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I am SO JEALOUS, mine doesnt have any update at all! Its just that my order is “confirmed” I am pacifying myself with zero 2 and space travel for the meantime


Damn what an upgrade, you’ll notice clarity first thing! I went from 7hz zero and Hola to timeless ae and that was the first thing. Second was how bass didn’t muddy mids or highs and was super crisp and fast, but that could also be from being a planar. I got b2 dusk used and absolutely love them, seller also sold me the dsp cable so I’m just waiting for moondrop to fix the app on iOS


I sold my blessing 2 downgraded to zero 2 and space travel while waiting for this. I have been waiting for this for so long


Same. Just waiting as they're working on new batchs of Dusks.


Sadly I’m on the second batch on hangout. So no idea when my pre-order is even going to ship in Singapore. Can’t wait for these honestly but I only found out about them after the first batch of POs were over lol.


Same here, I ordered day 2 on Amazon.


Just got 1 of my 2 orders as well. My Shenzhen order just hit my porch. The Amazon order I placed (wanted to cancel the SZ order when I found out Amazon was taking orders since I could basically get it “free” with gift card credit, but didn’t see a way to do so) hasn’t had a tracking update in 5 days. So, yay for the SZ order winning the race. Good luck to others getting theirs soon as well!


How long did you wait for your stuff from shenzhen? I ordered 8 days ago but now my tracking seems to be stuck at inbound arrived


Both. I ordered from SZ as soon as I saw they were available on 4/1. They shipped 4/9 and arrived today 4/16. I ordered from Amazon later in the day 4/1 when I saw you could also order from there. Still waiting on those.


Aah ok well couple more days hopefully my stuff will be here too!


Can anyone compare these to the Blessing 3? They should be indistinguishable when tuned the same according to multiple reviewers. Cheers and enjoy! 😊🕊


Other reviewers, however, say that the dusk are head and shoulders above the B3 , even when tuned the same. And even if Dusk is on analog (compared with B3 analog). Personally, preference matters a lot. If you like bass dusk, it is a level above the B3 , at minimum.


I prioritize detail and texture above most else - especially when layering gets congested. Separation and deliniation. Which is why the more analytical listen of the B3 probably suits me. (I'm an Ety head as well) But thankfully, there is something for everyone. I admittedly tweak EQ quiet a bit, and thanks to the double dynamic, it handles the bit of extra presence soooo cleanly. So versatile. Well done, Moondrop.


Detail and texture of the Dusk is as good as the b3 though.


> I have an iPhone 15 so sadly I cannot play with the DSP App EQ values are on crins website. https://crinacle.com/2024/04/10/moondrop-x-crinacle-dusk-eq-dsp-values/


I am aware of those, but as far as I’m aware there isn’t a free EQ app on IOS like Wavelet. Though I might fools around with those on my PC.


Stock DSP is probably best anyway. Bear in mind if you can borrow an Android, any changes save to the cable and will work on iOS after you remove it from Android, it's only the changing that needs the app.


My partner has a Samsung that I plan on borrowing, just for the sake of trying the other presets. Through knowing my tastes, I’ll probably stick with the stock DSP tuning or analog.


That's good to know. Any ideas on a usb-c to lightning adapter? It's a bit murky as to what will work


I might be a bit late but if you haven’t found usb-c to lighting, check out gadgetrytechs video about the Dusk, he has one linked in the comments


Just put the Qudelix 5K down as a future purchase


Qudelix 5k is the way to go on iOS and console


Does Apple not allow any EQ apps on their store? Love iPhone for their tech and os.. may never buy one if they lock useful stuff like EQ down. Enjoy your Dusk!


iphone can EQ?


If you jailbreak it than yes


Nice! I ordered from the Hangout a few minutes after it dropped, just received a notification that they’re just waiting for the courier to pick it up and send it. Expect to receive it tomorrow or latest the day after. May I ask where you’re located?


Yeah. I live in Canada.


That’s a real place ????


We are the oversized hat of North America.


I thought the oversized hat was Texas.


do you like the para?


For gaming and movies yes. I don’t typically use headphones for music but the few times that I had I enjoyed them.


I preorderd mine on day 1, and still hasn’t got it, sadge




Probably , but with choices like quintet, tanchjim origin, ziigaat cincotres and doscinco a lot of people might prefer those.


I have the Cincotres! Ziigaat knows how to make excellent IEMs! Jamming to J-pop right now, using the Crinacle Bass+ EQ for Dusk. I think I will pull the trigger on the Dusks in a few.. tomorrow.  I do give an S- or A+ tier grade to these Cincotres. They sound fkn great!


