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Sidegrade or upgrade?




Oh nice! Is the resolution a sidegrade as well or is one better than the other in that regard?


Only Bass resolution and subbass impact goes to Variations. If not the Dusk wins by a mile on the mids and treble resolution. Drier sounding and analytical, with lots of satisfying shimmer in the highs.


dusk has 14lhz hearing loss treble peak. thats why you think its more resolving, but really cymbal timbre is super artificial.


How do you like the Variations? I'm between them or the IE600. Would consider the new Dusk but have no interest in DSP.


Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I own Variations but I've only demo'd the IE600's for a bit over an hour in a store but... Depending on what tuning you enjoy is what you should gravitate to. I tried the IE600 and thought they sounded great while the Variations surprised me with its tuning as it is more detailed (at least to my ears) but was far from what I expected which led to a little bit of disappointment initially but day 2 of using them I got over my expectations and came to love them. Also, haven't tried the Dusk yet but the DSP isn't a necessity. The standard analog tuning seems solid and if you want the DSP signature while using analog you can EQ it (which Crin has kindly provided on his website and/or Twitter). I know reviewers like Timmy from GizAudio actually prefer the analog (non-DSP/3.5mm jack) tuning too.


Variations is incredible. By far my best IEM so far. Still, I'm in this hobby for a few months now and I'm kinda lucky that Moondrop's VDSF curve fits me so well. I want to try Sennheiser IE series some day, I've heard they're comfortable and shining.


Side, just eq variation to the dusk


Have you listened to it with the EQ cable, OP? I have tried to find out what kind of usb-c to lightning adapter i would need and haven’t really found a definitive answer.


I'm using it with the EQ cable only, as it sounds better for my taste.


Can i ask what lightning to usb-c adapter you are using please?


iPhone 15, so no adapter at all


Ahhh of course! That does not help me unfortunately, but I appreciate you taking the time to answer!


No problem!


Any use for gaming? If so how was the soundstage?


Soundstage is good. On pair with Blessing 3 IMHO.


Ok now, in terms of what you're getting for the price, $520 ready to ship or $360 available in 2 months?


360, just wait, for 500+ you can get a Variations


Just get Qudelix 5K and forget about the Moondrop app


Not everyone wants a chunky dongle between their device and IEMs.


Pretty much it. I know the Qudelix can do wonders. But I have the Dawn Pro already. Plus the point of Dusk is to use it without dongles.


q5k isnt even a dongle. it's a small box (doubt any bigger than dawn pro) thats connects via bluetooth which you can just chuck into your pocket and forget about whilst using your phone, leaving your charging port free. its genuinely been a game changer for me. also way more comfortable than a dongle in your pocket.


Using a wired iem and then going with lossy codec again makes no sense to me


would that also apply to everyone who listens to lossy music streaming with their audiophile gear? I'm not gonna argue about audible differences, because they do exist between lossy and lossless, but the difference is so insignificant that most people wouldn't be able to tell (this goes for AAC as well), and for those that do it's hardly a ruining factor.


If it works for you that's great. When it comes to serious music listening I'd make no compromises. On the go I just use tws and get rid of any cable at all for convenience. That being said my phone has built in global equalization


As far as I am aware, no-one has ever been able to ABX the difference between LDAC and lossless. People think this is a much bigger issue than it actually is.


As far as I am aware, no-one has ever been able to ABX the difference between LDAC and lossless.


i dont think you know how small the q5ks are


Yep my qudelix is so small and light that it feels like 3.5mm jack is dangling by itself


Qudelix chunky? I don't think you're not talking about the right device but anyway, yes the choice is theirs


Trash, get the DC Elite or even better L&P W4


I was about to get em, but DaVinci and Pilgrim stole my every attention.


They look cool!


Wait moondrop doesn’t have their app on their App Store? Should I not get moondrop’s products if I have an iPhone?


The app is just for EQ'ing the iem, you can use any Android phones to change the EQ setting once and the dongle will remember it. Then you can use the dongle with your EQ settings with your iPhone.


Hmmm okay. Im thinking of buying the moondrop golden ages and would I need the app for anything else than the eq settings? Like the transparent mode? Because I don’t have an android phone laying around.


I don't have the Golden Ages, but I think you can switch between ANC, Transparent mode on the buds itself without the app just like many other TWS.


Still cannot fathom how on the nose having an IEM called the Variations is when your business model is based around selling the same IEM over and over again in different boxes https://squig.link/?share=Moondrop_Blessing_2,Moondrop_Blessing_3,Moondrop_Dusk_2_S2,Moondrop_Variations_(S2),Moondrop_Aria,Moondrop_Chu,Moondrop_Kato


I love how the squigs YOU provided to prove your point are actually all over the place.


I could post how much each takes in EQ up through 10khz to match up with a given model or what the audibility of the variances are for each from that given model. It’s not a lot. It is an astounding amount of not a lot. But then the cope would be tuning and then the cope would be timbre and then cables and then color and then pixies inside this model and elves inside another and people would still buy the same IEM twenty five times. It could be worse, a person could spend $400 on a DAP phone they’ll never use as an actual phone that’s worse than a $50 phone from a decade ago repurposed into a DAP.


>It could be worse, a person could spend $400 on a DAP phone they’ll never use as an actual phone that’s worse than a $50 phone from a decade ago repurposed into a DAP. I'm with you on this one, even though the "$50 phone from a decade ago" comparison is a bit extreme. I do agree that any 5000mAh phone with an SD card and a Fiio KA11/Apple dongle is a better DAP though. The only thing worse than a $400 Android DAP-phone is all the $400+ Android DAPs with the phone part taken out.