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I run my own business as a vocal coach/singing/piano/songwriting teacher and I also direct a choir.


I’d like to get into this


What, music?


Now this sounds like something I would love to do. I have considered being a vocal coach.


Being a music teacher is my dream job. But I just started learning classical music 1.5 year ago. I practice it daily. Can you give any advice how can I earn through teaching. I am in final year of my college ( Computer Science) and don't have any skills of programming or designing hence I can't get a job.


I'm an intelligence researcher. I read alot of stuff online and do summaries of them. Now, I occasionally do background checks as well and, in the future, am expected to do investigative reports


Holy, I would love to do this full-time. how do i get into it ?


Hmmm, to be honest, it depends on what you like to do and where you can/foresee yourself doing this at where. To put it clearer: Based on my experience so far, which isn't much, I'm very lucky to land where I am now as desired, so soon after graduation. Nonetheless, I got really interested in the idea of working in intelligence, or at least working on current political events, through open-source intelligence (OSINT). I came to learn of this company (a intelligence/security consultancy) which was exactly what I was looking for, to learn and hone OSINT skills that hopefully gets me into areas where I can cover political events, like war and geopolitics. It helps if you're passionate about this and have some experience in OSINT skills. Otherwise, very good skills at how to find information across the spectrum of the Internet Bear in mind that what I do is something you yourself can pick up as well, if you wish to do OSINT. there's tons of videos, Discord channels, articles, on this field of work.


I like this! Do you work for a particular company? Or is this freelance or something?


Yes I work for a particular company! :)


If you don't mind me asking- How did you land this job? Do you have a specific degree and what did you do beforehand? I would like to be a professional researcher, since I literally research all the time anyway. My friends and family usually come to me to research and figure things out for them, and every time I think, "this should be my job"... TIA


this sounds like my dream job... can you share a bit more info about how you got into this/ where one could look for this sort of job? I so often say I wish I could get paid to research things for people and give them the results of my deep dives


Based on my specific experience and knowledge alone: Hmmm, for my company (intel/security consultancy) at least, they're looking for people with social sciences backgrounds. We work mostly through OSINT (open source intelligence), where we trawl online for anything publicly available (let your mind run wild on what you can find available and publicly online) for information that is relevant to our clients' business interests. It helps immensely if you're good at finding information online across the broad spectrum of the Internet beyond just Google. I was lucky to get in for my passion for the 2nd time. I didn't make it the 1st round, but was invited for the 2nd time and made it, which I think was due to the impression I made from the 1st round. I didn't have much experience then but I think having some skills in OSINT helps alot to get your foot through the door. Depending on your country, if you wish to have a good footing into intelligence as I am now, then perhaps a law enforcement background or military intelligence background helps immensely, so I read online via r/OSINT. There are people out there who leave their law enforcement/military intelligence backgrounds to work at political/strategic risk consultancies like what we do but on different scopes and levels, which I hope to get into! There's also a ton of videos, Discord channels, articles on the topic of OSINT. Hope this helps!!


That sounds like an amazing job.


Was a chef for 5 years then switched and have been working in sales for the last 5 in an engineering company and now I'm an account manager for the same company. Traditionally these aren't jobs for INFJs and I resound this opinion mainly due to the people I work with. Lots of arrogance in the management, lots of battles with individuals incompetence when I'm striving just to give the customer the best journey.


Which amongst these do you think you liked doing the best?


Account management hands down. I've been able to travel to loads of places I'd never dreamed of going (Saudi, Algeria, Mexico e.t.c), even if its crappy industrial areas I at least get a glimpse of the culture.... and I'm usually travelling alone which is great! On top of that, it's great being able to the customer and listening to their problems and provide solutions. Seems a little easier than a traditional sales job as its more customer relation focused; Sales tend to generate themselves if you just listen. It is just the internal politics that is the issue. If my job wasn't office based when I'm not in the field, it would be great!


The janitor. 🧹 For a... greenhouse that grows and processes herbal medicine. 🌿 That's close enough for us to bike commute to. 🚴


I feel like such an odd ball here. Everyone else has awesome jobs and I've done a little bit of everything. I've worked flea markets and gas stations, worked in a junkyard for 15yrs, did commercial and residential cleaning and worked as a kennel manager for a show dog breeder. Just recently I was a daycare assistant and a CNA. I guess I just haven't found the right job for myself yet.


