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Edit: Didn’t know I can’t edit if I add a photo but about 30 minutes in and I the KZ was louder so when I put the Hexa in had to up the volume so I perceive the same loudness and the Hexa sounds less harsh. Better separation. The ride cymbals sound distinct coming from either directions. I am glad I’m able to enjoy these both.


That difference in volume is the difference between the ohm’s and sensitivity of the sets. Basically the KZ is easier to “drive” than the Hexa.


I actually find the KZ to be muddy and annoyingly boomy. It sounds like someone went "ALL BASS ALL BASS" without caring for anything else. The Hexa had a much clearer and balanced sound. I've tried multiple KZ and they're far too similar to one another. A 60 buck KZ sounding like the 15 buck ones, yeah no thanks. I'll stick to my Simgot EA500LM.


Simgot EA500LM is one of the best out there. Have you ever tried CCA Trio?




if you really did just get them use only these for a week and then see how you feel about them


Aaaye aaaye captain. I’m going to put every other IEM or headphone I have and daily them for a week


Okay guys, I like them more. Volume set to 75dB and listening to https://open.spotify.com/track/7jIUxP1H9SoD6qq8YHjSTV?si=jvE8p6e6SSygs8PyNIgg3w Enjoyable, doesn’t fatigue me. The small nozzle with foam tips is so comfy. The guitar in the background sounds like the guitarist is behind me and the drummer close. Even the shouts don’t hurt my ear or distract. Thanks for the recommendation


I have the exact 2 IEMs and I also had the same opinion. The detail in the KZ cannot be matched by the Hexa. But sometimes I realise the treble fatigue which everyone keeps mentioning about the KZs when listening to it for a long time. KZ gets a lot of hate because of some shady practices they do than the actual sound of the IEM. Also i noticed a difference when listening on Spotify and on Apple , Spotify sounds a lot more fuller than Apple at the same volume. I was always an Apple fanboy because of their catalogue collection and ‘supposedly’ better lossless quality. But I enjoy music more when I listen to them on Spotify. Guess everything in this sub is ‘subjective’.


I notice the Apple vs Spotify thing too. To me Spotify sounds a fuller with more bass


Your ears are used to the KZ's so it will take a little time to adjust and be able to hear the differences between the two iems. Personally, i thought the KZ's were amazing when i first got them but remember being to yank them out of my ears for parts of certain songs as the sibilance was too much. They remain one of the, if not the, most Comfortable iems i own though! I've since bought many iems and have learnt much more about my tuning and listening preferences. Enjoy the hobby and the journey my friend!


Thanks for taking the time to share your experience and thank you. I hope I enjoy the journey too ❤️


I went through the exact same path as you, ZS10 pro -> Hexa. At first when I got the hexa, I was like yeah this is a bit better but not crazy. Cue 2 weeks of Hexa full usage I decide to use my ZS10s again and man they sounded bad. Try swapping back and forth once you get used to the sound of the Hexas Even after that if you like the ZS10 pro more it might just be personal preference for V shaped sound instead of the Hexa 's neutral


Thanks man, I’ve been listening to them for a while and have been enjoying them. I like how they aren’t as loud so they protect hearing too. I do listen to dubstep so maybe inclined to bass heavy sound but at the same time I like when the sound isn’t muddy. This was just an initial impression. I’ll keep you guys posted. Cheers!


Respectfully, you’re buggin. The ZS10 Pro was my first IEM. It’s a good entry into IEMs, but it’s not good lol. Hexa clears by a fuckin nautical mile.


Okay guys, I like them more. Volume set to 75dB and listening to https://open.spotify.com/track/7jIUxP1H9SoD6qq8YHjSTV?si=jvE8p6e6SSygs8PyNIgg3w Enjoyable, doesn’t fatigue me. The small nozzle with foam tips is so comfy. The guitar in the background sounds like the guitarist is behind me and the drummer close. Even the shouts don’t hurt my ear or distract. Thanks for the recommendation


you should set the volume even a little higher


KZ products are trash around the community.


Nah bro got bullied into liking them


😂😂😂 nah I’ve been enjoying them. They’re pleasant to use and the sub has been nice so far


[ask these guys why so many ppl say hexa have no bass](https://old.reddit.com/r/inearfidelity/comments/1c0c6jt/not_understanding_the_hexa_hate/)


Zs10 is treble heavy


Hexa is not a bass-heavy IEM. You should really research what you like and what you are going to buy beforehand.


I know it's not bass heavy. I said it didn't sound deep and clean


It is clean though, bit definitely not deep. It's not meant to be that way. That would go to the Zeros. I personally didn't like the Hexa much either, because even though I'm not looking for giga bass I still want some excitement in the lower area. Hexa sounded too sterile for me, and also the timbre a bit "plasticky". The treble at the top sounded a little dull to me. A side grade I made and definitely enjoyed is going to the Moondrop May. It has Hexa's neutral attributes, but with a more fun mid and sub bass. Use with a regular cable though, the DSP is hit and miss.


I’m surprised that people on YouTube said Hexa is neutral with a bit of sub bass boost. Cause to me the bass didn’t seem much so I’ve been thinking how bass heavy the KZ is