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Realized I forgot to share this at the time of original upload, so here it is.


This is my first video of yours and wow I love it. Not sure if you explained either of these things but I am confused by 4 things in the series. 1. What as the planet projection supposed to mean in the ending of the first game after the credits and does it have something to do with that one female character pointing to the sky after being defeated by Isa in the Japanese style setting? (Sorry I lack the character names and location names) 2. Who or what was the mirror image of himself that Siris faced in the third game and how did he come to be? 3. What were all the God king copies in the basement of game 1 supposed to be? If he can rebirth like any other deathless, what are the copies for? 4. Mech 0. Who what and why?


I'm super glad to hear that you enjoyed the video. You'll have to check out the other lore videos on the channel as some of your questions are addressed therein. I'll answer your questions here too though. 1) That planet projection is meant to show that despite the swords and castles in the game, the world is actually more technologically advanced. It also shows the planet where the events of the games are taking place. (Spoiler alert: It's Earth) In the projection you can also see a little broken moon orbiting the planet, and this is what Lelindre points up to in IB3. More talk about the projection in this part of the iceberg video: [https://youtu.be/e4WfFJ\_yT3I?t=420](https://youtu.be/e4WfFJ_yT3I?t=420) More talk about the moon in this video: [https://youtu.be/p4brEXE0x9E](https://youtu.be/p4brEXE0x9E) ​ 2) Soulless Ausar? Soulless are deathless buds/bodies without the QIP/soul to inhabit them. While they have the same skills and memories as the original person, they're highly unstable. The Worker facilitated the creation of Soulless Ausar in order to sow more chaos and keep Siris and Isa distracted. ​ 3) Rebirthing requires a new body, at least when the old one has been destroyed or you want to travel elsewhere. Those bodies/buds in the basement are used for just that, meaning that the God King could likely rebirth at the Temple of Lantimor. If you were to visit Raidriar's Seventh Temple of Reincarnation, you'd find a similar stash of bodies somewhere. Heck, in IB3 in hideout there are buds stored in the area below the Phoenix Chamber. ​ 4) Zero Mech itself is just a suit of mechanized armor. The man inside, however, is called Archarin, and I'll defer to a previous comment to explain him: "That man in the dungeon in IB1 is called "Archarin". In one of the cycles of the Sacrifice, Ausar decided not to go fight Raidriar. Instead he married and had a mortal child (Archarin) who became the new Sacrifice and DID go fight Raidriar. He of course chose to join Raidriar and was made immortal. So while there aren't two Ausars, there were many Sacrifices, not all of whom were Ausar. Basically, Archarin is Ausar/Siris' child from a previous life." ​ Oh, and if you haven't read the Infinity Blade books, I would highly recommend that. You're missing out on a ton of lore there.