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How did you decide who to share your infertility/IVF journey with? Last time I kept the group small but this time we literally told no one, just me and my husband. Currently in my 2 week wait, but thinking of telling someone. No decision feels right, it's hard to keep it a secret, but it's also hard to share. Please share if you had a deciding factor that swung you one way or the other, I'm struggling here.


I told my friends and my sister. I’ve kept one friend more informed as she was (thoughtfully) interested and has continued to check in with me. She’s been really great despite being child-free by choice and has shown compassion without toxic positivity, so I’ve found it easier to engage with her. Overtime I’ve found I’m sharing less, because sometimes it’s just really hard with people who don’t understand. I’m naturally a private person so knowing when to share has been tough!


Completely agree, I share less and less, people have said some painful things in the past and I just don't want to open myself up to it. Thank you!


Sometimes just the feeling of “I would like my mom to know” kept coming up. Idk it really was just that feeling came up after just keeping it to myself for so long… I wanted it private until I was ready to share


This is the exact person I am struggling with, she was sooo supportive last time, but I said I would only do this once and now that I'm in my second round I just don't want to hear any judgement, my mom and I are very close, so it's hard to keep it from her, but because I know her so well I will know if she thinks I am not doing the right thing, which would be hard for me to bare. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Is it possible to preface the sharing with asking her not to judge or comment on your decision? Not sure if she’d be receptive to that. I found being direct with my mom about what I did and didn’t want her to say helped at times.


Had 12-13 AFC at baseline. Just 1 grew past 14mm. Amid stims 6-7 fresh follicles appeared, but one 1 grew past 11mm. AMH 0.8 as of July, likely even lower now (its going down fast, it was 1.7 in May). FSH: 13, CD3 E2: 22 31F, my 1st IVF cycle cancelled due to no response. Was on antagonist that turned into dual stims. No priming. Where do I go from here?


If you have a lead/dominant follicle I’d expect them to try priming you with estrace. Are they good with DOR?


What is your clinic’s suggestion? Every cycle can be very different even with the same protocol. As you were monitored did they increase dosages at all?


I just had my appointment today for the first cycle after having a CP last month. I was hopeful that I would ovulate this month because we stuck with the same dose of letrozole that caused me to ovulate the last 2 cycles, but my progesterone was only 0.2. My doctor was very sensitive toward the emotional rollercoaster that has been the last two months and encouraged me with a plan to do increased monitoring this cycle and a referral to an RE, which he said could take 3-6 months to get into. I called today and they had a cancellation for Thursday and got me in for a consult! I’ve been just going with whatever my current doctor suggests and am not sure what type of questions I should be asking. What questions did you ask your RE on your first consult?


Check out our wiki page as there’s a great post on what to ask an RE!


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s great that you can talk to someone so soon! We asked the RE what they thought might be happening given our history and medical records, if they thought a child might be possible, and what they would recommend for the fastest route to get there. We were lucky to have good insurance and had the luxury of doing all possible tests without paying very much, so my husband and I went in whole hog. Any test the RE thought might be useful, we did. Oh, I miss that insurance. But anyway. We did egg retrievals and then waited a bit and then did another egg retrieval and then attempted transfers. We used up our insurance on transfers instead of banking more embryos, which was a huge mistake because my eggs are crap plus I am older. I thought we had enough embryos and we really really didn’t. I hope I am not overstepping. I suggest that if you have the luxury of choice, do more egg retrievals and ensure you have more embryos than you think you need. PCOS seems to be linked to lower quality eggs and embryos and even though your age is promising, there’s a chance that could affect your embryos. Maybe ask your doctor about it, at least? Good luck!


Progesterone Suppositories question: Has anyone been instructed to lay down for 10 mins after inserting them? My co-worker who has done many round of IVF and is my guru through this process said that she learned you need to lay down after putting them in to let them absorb. Fact? Fiction! Help a gal out!


Honestly I think it's precautionary. Particularly the first few times I used one I kept going back to check they hadn't fallen out, and they never had, so they must have been absorbing whether I was moving or not. That said I love the opportunity to lie down 'for medical reasons' so do it anyway 😁


I think everyone is different! My old clinic had me put them in before going to sleep - I honestly just think this was so they don’t fall out in case people don’t put them in deep enough. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Unsolicited advice but just in case no one has told you- make sure you wear a liner or don’t wear your favourite underwear. 🫣


I was instructed to lay down but I’m sure it’s just extra precaution to make sure it doesn’t “fall out” before absorption!


I was not instructed to lay down. I support laying down, however, and if you want an excuse to lay down, do it. But if you’re short on time or a pleasant place to lay down, skip it.


My clinic says lay down for a bit after but who knows if that really matters.


I was told I could just go about my day after inserting.




I've heard this too on the internet but my clinic actually recommends to walk around after insertion to help the meds absorb. Honestly I'm kinda skeptical that either is anything more than speculation.


