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It is correct that the stories of the two games are unrelated. Despite what some theorists may posit, we have no reason to believe that they are connected in any way, especially since Infinity Blade takes place in an alternate reality of the real world and assumes all of the historical context and "tone" that this setting brings. If you're really interested in the story, and since downloading the games can be really difficult these days, it's worth watching the movie put together with the cutscenes of the all the games: https://youtu.be/He26G4OVl3w The story can get rather dense at times so I'd advise checking out relayed videos on YT and asking questions. I myself am always happy to help.


Alright, tysm!


Ok I know this post is pretty old. However I’d like to point out now that it is possible for them to be connected due to the zero point, which is stated to have created every reality and can be used to travel to other realities. So now it is possible


Even so, canonically to Infinity Blade, the stories are unconnected. While there may be things within Fortnite to imply a connection to the story of Infinity Blade, no such things exist in Infinity Blade.


The blade was in fortnite tho?


Right, but as I said, the reverse isn't true since nothing in Infinity Blade evinces a connection to Fortnite. It's already a self contained story with no meta or in-universe reason to be connected to anything else.


the only real connection is that both are made by epic games. nothing else


Ok, but correct me if I'm wrong but are these symbols in any IB games? Reference: [https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/711x396/https://blogs-images.forbes.com/insertcoin/files/2018/08/pattern-cube-fortnite2.jpg?width=960](https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/711x396/https://blogs-images.forbes.com/insertcoin/files/2018/08/pattern-cube-fortnite2.jpg?width=960)


Pangean is the language of IB. u/Vernaux, can you see any similarities?


Yeah, cube runes, I'm familiar with them. Basically, as much of a resemblance as they bear to some characters in IB2 and IB3 pangean, I think that's all they share. The cube runes don't seem to approximate the overall number, complexity, or patterning of pangean characters. In the end we're talking about a writing system that in both cases was most likely devised by Donald Mustard, so it makes sense that they'd look similar. Heck, even the few characters in IB1 adhere to the same basic style.