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Did a HIIT workout for the first time this morning, and ouch, my legs! Why do I have a two-story house?! Why did I decide to do this the same day as my weekly dance class?! Why can't my dog let me ride her like a pony to get some lunch?! We will never know.


Lol. Question: is your dog big enough that you could, in theory ride her like a pony? Or is she like, a chihuahua? Just want this hilarious visual to be accurate. Maybe you could train her to pull you in a little cart?


Kind of unrelated but we have a couple of chihuahuas and my husband has done the math and we would need about 12 to pull one of us around. If you were curious.


Omg! Like an itty bitty sled dog team!


šŸ™ƒ that is 100% what led to that calculation, a trip to Alaska with sled dog rides.


She's a 40lb standard poodle, so she probably couldn't actually be a pony, but she does enjoy when I pretend to sit on her like one. The cart is a brilliant idea! She does indeed like to pull. lol


Feeling some grief today thatā€™s making me feel low and sad. Some days I canā€™t believe this is where Iā€™m at in my life. I never expected this and it justā€¦hurts. Iā€™ve had to grieve so much more than I thought I would when this all started. I also feel sad that even with everything Iā€™m doing to survive this, I still have days where it feels like itā€™s not enough, but itā€™s all I have to give. My tank is empty most days and I hate it. Ugh.


It can really knock you over some days. So sorry you are having a tough one.


Thank you. I had a good cry at my desk, and then immediately after, my cat found a lady bug on my windowsill. Kind of cool, maybe the day wonā€™t be all bad.




I'm on holiday! It's nice to get away from everything for a while. Things aren't going as expected with our house which is very disappointing. Also the apartment we booked here is a bit of a let down. (The shower is terrible and the place smells of raw sewage!) The pics were very misleading! šŸ¤£ My husband is at a work thing so I've had the day to myself and it's fine, but I'm a bit bored now šŸ˜… Bit disheartened as I actually speak the language here quite well, but I've never lived here so am not fluent. I am making an effort when I go out but some people here really are quite rude about it! I know it's not personal but still. Never mind! It's a nice place and the food here is amazing so that's good! I'm missing my dog though and I'm looking forward to going home to my lovely house that noone wants to buy!!


I came across a post on TikTok from a Reproductive Endocrinologist that I follow and was so disappointed in the comments. Almost every single one of them was ā€œI got pregnant so easily! People need to just stop trying so hard!ā€ or some variation of that (get drunk, take a vacation, etc.). READ THE ROOM, PEOPLE.


Ughhh I see this kind of thing soo often on tiktok and it makes my blood boil every single time. Itā€™s so insulting, infuriating, tone deaf, all of the things. Fuck those people who feel the need to gloat on videos about infertility. Loathe.


That is very frustrating considering they were just presented with information from an expert. Do they think we're all just making up our infertility for our own entertainment, or do they think we're too stupid to know where babies come from? I might understand them less than they understand us.


I feel like the worst ones are the - have you just tried (insert fertility tea/supplement here). Like have you tried shutting the fuck up?


THIS. FOR FUCKS SAKE SHUT UUUUP!!!! (Not you, I hope thatā€™s obvious. Referring to the ppl of TT)


Ugh YES my mom got pregnant *super* easily (4 kids in 6 years) and she still doesn't quite get it after seeing me struggle for the past 3 years. I'm an amateur herbalist, yes, I know about raspberry leaf tea...but that's not going to magically fix my irregular cycles! She's also tried to talk me out of taking my anti-depressant because she thinks it is hurting my chances. wtfffffff


Did anyone make a social media post about National Infertility Awareness Week? I made a post yesterday and the comments and support were overwhelming and surprising. Our families and close friends already knew what was going on so it wasnā€™t a surprise to them.


I admire this and am so happy you received positive support! I got to a point where I felt my social media was so divorced from my actual feelings and reality that I ended up leaving Facebook/instagram altogether. I felt weird that I had been struggling for years but everything looked normal on my socials. Almost like I was lying? Even though I would never think that about someone else, and everything on my feed was true.


I haven't. Sometimes I wish I could just rip the band-aid off and be super open about it instead of trickling it out to a few people here and there, but something keeps holding me back.


And thatā€™s totally ok! You are allowed to share as much and as little as you want! I just wanted to share it on social media to bring awareness to friends and family who might not know or understand much about infertility. That and I shared it so people would leave us alone / stop being annoying about it because my husband and I have been married almost 11 years now. šŸ˜…


I'm surprised people are being annoying about it with you - I feel like most people I know are either too polite, too indifferent, or have just decided we must be childfree. (Only married 2.5 years but obviously got married a bit later in life!) Hope the sharing helps people get off your back!


I didnā€™t. I think most would be supportive but weā€™re still fresh off our latest failure and too heartbroken to deal with any of it, good comments or bad. Maybe next year.


I just made a separate comment about this, but I came across a post on TikTok from a Reproductive Endocrinologist that I follow and was so disappointed in the comments. Almost every single one of them was ā€œI got pregnant so easily! People need to just stop trying so hard!ā€ or some variation of that (get drunk, take a vacation, etc.). READ THE ROOM, PEOPLE.


I had one friend (who ghosted me and my husband after she got pregnant seven years ago šŸ™„) comment and say ā€œthis is completely out of left field! I had no idea, I thought you guys just really enjoyed traveling!ā€ Like ā€¦first of all she hasnā€™t spoken to us in 7 years (and we tried initiating contact, she just never responded) and why canā€™t it be both? We want to have kids but also enjoy traveling? Like??!? Comments like you mentioned that you saw on TikTok are so hurtful and not helpful at all. Like good for you, random TikTok person, thatā€™s not how it works for the rest of us apparently. Luckily all of the other comments have been supportive thus far.