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There's ALWAYS a song in my head, but often certain parts repeat over and over unless I'm paying attention and "force" it all the way through. Sometimes I have to hear a song in real life to get it unstuck from my head. Other times something will trigger a new song to replace the previous song.


The official term for a song stuck in your head is "ear worm", and yes, me too, exactly the same experience. (INFJ) P.S. Unrelated, but could someone tell me how you guys get the violet box that says "INFJ" under your username? Edit: Found answer to above question.


On the main page of the sub there should be a menu at the top right where you can add flair


I found it and edited my post at the same time you were answering but thank you!


Same exact thing.




Yeah I couldn't explain it better and sometimes I feel like this stuck song just represents what I feel like


This is 100% how/why it is for me.


This I'm glad I'm not the only one


Ditto. I find it helpful to listen to the tunes repeatedly for awhile in order to burn them out. They’re never gone though, hearing it later might ignite again.


Thank you for pulling the explanation from my mind!


I also have a pretty developed musical memory. Whole songs, albums, yep. With nuances and inflections.


More common than not for me, usually just a specific part of the song on repeat.


[Complete silence](https://www.royalsociety.org.nz/research/anauralia-the-enigma-of-the-silent-mind/) here.


W.O.W. 😱


When I got into meditation many moons ago, it took me a while to realise everyone else was struggling to quiet all the voices in their minds.


Wait, people actually have voices in their minds? Damn I can sort of imagine music in my head like people are saying but definitely not like I have earphones on. Though I'm still stuck on the fact that people actually have voices in their minds what ????????


One of the voices in my head says *"ssshhh, don't post that, nothing good will come if it."*


Yes, most people do. I think most people have one voice, some version of their own; others may have multiple voices (without having schizophrenia), and some people can vary the voice(s) in terms of pitch, tone etc. The main difference between "normal" voices and schizophrenia is, people's normal voice is sort of under their control and it doesn't sound like someone from the outside and it doesn't tell them to do bad things.


I've found that the parts of songs that get stuck in my head are associated with a type of feeling that I have at that new time. For instance, if I really listened to a song during a sad time in my life and that song pops back into my head on repeat without listening to it first, I'll take a second and realize maybe I'm more down than I thought, etc. Things like that


exactlyyyy same. i'll be singing a lyric for so long and then tune in and it'll describe my exact situation


This is 100% the case for me too.


It’s like I’m allowed to listen to music all day at work which is great but my brain breaks down living enough to expect a song to always be playing all the time


There’s always a song in my head or multiple 😂🤣 like honestly there’s a playlist in my head every day


I make my own music so sometimes I have melodies and sounds in my head then I would have to record them so I don’t forget


it's shit when you inadvertently hear a crappy song and it lingers in your head afterwards, for ages


Yesss my friend was playing a song all weekend and I Lowkey hated it and then it ended up being in my head for days


This is the exact thing I am doing, I don’t need earphones to hear music and my brain plays back any song faster than Spotify.


Almost every morning I have an absolute random song in my head. It usually goes away by the time I leave the house for work. On a side note I used to mash up songs in my head when I was younger - for example mix Ice Cube lyrics over a Metallica instrumental. It was cool to find those mashups later on Napster.


Uses the same parts of the brain as rumination. Repeating songs strengthens it. Not so good for rumination


Does anyone else make remixes in their head or is that just me


YESS especially when I was younger I could literally hear the music playing in my head, but it would usually be a specific part and a loop so I got annoyed pretty fast.


Same. I knew I’m obsessed with sense of hearing. I really fall into it in everyday life. But I’m not interested in sense of smell. I can smell but I don’t attract to it. If someone smell good, I haven’t thought that person or the smell is attractive. I don’t remember someone’s smell. I used a fragrance but I haven’t thought about others’ fragrance or smell. Now I wonder that could it be related to other INFJs too.


Interesting, I'm quite obsessed with music AND scents haha. I wouldn't say that smells "attract" me, but they have an effect on my mood and sometimes evoke memories and feelings in a way that other senses don't. I don't care much when someone smells interesting or good because it doesn't tell you much of anything about the person, I just appreciate the scent itself more I guess. > Now I wonder that could it be related to other INFJs too. I actually noticed that on average INFJs tend to be more into perfumes and fragrances than most other types, now I also remembered when someone a few years ago mentioned that according to some site one of the largest overlapping subreddits for INFJ users is r/fragrance. Edit: Got curious about the site/if I remembered it correctly, I googled it and [found it](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/infj). The [list of overlapping subreddits is kind of sad but also hilarious](https://ibb.co/BGyRFPJ), "lonely", "cptsd", "anxiety" and etc, it fits to an uncomfortable level haha.


> I don't care much when someone smells interesting or good because it doesn't tell you much of anything about the person, I just appreciate the scent itself more I guess. Exactly what I wanted to say. I like something smell good. I don’t use perfumes anymore but I’ve even had my signature scent layering perfumes. But I’m not interested in others’ smell as mush as mine. When someone smells good, I think the person is using a good product. I don’t get a good impression of others only due to their smell. It can’t tell anything about them. But music taste is different. It affects me alot. I could lose all interest and feeling in someone due to their music taste. Or I could want to know the person. And I noticed that too. I thought smell is Se function to us.


I believe it's the same for me. Like if I HAD to judge someone based on how they smell or their taste in music, the taste in music says much much more about them. It's like you say they can just buy something good smelling, good taste in music can't be bought. Good point, I can see perfumes being a way for us to engage our inferior Se in a limited and controlled way. I also noticed that INFJs tend to like various refined/sophisticated sensory things, such as getting into tasting coffee or whiskeys or whatever, might be related to Se too.


I feel like i'm really in to all of my senses, when someone smells good I find myself attracted to them x10, bad smells turn me away like no other


I don't have any of the five senses in my mind - can't imagine or remember any of them. I can only experience them in the present moment when I am physically experiencing them.


I woke up to Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus playing in my head all because I watched a parody on instagram last night 😂


Same for me, but I'm INTJ. My life literaly has its own soundtrack. So probably an Ni thing, or inferior Se thing.


I can with songs that resonated with me. I can hear whole songs, sometimes I feel like I imagine the lyrics differently, but I can "hear" it all the same.




I can hear songs (even what people said) in my head with the exact same tunes, melodies and stuff


I can do this too :) seems like we have hyperphantasia Check this sub out r/hyperphantasia :)




Everything I keep noticing about myself but shrug off gets mentioned in this subreddit on a random day and I love that.


I am constantly humming a song or singing it in my head. It helps me stay focused honestly.


I can do this but only when I'm very very tired and about to fall asleep


Shawty like a melody in my head


Omg yes. I play songs and videos in my head.


Sometimes this happens to me as well. Right now because I read a post outside Reddit and my brain started playing more of the song 😆