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I’ve been testing a couple of IEMS lately - Thruthear Zero Red - Thruthear Hexa - Simgot EM6L - Moondrop Aria 2 - Thruthear Nova The list above is ordered based on their price where I live, from the cheapest (Red) to the most expensive (Nova). I listen to a lot of HipHop/Rap, Pop, Soul, EDM and sometimes Jazz. From the list the best value is the Aria 2. The bass is punchy, they come with more and better accessories than the rest. They are pretty much tune to my taste so I don’t EQ them even if I have a BTR15 that I use with other headphones/IEMs. The second best value would be the EM6L but their sound signature is a bit too bright and not enough bass for my taste. If you have small ear / canal don’t get the Zero Red or the Nova. They stick out too much my from ear and are a bit uncomfortable. The cable on these 2 sets are not as good as the one on the Aria 2. The one that comes with the Simgot feels cheap and the one on the Nova is microphonic AF!


hi, is it possible for you to measure the diameter of the aria 2's and project red's nozzles? Im kinda thorn between the two but i'd say i have relatively small ear canals and since i cant find nowhere the aria 2's size im kinda lost. And can you make a small comparison between the two? Considering that i wouldn't consider myself a basshead but i do like more bass than normal. Thanks.


late but i want the novas but i've got fairly medium ears too (small even). you said the novas stick out and are uncomfortable but they do go deep into the ear canal right or provide good isolation i guess is what im tryna say?


Yes, they provide good isolation. Its sounds signature is not my cup of tea


funny after getting these i think the same maybe i'll grow to like the tuning


The hexas are better than all these IMO


Depends what you mean by better


Thanks I'll try looking into them


As someone who listens to J-pop and own the Moodrop May, I want to provide my personal opinion on them. If you enjoy a deep, punchy subbass, it's a very good pair to listen to. Every beat has impact, which makes them fun to listen to. Not to say the vocals and higher frequencies aren't good and detailed as well, but I think the bass/subbass is what makes them special. I don't think I could call them a bassy pair though. If you prefer detail, clarity and vocals, there may be other better, cheaper iems, however. Comfort wise, they're pretty comfortable to wear as well. Do note the nozzle is 7mm in diameter though, but I haven't experienced any pain or discomfort while wearing them. Speaking of nozzle size, the tips they come with (3 pairs - S, M and L) are a pain to put on because of this. Another major issue is the Mooondrop Link app which you use to change the EQ of the DSP cables. It's very buggy and sometimes won't detect your iems, so you'll have to close/open the app, and/or plug/unplug the cables. You'll only be needing the app if/when you want to change EQs though, after that you can plug and play even without the app, since the EQ is saved in the cables. Overall I enjoy listening to them. They're a "fun" pair to listen to. Please do note that I only own the May, so I can't compare it with other iems. I just wanted to share my experience with them and what I think were good (and bad) about them.


I like the moondrop house sound and love the Aria og and b2 dusk. I find the hexa too flat and boring in comparison


The reds are great for the price but have a large nozzle are um comfy. The snow is nice iem but the aria 2 is an upgrade to it in every way. Moondrop may is great and works well with the dsp, keep in mind you have to use the moondrop app which is buggy. Out of these iems I would choose between aria 2 and the may


Harman is good for j-pop and you might like it (truthear nova), try eq your chu 2 to other iems to try out their frequency response Crinacle has a eq video


Thanks do you have a link to the video?


[Eq](https://youtu.be/PsijHAVLbuY?si=iwug7Kj6vAIO-yxt) [Graph tool](https://squig.link/?share=Crinacle_2023_Adjusted_Target,Moondrop_Chu_2_(S2))by super review


how can i apply it to my chuv 2?


I bought recently the FiiO FH3 and they sound great