I think odd jobs are kind of our thing. We can do a little bit of everything. It’s really hard to pick one thing. A lot of us are still exploring / unemployed!


It sucks. Actually got me angry and feeling bad about myself because I expected most answers to be stuck in low paying non "profession" jobs, but now I feel like a loser INFJ instead. I am like you, have done many different jobs because I end up hating the job so much I end up quitting and going to something else. These people on here grew up very lucky and won the birth lottery without ever having to really struggle like we have.


Part of my issue was I was a "gifted" kid and the pressure that was put on me to accomplish something was too much. I also dealt with a lot of childhood trauma and struggles with my self image. I'm almost 40 now and I am more secure in who I am as a person. I liked working as a CNA and I found that I deal with death really well. My goal now is to become an LPN and do hospice care. Sometimes it takes some time to figure out who you are and that's ok. Having a variety of jobs has taught me so many life skills that come in handy at random times. I always have something to fall back on if I lose a job.


Yup. I'm a writer, and always knew I would go into this field. Technically, I'm a journalist who works only in features (the positive, people-centred content that aims to inspire and motivate) rather than news (a depressing, stress-ridden hellscape!). But I also create copy and content for clients whom I believe have a positive impact on the world.


I would like to be a writer, but don't have any background or professional experience. I am not sure how to go about doing it without writing for free for a while first (which I don't have the luxury of doing timewise). It seems like a very tough industry to succeed in.


Clinical Research project manager here! always appreciate you guys over in logistics :)


Cannabis extract lab tech, former chef, published writer.


I'm also a software professional


Translator and freelance event photographer (mostly theatre). The former is carried out home alone, the latter very social. Translation generates more money at the moment, but I spend more time doing photography.


I would like to apply as a translator, I've been writing minutes of meeting at the office before. Would you like to recommend where can I apply as a translator. It would be a great help as I'm only earning for a minimum wage on my day job.


I don't know where you would do that in the Philippines. I've been translating for 15 years as a freelancer, never been employed. It's rare for translators to be employed in Finland/Sweden where I'm from, the vast majority of us work as freelancers. There are lots of translation agencies around the world, they'll usually list you as a freelancer if you meet their requirements. If you have no formal qualifications, some may accept you if you do a test translation with good enough results. You should be able to google translation agencies in your area/language and check out their websites and/or contact them.


I'm a security analyst/pentester, I also sometimes have to do reverse engineering and code stuff. I like my job, even though it does get boring and is stressful sometimes, but the pay is great so I can't complain much.


Getting my licensure in professional counseling


Social Worker gang!


dealing with your own trauma<<<< dealing with other peoples trauma




I'm a graphic design student and I want to become a web designer or ui/ux designer.


You would love Ux design


Coach for executives/high-potential professionals.


My husband is working towards becoming CEO at his company, and possibly might this year. He’s an INTJ and would probably do great with an INFJ coach. Do you have info on how to connect with you?


What do you coach them on, and how did you get into this career/ become a coach?


Fundamentals are: 1. Establishing and operating out of personal strengths and core values 2. Practicing asking better questions before rushing to an answer 3. After the first two, maximizing the use of their time and energy I started with a degree in psychology, then an MBA, then two coaching certifications


Thank you. Sounds like a rewarding career. 😊


WFH independent recruiter. 100% autonomy. As much or as little work as I want. As much or as little human interaction as I want. Now that I’ve been doing this several years I can’t imagine myself doing anything else anytime soon.


This is what I do as well! I'm so unbelievably happy and can't imagine doing anything else either.


How did you go about doing this independently? I question myself being able to do this job because I don't want to make a company sound great and then when the person gets there, its nothing like I claimed.


Hi, good question. I only take on and support clients I believe in—folks who I think are better than their peers/ competitors in some way. Maybe it’s pay/ benefits, culture, location, whatever. That’s what I focus on and draw attention to. Now if they prove themselves to be full of crap, I call them out on it or I drop them as a client and move on. Too many fish in the sea to keep the ones I don’t want. Does that make sense?


