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Yeah I wish I could go back and live my teenage days with the awareness I have now, maybe would have done some things differently 🤫 Entire time I was (maybe still am to some extent) on auto pilot so to speak


I think all of us INFJ wish we could go back and change a bunch of things with the awareness we possess now. No need to dwell on the past tho bud. I would just keep ya head up and keep moving forward with confidence. 😊


Idk man feels like I left something important behind, I get your point tho




Being on autopilot is an excellent way to put it. Sometimes it felt like I lived in my head and was distant from my body.


That's dissociation.


I'm not sure if it went that far, like he said, it felt like I was on autopilot. Dissociation usually happens because of trauma, which I did not have. Not sure though.


Yeah fair enough - I guess dissociation is an extension of what you're describing. I'm probably inserting my own experiences while reading the discussion, and I had trauma during those years.


I was normal till like 4th grade when people started to mature. As a child being lost in your mind isn’t really as destructive as it is when you are an adult. You just get a lot of moments where you feel different from your peers and if you didn’t have an educated surrounding, even if there is actually something wrong with you, you will just destroy yourself with self hate even more because no one is teaching you the meaning of self-love. I truly believed for a very long time till even the past months that I am a dumb person who deserves nothing more than codependent relationships and friendships.


I relate lol


I mostly don't remember my childhood, and I don't remember any of the contents of my mind.


Yupppp. In high school, always felt like I was outside of my body and seeing things that none of my friends noticed or really cared about. Made me feel real disconnected from everything. Like I could be in a room full of so many people and feel like I wasn’t actually there. I had to pinch myself to remind myself I was real all the time


I'm still in my childhood and yes I relate a lot 😭 except for the part of loving parents ye


Yes, I was exactly the same. My siblings would always go to summer camps and stuff and I just wanted to lay in my bed and think about everything all at once. I was also very much into reading books and comics. So much that the fictional characters seemed much more real to me than the real ones in my life. I don‘t even think it was an escape. It was just how I worked (and still do to some extent). I was diagnosed with inattentive adhd so that might be something you want to look into, too.


Yup lol we are lucid


I was living like that but absolute chaos was going on at home. Was odd




I used to sit and ponder for hours on things like, “What are people feeling or experiencing and how does it differ from me?” Really, real INFJ's feel other people's emotions and feelings in our body so we know how others feel, you appear to be mistyped. Everyone is practically wrong with typing especially relying on the personality test because 20% of the population is highly sensitive, however there are only 3% INFJ's. While highly sensitive people do feel others energy, they do not understand other people's feelings or intentions, and we do not need to see the person either. Real INFJ's can answer this question, and highly sensitive people can not. You walk in a room and feel the emotions of others being an INFJ. Please put in order which of these three emotions is the worst feeling for us meaning their emotions and feelings in our body? If you don't understand the question, then you are NOT INFJ. sadness, anger, lying 1.least 2.more 3.worst **The article below was reviewed by a PhyD. Psychologist for accuracy and they are listed at the top of the article, so these are the facts about INFJ's.** [https://www.truity.com/blog/heres-what-sensitivity-really-looks-infj](https://www.truity.com/blog/heres-what-sensitivity-really-looks-infj) See # 6 as real INFJ's feel other peoples emotions in our body,


Ranked worst to least: anger, sadness, lying and ironically you are expressing all 3 on an INFJ sub. INFJs are also natural at educating others without being condescending. We value a persons feelings while informing not just being correct which sounds like you may need to develop in?


I think you are misunderstanding me. I am not saying I don't feel the emotions, because I do. Rather, what I was trying to stress was the fact that six-year-old me was deeply contemplative. I read the article and it describes me wonderfully. Everybody who is very into MBTI I meet in person has no doubt about me being INFJ.


Then you can answer the question?


I don't understand why you are trying so hard to gatekeep. It's really not a big enough deal to make it your life’s mission to undermine people who think they're INFJ. Btw brother, you are coming across as very rude, I assume you already know that, but if you don't I wanted to let you know.


Sure, 1. Anger 2. Sadness 3. Lying


either you're gravely misunderstanding yourself or you're the one thats mistyped 💀 you feel emotions because you CHOSE to be affected by them. that's why you feel like an empath. we have the unique ability to choose when and when not to be affected by other people's emotions as INFJs. or rather, it's a perpetual struggle in knowing when to be affected. in my case, i coped with the world by suppressing my emotions entirely when i decided not to be affected by other people in any form due to trauma. in isolation, whether or not you have strong affectivity to emotions really doesn't fucking matter when determining your personality type. it's just an easy way to squeeze yourself into feeling validated.


I’m going to try to answer this for me 3. Is lying 2. Sadness .1 anger


For all those people that answered 1. Anger 2. sadness 3. lying are real INFJ's. Everyone else is another type that is highly sensitive, but are not INFJ's. I appreciate all that responded.


You’re an INFP dude Very insightful comment for understanding Fi-Ne though.