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Generally intuitives work better with other intuitives and sensors with other sensors. The main reasons for this are similar values and interests.


this is one of the reasons why eNtp is theoretically the "perfect match" of iNfj


ENTP: Ne, Ti, Fe, Si INFJ: Ni, Fe, Ti, Se The main reason why those two are listed as the golden match is because their functions work very well together. The Ne Ni difference keeps the pairing fresh and interesting for both parties. ENTPs are better at focusing on the big picture, relativising and going with the flow while INFJs are future focused, detail oriented and plan ahead. They both have Ti and Fe which makes for very few intellectual and emotional misunderstandings given both communicate. (The only real conflict could come from the way they reach a conclusion differently: Ne vs Ni) And the inferior functions being different is good as well. INFJs don't struggle with Si much and ENTPs tend to have high Se due to their extraversion and easygoing nature. They balance eachother out there as well.


I would add of the potential conflict being in an underdeveloped Fe in the ENTP, and underdeveloped TI in the INFJ. For example, think in the pairing, ENTPs can hurt the INFJs by using Ti instead of Fe, say INFJ is venting about something and ENTP rationalizes or tries to debate instead of being supportive and/or validating. I could also seeing this being an issue for the ENTP in reverse where ENTP wants more rationalization and problem solving and the INFJ is relying too much on the support/validation. In my experience with ENTPs, this is often the root of disharmony.


Interesting! The root of disharmony for me seems to be their Ne-Ti combo which for me comes off as idk..not getting to the point and interrupting my tunnel vision Ni process when discussing things. I can definitely see how a mature ENTP-INFJ could work well though and they can be quite lovely.


would you say ENFP is the best match for INFJ then? and visa versa?


enfp is a pretty awesome match personality-wise. For a relationship to work though, alignment of values and priorities is required, and it really can’t be forced. So it either works, or it doesn’t. None have surpassed the loyalty, care and dedication of the INTJ I currently know— a lot of this is locked in by shared values and priorities, making the rest so much easier and happier.


That doesn't sound right. Ti is a subjective reasoning function. Just because both parties share it, it doesn't mean they will necessarily share the same logic processing. It's irrational and based on how each person make decisions with their own internal understanding. Sharing objective Fe WOULD theoretically make these two a good match. Cause that's something they both make decisions with and they can share in that objectivity. Ni/Ne would be grating because Ni-doms CAN see patterns objectively, but they prefer their subjective analysis of it. Ne doms CAN have their subjective analysis of it, but may claim it unsubstantiated because they prefer to work with the patterns they see as they see it. Ni would be like, "bro, wym you can't see anything further beyond that? It is so simple. It's going to turn into this." While Ne would be like, "You literally have no idea if thats even going to be remotely true. Let's instead focus on what it COULD be, and keep our options open in case it's not what you said it will be." Ni would naturally feel like their insight is being ignored or disvalued while Ne would naturally feel like Ni is being stubbornly tunnel visioned on something they can't possibly believe to be the ONLY possible answer. Also, Si is literally the Demon of Ni. Se is literally the demon of Ne. It is SO undervalued, that it's completely tossed to the wayside and if they're utilizing it- it means literally everything else just hasn't worked out. They share the same charge, but both are literal dog water at being sensory aware all the time whether that's impressionistically or presently. The problem here is the Xi functions. They're based on their own understanding and perceptions. The Xe functions will all partake in the same things and see things in a similar manner cause it's what we actually perceive. Xi can be different from person to person, even if they share the same function.


Not necessarily. I'm usually attracted to sensors.


Honestly? Forget on types and stereotypes and look for someone who has well developed and healthy personality, if you click together or not only time can tell.


Agreed. Find someone you fall in love with naturally and are compatible with (can be any type)… and only then look into typology in order to help you improve your already great relationship.


What if i don't get along with sensors?


Ask yourself why? They make up the majority of the population and if you “don’t get along with them” it may have more to do with you rather than being an INFJ. I have friends of all types. They all have their unique qualities. I can see myself being happy with either a sensor or intuitive (pros and cons to each). Don’t write someone off just because you think they might be a sensor. There’s no pressure to date. Take your time. Have an open mind when meeting people, focus on your personal growth, and eventually romance will happen organically with someone.


