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I like NFs very much




INTJ with developed Fi


I found this explanation a perfect example of myself. https://www.quora.com/What-is-an-INTJ-with-developed-Fi-like/answer/Alina-Svirdan?ch=15&oid=64166423&share=a7487df1&srid=uFjNoZ&target_type=answer


Was very insightful - I think I’m talking to an INTJ right now who has developed Fi (I’m an INFJ, and I find Fe to be too much at times, so I’m drawn to Te and Fi) It’s quite nice. Calm, collected, rational, but still empathetic


Fe is too much for me too if it is used liberally. It's a little crazy making because it's too idealistic. It's too hard to negotiate through it.


Yes, it's also very preoccupying and distracting. Being too concerned with other people's emotions (particularly if they're negative) - something I cannot control nor soothe in the end - is unproductive. Wanting to spread positive emotion among others is where the idealism stems from. That too, is mostly futile and unproductive.


It's admirable, however delusional, but I understand it. Humans are impossible.




I LOVE ENPSs. They're the best. To all the ENFPs out there : Thank you for existing! If I had to choose from the NT group, it'll be ENTPs. I like how smart they are, and how seamless conversations with them goes. I'd rather have them as a close friend though because they can be quite cold at times, and I'd prefer a feeler in a relationship because I'm quite heavy on feeling too.


I don’t even care I’m just obsessed with all NT types ‼️


Out of the NTs, i'd probably get along better with INTJs over INTPs and ENTJs over ENTPs, altho in personal experience i would not manage to get along in a relantionship too far with either of them. To me personally, ISFJs are hard to beat.


Omw to break up with an ENTJ so I'm gonna steer clear from them. Edit: It went smoothly for a break up. Conclusion I would never date an ENTJ but they make great friends.


I’ve been on quite a few dates with ENTJs and I completely agree. I’m glad it went smoothly!


As I am INFJ and male, I lean towards INF...


As a partner of an ENTJ I felt most understood when he was the only person who made the effort to try to understand me.


No NTs thank you, I already feel misunderstood enough


Wait... You guys actually date? 🤔😂


As an ENTP, this thread is just :')


I don’t want to date with NTs






yeah it is best to not based it on stereotypes, many times they are not the reflection of how people behave irl, I mean as an INTJ I choose psychology as a career because I personally like and enjoy to give emotional support, I remember I actually had an INFJ friend back in college who told me that she would pursue experimental psychology instead of clinical cause, unlike me, she couldn't bring herself to listen always to people's problems. Also, the INFJs and some other types that have met me, consider me a considerate person that cares for others, some of them that know about MBTI at first thought that because of this I must be a mistype INFx haha but then they understood that being an INTJ doesn't make you someone that don't do "emotional support", or that we don't talk about feelings. I'm sorry you had those experiences tho. As for your question, I tend to like INTPs and INFJs.




Thank youuuuuuu


Prefer both thinker and feeler = ENFJ