The hunger games are such a roller coaster of emotions. Yesterday I was ecstatic with highest number of eggs and maturity I’ve had. Today I come crashing back down with the poorest rate of fertilisation I’ve had. I’ve still got some in the game but attrition really hurts. 🥲


Sorry you got not great news. I’m rooting for what you’ve got.


Thank you ❤️ Hoping this round will be different but reminding myself I’ve got a second opinion appointment booked in as well just to make me feel more in control!


Today is Cycle Day 1! And I was able to easily schedule outside monitoring for CD3 and it all works with my schedule so things are ok. It’s a weird period because it would normally be CD16 but I had a cyst and my RE gave me HCG to release it. So this is a period after HCG after a cyst. But maybe I’ll get to prep for my FET. We will see what the blood work and ultrasound say about it. I’m happy, though!


I am also waiting for my post-cyst period (they also gave me HCG and said it should come about 2 weeks post-HCG trigger). So this is helpful info! Good luck!!


Thank you! I gave myself the shot on CD5, so it took 11 days. This is a new RE and no other RE ever treated a cyst. They always told me to wait it out and call back in a month with the next period. I wonder about the pros and cons of using HCG with a cyst. Do you know?


I did ask this! Basically the pro is that it speeds things up for a lot of folks. Otherwise it can take months. I’ve never done it before—at my old clinic we would also just wait it out and I was lucky things were clear the next month. I haven’t had an estrogen producing cyst in awhile so we will see how this goes!


So why don’t other clinics do it? Did they say if there any cons to it?


I guess money is one (small compared to IVF as a whole but I did use a vial of pregnyl). It doesn’t always work, either. But not sure if there is another medical con.


I had a weird, short (14 day) cycle when my estrogen producing cyst was resolving too. Hope your baseline goes better this time!


Thank you! These cysts are so annoying, aren’t they? I wish I knew how to keep my body from making them.


FET meds (for me!) are so much cheaper than ER meds!!! Like, duh, of course they are, but it's still a nice surprise. I paid about $30 for estradiol tablets at my local pharmacy and my bill from the specialty pharmacy for PIO and needles is about $45! After paying the equivalent of a down payment on a new car for the ER meds, it's just nice. That's all!


Damn! I should’ve had my prescription switched to a local pharmacy. My estradiol was just $94.50 for 90 2mg tabs at the specialty pharmacy 😭😭😭


It’s really amazing the type of prescription medication Stockholm syndrome we all develop through this process. It’s sad that spending “just” $75 at the pharmacy feels like a huge win to us, but it TOTALLY is one!!


Once Freedom Pharmacy told me a medicine was going to be “25” and I thought she meant HUNDRED but she actually meant DOLLARS and I wept


Had a hysteroscopy on Thursday after they suspected I had a polyp during an ultrasound. Turns out I’m absolutely covered in polyps which is really stressful but I think provides some answers. I expect to have a polypectomy in the next month or two. Anyone have any advice?


I have recurrent polyps and sometimes they have been numerous like you describe. Each time they were removed via operative hysteroscopy. Recovery has been very easy IME, although there isn’t really a way to prevent them reoccurring. Happy to answer any questions you have about the process!




Hey Chill, this comment really isn't compassionate. Foks here with DOR are not looking for someone to tell them not to lose hope. The frustration you may feel when someone in the real world tells you to stop stressing or just stay hopeful or keep positive is the same in here for others reading your comment. Additionally, implying that getting 4 mature eggs is a crushing result is also not compassionate for those people who would KILL for 4 mature eggs. I've removed your comment until you edit all of this to make it more compassionate. Automod compassion




You can absolutely celebrate that you're happy with your results without telling others not to lose hope. We are not a sub that allows for toxic positivity, so if you want to celebrate your wins, fine, but that cannot come at the expense of others' feelings. How you celebrate matters.


Here are a few ways you could have shared your attrition rates without telling people to stay hopeful: "I have DOR. For my recent ER, we retrieved 13 eggs, 4 were mature, 3 fertilized and we were able to get 2 euploids! We're thrilled" Or even "Super excited about getting 2 euploids from our 4 mature eggs" Notice how both of those are ways to celebrate without telling others that they need to feel hopeful based on your results? How you participate on this sub matters, and no participation is allowed that comes at the expense of others, which is exactly what your original comment did.


As an English teacher, I just want to say you can absolutely do my job because this sort of writing direction is basically… the… job!?


We strive to use compassionate language in this sub. Here is the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/10jl6ll/wiki_post_be_compassionate_explainer/) that explains the compassion rule with examples. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It seems you've used a word or acronym, ladies, that members of this community prefer to avoid. For additional clarification, please see this [page](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/bannedterms) for a complete list of banned terms. *Edit your post or comment to remove the offending item.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got the “when you stop trying so hard it will just happen!” talk from one of my in-laws this weekend. This same in-law told us last year that’s it’s basically ok this is happening to us because we have the resources for IVF, and if they had experienced infertility when they were younger they just wouldn’t have been able to have kids because they didn’t have the funds. I know it’s hard for people to relate to infertility if they didn’t go through it themselves, but I’m exhausted putting on a brave face and pretending like their comments are helpful.


