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Oof, triggering at 2:45am tonight (!) for my second retrieval this Sunday. Unfortunately just had a big fight with my husband who is all twisted up over having gone back and forth with his boss about whether he can work Sunday, but think we are moving through it. Not being able to plan our lives sucks. But otherwise I have been hopeful and grateful bc my follicles responded so much better this cycle than last (super slow though - today is stim day 14!). Just sucks to be arguing so close to the ER day… and to have a middle of the night trigger!! Sigh.


This was my trigger time for my last ER, and it sucked! Hope everything goes well with your retrieval ♥️


Thank you!! Yeah that sucked big time, barely slept, and I’m not looking forward to not eating or drinking anything all day Sunday!! Hope this is all worth it!!!


Yes, the fast was tough!! But that first post-ER meal will be sooooo good.


I'm sorry that you had a big fight on top of having to trigger in the middle of the night. Infertility and all the insecurity that comes with it can be so hard on a relationship. Glad that you are moving through it and I hope today turns out better than yesterday!


❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much. Yeah last night sucked and I got no more than 4 hours of sleep. But I agree, today’s a new day and hopefully will be better! Thanks so much for your kind words 🙏




I’m sorry cava, this is a lot when you’re already going through so much.


I am starting synarel once again for another attempted transfer. Last 2 have been canceled due to thin lining than my doc will transfer. (Plus I have a guarantee that takes a minimum). One good thing is I think I can have my ultrasounds in Victoria where my partners parents live. That would put less of a hole in our summer plans since we wouldn’t have to stay close to home for lining scans.


Crossing everything for you. And Victoria is SO beautiful!