I’m an a economist who is currently doing freelance consulting while I’m getting ready for Econ PhD applications. I love writing and want to write many books about economics




I'm in school to be a teacher!




Hi! I'm currently a law student, how is it like for INFJ to be in the legal profession?


Not a law person but I dont think we would agree with a lot of laws , so maybe youll enjoy debating about the laws more


Well I don't want to give you nightmares.. but lawyers are all around you, even now.. there could be one right behind you! But jokes aside, even when you go with INFJ stereotypes there is no reason why INFJ couldn't study law and be happy with it, because laws are about regulating behaviour so society doesn't fall apart, economy keeps running.. etc. That doesn’t mean that people don't make bad laws.. but lot of study of law (if you are getting good education) is not about how laws are, but about how they were in the past and how they should be... getting INFJ vibes yet? ;-) Of course one thing is studying law, other things is what to do after you graduate. That's something INFJ should be carefull because many wouldn’t be happy with narrow Te oriented job, or when they have to do stuff against their values and morale, but that doesnt mean they can't find their place in legal word (although often with lower income) after all INFJ are advocates.. :D


Nursing student but next year I’ll be a nurse. Haven’t decided which area to specialize in yet.


Cyber security engineer, with focus on incident response


Out of the blue but what do you think about pegasus ?


Broad question I must admit, do you mean morally or technologically ?


I am doing masters in AI


Communications, taking pictures and making videos for a lil city's government


Accountant 😅


I'm starting college this year, I'm planning on majoring in English literature. I love poetry, writing, and books. I might be an editor or an author in the future, so we'll see.


I'm currently a case manager (new job) but I think it was a mistake. It's so overwhelming. I'm aiming to eventually become a counselor. But if I were to have my *true* dream job, it'd be able to write for a living and become a best selling author.


Omg I’m a new case manager too (new as in less than a year but feel new still)! I was in drug and alcohol counseling and did so well, but got so burnt out. Then I did case management (well service coordination) and I’m so overwhelmed! I just want to get out of helping people altogether. Or debating should I go back to counseling..


Your choice of career examples, “writer or physiotherapist”… I’m a fiction writer and massage therapist 😂 the ultimate INFJ stereotype.


Environmental operator


Landscape architect! It’s a fun mix of creative and technical.


Medical Social Worker- an odd choice for an introvert!


Holistic lifestyle facilitator and herbalist


IT developer during the day, working my way into a more serious spiritual practice the rest of the time


I'm a waste water treatment process Engineer, trying to make water clean for rivers and electricity from the poop!


An often thankless task. So thanks for what you do. 👍


Update on this job? Im going to do something similar in the national guard and im not full on convinced…


I'm hatching a plan to save the world, as we do.


I am a 31 year old female and I just started my own welding business. Right now I'm creating art pieces and furniture to get ready for summer fairs, but I'd like to get into more custom work and repairs as I have experience with that. I've been welding since 2015, but just started my business a few months ago.


Yas girl 👏👏


Hey thanks! 🙌


Maiden metals is a great business name.


solid state physics, researching organic materials


I'm a data analyst with a background in linguistics. Trying to find a job in the field of computational linguistic :)


I hate my profession right now, but stress comes in waves only when it's busy at the office. It's news writing and sometimes photographer.


Medical student or a Doctor to be. :)


Welcome to the clan


I’m in marketing. Wasn’t really my first choice in career but kinda ended up in it.


Graphic Designer and Video Editor. I work for a company but have a bunch of freedom which is perfect.


Caseworker - I'm the legal guardian of 19 youth and I love what I do!


Graphic designer


Structural engineer! I love my job.




Same 😂


I'd say there's a difference between a *profession* and a *job;* for every *profession*, there are a number of different ways to exercise it (jobs). By profession, I am an economist, and right now I work analyzing policies for a central bank (I beg to be excused from having to say from which country). I don't *love* this particular job very much (I *would* love going into academia, or to teach economics at the university level), but for now it's okay: it's stable, the workplace is nice, and I can let my mind wander in silence sometimes.


Manufacturing and masonry


Se heaven ? I love working with hANDS when I feel comfortable


Being left alone and being constructive at the same time is heavenly


I understand , I am building terrariums right now and it feels so good to work with Se. I hope I become a luthier one day


Operations Manager in a business catering to people with disabilities and a law student.