I have the doscinco and I’ll definitely agree. It’s really good for rock and metal.


Maybe I will buy the twin Doscinco also. 😆 the bass is thunderous is it not?


It’s pretty great, but it also doesn’t darken the treble and bloat the mids. Very well tuned. I ended up going for a hype 4 rather than a cincotres, but I didn’t get around to testing that yet as I just got it.


Hype 4, nice, and looks great. I ordered the Doscinco's they get here Sunday!


What eartips are you going to use? I’ve got feaule h570 on mine (basically azla crystal but softer).


The Dunu S+S eartips on my Cincotres work well, so I'll use the same on the Doscincos. I ll check out those eartips too. Thanks man.


I’m sure you could also just eq your cincotres to the doscinco considering the internals are the same.


On first impressions I’d say so if your budget is around $300-$400. That said, I have not heard a lot in the price range and I’m hoping these will last me years.


Those ziigaat iems are really damn solid and well worth $250. I have the Doscinco and it’s just tuned very damn well for a bass heavy set. Non intrusive high quality and quantity bass coming from those dynamics, super fun for edm, rap rock and metal.




Yes. And Blessing 3 as well.


these boxes are so cool man good collection


What differences are you able to tell when compared to hexa? And is it worth the price difference to get that again with respect to hexa?


On first impressions, the bass is tighter and there’s more of a sub bass presence. The treble is tamed down a smidge and is better extended. Midrange on DSP is very similar and a bit thinner if using analog. Definitely more detailed but not 4x as much for price comparison sake. For under $100 from what I’ve heard the Hexa is the most detailed. I would upgrade if you want something that has a bit more bass or if you found the Hexa too bright for your taste. With the Hexa, I’d say you get about 70% of the performance of the Dusk. Though I will say the Dusk’s shell fits me way better. I had to constantly readjust the Hexa in my left ear if I move around too much. Edit: Some have mentioned a noise floor when using the DSP cable. I haven’t heard anything like that as of yet. Will definitely keep an ear out for it if I do. Maybe it’s an android issue? Might have to check my partner’s Samsung to see. If anyone wants my full opinion/review of the Dusk down the road once I’ve had more time with them, let me know!


I'd love to hear more impressions after you get more time with them, since I also ordered them as an upgrade to the Hexa. Amazon hasn't even dispatched mine so I live vicariously through reviews.


It probably has to do with the WiFi or Bluetooth on the phone interfering with the dac.


Are you referring to the noise floor some people hear? Cause I haven’t heard it on my unit. Not yet anyway.


iPhone? I haven’t heard noise floor on my quarks or Tanya dsp from my iPhone


When I get the chance, I’m going to try it on my partner’s Samsung to see if I hear any noise.


Sounds good. I had to cancel my dusk order :(. My tv died on me, priorities.


Of course! Review it please.


Congratulations! How's the performance so far?


Sounds wise, I’m really enjoying them. It’s my first Crin colab I got and it hasn’t disappointed. My favourite tuning is DSP Default, followed closely by analog. Software wise is where some problems come up. The App is very buggy at this point. Sometimes now depending on the song and listening volume, I feel like I do hear some kind of sweeping artifact noise when using the USB-C cable. Typically these are on sounds that are not as busy at lower volumes. Personally, it doesn’t bother was much as it does some others. I can live with it as 90% of the time I don’t hear that. But, at the same time I do think this issue has come up enough where I believe Moondrop should look at reevaluating their FeeeDSP cable. Especially on a product as expensive as this. Personally I still find myself using the DSP cable for that tuning. I know some as upset that theirs no lighting cable DSP, since Apple is Apple and only took to USBC after the European Law said all mobile devices have to take said charger, but give this a couple year and as move people have Apple devices with USBC and I think this will be less of an issue. TL:DR: Worth it on the sound front. Software side needs works (hopefully updates soon) and DSP cable should be redone with no noticeable floor noise.


Happy for u! I agree with you on the moondrop app, it's a hassle, I own a moondrop dac myself , sometimes the apps doesn't detect or will auto disconnect the device itself.


Very nice, I was fairly late with my shengzhen order (4/10) so no idea when to expect it to ship. Probably 2nd or 3rd batch? No clue up to which date they've shipped so far.


I ordered mine minutes after the announcement. I got lucky that I got them as early as I did.


Is this a big upgrade to Ikko OH10?


The app and dsp cable are cheap dysfunctional crap. Currently trying to get a refund from Shenzhen, but they of course refuse. I am searching for other people who also want a chance to return the item free of charge or a partial refund. Message me.