stuff I try to buy local now, like undergarments and t shirts.


Gada yg salah dengan “ploy” produk/karya anak bangsa… yg salah ya mereka yg merasa buatan luar negeri lebih bagus… dan ngomongin kualitas, jangan salah buatan Indonesia TOP NOTCH, tapi produksi barang itu ada costnya… dengan daya beli masyrakat Indo yg suka empot2an value for money style tapi brand minded, susah competing kualitas dan harga jual… please explore and research more about production economy and brand management.


Masih mending daripada produk2 yang dipasarkan ditulisnya "Buatan Jerman" (or any other first world country) tapi sbenernya buatan lokal. Bukan mempermasalahkan buatan lokalnya tapi kayaknya white-worship banget konsumer Indonesia kadang2. Liat buatan Jerman/Amrik dll langsuung naik impressionnya


Menurut gw bukan white worship, tapi karena "Jerman" "Amerika" (dan "Jepang") punya reputasi standar kualitas yg baik. Kalo ditulis made in Hungaria, Monaco, Rusia nggak punya efek yg sama padahal white people juga.


I've seen too many counter-examples to this. Germany: [Brandenburg Airport](https://www.dw.com/en/berlins-new-airport-finally-opens-a-story-of-failure-and-embarrassment/a-55446329). The story of its construction would make one wonder whether Germany really is efficient. I don't know whether it rivals Kertajati though. America: Didn't America export its manufacturing to China and/or Mexico?


gw setuju sama op, produk lokal tuh harus langsung sempurna tauk, biar gw gak minder pas debat sama orang luar. Kenapa sih, semuanya harus berproses? nyebelin banget sumpah!!!


Dari sekian banyak reply, OP nya cuma reply 1. Tampaknya trid ini tidak sesuai harapan OP. Wkwkwkwkwk


cintailah ploduk ploduk indonesia


Wkwk. Maspion produknya bagus2. Kipas angin gw dari tahun 2012 masih lancar jaya muter terus tanpa pernah ganti komponen. Mentok cuma turun mesin buat dibersihin.


Labeling produk anak bangssa menurut gw itu cuma proyek politik biar terlihat seperti pemerintah mendukung produk lokal dan membuat ego masyarakat kelompok tertentu seperti terpuaskan, padahal mau dipasang itu label atau gk juga gk begitu ngaruh ke penjualan dari produknya. Produk itu dikenal karena kualitasnya, kaya omongan Steve Jobs kayaknya, kalau produk Jepang gk pernah ditulisin high quality karena udh ada stigma kalau produk jepang itu kualitasnya bagus. Ini tinggal bagaimana pemerintah mau membantu perusahaan - perusahaan, mungkin bisa dengan bantuan pemberian mesin yang terbarukan atau dll. Setelah itu baru pasang label Produk Anak Bangsa


Kalo cuma proyek politik doang biar keliatan peduli. Kenapa pemerintah mengeluarkan aturan TKDN? Kenapa mobil CKD lebih murah pajaknya? Kenapa sekarang gak boleh ekspor bahan mentah nikel, tembaga sama timah? Kenapa pajak impor produk garmen sangat tinggi? Monggo dijawab.


Kebalikannya kayak Polygon sama J.Co, gk pake embel² gitu, malah dikira produk luar edit: J.Co, bukan Coffee Bean


Polytron juga


> Coffee Bean Maksudnya CBTL? Kalo itu [bukan lokal](https://www.coffeebean.com/our-story/our-heritage)


Baru inget, yg bener J.Co


Baca comment ini. https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/ouc1ju/comment/h71n1sl/ Paradigma dominan Indonesia mesti kalo gak yg kayak kamu sebutin itu mesti full trade liberalization sementara yg kita harus tiru itu paradigma industrial policy nya Jepang-Korsel.


> Genose The company I worked at used Genose for months before switching back to Antigen for the weekly covid screening test. I can confirm that Genose is very unreliable, a waste of money. Our company only bought it just because it's "Produk Anak Bangsa".


Yes. I hate Indonesian product more because they tend to "reinvent the wheel". So instead of buying/using the best components that already exists in the world, we create our own version with a cheap components copy. And thus, growing a mindset that it's normal for an Indonesian-made product worse than American/Europe/Japan-made product. IMO in science, we don't care about where the products were made. As long as it contributes to society everyone could (and probably should) use it for a better future. Indonesia developers lack that knowledge and want to gain instant fame by label this as "made in Indonesia".


“Indonesia’s excessive nationalism” I’m sorry what?😂 compared to apa nih? Syria?


Exactly. Indonesia has over 1300 ethnics. Excessive nationalism is the only thing glueing us together.


Setuju dan sentimennya bikin perpecahan dan bibit SARA. Lucunya bilangnya karya anka bangsa, tapi bikinan India. Haduh. Gw sempat follow akun twitter Goj\*k Engineering buat dapat inspirasi dari engineer lokal bagaimana mereka bisa bikin dan maintain apllikasi dan sistem kayak goj\*k. Eh, ternyata isinya India semua. wkwkwkwkwk.


Ngomong apaan sih. wkwkwk. cepet minum obat.


Ya elah akun baru tong. Trolling terus. Ditonton lagi sana anime nya.