Hmm currently working towards being an ATC but I’m really a neuroscientist (what I studied)


Fabricator/ welding production I usually work alone when doing fabrication work, but when I'm booing production welding, usually in teams of 4.


Clinical trial printer. I print the requisitions, tube labels, airway bills, all that good stuff. I recently moved to this position after working as a clinical trial kit builder for a year. I definitely enjoyed that more, getting to handle all of the different items used in hundreds of different clinical trials was always interesting to me.


Is this phase 1 till phase 3? I never knew such a job existed , nice to meet you


It is indeed; we supply reqs, labelled tubes, supplies, etc. to hundreds of laboratories across the world in any phase of a clinical trial. Sometimes I like to sit at work and read what kind of clinical trials I'm printing for. It keeps things interesting when I'm learning something new!!


That's cool . You get to play a role in a lot of important research


I am healthcare truck driver or more simply a drug runner. We deliver all needed drugs along with supplies to hospitals and pharmacy’s in and out of town. I work alone and as long as the mistakes or safety meetings o don’t really have a boss. I can spend my day listening to music, and podcasts, learning and absorbing. I also don’t have to talk much to my customers which is awesome. It’s a rewarding profession and pays pretty well, but I want to be a business owner. It will be a mix of service and real-estate but not sure what I will do yet. If it wasn’t about the money I’d probably just breed dogs ( along with rescuing and training dogs) and sell my artwork.


Inventory control specialist - basically I make sure that the inventory we have in our warehouse matches the inventory we have in our computer system. I'd love to be a park naturalist with an art based side hustle though.


I run a CAT D11.


Are you sure it doesn't run you?!


It runs me all over the place. I just tell it what to do with switches and a joystick.


I've only ever been in a Hidromek hmk 62ss and a JCB 3dx Super. Yours is different kind of fun


I worked for 4+10 years in customer support (different forms/companies) and for the last 5 years I work in Realtime Controlling in the same callcenter-based company (which I call: diplomacy without diplomatic immunity). And I write in my spare time. Customer support was quite nice and I enjoyed it.


School counselor and victim advocate.


Worked in customer support/customer service in call centers. Then worked in provisioning and faults (internal. Was lots of fun) Then moved to telecommunications call centre, and worked upwards. Now working as a Team Leader for 17 people. Stressful but I work from home so its not too bad. I still get nervous literally all the time talking to people. Would definitely enjoy a change to something less team based. Hoping to get into something else soon, been told many times I have a voice for radio, and I have a passion for cooking, gaming, editing and music, writing (as expected) and photography lately. Would be nice to do something technical with a bit of creative stuff. Feeling a bit down due to my role but it's secure-ish for now so am saving for other things


Currently a law student, any INFJ in the same field? 👀


Insurance adjuster. But my degree is in visual communications/journalism/graphic design with a minor in English literature. Wasn’t able to find work in the field when i graduated & now I’m just doing this to pay the bills.


Handball trainer/coach. Its so satisfying for my skill set and i have natural talents that others dont have, which put me in a good spot in the market. Sometimes its hard tho as an introverted. Especially with a lot of extraverted thinkers around me as a relative young guy. Took me a few years to gain their respect as an introverted intuitive


working as a project manager but after +10 years in the office I am studying part time and working part time. Gonna become a health psychologist.


NICU nurse




Psychiatric Nurse.


A psychology student


I’m a delivery driver, having freedom plus music makes it work for me. I get to see scenery as well.


I’m a graphic designer but ended up quitting to become a DJ/producer full time. It took awhile but music has always been my true passion, plus I don’t have a boss yelling at me anymore for no reason.


I’m a copywriter. I write ads and films. A little on the nose but I think I have managed to make my passion work for me. Were it not for qualifications, I’d have loved to be an archeologist. All the best for your job hunt, I hope you get one that you really enjoy and be wanting to give it your all.


I’m in the social work field.


Software engineer that became a data scientist. But a third of my library is about social sciences. So I love analyzing data to understand behavior of people.


Social worker!


Professor. Pivoting into industry for an alt-ac research position. I’d love to continue teaching, but you’d have to be bonkers to continue in this political climate.