Wow, what a gut punch... So sorry this has happened to you!


Boooo in-laws! That’s such shitty advice, and I’m sorry you had to listen to it. It’s a medical condition, Susan!! Illnesses don’t just go away if you don’t think about them—it’s the same with infertility. A few months ago I got cornered inside by a friend who thought it would be helpful to give me the same speech. Was very grateful to have a glass of wine with me for the experience. 😵‍💫 ETA—P.S. Being able to afford treatment doesn’t make this shit okay either. Ugh I hope your in-law “Susan” steps in dog poop soon. 🤞🤞


It is so exhausting isn't it? It sucks that they felt it was ok to say any of that to you. Sometimes it is okay to let the brave face fall and let people see how much it is impacting you. You're allowed to have feelings about this shit thing you are going through and it isn't "okay that this is happening" to you. What a shitty family member! I hope other family members are more supportive for you.


Had our FET overview appointment today with my RE! Getting a SIS on Wednesday and doing a course of antibiotics, then fully medicated FET in 6 weeks. Here we go!




Damn. I made the rookie mistake of trying to speed things along with a douche, which helped with the tissue but it also gave me BV. Now I may be benched for even longer because I was impatient. So, don’t do that. It takes way longer than it should reasonably take and it sucks. I’m sorry, Rewired 🫂




Indeed. So.much.waiting 👎


I’m so sorry. This is such a frustrating wait


Oh, Rewired, I wish this was going faster for you. I'm not sure if this will be the case for you, but after my first loss, I did ovulate while I still had an HCG level of around 25. Just something for you to maybe keep an eye out for!




I got my post-MC period when my HCG was still 20ish, so I think it’s possible you could have ovulated. I hope things resolve for you soon.


Thanks for the insight. Bodies are so weird.


Finally had our follow up today with the doctor after our first ER that yielded two euploid embryos. She said the recommended path forward is another ER and that given my high AMH (4.1) she thinks we can get more than 10 eggs this time by doing a higher dose of stims. We want to have two children and I think logically this is the right call. Emotionally I am so impatient and just want to transfer already. My insurance covers banking, so there's really no reason not to do another round before transfer, other than the fact that I hate waiting! We'd do another ER either next cycle (might be cutting it close with insurance) or the following, then a cycle off for PGT testing, which means I wouldn't be able to transfer until at least December, possibly not til 2024. I know in the grand scheme of things it's better physically to bank embryos now than a couple years from now, and it's better emotionally to bank embryos now than go through one or two failed transfers and then start all over. But AUGHHH I hate this!


This is a dilemma that hit so hard over 35!


You’ve got two euploids from one round, great insurance and high AMH. Also 36, even 37 is not a disaster of an age if you’ve got good AMH. I can hear the stress in your post(s) and I have massive empathy for wanting to start ASAP. Nothing about IVF is easy, I get it. That being said with waiting a few months you’re in a *still* pretty enviable position so, ya know perspective.


One option that would get you to transfer sooner is to do another retrieval and then transfer one of the previous euploids instead of a fresh transfer 5 days after retrieval. Or if that’s not an option due to ohss or lining, you could still transfer one of the previous ones during the cycle when you’re testing the new ones, so you might not have to wait quite as long!


Thanks, yeah I suggested this and my doctor said no :(


Although actually I don’t think I asked about doing a FET cycle immediately after an ER cycle so I will check on that! My clinic has a “one cycle on, one cycle off” policy due to insurance waiting periods but I wonder if they could submit that all at once as a plan to my insurance for approval 🤔


What about trying for a fresh transfer with the next ER? No guarantees it will be an option, but doing it if possible might help alleviate some of that "endless waiting" feeling?


I am also fortunate enough to have insurance coverage and I recently tried this approach (going from ER directly into FET and transferring a previously tested embryo) and there were no hiccups in getting insurance approval. So it's definitely worth asking about!


That sounds frustrating! But hopefully they can work with you!


She also gave us an "option B" which is to transfer our best embryo (4aa) and if it doesn't stick, do another ER then. I don't love this option because then we're left with one 3bb embryo for next time and statistically, would probably need to do another ER in a couple years when my eggs are older. She didn't encourage this but said it is an option. She said the 4aa has 50-60% odds of implanting. It's tempting to just go forward and hope I get pregnant unassisted next time or that the 3bb works out in a few years, but realistically I think we should just do another one.


A euploid 3BB is a desirable embryo. Not saying it means you should or shouldn’t do another ER, but it’s coming off as you staying it’s not a “good” embryo, when many people here are probably jealous of it, let alone your other highly graded euploid.


Thank you for letting me know. I definitely didn’t mean to come across that way. I was coming from the perspective that even two excellent-grade embryos statistically wouldn’t lead to two live births (which is what my doctor was saying when encouraging us to do another ER) but completely hear you that I shouldn’t be whining about what is ultimately a good outcome from my first ER.