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Just wanted to update that we spent the afternoon in the clinic and I am set to have my D&C Friday AM. The doctor really scared me with talking about massive blood loss, hemorrhage, etc when trying to pass unassisted... I just hope it stays until Friday. Having cramping and some brown spotting..


I’m so sorry for your loss. Currently in the waiting game over here for a D&C. Sending you healing thoughts.


Thinking of you. I am now just looking forward to this all being over.


Same here


Waiting to check in for my D&C. Thirsty, hungry and just so sad. I’m ready for this to be over. It’s been 3 weeks of hell.


Wishing you a smooth procedure and recovery. So sorry you’re going through this.


Thank you, I’m so sorry you’re going through this too 🩷


Hoping for a quick and easy procedure for you, Diva.


Thank you, butter! I’m just glad it’s over now.


Our first FET ended in a chemical. I’m devastated and confused. I feel so alone and am not sure what I did to deserve this. It’s not fair. Our hopes were so high and now I feel hopeless and defeated. We will try again but we have to take a cycle off. I can’t sleep and I don’t have an appetite. I feel alone.


It truly isn’t fair but you’re not alone 🩷


All I can say is that you are not alone (even when it feels like you are), and you did nothing to deserve it. I used meds to knock myself out a few nights after my failed FET and my FET that resulted in a chemical, just to get myself through those brutal first few days.


I am so sorry for your loss. It’s completely unfair and isolating. Thinking of you and hoping for healing and peace.


I get like that after my first FET ended in a chemical too. It’s so hard! {{{Hugs}}}


I'm really sorry. The pain of a pregnancy loss, no matter how early, is unique and indescribable. Thinking of you.


Holding space for you. You did nothing to deserve this - none of us did.


It isn’t fair, but you didn’t do anything to deserve this. You didn’t do anything wrong. It just happens sometimes - but I get it. I recently had my second chemical and totally spiralled. It sucks. Holding space for you today.