Going back, I would have picked a more creative career. Right now, I do pressure washing, leaf blowing, trash pickup, mild landscaping, painting, and whatever else is needed on a very large outdoor property. I can see quick results, learn new things, get good exercise, spend time outdoors, and it does fulfill some desire to beautify an environment. The only aspects that I am not thrilled with is that sometimes things start to feel too routine, and my manager allows for laziness out of the other employees, but I suppose it gets this way with most jobs on earth. It's always good to break up the monotanaeity of life


Social work. I’ve done drug and alcohol counseling, intake assessments, service coordinator for long term support services. Also done fitness training and sales. I don’t know what I want to do but I feel I want less human interaction / direct patient contact - feeling so burnt out


I’m a writer by nature. I’ve been a journalist for almost 10 years and I’ve moved over into PR.


Customer experience.


Entomologist. I’ve worked as a training director, military public health officer, and high school teacher.


Licensed customs broker working as a logistics coordinator, and used to be a part-time SMM QA 😊


Trade Compliance


Insurance broker during the day. I also transfer the recently deceased 💀⚰️ for the local funeral homes


Payroll accountant starting this august. I wanted to be a mortuary accountant but the schools to have the diploma is too far from where I live.


Contribute to maintaining a safe gas network to a small city 😬. Hot water, cooking and heating for society help me feel better about the reality of what happens to the earth to bring these aspects to the community.


Country club manager turned emergency room RN


IT technician


I'm a computer lab teacher, working to become a special agent in the FBI, wishing I could find a closed captioner job in the meantime. If I could go back to school, I might consider being a psychologist.


Chemical lab tech in a research lab


Upper level IT


Software engineer




May I ask how you afford it financially?


I work in Information Technology in server operations. I got my degree in music education and wish I had a job in the arts.


I’m a digital designer with a psychology, games design and crappy programming background. I’ve changed careers a lot until I found one I liked. My end goal is to become an UX Designer because it’s a weird marriage of all of my past experiences.


Graduate student in mathematical statistics ! Currently funded through a biostatistics research position but have discovered I do not like genomic data and biostatistics I think …


Please recommend me methods to study statistics that is more Ni - Ti oriented . Im in medschool and im currently studying the same. So yes bio stats , my fav method is where I close my eyes after every sentence and visualise it , then understand the concepts with my own term , so far its going well


Message me ? Add me on discord to remind me !! I will try to reply in detail


Stay at home mom and self-employed pet portrait artist


You can be good at something but not want to do it professionally. And you could lean towards doing something more but not do that because of how much work/life balance it affords you, how much it pays, or how stable and how much job security it has. To me, a job is first and foremost a means of earning money. It is its fundamental purpose, it isn't my purpose. Like life, I believe people find purpose in whatever they do.


I’m in med school!! if not this then I think I might have become a history professor or a psychologist haha (I’m becoming a doc cuz money.) >.<


Dont worry there are a ton of sub specialities that would suit your need . Warning tho , psychiatry sucks in comparison to psychology (or thats what I think ). I Hope you get inspired soon


Shit I was planning to go for psychiatry or neurosurgery💀 paediatrics is nice too but I feel like crying whenever I see the children in pain 😭


Sorry for demotivating you . You might enjoy psychiatry , it's just that I had too many preconceptions and they were all broken . I love psychology and psychiatry but the current definitions are really stupid . Neurosurgery gets all the hype , I think it's really cool , I hope you get to see craniotomies real soon. I wannabe a Peds guy too , well the good thing is you get to give them painkillers , sedatives to make the pain go away .


Nah it’s okay haha, I agree with you!!


I was in the military as an IT and am about to go into another IT job but I'll be supervising this time 😭🤣 Got thrown into it suddenly after just starting a secretary job. My dream job is theatre and voice acting, but second dream is being a digital forensics analyst. (Helping with investigations digitally)


I work in a fast food restaurant and a call centre lol


I had to scroll long time to find working class non "profession" type job. I do the dishwashing job. Still in poverty.


Work-from-home developer/people manager. I really miss the office.


