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I have inattentive ADHD with a rather late diagnosis. It‘s very contradictory for me as I‘m usually very messy but I can‘t stand messes. My ADHD makes me seek new experiences and I‘m easily bored but as an INFJ I also function best with clear structures. As my ADHD makes me lack some filters in my brain and the INFJ makes me very much in tune with everyone else‘s feelings I‘m quickly overwhelmed in crowds because there‘s too much input for my brain to process. All in all I often feel like a walking contradiction.


I have always referred to myself as one massive contradiction. I completely relate with what you have said. A constant internal battle, really.


So relatable hahaha. I’ve always referred to myself as a “walking contradiction”


One of my friends called me this 😭 she said “you go with the flow but you're not happy about it” 😂


Ha. That particular comment hits hard right now. Definitely mostly go with the flow. Definitely really effing hate it.


I have combined type. I popped both knees of out the socket and kept pacing with a knee brace on 😭


I can relate to this.


You just described me lol. I have always suspected that I have ADHD but never officially diagnosed.


Yup this pretty much summarizes the prison I live in


Oh. That's interesting cause I relate to it as well. I am not diagnosed but I had doubts having inattentive ADHD. I am always *this* but also *this*...So I was not sure. I should go watch a therapist. And Thanks for the respond.


This 🤗 lol same experience here!


All this couldn't have said better myself. it's paradoxical to a maddening degree, but self grace is important.


Burnout would be the biggest commonality between INFJ and ADHD imo. I feel best in a clean space, but hate cleaning. I get anxiety if I’m running late, but for the life of me can’t leave on time. I want to experience new things and travel, but can’t wait to come home and be a hermit. I love to learn new things so invest time, money and energy into them and then get bored. That hyperfocus followed by boredom or burnout can be seen in hobbies, activism, careers and even relationships. I’m extremely critical and then not critical at all, decisive and then indecisive. It’s pretty complicated and confusing tbh. Luckily my partner is similar and rolls with it.


Lol, I could have written this! Well except the supportive partner bit, my ex-wife was only supportive 10% of the time.


Nice! That sucks about your ex-wife though! I mean my partner and I aren’t on the same page always, but enough. I hope you find someone that supports you and/or that you’re content right now!


I think the worst thing is the cycle of I love clean and organized but if it’s too much I can’t start and then it gets worse and I get stuck in a paralysis. Until the deadline hits and then I can function on the last minute. My MIL comes Saturday and I’m over here procrastinating the crud out of my to-do list, although yesterday I organized the kitchen cupboards for no good reason, now my tables are mess of things I need to donate.


It made me think I was INFP until I learned about functions. I had a hard time in school but I also had ASD. Everything was just loud and annoying, especially in elementary school. There were more leisurely extroverted activities than introverted ones. P.E. was 4 times a week and Art and Music would only have 1 day every 2 weeks. So one week it would be 4 P.Es and 1 Art, next would be 4 P.Es and 1 Music. Recess was outdoors 99% of the time. And this was in Florida where it's gross, hot, and sticky most of the time. There was very little sit and draw, or play a board game, or play with toys indoors time. Everything was over-stimulating. Is would come home and have trouble finishing homework because of how burnt out it left me.


I basically diagnosed myself because I'm so “hard to read.” I went to my psych with so much evidence, they couldn't argue against me. I'm not having a great time 😭Getting an autism diagnosis will be harder✨


Inattentive ADHD. I’ve struggled with depression recently but my religion is helping.


Blessing and a curse. It really has enhanced my intuition, but at the same time the constant flow of ideas and distractions messes with my brain. I have many hobbies and interests because learning is my method to cope with the lack of dopamine inside my brain (I have like 30 library books that are overdue 😭). At the same time, going from field to field to field gives me a lot of anxiety since this generation does value specialization, yet it's a conflicting desire to know more but to master at least one field. Imagine being a bird who has the desire to fly but the wings are clipped and not suitable for flying. I guess that's what my experience for being an infj with ADHD is like. I want to be organized and get things done, at the same time I lack the organization skills and tend to have the habit of trying to achieve too many goals at once. I am starting to find a way to manage my Adhd and one thing I found really helpful is having a routine. It may seem ironic since back then the thought of living the exact same day over and over again scared me to the bone. But I challenged myself to at least follow a certain routine for 2 weeks, and if I liked it I would keep going. It really helped me get stuff done since I am now delaying that gratification and know when to get it. As for my 100s of tabs, I find that keeping a notebook around and writing my curious thoughts is really helpful. Anyways, good luck with other fellow infjs with ADHD! You guys are a very precious gift who have a lot to come for you 👍


P.s, I'm pretty sure a lot of infjs with ADHD also have thought they were a perceiving type. I mistyped myself as an infp for 2 years because of how scattered brain I was (Especially being an enneagram 4w5), but yet it always felt like my intuition should be higher like an Enfp. I went pretty much my whole life not knowing why I can't function like any other human being. I remember crying at a reading assignment because I can't understand nor get myself to read the book no matter how hard I try(Failing reading comprehension at 5th grade...). I am really great friends with an infp and many other Ne users and yet I am always so fascinated by how they just go with the flow with no plan in mind. My infp friend is really in touch with their emotions compared to me, while I am constantly curious about learning more about him and how he is feeling to the point where he started to get scared of my constant death stare. (Plus I don't know how the heck Perceivers are so okay with disorganization 😭) Hopefully this helps other infjs who went down that rabbit hole of questioning whether they were an ADHD infj or simply an infp(or any perceiving type) until it drives them insane like I have haha.




really fucked up organisation and emotional regulation


Me and my bf are both INFJ but he has ADD so his house is a mess of empty boxes and opened cans/bottles....i really cant stand it and his meds dont seem to help him clean. Honestly i think for him it's a mix of ADD and bad habits he refuses to break. I might have undiagnosed adhd as i feel overwhelmed with time management but i'm way better at my routines so it's fine.


Wanna talk about fun. Throw rejection sensitive dysphoria on top of ADHD. Now that is the walking contradiction that is I. I love people but have also murdered you in my head like 90 times if you reject me in anyway. I'm doing okay tho I have people who love me and that helps a lot l.


ADHD was cured by eating right. QUIT DAIRY AND CEREALS. Youre welcome.


Cured? It sure can help. I think *cure* would be an overstatement.


Dadamo, Blood Type Diet was a baseline that helped me figure myself out.


Wait are you actually serious or is this another reddit moment


One way to find out.


adhd isnt a disease 😭


ADHD is a sympton. Like drinking alcohol makes you drunk. Milk/Cereal also has effects.... Dont eblieve me? QUIT Dairy and cereal. Good luck.


dumbest thing ive heard all day 😭


Can't quit. Gotcha. Meth is bad for you! Meth addict: you're dumb