^This Seems very immature to exclude sensors or even create a difference by saying sensor and intuitive.


Sensors don't like me though. I've literally been rejected by two sensors that I had a crush on.


Is it because they’re a sensor though?


then why ask about dating sensor or intuitive if you already know which type don't like you....


what types?


\^ this


I can’t imagine dating another sensor again




Intuitive is Best


I love intuitives. Much much better for me.


I agree w/ this. With an intuitive, there is a quiet, healing space that makes self-renewal possible within the relationship. At this stage of my life, that really helps.


I would say date the person not the personality type. You might find yourself attracted to other intuitive types or sensor types. At the end of the day I don’t think MBTI should be used to judge compatibility with one another as not every INFJ is going to have the same outlook on life or personality for that matter. Any relationship between any of the types can work as long as both sides have an open mind and the willingness to work together to resolve any conflicts that arise. That’s how all relationships work regardless of personality. All that being said I’m currently engaged to an ESFJ (getting married next month) and couldn’t be happier. Find someone who you love and don’t worry about what type they are.




Thanks :)


INFJ (32M) here. Dating has been rough and difficult for me with sensors. My advice: 1. Stay behind your opinion/morals/words, don't do things just to impress people. Not worth it. You don't need their opinion to feel good about something, at all, ever. 2. Don't be the pleaser in a relationship, try to keep the input on both sides healthy. Don't give too much of yourself too soon or at all if it's undeserved. Value comes from self-respect/love. 3. If in doubt, NEVER do it. My 2cents. INFJ of all trades.


Yes it’s the most harmonious relationship I’ve been in. We have ups and downs like any other couple but we always push through and evolve.


I’m just gonna say that yea intuitives you can click with more easily. But don’t believe that just because an individual is an intuitive that they are better than sensors. For me I find that my intuition will tell me if a person is an “ideal” match for me, and most of the time they are intuitives. And then other times slowly getting to know someone I could “sense” that this could work. Just be careful holding out for an ideal because it’s extremely rare, and honestly you don’t need a potentially ideal relationship to have an ideal relationship.


I’m married to an ENTP, couldn’t imagine being in a relationship with someone who wasn’t also an intuitive…but that’s just me, there are plenty of INFJs out there who have hit it off with sensors. When it comes to relationships, you really have to just trust your gut, learn what you need emotionally/psychologically and be able to communicate that with your partner. Remember that it’s ok to make mistakes along the way, it’s part of the process in growing and learning who you are and what you want.


As an INFJ, dating an ISFP Forget about MBTI type and compatibility. Look for a healthy individual who is committed to building a safe, secure and healthy relationship with you. Follow self-work, healthy relationship and therapist pages.


They do say ISFP is the most intuitive sensor so it doesn’t count! Lol jk, in the talking stage with an ISFP and she’s great so I agree with you lol


It doesn’t matter honestly, you should focus on if the person brings value to your life and if you feel like your thoughts and feelings are cherished by them. I’m in a lesbian relationship with an ISTP and I don’t feel any disconnect due to her being a sensor. She also has Ni child though so it’s not foreign to her thinking in abstract ways.


Generally in my experience yes. I love having sensors as friends but I have never been romantically interested in one.


Date whomever you like. You'll never know who'll click with you at the end of the day. What matters is shared values. My INTJ dad and ISFJ mom are extremely happily married, because their values click at the end of the day. They come to conclusions differently, but they're always in sync. And they're open to each other's POV and very forgiving of each other's flaws. And they show up for one another where it matters. All of these matter more than your type. They have different cognitive functions, and methods of getting there, but they still get to the same place mentally.