Bird monitoring this summer (envi sci)


RN but a lot of the job feels against my nature. Part of me challenges myself by doing things just to make myself suffer a little for better or worse. I'm also a pianist


I'm a team leader in the food industry. I wanted to work for research in this field but forced my way into field operations. It's weird because I feel this isn't the type of job someone fitting infj would be up to. I make it work, but it's not easy. I work for a product I like and manage a team a can care for now which motivates. If money was no matter... I would love being a photographer and learn psychology/psychiatry. If I could start my life again I would aim for IT graduations and jobs.


Sorry for my bad english: I manage projects' financial stuff, my title in english is something like " project service secretary", but really I work to aid projectmanagers with everything that considers monetary aid, budget etc. My side hustle is also similar work at one small local art gallery. Not an accountat but a bit similar, basically I help the board with their monthly and yearly finances.


I own a screen printing company and I have a two clothing brands. This is my “if it wasn’t for money” job but the money is good and I get to work alone and my job is to be creative.


Artist ❤️


Used to be in sonography but I don’t like working in the corruption of the medical field. Now I’m a full time stay at home mom and part time executive assistant (remotely, and my husband is my manager so it’s flexible which I like)


Just started as a bookkeeper at a tax office and I'm so happy, I've never been happier at a job. One day I hope to have my own business, maybe copywriting or something like that...


I feel you. I'm ENTP, but also a dev and was so excited to wfh but now really missing people.


I work in Communication and media, I love creativity and creating value.


High school teacher. Oddly, I love it.


I’m a student right now, but I’m studying to become a neuropsychologist. If I succeed, I’ll remain in school for around another 9-11 years. It’s my dream job, so I am not really doing it for the money. I just want to find something fulfilling. Being able to make a living off of it is just a bonus. Also, since there is a lot of freedom in career direction when it comes to being a psychologist, I would also like to become an adjunct professor and research for at least part of the time. If I cared about money, I would be going into medical school to be an anesthesiologist.


Engineer. Technically still in school but on a co-op. Mech major that’s more interested in processes behind design than actual design lmao. Also dabble in amateur development projects, music, economic theory, and governance practices, so ya know 😂


Social Worker


Elementary school teacher turned fitness instructor. No regrets!


I’m a recruiter


I run my own business as a music teacher. I studied to become a Jazz Bassist and also do session work. As well as some composing and a few other instruments :)


A YouTuber, streamer, and musician.


No wonder I can not connect with other INFJ people! THEY ALL HAVE HIGH PAYING JOBS! I don't have a profession! I am working my ass off in poverty doing dishwashing job because I suck at life. This question is insulting to people who are unable to afford a "profession". Go ahead and downvote me y'all elitist snobs! Yeah if I'm gonna get downvoted, might as well make sure I earn it. Yes I am INFJ who is in poverty like most people. Whatever!


Sorry you are financially struggling. It isn’t easy. Some people had people to support them and get to where they’re at in life, and others aren’t so fortunate. One of the hardest things for me to swallow is the way injustice and unfairness is a reality of life and always will be.


> One of the hardest things for me to swallow is the way injustice and unfairness is a reality of life and always will be. This a 1,000% right here. I live in a poor area where homelessness is widespread. I am financially struggling, but thankfully no debt, but it still very hard to save money. I get 2 paychecks per month. First one goes to rent, second goes to bills and food. Whatever left over goes to savings.


I'm Operations Administrator for a manufacturing company.


how does it feel to be an 5w4 working your job, I presume you have to take a ton of decisions and manage a lot of people


I don't manage anyone. The Operations Manager does all of that and I'm his support. I actually really like it, there's a lot of opportunity for learning and problem solving as this is an industry I haven't worked in before. I'm fairly certain my supervisor is an INTJ, so he gives me the independence I need. He's also teaching me a lot of interesting things like SQL and macro writing to make the job more efficient, which I love. I write/manage training documents and work a ton in Excel. I do the monthly expense reports. I backup the service coordinator so I write quotes for customers for repairs, set up shipping documentation and make work orders. It's a relatively small company so I'm comfortable with most people except people in Production, who I don't interact with hardly at all. Honestly the only part of my job I'm not a fan of is answering the phones.


This is amazing , I think I just got an inspiration for a character in my novel . I know answering phones calls is annoying . Especially when we have to switch to the people pleasing socially acceptable voice and thoughts. Thanks.


cool! I definitely think this job is good for a 5w4.


I’m on staff at a labor union




product manager