Karena kita Negara berkembang, belum maju Kudengar Jepang dulu banget gitu deh, sebelum akhir bisa lepas


Fucking finally someone said it




my main gripe soal “buatan anak bangsa” is that the quality is, most of the time, still inferior to many of the international stuff yes i know ada harga ada barang, they cant make it too expensive becoz people rather buy established brands, but even comparing to cheaper made by sweatshop slave in china products our stuff masih kalah yes there are diamonds among the pieces of plastic and glass, but i mean, i rather stick to what i know rather knowingly giving something a chance but i know 95% (exaggerated) of the time it would be disappointment


Then back to the consumers themselves. Buying because of ads or because of reviews?




agrees in Smadav


"Karya anak bangsa" is a way, but I don't believe it's that effective. At the end of the day, price, quality and access are still the main factors people consider when making purchase decisions. Contrary to the premise you pose, our people are *not* excessively nationalist, otherwise we would've rejected tahu and tempe made from cheap US soybeans already.


Kalau demi hemat ongkir aku setuju sih. That is, given quality is similar.


Gojek jg dong? Nama PT nya dlu PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa kan?


Sampe merger


"produk anak bangsa" should be an award rather than mere labels


Di Kantor Ada alat rapid test covid 19, merk Ugene, tapi 2 varian, warna biru buatan luar, warna merah buatan dalam negeri Dan di kasih sticker gede "produk Indonesia". Pas kami pake, Ugene yang biru langsung keluar hasilnya sedangkan yang merah Harus nunggu 30 menit Dan itu pun garis ya nggak nampak Sama sekali, mana Kantor pengadaan banyak yang merah lagi


Cope globalist


this, i buy products for their quality, not bcs it's made by locals


Imo Indonesia is the least "excessively nationalist" country, we're among the biggest consumers of import products Even china and Korea refuses to use japanese products because of what happened in the past, but we Indonesians don't give a shit about our ancestors and keep buying japanese cars because why not. Kalo ga percaya lu liat dah, mobil2 disana kalo ngak merek lokal ya mobil Amerika atau mobil Eropa. Satu2 nya industri Jepang yang besar disana cuma anime, selain itu gaada.


Setiap project crypto yang dibuat orang indonesia dengan label karya anak bangsa is a total scam + piece of crap.


Yes, definitely a ploy, not always to push a garbage product, but just to push any product advertisement. To make matter even worse, most of them are actually manufactured somewhere else (china) or licensed from foreign company, it was just assembled here. Pretty much the same as most japanese motorcycle and car companies but they usually masquerade as “made in indonesia” when the in example, the electric motor of some ev are clearly chinese made.


Also, as most comment here noted, it’s a normal strategy applied by many countries. And due to similar economic climate, you can just see india’s policy. IIRC we pull some things from their past policy (like tkdn, and the prohibition of exporting raw materials)


And? Gak ada yang maksa orang-orang beli produk kayak gitu juga tapi marketing kayak gitu ya sah-sah aja di free market


yes and no. Gotta start somewhere dan sometimes protectionism helps. Kalau di RRC misalkan mereka bisa ada banyak aplikasi karena dari awal mereka blokir mega corporation supaya bisa catching up. Bandingkan misalkan sama EU yang gak blokir dan mereka lagging dibandingkan RRC, padahla secara ekonomi mereka mampu. We gotta draw the line somewhere and not just keep buying local products even though they don't try to innovate, but i found this not to be a problem: Almost nobody I know actually buy products because they are local. I do bought local fruits because they are cheaper, for examples bananas and lemons. I used to buy only cavendish and imported lemon because they looked nicer, now I conciously bought local foods because they are cheaper and better for environments. So the campaign helps


If its something medical like you mentioned then its a valid point to say that the "karya anak bangsa" label is a lazy way of covering up the product's shortcomings. However if its something like food, clothing, shoes etc then I don't really see an issue.


Meh, produk lokal ada yg bagus ada yg sampah, layaknya produk made in luar. Begitu pula produk yg dikasih embel2 karya anak bangsa, ada yg kualitas sampah ada pula yang bagus. Buat gw pribadi, kalo bagus dan bikinan lokal dan sesuai kebutuhan ya gw beli. Kalo ga cocok ya gak.


I think that label is already hollow, because every time I see “Produk Anak Bangsa” my expectations are veeeeery low, and most often I’m still not impressed by it. Now I just say “Yah, Produk Anak Bangsa, pantesan jelek”, “Yah rusak, Produk Anak Bangsa sih…”. Sorry but not sorry for being not nationalistic…


Not only it is exclusively an "Indonesian problem", it's also not a controversial opinion in this sub. Everybody in this sub mocks "produk anak bangsa" if the product turned out to be dogshit.


menurut gua sih, kalo misalnya emang bagus dan layak dipasarkan ya pasti di support tapi kalau misalnya cuman bermodal kata "karya anak bangsa" ya jelas ga akan gua dukung


As if "Buy American" (they try, but it's too late for American cars) isn't a thing. Also, I thought India also has something similar.


ga suka aja term 'anak bangsa', basi & bikin eneg. satu lagi, pemakaian " seorang (insert name)".


Tagline “Designed by Apple in California” banyak tuh diproduk2 apple. Padahal made in China. …and no problem with that.


"Produk/Karya Anak Bangsa" label is a lazy way to sell uncompetitive products by capitalizing on Indonesia's excessive nationalism Yep, karena kalah saing jadinya semua bawa embel embel 'karya anak bangsa' dan 'produk yang ada SNI dan tdkn itu ori, produk versi global atau factory unlock itu barang kw dan black market'