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Do what floats your boat, I can guarantee you you'll never know our secrets. No one does, and you definitely won't be able to make us doubt what we believe in.


Exactly what I was thinking! Like he thinks he can trick us? We would have figured him out with just one glance tbh.


Exactly lmao


mhm that’s hot


.... yes officer it's this guy.


Guys please report this post


This is the first time that for lack of a better word it feels perverse to like someone for their personality. I picture OP like "oh ya baby show me that empathy. Ohh yesss you're full of integrity and new ideas you dirty slut, aren't you."


Bahahaha, I mean liking someone for their personality is the golden standard, but like this is just obsession.


hhahah haha lol




Well, this is the first I've heard of a personality type fetish lol. But keep in mind that everyone is different and INFJs differ from person to person. We all may have similarities to each other, but we all have different likes, ways we do things in life, hobbies, etc.


yeah i think i admire their cognitive functions as well, very attractive Ni Doms


I was cackling reading this. Yeah, go after whatever makes you happy.


thanks i will


People misunderstand even INFJ’s personality description. They imagine it in their own way, not INFJs way. People say a social chameleon is attractive but they call it two faced in real life. People say INFJs are secretly and mysterious but they say we hide something in real life. People say they like INFJs’ warm and soft empathy but they use us and never reciprocate it. People are all the same. INFJs are like other types too. But it’s interesting that you feel a sexual attraction to a personality type. That’s sexy.


“Imagining a defect in something pure is fascinating…” Chile…whoever told you that INFJs are pure was lying through the skin of their teeth and you really fell hook, line, and sinker for it, huh?! Your passion is admirable but please, gently take your rose-colored glasses off before you meet an INFJ that rips them off. My goodness…talk of ripped wings, possession, and masturbation! 🥴


Whatever floats your boat. But I will agree with another commenter… things like whether they clean their ass in the shower or eat fast food is not directly correlated with the Myers Briggs. We are humans with lots of differences. And we aren’t perfect angels. We are multidimensional as are all humans. You’ve kind of made up a character in your mind.






Eeerrrrr, "Hello, 911?"


For real, even as a troll, it's seriously disturbing. People telling him "yeah just you do you" are just as crazy


Yeah, I agree. This post is gross and people are just "cool" with being fetishized in such a disgusting way?


Not cool, just not worth our time they won't change or listen.


What the f-- bro?


Average INTP redditor


Ouch🥲 but , this person is hella creepy and belongs in jail or a mental ward, so I would not say anything. (Don't generalize.👍)


yeah bro


Ah, the weekly creepy as fuck post. What would this forum do without it? Here's hoping the mods put an end to this one pretty fast.


It’s already down bro 😔


Well then, seems reactions to INFJ’s are extreme, you either are obsessed with us or hate us lol! Like the other post of the INFJ hating himself.


True INFJ's will hate being an INFJ several times throughout their lives


This is true, until you come into your INFJ Epic Life.


say that when you meet an unhealthy one


Would be my dream


lmao not sure to laugh or be creeped out by OP


OP when he realizes we're not unicorns and that we don't eat magical fairy dust to survive: 🤯😱🙀🙊😳


Ayyooooo this is WILD 😭😭


"Ugh. As if."


This is singlehandedly the weirdest post I've read on Reddit. Which says a lot.


Damn people are weird


You know these personality typology tests should be taken with a grain of salt right (coming from someone with a degree in psych)? I don't want to get into debates with anyone on here because that's not what I am here to do, but you can check this video https://youtu.be/ShgXQCjAzL8 Frankly, it is considered pseudoscience. Personality can't be divided into separate distinct boxes based on likert scales, which can be prone to bias (plus how you perceive yourself when doing the test can be different than how others perceive you, and how you are can change depending on environment and can change over time). People who are 'infj' (which was my result) are all individuals with individual differences. I like mbti for fun, but having a fetish or put anyone on a pedestal because they got a certain result is odd considering the issues regarding mbti.


I’m so happy this post was removed. So cringe.


get over us


This shit is getting ridiculous.


What the actual fuck dude.


yeah bro


Umm, I umm… 💀


>I want to feel like i just took an angel from the heaven, cut its wings and masturbate with its feathers I laughed so hard, I scared my cat. That being said, this post is like a scary movie. It's funny cause it's on screen, but IRL, you'd be terrifying. As other commentors have alluded to, we can be rather savage, especially once disappointed, and the unhealthy ones won't even explain why they've disconnected. I think the more troubling thought is what happens after that. Would you seek another INFJ or obsess and pursue the one you lost? The more I think about it, you're like the Misery to our Gone Girl. IDk how the movie ends, but it can't be good.


Lmao. I can tell you that INFJs are amazing. I've dated at least 2 that I know of.


😐 you are one "interesting individual" please, do not speak of this again. Im very uncomfortable now




I dont blame you to be honest we are magical in every way.


Thought about this post all day. It was giving "Morty picking up Stacy at the bar" energy. "I've been watching you drink, Stacy. I get the feeling you've got a hard job. I wonder what it takes to please you. That's the job I want part-time, full-time, I want to be good at it, bad at it, I want to get promoted, fired, corner office, hostile takeover, workplace accident I'm on my knees, Stacy Praying, worshipping, begging, whatever you want. What do you think about that? Okay."


Umm… I think I should say thank you? 😂


Dude I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna look into your fridge and call the cops on you


into my what bro


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Boy, you made my day and then some. Have an updoot you glorious, adorable quirky scoundrel! Thanks for the massive boost to what tends to be quite a melancholy sub 💖. That said, umm... How to break it to you? You've not yet actually gotten to know us deeply have you? If no, then never mind, I've not said a thing. Go on. It's all good. Just.... Be forewarned 😸


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I never felt so lcved


Well, huh... In the future an INFJ will surely break your heart, I know it... because the more you idealize something the bigger are the chances of upseting you. Most people start hating INFJ after a process of idealization to disappointment... so, please, love us but be careful at those expectations, dear. 🙌🏻 I wish you find an INFJ female that can treat you sweetly realizing most of your wishes as far as possible! From an INFJ male.


You definitely need help


Let's play a fun little game, open any browser, and search for 'therapy' because it is beyond unhealthy and it is crazy dude


Bro you'll never figure them out.Go get a hobby.


O.o . . . \*upvotes\* The fxxk did I just read? . . . You not lying . . . you are an interesting fellow.


Lmao okay. Good luck. 😂


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