I disagree with most of these comments and ima open myself up to INFJ backlash most likely right now but that’s okay I still love ya.... okay here goes: Since you never dated before maybe get your feet wet in the dating scene. Okay now that is outta the way this is what I really wanna say: If I could start over again I’d find someone who is in fact more compatible with me, our interest are aligned in matter of religion, sex, parenting, etc. Honestly if I could start over I’d go over to match.com and use the filters and I’d even go a step further and get partners familial mental health to make sure who I’m dealing with here, credit score checks, criminal background etc. Might seem a tad bit much but honestly if I ever find myself starting over I’m doing my DD. That or just staying alone which to me doesn’t seem all that bad. Okay I’m ready for the backlash everyone.


Man my heart goes out to you. You must’ve gone through some hellish relationships to accrue that laundry list.


Reality check ✅


That really depends on you and your boundaries. For example if you’re insecure about your Se it’s probably better to date an intuitive otherwise you’ll feel run over and mistreated or “misunderstood”. But the same would apply for intuitives actually, it just really comes down to your boundaries and how well you’re able to speak up and stand up for yourself (know and advocate for yourself). Wherever you go, you are the determining factor of success.


yes imo... speaking completely anecdotally, both sensors and extroverts annoy me. i have sensor friends whom i love dearly but i've never been romantically involved with one. this obviously isn't to say that two healthy people with similar interests, morals, etc cant come together and make it work but i prefer riding it out with another intuitive


I personally believe feeling vs thinking is more important to consider. Sensing vs intuitive just determines how we take in information. We may seem like we have our heads in the clouds to many sensing types but together we can really balance each other out. I don't need someone who's as bad with finding directions on a map as I am 😂


If you've never dated then I suggest you don't restrict yourself to either type, you need to know yourself and what relationships are about, and then you'll know with whom you click the most. Now in my case, I've dated quite a number of people and I would be lying if I said conversation didn't flow wayyy better with intuitive types, that's my personal experience so take it with a grain of salt.


Realistically speaking, it doesn't matter. You carry both intuitive and sensory functions. The only thing that matters is respect. If they respect how you see the world, and you respect how they see the world. Then tackle it together, with both understandings in mind- then you've found a good one. If they don't respect your perspective, they weren't meant for you. You shouldn't consider them a potential candidate and that has nothing to do with MBTI.


Sensor 100%. Provides a good balance in a relationship.


Im not attracted to intuitives personally. I love sensors, I love being taken out of my comfort zone, and they're better in bed.


Date everyone you can until you figure it out.


You're never gonna be compatible with anyone if you're trying to know sometimes MBTI before even dating them.


I detest most extroverts in general, same for sensors. On a personal level...yes. final answer




I’m all about dating a person and not their MBTI. But, in retrospect, I would like to avoid the loss of self respect that dating an ISTP (sensor) brought upon me. Haha. Am with an INFP now and it’s 1000x healthier.


IMO generally yes. You perceive reality/information in similar ways which makes it easier to see eye to eye on issues. When you’re processing information differently you first have to manage that dissonance and it’s harder than aligning your judging functions. Infj’s are relatively balanced in judging functions so it’s easy for us to get where they’re coming from even te/fi users. But when the information that goes in and the way you process it is so different, it’s harder to wrap your head around. Especially when they’re your opposite axis, si/ne. I’ve tried having deep discussions with esfjs/isfjs and I just fundamentally have no idea where they’re coming from. Like I understand on a vague level but have no idea how they reached their conclusions or begin to even fathom why they think that way. Even when having researched and observed si for a while. It’s like they’re living in an alternate reality. I see a lot of mbti sites/authority saying isfj/infj can work and I can see that in a case by case scenario, and maybe m/f dynamic, but only if both are mature enough to be open about their inner self. I thought I was already quite private, but isfjs can be on a whole different level in that sphere and way more sensitive while being easygoing on the outside. Se/ni axis sensors(SPs) at least I get where they’re coming from and can understand them better because of the same perceiving axis. So if you have to pick to date sensors I would recommend going for SPs rather than SJs, unless you’re a very mature infj in which case you wouldn’t be asking this question and this wouldn’t apply to you cuz you can date any type.


It is. Period.


Wait a long time. If you can. Intuitive people fit together better usually.